
Life is Strange Remastered Collection Review - Rewinding Time | COGconnected

Life is Strange was heralded as a fantastic story and characters when it first launched. Now, you can rewind and see what the hype was about.

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Life is Strange: Remastered Collection (Switch) Review - DASHGAMER

Dan Rizzo says "Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection for Nintendo Switch is well worth the pick-up for anyone yet to play this instant classic. If you have yet to, and want a more casual experience from the game, this is the ultimate choice in how to play these two titles. Life is Strange redefined the point-and-click genre, with DONTNOD directly taking inspiration from then pioneers of the modern point-and-click cinematic genre, Telltale Games."

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Humble Store’s Season of Pride Sale benefits The Trevor Project

The Season of Pride Sale 2022 is now live on the Humble Store. This sale features LGBT-themed games and games featuring LGBT characters that are up to 90 percent off. It supports a great cause. The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization that focuses on suicide prevention.

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racer22734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

Why does it always have to be about sex preferences? Why doesnt the handicapped, people who struggle with outward appearance because of birth defects and so on who NEVER gets included in society, you never even mention them! My friend comitted suicide beacuse he looked different. You should be ashamed of yourself!

gamefreaks365734d ago

Game Freaks 365 and Game Deals 365 support *countless* charities. In fact, we've helped raise hundreds of dollars for charities through Humble Bundle alone and thousands through direct donations from our readers. We will continue to highlight worthy causes including The Trevor Project.


Life is Strange: Remastered Collection Review - DASHGAMER

Dan Rizzo says "Life is Strange and Before the Storm are an ultimate bundle of joy and should be celebrated. It's not the perfect way to do it for the moment, but I'm sure there's going to be future fixes that will amend all prior issues mentioned."

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806d ago
MadLad806d ago

Pretty much a nothing remaster.
From the comparisons I've seen, the original sometimes actually looks better. The rest of the time it still looks more different than "better".

Love the game, but this was both needless and low effort.

FinalFantasyFanatic805d ago

It really wasn't worth it, I'm just going to keep my original PC copy and replay that if I ever feel like it, still really surprised this game got a remaster when it didn't' need it.