
Sony Lowers PS5 Shipment Prediction; Plans Over 10 Live Service Games Thanks to Bungie Acquisition

Today, during Sony’s quarterly conference call for investors and analysts, chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki talked about the performance of the PlayStation Business and the acquisition of Bungie.

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Jin_Sakai847d ago

I’m fine with that. Sony will have a diverse lineup including plenty of great single player games.

senorfartcushion847d ago

These games are literally designed to remove any kind of diversity from a portfolio.

Jin_Sakai847d ago

Is it stopping you from enjoying their single player games?

GhostofHorizon847d ago

Yeah, because Avengers, Fortnite, Overwatch, Genshin Impact, etc. are all exactly the same.

What exactly are you talking about?

dumahim847d ago

"Is it stopping you from enjoying their single player games?"

If they're taking away developers from single player games to make those service games, then yes. Can't play the single player game that isn't being made.

sparky77847d ago

This means there will be no more single player games.

Tell me the list of studio with successful live service games which make anything else.

Halo, Fortnite, SoT, COD etc in order to succeed you can’t make other games you need an army of devs.

This will be the last year of single player Sony games guaranteed.

Crows90847d ago

... yeah. That's the most ridiculous thing ive ever read on n4g.

Spenok847d ago

What? That's one of the most short sighted things I've ever read on this site...

sparky77847d ago

You need to think logically here Sony has VR and GaaS to support they don't have the capacity for SP games.

Last year they released only 3 games (not including re-releases), this year also looks to be 3 games. In order to reach 10 by 2026 they will need to release 3 GaaS games every year how will the do that AND release VR AND release SP games.

Not going to happen.

GhostofHorizon847d ago

Talking about logic and then completely dismissing the fact that they just acquired like 5 studios in the last 12 months.

Even before all these aqusitions, Jim said they had over 25 games in development.

"We create some of the best single-player games out there, why don't we stop making those and shift all of our focus into something we have very little experience with."

BlaqMagiq1847d ago

"This means there will be no more single player games."

Source for this claim? Since you must have the inside scoop about Sony.

senorfartcushion847d ago

Not last year, but they are making sure to emphasise multiplayer only games. Easier and cheaper to make in every way.

Game taster jobs are going to be common, like Amazon jobs or call centre jobs.

Lightning77847d ago

Basically what you're saying is ND and SP are putting whatever games they're making on hold or flat out scrapping what they're making in order to make live service games.....

Lmao no. That's not how it wor.. No man just no.

chronoforce847d ago

Respawn made Apex and Fallen Order. The latter of which is getting a sequel.
Bioware continue to support Swtor and are making new Mass Effect and Dragon Age games.
Bethesda support Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76 and make single player entries in those franchises. They are going to release Starfield this year which is not only a new IP but not a live service.

I'm sure Sony's studios can pull it off.

ABizzel1847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

Slow down Chicken Little. The sky is still here.

Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Returnal, and Ratchet and Clank all released as single player. Horizon Forbidden West, God of War, and most likely Spider-Man 2, and Wolverine will all be single player focused (maybe co-op for spider-man, but still Single player at core).

Bungie has around 800 developers, and they are about to be a 3 team developer with a New IP already in production (likely one of the live service games), more than likely Destiny 3 (another GaaS), and something a third IP that they have said nothing about as the 3rd studio is still being built.


We already know Twisted Metal is supposed to be made to coincide with the TV series and is likely another GaaS, as it was being made by Lucid (Destruction All Stars) and then handed over to FireSprite.


The Last of Us Factions is supposed to be a Standalone F2P / GaaS game being made by Naughty Dog.


Guriella Games has 3 teams, the core Horizon team, a smaller team working on Horizon Call of the Mountain VR, and a third studio that is allegedly working on a Multiplayer game which is also likely going to be GaaS.


That's already 5 of the 10 games, leaving 5 left over the next 4 years, so the narrative you're trying to spin is again illogical and baseless.

Some of the studios have 3 teams now (Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, Bungie, Insomniac, and maybe Santa Monica and Firesprite (at least two and hiring for more)). While most of the others have at least 2 teams. Not to mention Sony has already said they're planning on more acquisitions which could also mean they already have projects in the works from said other acquisitions for GaaS games. So Single player and GaaS are covered. VR games are being made by smaller teams, there are a ton of VR experiences on things like Oculus and Vive that PSVR1 wasn't up to par to run with the PS4, that can now be ported providing plenty of VR content whether it's first or not for the next 2 years, but FireSprite is also a VR studio, and clearly other devs can have a small team create a VR experience for PSVR.

tay8701846d ago

lmao, what a crock. single player games will continue to thrive on playstation. do you think for a minute teams like sony santa monica, media molecule, housemarque, sucker punch, naughty dog, insomniac and guerilla are all of the sudden going to drop what has made them successful devs. dont get me wrong id love to get another resistance and killzone game though. insomniacs next 2 projects are single player spiderman 2 and wolverine. you can guarantee there is another last of us in production and im sure there is another uncharted that will be made as well. we havent even touched on psvr 2, which will feature a bunch of single player games as well.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 846d ago
-Foxtrot847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

I’m not

I don’t want Sony to adopt live service shit and then them potentially getting greedy…which COULD happen they are a company after all

There bread and butter is single player driven games

Why waste Bungie on the same kind of shit as Destiny when they could try to do something more story based and new

lonewolf10847d ago

"Why waste Bungie on the same kind of shit as Destiny"


S2Killinit847d ago

Destiny is successful and tons of people play it together.

Gameseeker_Frampt847d ago

Destiny just made Bungie $3.6 billion, why would they want to make something different? Insomniac Games makes better rated games than Bungie but since they are single-player games not filled with predatory microtransactions they only got $229 million from Sony.

Sony has clearly spoken with their checkbook about how they feel about live-service games filled with microtransactions.

senorfartcushion847d ago

Exclusive games are $70, they’re already greedy.

Lightning77847d ago

Sony as a corporation needs to make money anyway they possibly can. Adopting a live service games and "aggressively" want more live service offerings is how they see things. That's not all they're gonna be doing no but that's one of the models they want to adopt. Acquiring Bungie wasn't just for Destiny or any of their future IP tbh, it was for their live service expertise and net code tech that can span across all of their first party if they choose to make a game with MP, live service, or MMO types.

I still disagree that every new game going forward will end up on everything (including Xbox) when Sony can build up their ecosystem for more platforms, for their games can thrive. Hopefully when they build that up they won't need to be on Xbox or Nintendo in the future.

kneon847d ago

Bungie isn't good at stories. The story in Destiny is boring at best. They put a lot of effort into it and produced vast amounts of lore to go along with it, but they just aren't good at telling their story.

brewin847d ago

It does seem crazy they spent so much on Bungie but they got Insomniac for what, $200 Mill? That's crazy to me. Insomniac was a steal comparitively. I really don't see how Bungie was worth that much.

CS7847d ago

The writing was on the wall that Jim Ryan is a greedy corporate jerk long ago but you guys wouldn’t listen.

I love Playstation brand alot they gave me my best gaming memories.

But look since 2020:

Unusable last-gen controllers
$70 games push
Confusing upgrade paths
“Directors Cut” games with barely any upgrades
Playstation “Mobile” Games
Playstation “Movies”
Cross Gen Flagship games
And now Live Service games

His north star is how to extract as much money as possible from us. Not make great games. That’s all he cares about.

He’s gonna wreck Playstation.

ABizzel1846d ago

Fortnite makes billions per year. One game is making more each year than entire publishers full year catalog.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 846d ago
S2Killinit847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

Why the downvotes. Is it bots?

Also, I believe Sony will continue to deliver their AAA single player games as they are good at it.

What puzzles me is, how come people were not this concerned with live service when MS’s gamepass is designed with live service in mind? Do they not want great single player games to play on Xbox? Is it only a concern for PlayStation?

dumahim847d ago

I’d say that’s part of the reason for their studio acquisitions. I don’t think Starfield will be a service game at all. I wouldn’t expect Obsidian to be making service games. Hellblade II won’t be a service game. I think I’ve heard Fable won’t be one after talk that it was.

I think they might be realizing that they can’t make every game a service based game. I get the feeling that a lot of gamers are getting fed up with it, on top of the fact that the market can only support so many of these kinds of games. I hear people complaining about the service crap in Halo and I was just looking at Forza Horizon 5 Steam numbers last night and there's significantly more people playing FH4 than FH5 right now.

Lightning77847d ago

Lol Gamepass is absolutely not designed with Live Service in mind. It's clear you don't know what gamepass is. It's subscription service where you play games of all kinds.

847d ago
Lightning77847d ago

@Silver that's why I said Gamepass has games of all types.

Gears has single player and MP Halo has the same thing. SoT and H5 are live service games. As I said they have games of all types on gamepass. I never claimed they didn't have any live service games. @S2 said gamepass is designed with Live Service when its designed for all game types. Single or live.

King_Noctis847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

It’s a concern for PS because PS is known for great SP games, not Live Service game. People never wanted those Live Service games, but now why those people suddenly support these kind of games? And tell me, who is gonna make those 10+ live service games?


How about Gears Tactic, Wasteland 3, Psychonaunts 2, Age of Empire 4, Ori, and Cuphead?

S2Killinit846d ago (Edited 846d ago )

You guys are just proving that there is a double standard here. Gamepass is DESIGNED FOR live service. But we are criticizing Sony, which is known for making non-live service story driven games, because they have purchased a developer that does live service as if that erases the company’s other portfolio.

Sure, but you are hard pressed to provide major MS examples of story driven games, and also you are having to speculate.

Gamepass is made for filler material in the form of live service games. It needs them.

True, Playstation is known for great story driven games. Doesnt mean they cant/shouldnt also have live service games. Otherwise they lose out to MS/Tencent/others who do provide these lucrative game models. As to who will make them? Bungie of course. They just acquired them.

As to your list of MS games:
Gears Tactic, Wasteland 3, Psychonaunts 2, Age of Empire 4, Ori, and Cuphead
You DO see that its a weak list right? (and Cup head is on Playstation btw)

ABizzel1846d ago

People are only "concerned" about what they care about or what affects them. Xbox wasn't publishing AAA GOTY cinematic experiences last-gen. So there was nothing to do but look up from there.

PS4, however, was. This concern is pointless and baseless, as there have been several single player games released already on PS5, and new ones already coming this year and announced in the future. It's fake / self inflicted concern from lack of knowledge.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 846d ago
thesoftware730847d ago

Hahaha, of course you are.

Sony is slowly doing everything Sony only fans said they wouldn't, now all of it is good stuff. I have never seen a goal post or flip-flop change so frequently.

All of a sudden live service games are cool.

HICK846d ago

I don't like it. My goal posts are firm.

Sitdown847d ago

Weird that you say you are fine with that, as if it really mattered to them at this time.

King_Noctis847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

“ Is it stopping you from enjoying their single player games”

So who are making those (more than) 10 live service games?

S2Killinit845d ago (Edited 845d ago )

Bungie of course. Sony just acquired them. Doesnt mean Sony will stop being Sony. Their business model has made them the number one selling console. They will be expanding on that.

King_Noctis844d ago

Bungie can make 10+ service games in the span of 4 years by themselve?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 844d ago
n-skyline847d ago

“Sony intends to launch over 10 live service games by 2026” seems like a lot.

ApocalypseShadow847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

Sounds like 2 or 3 a year. Depends on how you look at it on if that's a little or a lot. Sounds like extra revenue to continue making big single player games. Just like AAA game sales allowed Sony to publish the quirky games and indie games.

But if I were guessing, I think whatever online changes they are making that balances out their single player experiences they make, it sounds like they are developing something huge.

Recently, they have been acquiring things that have to do with E sports like buying Evo. They've also expanded to PC more than before which has cross play. They start buying companies that do technical support in the background, they buy developers like Bungie that are familiar with live services and shooters, there's rumor of Sony changing their online service.

Whatever the final thing is, I think it's all related. Like that rumored Spartacus name. Sounds like an online battle network.

Abriael847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

The thing for me is, 2-3 games as a service a year definitely is a lot as they would accumulate over time, unless they count on a significant number of them failing (which kind of is the track service of Sony's GAAS to be fair).

If they don't fail, they'd end up with many ongoing GAAS to support, and I'd rather these resources be spent mostly elsewhere. I don't specifically mind GAAS, but it's not like there's a shortage of them on the market.

Sounds a bit like throwing a lot of sh*it at the wall and hoping that some of it sticks. If they had to throw themselves into GAAS, then I'd prefer them to launch say one a year, but putting all of their weight into it so that it's a strong contender.

Wouldn't want Sony to turn into Ubisoft lol.

UltraNova847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

They can release as many GAAS games they want as long as this doesn't impede their single player focused release cadence, and quality for that matter.

lonewolf10847d ago

2-3 a year is a lot to churn out for decent LS games.

thesoftware730847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

Oh please, something huge my ass. They need to make money and this is the way the market is moving and they want to make more money. They are a company that sees where things are going and have to expand and adapt. There is no magic here, they are doing the same as MS, they just have fans that held on to some misguided fantasy that Sony was a benevolent entity that cares deeply about them.

They will make games similar to every other live service game, Destiny 2, overwatch, CoD:WZ, and the like..fictionalize the greatness of it all if you want but it's nothing special.

The biggest takeaway is that 10 in 4 years? that is insane. It begs the question if that means some of their biggest franchises will see live services added, because I can't imagine them putting out 10 stellar live service games and then still making 3-4 stellar SP games(yearly) and Vr games and porting some to PC...that is a big order to fill in 4 years.

ApocalypseShadow847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

The thing is is that it's happening that they are expanding their online. They told us that this is what they are doing. I play single player and VR. So, online is something I'm not jumping into anyway.

Some gamers wanted Sony to build more online games because that is what they do for fun. I think it's boring and repetitive over single player. But it generates money. We see it makes money. So, why not use that as a revenue stream to continue making their big games.

The only worry is that it cuts into single player games. But Sony knows single player is their bread and butter. Until we see less single player games coming from Sony, I think having balance is okay that supports both types of gamers. Single and multiplayer. GOW and Horizon are coming out that's single player but we know more is coming. What would be wrong in offering 2 online games for multiplayer gamers? There isn't anything wrong with it. It just means they support both and not get locked into doing just one thing.

We shall see though.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 847d ago
ScootaKuH847d ago

Yeah, I would say it's 10 too many.

Orchard847d ago

“Plans Over 10 Live Service Games”

Please, no.

Jin_Sakai847d ago

No one is forcing you to play them.

Orchard847d ago

Fortunately. I hope they keep doing what they’re best at and don’t try to become a live service company like others.

senorfartcushion847d ago

American advertising and YouTube and other things prove by themselves that this isn’t true.

I’m the only person in my circle of friends and family who hasn’t seen the last 4 Marvel movies, and within that circle, I usually am the person who likes Marvel movies.

Yi-Long847d ago

“No-one is forcing you to buy them”

True, and I won’t, thanks, but it would be a damn shame if Sony is kinda pushing devs like Media Molecule to focus their next LBP game as a GAAS product instead of a SP game with a (free) community-driven creative MP component.

This isn’t good news, and you can tell it isn’t good news because pretty much the most common ‘positive’ response to this news is “come on, it won’t be that bad, people”.

But TBH, I feel Sony has been slipping ever since Herman Hulst took over.

King_Noctis847d ago

It is this kind of mindset that pushes companies to be greedy.

S2Killinit845d ago

Dont worry. Sony will not stop the strategy of making big single player games as they are good at it and it has made them the number one selling console. Thie live service plans are to make sure they dont miss out to MS’s live service offerings.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 845d ago
RaidenBlack847d ago

Some live service projects are ok to have ... but really, no need to go overboard (Ubisoft has already done that)
But on the other hand ...
MS will focus on live-service games to sustain gamepass - to keep players hooked & hence continue subscribing
So, if Sony decides to introduce the rumored "spartacus" - they need to introduce more live service stuffs as per business.

Flawlessmic847d ago

Im with ya orchard!!

Anything but live service games, show me one live service game that is a masterpiece and ill show you a liar.

Just do what you do best sony, single player games that are the best in the business leave rubbish gaas games to everyone else.

Maybe one or 2 but 10 in the next 4 years, what of waste of your great studios.

Shane Kim847d ago

My friend, the days of single player games are over. Kind of. These GAAS games generate billions of dollars. Look at Fortnite and Shark Cards in GTA. It would be mad from a business standpoint to think MS and Sony wouldn't want a piece of the cake. Instead of all these concerns that people are writing, accept it or stop gaming all together.

Flawlessmic847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

@shane kim

Mate if they were actual good games i wouldnt mind them, but the storys suck, gameplay is repetitive and a grind not to mention a cheap cash grab

Like i said 1 or 2 is fine to have in your arsenal but 10 in 4 years is a lot. Not to mention most of these games end up being massive failures critally and financially at best there sucesful money wise but still average games and ur ok with that?

U clearly dont have an issue with being given crappy games and paying out ur ass for it judging by your comment.

People like u will be the reason gaming goes to shit and we will end ul with half assed half finished games that keep requring more money to unlock new things because if u dont pay it will require 300 games hrs to unlock one character.

Its the older crowd spending the money not kids.

Console makers should love me co sidering have owned majority of them plus the handhelds since sega mega drive.

People like me are the ones that put money in there pocket. If i have kids and this is what gaming has become trust me my kids wont be playing and the console devs wont see a dime.

gangsta_red847d ago


"People like me are the ones that put money in there pocket"

If that were true then Sony wouldn't be saying they are getting "aggressive with live services" and announcing 10 GaaS type games in the next few years.

Truth is, it's probably because of gamers like you that Sony has to go this route. The industry has changed and it's obvious Sony is playing catch up by making these sudden moves.

But you are right in one aspect of your comment, the older gamers are spending the money, they're spending it on Live Services and GaaS games.

Shane Kim847d ago


What are you talking about. I hate those games like everyone else. But they do generate money, that's a fact.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 847d ago
EvertonFC847d ago

I hate GaaS but unfortunately Sony have to make them because of GP and casuals flying towards the light like a moth.
My friend and I both 46 yrs have already said we're not the target audience anymore.
VR is our only hope now really and a handful of SP and indie games each year.
Everything else is just GaaS or rinse and repeat seen it all before a thousand times 😔

kneon847d ago

I can see some pretty cool potential with live service spin-offs of games like HZD and GOT. Those are worlds that are fun to explore.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 845d ago
XxSPIDEYxX847d ago

It'll be interesting to see how Sony decides to tackle live service. Avengers, Battlefield, Anthem, a successful one seems like it's not the easiest thing to accomplish.

CBaoth847d ago

exactly, hence the reason they bought Bungie. I'm not happy with the direction but it's not like every 1st party studio is making GaaS games. Bungie is. Insomniac, ND, Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, and Guerilla are all making SP content. With Sony's commitment to PC I do see more co-op integration. They are acutely aware of console concerns of rampant cheating playing by PC gamers (whether real or not) so I do see more PvE in the future.

Stanjara847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

This is exactly what Sony needs.
Said no one ever.
Seems like Microsoft is leading garbage service game mindset, and Sony follows.

Flawlessmic847d ago

Honestly all this talk of live service games has me so down, i think the only thing that will make me feel better is sony buying konami so we can get hideo making a new MGS and a sony developed silent hills and castlevania.

3 classic series that are dust in the wind atm, to have sony specifically being those games back would be amazing.

If not sony then please MS i need those games back.

jznrpg847d ago

I’d rather they bought Kadokawa . they have been buying anime stuff so it would make sense and they get their game devs too which is what I like , we will see what they do in the future

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Zotac To Reveal Their Portable Gaming PC At COMPUTEX 2024

This sounds like a very interesting mobile gaming PC. ZOTAC returns to COMPUTEX 2024 to showcase its biggest push yet into brand-new product categories from Handheld Gaming.

smashman981h ago

My last 2 gpus have both been zotac. No issues. I'm interested.


PlayStation VR2 Official PC Adapter by Sony Is Being Certified

An official PlayStation VR2 adapter for PC made by Sony is being certified. It won't be long before the VR headset is officially compatible.

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Profchaos13h ago

one step closer to unlocking the headsets full power.

I'm extremely underwhelmed with how Sony has treated it's psvr2 customers seriously Nintendo treated it's Wii U owners of which the sales were probably equal in the headsets 2bd year v the consoles far better.

This is the least they could do

ravens5210h ago

I agree. I'm a day 1 consumer too. 😢 For my day 1 Vita. I do not like when Sony does that crap.

10h agoReplies(2)
BlackOni9h ago

Agreed, but to your point, those dollars went a lot further back then than they do now. This should have been a consideration from the beginning.

Imagine buying a monitor or tv that could only work with one device. That's basically what this equates to, so they left a LOT of money on the table by not making it PC compatible from the getgo. But to Sony's credit, even they were unaware of how popular their games would be once released on PC.

Babadook76h ago

I doubt there will be foveated rendering implemented on PC. PSVR2 is already a better experience than PCVR. PS5 Pro will unlock the full power.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
Neonridr11h ago

so now Sony is going to sell me an adapter I have to buy so I can use the headset on my PC? Gee, how generous of you :P

While it's great that I will be able to use this headset instead of my Index or Q3 for PC only VR titles, it's still a sad realization that Sony is sorta waiving the white flag here. Here's hoping they at least make some of their PSVR2 exclusive content available on PC as well now.

ocelot0711h ago

I don't see it as waving the white flag. PSVR the first one even though modders did get it working on pc it was a awful experience.

PSVR2 one of the best VR headsets available. Requires just one usb c cable. Even though I truly believe exclusives are what sell consoles. When it comes to VR it's very nich among gamers. I'm ecstatic that soon I can imo use the best VR headset on both ps5 and pc. No need for a pc vr headset. I have said it since PSVR2 was announced that I hope they make it pc compatible. With it being a very expensive headset and pc vr being more popular it just makes sense for Sony to do this.

10h ago
Neonridr9h ago

as opposed to a Quest 3 that requires no cables, or a single cable if you want to pair it with your PC right? ;)

While the tech is better in the PSVR2 for the most part (I own an Index, Q3 and PSVR2), I'm still let down by certain things. Headset rumble is a novelty. Eye tracking has only been used well on a couple of titles.

to each their own I guess, but to me this doesn't give me confidence that Sony is fully investing in their own hardware, more like they are stepping back to allow others to fill in the gaps.

ocelot076h ago

@Neonridr not owned a quest 3. Did own a quest 1 and 2 both where fairly good. Have used a quest 3 for a limited time and thought it was fine. But comfort wise not as nice as psvr2.

Tried using quest 2 via wireless streaming to my pc and it was so bad I much rather using a single cable and have a solid connection than streaming the game from pc to headset.

10h agoReplies(2)
ocelot0711h ago

It's most likely just going to be a usb c to usb 3 adapter. Even for modern era a lot of new cases and motherboards don't have a usb c ports.

The budget but still fairly fairly high end pc I recently helped my friend build. He went with a b550 motherboard. Didn't have a usb c port or a on board socket to connect a pc case with a front panel usb c. Had to get a cheap pcie usb c.

1nsomniac7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

They developed the headset/attached usb c cable so that it wasn’t possible to run through any port other than a designated ps5 port. The adapter allows all the data to be passed correctly to a none designated ps5 port.

10h agoReplies(1)
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Avowed Moved to Unreal Engine 5.3

With Support from The Coalition

Read Full Story >>
ThinkThink1d 2h ago

That's great news. Hopefully the Coalition can smooth some of those edges from the last Avowed reveal.

phoenixwing23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you. I was ok with it and hoping to actually play it sometime soon. Now it's like 99% chance it's delayed.
Edit: effing graphics whores

Obscure_Observer14h ago

"Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you."

What the hell are you talking about dude? Avowed was already in development using the UE5. The Coalition is just helping Obsidian in the transition to its latest version (5.3)

MrBaskerville13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Probably not even that big of a difference. Coalition might only have helped because they got a deadline to meet.

Unreal isn't nearly as bad as Unity when you update a project. Though it obviously depends on the project. But unity generally gets an aneyurism if you threaten to update, where Ue is usually less stingy.

Reaper22_13h ago

In excited for Avowed and Gears 6.

Fishy Fingers14h ago

It already was Unreal 5, its just moving to the latest build.

CantThinkOfAUsername5h ago

Latest build is 5.4 and it's better than previous iterations, particularly in animation and performance.

Lightning7722h ago

Apparently the latest build looks way better graphically. This rumor from Jez Cordin (who's credible) pretty much confirms it.

Interested in seeing more on Avowed in a few weeks.

Notellin13h ago

UE 5.3 has been out since September of last year. I can't believe this is news or that anyone is hyping this up.

MrNinosan13h ago

As Hellblade failed to set the world on fire, just like Halo Infinite and Starfield before it, it's time to look forward to the next Game of the Decade candidate.
Of course it needs to be hyped up ahead of time 😏

Notellin6h ago

I didn't mean the game itself. I can't believe there is a news article about an Unreal Engine update that launched a year ago.

Reading comprehension is tough for fanboys on N4G.

truthBombs13h ago

I liked the games unique artstyle when It was revealed. I hope they're not making the migration based on criticism. It's only a rumor anyways

MrBaskerville13h ago

I imagine the art style will stay the same. But there'll probably be some visual upgrades here and there.

anast12h ago

This was the only game I was jealous of, but It's a wait and see game now. Plus, I can wait until they release it on PSN.

Miraak82 11h ago

Right!!! Obsidian is like only XB GS that I wanna play there games . Pillars of Eternity is one of my fav game franchises and I'd love to step back into the world of Eora . Their world building and rpg systems are one of the best , I hope XB higher ups don't get in the way of them. If they released it on ps I would definitely buy it day 1

anast9h ago

I bought both Pillars for PC and Console. Good games.

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