
Cricket 22 - review - STACK

It’s set to be a cracking virtual summer for cricket fans as 'Cricket 22' hits. In fact, with this latest cricket sim release the only excuse you should have to go outside is to actually attend a cricket match!

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Free Play Days – Cricket 22, For the King, and Saints Row

"Resolve to have more fun this year! Get started this weekend during Free Play Days. Cricket 22, For the King, and Saints Row are all available this weekend for Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members to play from Thursday, January 5 at 12:01 a.m. PT until Sunday, January 8 at 11:59 p.m. PT. "

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MadLad519d ago

I'll give Saints Row a whirl, purely out of morbid curiosity.

GotGame818519d ago

Been playing Saints Row! An hour in, and really liking it. It so far is a worthy reboot. Playing it on 1080p ultimate settings, on Series X. It looks great and runs great too.

I haven't even bothered with UHD mode.


Review - Cricket 22 (Xbox Series S/X) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "I need to commend Cricket 22 for featuring a wide assortment of teams, modes, and a really interesting tutorial mode that can easily teach newcomers pretty much everything they need to know about the sport in order to understand what the hell is going on. Sadly, here’s the problem: even though Cricket 22 is an excellent cricket video game, the sport of cricket just doesn’t translate well into video game form. You can’t just play a quick arcadey match when the sport is so slow, everyone around you (players and commentators) look and sound unenthusiastic, and matches take forever to complete. It’s just like chess: sure, it can be fun in real life (I guess), but not everything was meant to be turned into a game."

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Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass: MLB The Show 22, Chinatown Detective Agency, and More

"I know you’re probably thinking about games and honestly, I’m right there with you. We’ve got a round-up of all of the games available today and coming soon, in addition to some surprise game drops you might have missed since our last announcement (check the ICYMI section!). Let’s jump in!"

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sparky77794d ago

Great first half of April, knew LiS would come on the service eventually. SE really loves Game Pass, all their big games have been on the service.


I got hyped when I saw True Colors in there. I've been resistant to getting Game Pass for a long time, but it's too good of a deal to pass up.

franwex794d ago

I noticed this too. I figured that most of the money they make is when the game gets released most of the time anyway. So an extra cash infusion helps.

Obscure_Observer794d ago

"Jim Ryan: PlayStation Games 'Could Suffer' If They Were to Release Day One on PS Plus"

Hmm... One can only wonder how much suffering Jim Lyan imposed on San Diego Studio by allowing MLB The Show 22 to be available Day One on Gamepass :/

crazyCoconuts794d ago

MS is paying the premium for The Show to be there. If it were PS Plus it would be Sony, but it's not.

Orchard794d ago

The Show being in GamePass is actually nothing to do with Sony. MLB publishes the Xbox variant and the deal is between the MLB and Microsoft.

So we don't know how much MS pays the MLB for this to be in GP, but Sony doesn't set that price / can't make them 'pay a premium'.

Presumably whatever MS are paying them, Sony could pay the same or less to have the game in PSNow (or PS+ premium as it'll soon be known) day 1.

crazyCoconuts794d ago

Right, if Sony put it on PSPlus, they would be sacrificing something, either lost commissions on individual sales, and/or some payment to MLB to compensate for their lost unit sales. Sony isn't taking a direct hit due to it going to game pass.

Pocahontas794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

@Orchard you try this on every article. Sony and MLB came to a deal. Sony is being compensated 100%


Orchard794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

@crazyCoconuts Sony are probably taking no hit by it going to GP. Sony are just the developer on Xbox. MLB are the publisher, so it hits the MLB. Subscriptions are more lucrative than individual sales typically though, PS+ Premium is pretty much DOA at this point, but it would be much more appealing if it had games like The Show day 1.

@Pocahontas SIE are the developer, no one has ever disputed that, so yes they are paid to develop the game. MLB are the publisher on Xbox. Your article says nothing about Sony being compensated by Xbox. They were however likely paid more by the MLB to develop the Xbox and Switch version - as a dev studio, you aren't going to take on 2 more platforms (technically more if you count last gen variants + Series S) for no additional funding.

I also highly doubt Sony wanted to put this on Xbox and Switch, especially GamePass. This pressure clearly came from the MLB when they took a look at how titles like Madden, FIFA etc perform.

Dev houses typically see little to none of actual sales though, so TLDR is, Sony gets extra money to develop the Xbox version, but likely sees nothing directly from GamePass or Xbox sales.

Anyway, if you're a GP subscriber and into baseball, then this game coming to GP annually is great news for you. Otherwise, it's a $70 annual purchase, which sucks, sports games are basically annual subscriptions for one game. Same with COD.

Pocahontas794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

@Orchard You are wrong. Sony owns The Show IP and is also a publisher…. absolutely making money from the MLB to put this on game pass. If you want to pretend go ahead. Repeating that MLB is the publisher has absolutely nothing to do with it as publisher/dev(Sony also a publisher) deals are always different and was absolutely renegotiated as MLB pressured Sony and Sony said pay up or we’ll make our own unlicensed game…. Sony holds the cards (IP) not the MLB. It’s pretty simple it’s not black and white. You have zero evidence and clearly no business knowledge whatsoever even though you try hahaha Orchard, what’s your source and break down of the numbers because you seem to be the only one privy to the numbers?….. haha

Orchard794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

@Pocahontas You can call me wrong all you want, but it's clear who is wrong here.

1. Sony are being paid to develop the Xbox version (and Switch). That is obvious.
2. Developers in a publishing arrangement typically don't see much if any of the actual sales. They are paid up front to make the game.

"Sony said pay up or we’ll make our own unlicensed game…. Sony holds the cards (IP) not the MLB"

LOL. Yes... sure. The MLB is a much bigger brand than The Show is. Sony obviously do not want to make an unlicensed game - fans will clearly go for the licensed product. Look at FIFA vs Konami's soccer game. Also look at how much EA are fighting to keep the FIFA licensing.

"The Show" is nothing without MLB in front of it.

It's clear to anyone that the MLB holds all the cards here, otherwise we would not see this game on Xbox, GamePass or Switch.

"You have zero evidence"

Neither do you...

"and clearly no business knowledge whatsoever even though you try"

More than you for sure.

I'm not privy to numbers around GP deals or the MLB games, but I have worked in this industry for over a decade, so I know how publishing deals typically roll :)

You're welcome to throw around insults and baseless claims as you wish, but it's clear to anyone that Sony would not want this game on Xbox or Switch and definitely not on GamePass. Similarly, if Sony really wanted this on Xbox/Switch, why are the MLB publishing it and not Sony?

sinspirit794d ago


Stop speculating and refusing to listen. Look up the publisher. If you can't use Google then you shouldn't even be attempting to debate with people. You should be fact checking yourself.

The publisher is SIE. Sony. They publish the game. Don't run off on a tangent about other things to refuse to properly address your claim on the actual publisher.

You also are not telling anyone any useful information. We've known since the agreement that MLB threatened to pull licensing if they didn't go multiplatform. That was public knowledge since multiplatform was announced. You aren't teaching anyone anything.

MLB did not approach Sony to make The Show. It is not an upfront payment contract on developing or publishing the game. Sony reached out to MLB to recieve licensing for the game. That's it. They don't have a big play in the game like you suggest. They simply threatened to pull licenses so that they could force them to go multiplatform with it. They recieve a percentage of the profits, brand recognition, and growth in the sports market for appealing to more gamers, so more sales meant more money. I don't think you are honest about your supposed experience "in" the industry.

Orchard794d ago (Edited 794d ago )


"Look up the publisher. If you can't use Google then you shouldn't even be attempting to debate with people. You should be fact checking yourself. The publisher is SIE. Sony. They publish the game. Don't run off on a tangent about other things to refuse to properly address your claim on the actual publisher."

Shouldn't you be fact checking yourself? Apparently you cannot use Google therefore shouldn't be attempting to debate with people. SIE are not the publisher outside of PlayStation consoles:


"Published by MLB"
"Developed by San Diego Studio"


"Publisher MLBAM"

"We've known since the agreement that MLB threatened to pull licensing if they didn't go multiplatform."

Apparently the guy above didn't know that though, he said that Sony hold all the cards here, not the MLB.

"I don't think you are honest about your supposed experience "in" the industry."

Well I know what I am and what I am not, and I have proven to multiple people on here that I am a developer - what you choose to believe is entirely up to yourself and really has no impact on me :)

CaptainHenry916794d ago (Edited 794d ago )


You wasted your breath on this one lol.Sony is being compensated 😁😂

BTW what have you developed 🤔🙄

Orchard794d ago

@Captain I never waste my breath ;) And I've developed some of the games you play (or at least mention on here) :)

CaptainHenry916794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

What games? Can you name a few

Orchard794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

I don’t share anything about my personal identity online :) I work at a large developer who makes games for PS, Xbox and PC, some of which you’ve discussed previously.

That’s all you need to know :) if you want other (non-studio specific) proof I’m a dev, reach out - happy to send you that via PM.

sinspirit794d ago


I was waayy too quick to talk this time. I didn't Google hard enough. Once I shuffled words around, I found better results that I should have found earlier.

MLB does indeed publish other versions.

Orchard794d ago

@sinspirit No worries bro, all part of debating, sometimes we're right sometimes we're wrong (myself included in that).

No hard feelings ever :)

Pocahontas793d ago (Edited 793d ago )

@Orchard Still haven’t addressed anything. Sony owns the IP. If the Show came out as just the show it would be fine. MLB helps I’m not arguing that. PlayStation was the one who would say yes or no to the deal. If you actually read the article it states that Devs couldn’t do it themselves. MLB does publish the other games cause Sony allows them. Sony let this deal happen and if there was no benefit they wouldn’t do it. No money is no benefit. As stated a new deal was made. BTW Sinspirit only conceded he didn’t know who was publishing. Not that Sony made the deal with no benefit to them. Most of the cards are in PS hand…. Is this better for your comprehension? Prove to me Sony isn’t compensated as no company would do this? Sources are king.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 793d ago
ApocalypseShadow794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

Since Xbox fans say they use game pass to try games they never would have tried before buying them, how many Xbox fans bought MLB 21?

Since the platform never had a great baseball game, sales should have been significant and in the millions right?

I wonder if game pass hurt sales on Xbox of MLB 21 by being on a subscription service? You keep telling us Xbox fans buy games. Do you plan on buying MLB 22 in significant numbers? Probably not.

Looks like the Xbox platform is proving Jim Ryan's point. I wonder if more **SALES ** were on PS4 and PS5?

Obscure_Observer794d ago

"I wonder if game pass hurt sales on Xbox of MLB 21 by being on a subscription service? You keep telling us Xbox fans buy games. Do you plan on buying MLB 22 in significant numbers? Probably not."

You should ask Ryan about all that. Since he´s putting MLB Day One on Gamepass for the second year in roll, I think he´s clearly happy with the Xbox fanbase.

"Looks like the Xbox platform is proving Jim Ryan's point. I wonder if more **SALES ** were on PS4 and PS5?"

You´re happy to pay 70$, I´m happy to pay "zero" and Ryan is happy with both of us. Everybody wins! ;)

Atom666794d ago

Debuted as the number 2 paid game on Xbox, stayed in the top list of paid games all year.

There are much better titles to use for your anti-xbox rants. This ain't the one.

Orchard794d ago

You're not thinking like a business minded person, not one from this century anyway.

Do you know how many dollars the MLB made from physical PS sales vs the gamepass deal + additional MTX by more people having access to the game?

Because that's what really matters - the dollars, not the number of disks sold. Dollars are dollars, the source is irrelevant.

Obviously the MLB were happy enough with the financials that they decided to commit to putting it in GamePass day 1 for a second year in a row.

Also, GamePass is perfect for annual sports franchises, if you WANT to pay $70 for an annual game like this, you're crazy. I like my PS5, and I like the PlayStation brand, but I'd rather subscribe to a gamepass like subscription than pay $70 for a game, especially one that I know will be outdated in <= 12 months. My own wallet is above any corporation.

testerg35794d ago

I'm guessing it sold enough and MLB/Sony made enough money to make MLB 22 available again on XBOX.

Jin_Sakai794d ago

“Since the platform never had a great baseball game, sales should have been significant and in the millions right?”

Not everyone is a baseball fan.

794d ago
CBaoth793d ago

No one on Xbox buys games Apocalypse. Second straight year 3rd party sales down YOY. MLB/Sony is smart to take the GP money. They wouldn't make money otherwise publishing it on non-Sony platforms. The Switch sales are what I'm curious to see - if it's worth it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 793d ago
Kyizen794d ago

You do know how Gamepass works? Someone predicts MLB would sell million worth on Xbox. MS agrees to pay say 600k of guaranteed money for it to be on gamepass and takes away the sells risk. So Sony and SD studios get paid, MS gets subs from baseball fans on Xbox and Sony still gets sales from the game on their platform.

Bruh794d ago

It makes complete sense, Sony makes money on the premiums while also being able to charge $70 to their own platform users. Now whats a better value to gamers is clearly Game Pass, but you can't deny that its a brilliant business decision from Sony

Vengeance1138794d ago

Allowing?? Is that more Lyan Obscure_Observer? Jim Ryan had zero choice in the matter and was a decision made 100% by the MLB. So either allow it or never have another MLB The Show game again.

ApocalypseShadow794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

They act like Microsoft isn't shady for pushing MLB to force Sony to go multiplatform. 2 trillion dollars but they can't be bothered in making a baseball game themselves.

It's like a chess move of check mate. Microsoft either helps kill an exclusive they don't have to hurt Sony if they stop making it. Or releases it on game pass to hurt Sony's retail price against the cheap price of playing it on game pass.

But Microsoft's PR has led their fans in thinking Microsoft has changed their spots. They still are ruthless and shady. Just like trying to buy up all the third party publishers who sell more games on PlayStation than Xbox.

Obscure_Observer793d ago

"Jim Ryan had zero choice in the matter and was a decision made 100% by the MLB. So either allow it or never have another MLB The Show game again."

I suggest you to read what you wrote. You´re contradicting yourself. There´s always a choice and you just point it out.

It´s not like Ryan was forced to develop The Show by MLB at gun point. He could say no, instead, he choose money over brand, it´s simple as that.

And the fact that he´s allowing a Playstation first party studio to develop a game to debut day one on the competitor´s platform for "free" while charging 70$ out Playstation owners is sickening imo.

And he will continue to do so as long PS owners are willing to pay for it. Be that re-releases, remasters, MTXs, next gen upgrades or in this case, full price for a game that is free on Gamepass.

Vengeance1138793d ago


So Jim Ryan runs Xbox now? He has full say on what Xbox does and how they do it? Wooooow that's some real delusional stuff right there. But I'd expect that from you.
Maybe go read what you wrote and understand how it makes no sense when you factor in reality.
Also GamePass? Btw... Not free at all. That is the biggest trick that Xbox ever succeeded in getting ppl to think. People truly aren't smart and you just proved it.

Obscure_Observer793d ago


"So Jim Ryan runs Xbox now?"

Ryan has fully control over "The Show" IP and Sony´s San Diego Studio which means 2/3 of the game. Like I said, he could say no and be done with it. He chose money. End.

I mean, what´s next? Disney? "Hey Ryan, you better develop and release Spider-Man and Wolverine day one on Gamepass or else we´ll pull off those licences from you"

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? No. I guess not.

But hey, don´t let me stop you. If you´re happy, more power to you. I certainly am. ;)

Vengeance1138793d ago


You really love to pretend that you actually have any idea about what you're talking about. He could say no and be done with it?!? Hahahaha riiiiiight cause he for sure never thought of that right?
You realize Jim Ryan is far smarter than you right? Do you have what it takes to run SIE? No I didn't think so.
MLB forced the issue and lmao no, you cannot just say "no" and be done with it. Ryan made the PRO CONSUMER Choice and complied in order to keep giving gamers the game they love to play. Saying No to the MLB = GOODBYE forever to that game. Not allowed to make anymore Show games.
But you won't understand that, of course. Keep making up narratives kid.

Obscure_Observer791d ago (Edited 791d ago )


"You realize Jim Ryan is far smarter than you right? Do you have what it takes to run SIE? No I didn't think so."

Lol. I don´t think that either. And I never said Ryan is wrong. What he did is nothing but expected from his new CEO. I just don´t like the fact that he isn´t trying to compensate playstation owners by allowing MLB22 to be released day one on PS Plus. Like I said: if you´re happy, who am I to complain? XD

"Ryan made the PRO CONSUMER Choice and complied in order to keep giving gamers the game they love to play."

Jesus. Now I´m scared. Lol.

"Saying No to the MLB = GOODBYE forever to that game. Not allowed to make anymore Show games"

And you fell for that? Who´s the "kid" here, son?

I mean, who exactly would develop MLB organization a new game? A new and successful one? Do you have any idea of the scope of such project? The risks involved, time, investment, manpower, loss of money, partnerships, marketing, online infrastructure, quality and prestige?

MLB: The Show is an annual franchise, you said that yourself. How many years would take till the new developer get it right and rise above Sony´s first party level of quality?

Would MLB be willing to lose such amount of money? Think!

Which party has more to lose, hu? Nevermind.

i´m sorry but seem to me that you´re just another naive PS fan who fell for Jim Ryan´s lies to appease you. Again.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 791d ago
Elda794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

Sony had no choice letting The Show become multi-plat because of the MLB. Sony is the developer (Sony San Diego Studios) of The Show games so having it on all platforms Sony reaps the rewards of making those multi-plat coins.

neutralgamer1992794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

Man just stop Ms have to pay Sony directly or indirectly


I guess you don't know business works. Sony being the developer is paying for actual cost of making the game. Ms have to pay MLB who either have to pay Sony or give them a big break on publishing deal

And you guys can twist this anyway you can but MLB actually came to Sony to see if this game could be made for other platforms. Jim Ryan is all for it as long it helps the bottom line. Could please explain how when 2K paid for MLB exclusive publishing deal Sony were still able to develop the show? I will definitely wait for your answer and I already know the correct answer. Sony were able to do the same when EA had exclusive right via their MVP baseball series

But let me see you twits it

On topic

Glad I can try this MLB game via GP. It's been a while since I paid for one. I think next year we may get next generation only so maybe that's where the biggest jump could be

794d ago Replies(5)
ApocalypseShadow794d ago

Anyone playing the game on game pass and not buying the game on Xbox is a lost sale. Doesn't matter if it's 2 million or 1 copy. The service hurts sales day one. If game pass wasn't there, you would still have to buy it. If the game was $60 on Xbox, would you still buy it? Nope. Sony is forced to release it on Xbox because a 2 trillion dollar company can't do it themselves. But they can spend 70 billion buying up publishers.

Debuting at number 2 doesn't give us any indication of what the sales are. ZERO numbers. Microsoft doesn't state them.

anast794d ago

The show is the 3rd or 4th best dress at the dance. It needs to be on GamePass to get played by the 2 baseball fans left out there.

Jin_Sakai793d ago (Edited 793d ago )

“Hmm... One can only wonder how much suffering Jim Lyan imposed on San Diego Studio by allowing MLB The Show 22 to be available Day One on Gamepass”

I have a PS5 in the living room and Series X in the bedroom. Sony is asking me to pay $70 when I can play it in Game Pass day 1. Sorry Jim Ryan but if I was into MLB I’d be playing your game on Games Pass.

DarXyde793d ago

Knew you couldn't resist a dig at Sony. You are who you are, after all.

Regardless of what Jim has said historically, he's right in this instance. The effort that goes into a PlayStation first party title and the effort that goes into an Xbox first party title is night and day. They couldn't even be bothered to make sure Halo Infinite was a pristine launch. Horizon Forbidden West had issues too to be fair and Sony went out of their way to sabotage GT7, but let's not pretend the quality is comparable. It isn't. To their credit, Forza was an excellent launch.

On the matter of MLB The Show, it's a sports title. Fair to say not much suffering at all. Annual franchise, you just build on what was already done. There is also the fact that the MLB audience is on PlayStation, so the addition of Game Pass is very likely supplementary. Some extra pennies, if you will.

What Ryan said isn't controversial. Use your head for a moment: If his job is to take in cash for PlayStation (which it is) and if the same approach as Microsoft was more profitable than what they're doing now, Sony would do day and date. They aren't, so what does that tell you? Again, keep in mind they are very financially motivated. The difference is Microsoft has the capital and they carry Xbox; PlayStation carries Sony. If you haven't noticed, they are much more willing to throw money at a problem they've had for generations. Deeper pockets, really.

Obscure_Observer793d ago

"Regardless of what Jim has said historically, he's right in this instance. The effort that goes into a PlayStation first party title and the effort that goes into an Xbox first party title is night and day."

Lies. Jim Ryan knows that word pretty well.


You´re living in the past. The old days when Xbox used to had 5 or 6 first party studios are long gone. Since Phil got promoted to VP back in 2017, things has dramatically improved in the Xbox first party studios department.

"They couldn't even be bothered to make sure Halo Infinite was a pristine launch."

You have no idea what you´re talking about. You don´t know NOTHING about Halo, otherwise you would know about Joseph Staten and the magic he performed on Halo Infinite in just one year!


"Horizon Forbidden West had issues too to be fair and Sony went out of their way to sabotage GT7, but let's not pretend the quality is comparable. It isn't. To their credit, Forza was an excellent launch.

FW issues were nothing but the expected coming from an open world game. Not really a negative for Guerrilla. GT7 looks like an old gen game that couldn´t even beat Forza Motorsport 7. An Xbox One game, fcs!


We´ll see about "quality" when the new Forza Motorsport vs GT7 start to pop up!

Just keep in mind that Sony already got HFW and GT7 out. Ragnarok is the only first party game to yet be released this year.

Microsoft on the other hand, has Redfall, Forza |Motorsport and Starfield.

I wonder if those games turn out to score better than Sony´s games this year. That would be a shame. I mean, lesser quality 70$ games on Playstation vs "free" day one games on Gamepass or 60$ retail on Xbox.

Time will tell. Just make sure you don´t try and make stupid excuses for Sony if things don´t turn out as you expect.

DarXyde791d ago

"You´re living in the past. The old days when Xbox used to had 5 or 6 first party studios are long gone. Since Phil got promoted to VP back in 2017, things has dramatically improved in the Xbox first party studios department."

Some things, yes. But the quality of their first party outings, certainly not. Playground is the exception. Other "improvements" are big publisher purchases, but their homemade studios, no. Let's wait and see what happens with the quality of Bethesda or Activision blizzard titles.

"You have no idea what you´re talking about. You don´t know NOTHING about Halo, otherwise you would know about Joseph Staten and the magic he performed on Halo Infinite in just one year!"

It launched incomplete with an extra year in the oven, mate. Let's be real here.

"FW issues were nothing but the expected coming from an open world game. Not really a negative for Guerrilla. GT7 looks like an old gen game that couldn´t even beat Forza Motorsport 7. An Xbox One game, fcs!"

If the issues are expected, they should have anticipated them. It's nothing extravagant, but they're there. For GT7, It's a solid game, but it is a half measure cash grab. No disagreement there.

"We´ll see about "quality" when the new Forza Motorsport vs GT7 start to pop up!"

Difficult to compare a driving sim to an arcade game, but I actually get more enjoyment out of Forza. FYI.

"Just keep in mind that Sony already got HFW and GT7 out. Ragnarok is the only first party game to yet be released this year."

Maybe. Sony hasn't been very forthcoming about upcoming titles. Everything thus far has been quite conservative. Honestly, who knows?

"Microsoft on the other hand, has Redfall, Forza |Motorsport and Starfield."

Mmm, you know nearly nothing about those games though. Let's wait and see.

"I wonder if those games turn out to score better than Sony´s games this year. That would be a shame. I mean, lesser quality 70$ games on Playstation vs "free" day one games on Gamepass or 60$ retail on Xbox."

If you put that much stock in score, I suppose.

"Time will tell. Just make sure you don´t try and make stupid excuses for Sony if things don´t turn out as you expect."

Here's the thing: I always keep expectations in check. You don't see me hyping up games. Dig through my past comments, if you like. There's no ego here—if I like a game, I like it. If not, you'll know. My expectations are simply that there will be some solid experiences in PS5. That's it.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 791d ago
Fishy Fingers794d ago

Dude, you post the same thing every thread. You're either trolling or wasting your money lol:


Elda794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

No need to track my comments...I know what I have commented on this site. I have Gampass & these past several months it's been meh to me. No trolling just stating how I feel,something the comment section is for. As long as I'm not disrespecting anyone everything should be fine when it comes to stating an opinion.

John_McClane794d ago

I thought this was an Xbox article.

MadLad794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

Lost In Random is an amazing game.
I really recommend you give it a go. It's a little slow at the start, but ramps up fast.

Definitely playing Life is Strange.

VivaChe793d ago

True Colors is a great game for sure. As someone who's played the previous ones, and Tell Me Why (basically a Life is Strange game), I found it to be a rehash/recycling of the same themes, character types etc. of the previous ones. But if it is your first LIS game, it's amazing.

MadLad793d ago

I really loved the original LiS, but didn't care too much for the second.
I did like Tell Me Why though.

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