
Remembering Crystal Dynamics' original Tomb Raider trilogy

From Eurogamer: "I am the right age to measure out a lot of my life in Tomb Raiders. The Core games took me through university - back when 3D itself felt weird and experimental and slightly (thrillingly!) unstable, with those jagged edges around the sides of the screen when Lara was exploring underground corridors. The long wait for a proper gen-hopping follow-up took place when I shuffled through temp jobs, then the eventual release of The Angel of Darkness.

Over the last decade we've had rebooted Lara: close-up, crafting her own arrows, skinning wolves and falling on rusty spikes. A Lara who fills the screen, who reaches out a hand to steady herself when she makes her way through a flooding cave: such a lovely human detail. I like these games a lot: I like their obvious production values and blockbuster sense of occasion, their sense of someone on their way to becoming the person they hope to be. But in between both extremes - marquee, character-arc Lara Croft and crackling, mysterious, old-school Tomb Raider - we got another version too."

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CobraKai765d ago

I miss the old explorer Lara. I felt like she was more charming and she had this insatiable curiosity. Legends was a blast to play. I’m hoping the sexualize Lara again with the tight top, short shorts, and thigh level holsters.

CrimsonWing69765d ago

They won't, long gone are those days.

skyrimer765d ago (Edited 765d ago )

Loved the first CD Trilogy, Laura had great lines, like in Tomb Raider Legend when on the mic the support guy asks where's the bad guy: "well it depends if he's been naughty or nice", you get the idea.

765d ago
MehmetAlperTR765d ago (Edited 765d ago )

Tomb Raider 4-3-2-1 was the best. V was meh.. Angel of Darkness was terrible. Anniversary was ok. Legend is a little more than ok. TR Underworld was meh too. 2013 TR Reborn was good. Rise Of The TR was ok. Shadow of the TR was meh. Ahh and i remembered the TR 1-2-3 GOLD levels with Super diffuculty.. 1990-2000 area was the gold for TR..

Minute Man 721765d ago

Picked them up on ps3 awhile back


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VincentVanBro20h ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast19h ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.

enkiduxiv18h ago

Wow, both options sound terrible.


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