
Far Cry 6, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ratchet & Clank sold better at physical retail

From GI.biz: "The UK games industry is becoming increasingly digital, but single player games continue to sell strongly at physical retail.

Last year's best-selling new single player games Far Cry 6, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ratchet & Clank sold more in a box than as a download. The one exception was Resident Evil Village, which was slightly more popular as a digital game.

This is according to the latest GfK and GSD sales figures, as published in the Entertainment Retailer's Association's yearbook."

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Nyxus824d ago

Glad to hear it. Personally I only buy games physically.

GamerRN824d ago

It's because they are single player games that people want to resell when done.

lodossrage824d ago

Yeah the only time I buy a game digital is when that's the ONLY way to buy it.

If I ever have a choice between physical or digital, it's physical I always choose

Nyxus824d ago

If a game is digital only I either wait for a physical release (by LRG for example) or I just skip it. Doesn't happen to often that a game I'm interested in doesn't have a physical release though.

Smellsforfree823d ago

Same, but with one exception: when a large part of the packaged content is in the form of a code to unlock a digital store DLC or additional game. For example: Bayonetta 1+2 for Switch physically came with the Bayonetta 2 game cart and a download code for Bayonetta 1. In those situations, I'll just buy the game off the eshop.

JEECE824d ago

Keep doing it. As long as a lot of people are buying physical, Sony will keep doing price drops and major sales on PSN. And then those sales and price drops will push retailers to do sales as well.

autobotdan824d ago

This was because of black Friday sales

Crows90824d ago

So what?
Digital stores have ongoing sales all the freaking time. Especially the PlayStation store.

Physical sales are more rare and much less common.

autobotdan824d ago

I'm just stating facts. Guardians of the Galaxy was the top selling physical video game on black friday. I'm not against physical discs. I buy them

neutralgamer1992824d ago

Contrary to popular made up belief both physical and digital will coexist, if gamers think that physical media will simply disappear in gaming they are simply wrong

CantThinkOfAUsername824d ago

There's always a possibility. Just look at the PC market, next to zero physical sales (all thanks to Steam, of course).

MadLad824d ago (Edited 824d ago )

There's virtually no such thing as physical on PC.

You're either getting a glorified Steam or GoG code; or you're getting a code for one of the major publisher's storefronts.
You're essentially just getting a game case.

Almost only physical games are older titles sold via those weird websites that try to preserve past PC titles, like DotEmu, or those random nothing puzzle/find them games you see on Walmart shelves.

Profchaos824d ago

Physical on PC has seen a bit of a resurgence recently though with some indie games getting physical releases.

Still there's a big part of me that misses the 90s and getting a game on a disc with a code and installing it and being done.
But us PC gamers we dug our own grave and pirated the platform to the brink of collapse when games like crysis were pirated to the point of pushing a PC based dev to come out and stare they had no choice but to target consoles with crysis 2

Steam did help bring back life into PC if you remember the mid 2000s no one bothered with PC and all of releases were pretty aweful think Spider-Man 2 unless you were blizzard and has a monthly subscription for your game.

purple101824d ago

Thanks to most laptops and some PCs, not having disk drives too

jBlakeeper823d ago

PC gaming and their consumers are different than console gamers. I mean who goes out and buys PC games?

FinalFantasyFanatic823d ago


As someone who has bought physical PC games in the past, there's not much point, the CD has so little data on it, they might as well just give you a download code instead (since you're pretty much downloading the entire game anyway). I haven't bought physical versions of PC games in a long time because of that (although I do have the Life is Strange physical collector's edition).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 823d ago
JEECE824d ago (Edited 824d ago )

I hope this is true. I'm all digital on all platforms, but I want some people to keep buying physical. The literal 50/50 split we have seen with some games on PS5 recently is perfect. The two groups need each other. When everything was physical (or at least before all games had digital versions), game prices stayed high forever. In the PS3 gen, major games would stay $60 forever, and you were lucky if you could get them for $45 used. When target would do buy 2 get one free, I'd agonize over which games were likely to stay full price longer so I use the sale wisely and save the most money. And in an all digital world, Sony wouldn't have nearly the same motivation to do PSN sales.

We need digital to push physical prices down and vice versa.

neutralgamer1992824d ago

PC is very different in my opinion. I think the most we will see is 70/30 but usually for most console games we will see 65/35 split

Xbox series S is available all the time yet gamers want series X and PS5 dual version. Biggest thing holding back all digital is the fact most time you can find physical games much cheaper than digital

My only thing is when people comment and act like digital accounts for 90%. The biggest thing when people talking about digital media is the fact they are counting DLC and Micro transactions revenue. That's usually included within the digital sales figures

I just tend to buy less and less games now because way too many of them feel like a chore to play. There are publishers who's games I don't even touch

EA(I will get mass effect only if worth it)
Activision (diablo 4)

Because too many publishers are being extra greedy now

Crows90824d ago

Console gamers are the reason for that. The push back when the very thought of a digital only console rears its head is what's keeping physical.

MadLad824d ago

I'd say it's also the used game market.
I don't frequent it anymore, but I could tell you virtually every time I did people would pull the used $55 new release off the shelf even when there were new $60 copies.

Crows90824d ago

Of course. But it's also console gamers that actually pertain to the used games market.

Shiore2u823d ago

Too bad paid online didn't receive the same kind of pushback.

Crows90823d ago


Nobody's perfect lol

neutralgamer1992823d ago


And you can thank us too while you are at. Do you really want to be at the mercy of these console makers for digital sales. I can use the same comment you made against those who prefer digital because they want to enforce their preferences on others

What's wrong with having options is beyond me. Seriously if you prefer digital and I prefer physical why do either of us care as long as our needs are met


If I remember correctly a few years ago GameStop released their data saying that people who trade games make up for more than 1 billion dollars in revenue and that revenue goes directly back into buying newer games. So in a way even used market is helping sell new games

During school days I would finish a game trade it as soon as possible or sell it on craigslist and put that money towards buying a newly released game

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 823d ago
jBlakeeper823d ago

Exactly. There’s just too many out there who still want to own an actual hard copy of the game. Buying a game digitally is just not the same as going out and buying a game physically.

Smellsforfree823d ago

I feel like MS tried to at the launch of XBox One when they flirted with locking discs to particular consoles. I love physical copies of games and hope that it never dies, but I think that, realistically, it will eventually.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 823d ago
MetroidFREAK21824d ago

I buy my PS4/PS5 and Switch games physically. I only went digital for Xbox. Glad to see physical sales staying strong!

MadLad824d ago (Edited 824d ago )

Physical media is only as prevalent as it still is because people constantly buy and sell games.

Why pay full retail on a digital version when you can get a physical version, sell it, and then put those funds towards something else?

We also still see multiple games actually selling better through digital, and that only becomes more prevalent year after year.

824d ago Replies(2)
TheColbertinator823d ago

I'm a collector of the limited edition bundles myself. Nice to see the physical artbook, soundtrack or steelbook and I have them on my shelves for display

Christopher823d ago

1. UK is known for having ISPs w/data caps
2. Multi-console households, especially with kids having their own accounts on their own consoles (4 nephews under one roof is why I buy games on disc for my in-laws, for example).

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

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DefenderOfDoom287d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot87d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor86d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos87d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius87d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8886d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

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closed_account311d ago (Edited 311d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic310d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast310d ago (Edited 310d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.