
Mega March promotion comes to PlayStation Store

Enjoy mega savings on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, FIFA 22, Back 4 Blood and more for a limited time.

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811d ago
811d ago Replies(6)
anast810d ago

You know what is crazy. A complete game from Ubisoft costs around a 130 usd and Elden Ring costs around 70. Both reuse assets to the max, but after you spend the 70 Elden Ring doesn't keep begging for more money.


Modern Games Are Getting Too Long

While there’s a lot to love about modern video games, there is one trend — particularly in the AAA space — that tends to grate: their length.

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GoodGuy0969d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Games are coming out with too much fluff and side activities that are horribly dull. That's my main issue with all these open world games. Open world should be about exploration, discovery and wonder, not have some stupid 10s or 100s of boring activities spread throughout.

IAMRealHooman68d ago

100% agree
All these ubisoft titles, Farcry, AC, Ghost recon, boast huge maps, but with the same, 3 missions or the same base to clear 100s of times. Hour 1 of any of those titles is the same as hour 100, there big for the sake of being big, with the illusion of player freedom, where we really want depth and player expression.

Ninver67d ago

Give me a solid 15-20 hour engaging single player driven IP any day. Life's too short you dig.

isarai68d ago

I stopped buying overfluffed games like a decade ago. Cant stand games with the Ubisoft mindset of just filling maps with uselss collectibles and fodder. Make it mean something. Ill gladly take 1/4 size of the map and 1/10th the "content" if it all meant more, were more unique and greater affect on your progression.

Abnor_Mal68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Well people complained like the world was ending when a few games were six to ten hours of gameplay. Developers listened and started making longer games full of repetitive gameplay, time wasting fetch quest and other forms of bloat. In doing so they were able to justify the high cost of a game being sold to the customers at seventy dollars or more.

H968d ago

Filler, it's like a 80 episodes show where only the first and last episodes actually matter

Inverno68d ago

It's been a problem with pretty much every modern AAA game all through last gen and this gen. God forbid you point it out tho because all these big games are masterpieces and people lose their minds if you criticize them. Death Stranding is a fetch quest fest, but people will die defending it cause it's a "masterpiece".

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The Best Open World Games on PS5

Like a huge game world to truly get absorbed into? GameSpew has rounded up the best open world games on PS5.

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Top 30 Best Xbox Series X Games You Need to Experience (2023 Edition)

We take a look at 30 of the best games available on Xbox Series X and discuss what exactly makes them so great in the first place.

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Gamingsince1981200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

It's lies anyway , it has starfield in the list

SoloGamer1200d ago

i can experience most of these on PS5.. most of these arent XB exclusive.. why would i play multiplatform games on an inferior console.. when i can play them on the winning console, ps5.. that actually has way more awesome EXCLUSIVES.

Plague-Doctor27200d ago

Cause you can't play all of them on a PS5? Maybe people prefer the Xbox controller? Maybe that specific game runs better on Xbox?

Why play multiplats on a PS5 when you can experience them on a PC?

The3faces200d ago

So Series X is the inferior console compared to PS5? Um ok...

Wretchedstain200d ago

Clicks and likes, clicks and likes clicks and likes... clicks and likes clicks and likes clicks and Liiiiiiiiiiiikes...

ChasterMies199d ago

Only 30 games? Wow, that must have been super hard to narrow down.

zacly199d ago

This list just shows how bad xbox is struggling. I have been an xbox owner since the original on day one. This generation caused me to switch over to playstation and I haven't looked back. They need to stop buying all these companies up and start investing in some games