
Gran Turismo 7 - Deep Forest Raceway Gameplay

Enjoy a flying lap on Deep Forest Raceway in Gran Turismo 7 captured on PS5™.

thesoftware730885d ago

Wow, hopefully the video is just compressed too much. Graphically this pales a lot in comparison with Forza 5.

I know they are 2 different styles of gameplay, but man, that is an unimpressive video.

TheTony316885d ago

They're not really comparable. FH5 has the advantage of being an open world arcade racer. You can only do so much in a track based racing sim when it comes to locations and enviromental detail. Forza Motorsport 8 vs GT7 would be a fairer comparison.

King Nezz885d ago

Huh??? I mean there's less to render since it's a closed track racer. You can crank up textures, AA, density, and car models. I expect this and Forza 8 to look better than a huge open-world racer like Horizon 5.

TheTony316885d ago

King Nezz

There's less to render but a closed racing track will always look dull compared to a big open world setting. There's not much vegetation to add if the real track it tries to replicate doesn't have much to to begin with. Car models and lighting look really good.

Si-Fly885d ago

You realise Deep Forest Raceway is a fictional track right? 🤣

TheTony316885d ago


I know. I'm talking about GT in general.

Newmanator885d ago

That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Silly gameAr885d ago (Edited 885d ago )

Damn, sorry. I was right the first time. I should have had my glasses on because I can barely see anything.

KillBill885d ago

That argument is completely opposite to the issue at hand.

dumahim885d ago

Yeah, but why is the track practically spotless? It should have marks all over and discolored on the racing line through the curves. It could be livened up a bit with some damage in places, more advertising signage, etc.. There's large open grass areas shown near the end off to the right that feel really out of place at a race track. You'd usually see fans sitting there or used for parking.

bouzebbal885d ago

I love this series, but I’m not impressed with car models they need lot of Polish.. this is the first GT game that isn’t photo realistic on the gameplay trailers.. let’s see if they can pull it off

GhostScholar884d ago

Technically an open world is harder to have amazing visuals than a track by track game like gt. That's a nonsensical comment. You're making my point for me. Thanks.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
ElvisHuxley885d ago (Edited 885d ago )

Look at the lighting on the trees, on each individual leaf, it's better than Forza, which is saying something for a youtube video. Just because something is flashy doesn't make it better than something else. Excessive lens flare alone doesn't equate to great visuals. Sim racers aren't trying to be flashy, and they're not for everyone. If you like the flashiness and over the top style of arcade racers, Forza is probably better for you. Forza is fun, but it's not a serious racer, nor is it trying to be.

gravedigger885d ago

GT games always had the state of the art lighting.

RaidenBlack885d ago

Most people are drawing comparison based off of purely from visuals.
Yes, FH5 & GT7 are from different racing genres ... but nobody's comparing the mechanics or the functionalities (you need hands on for that for both games). So purely visual comparison is an interesting venture. Just the visuals of which both can be seen side by side in a web browser.
So, here's Horizon 5's cockpit view driving on road (with minimal vegetation in FoV) :

1Victor884d ago

@RaidenBlack thanks for the video I noticed that it have a lot of magic trees half baked and popping up details when you get closer something I didn’t see on gt7 🤷🏿
Everyone should enjoy what they have and stop putting down other games.
We can compare all we want but ultimately we can only do superficial comparisons like graphics we don’t know which is better as they are running on different hardware and controller can make a difference on game quality.

NXFather884d ago

Here is a better comparison than the one Raiden black gave.


RaidenBlack884d ago

Bruh, that's an old comparison video from 3 months ago using 30fps compressed FH5 footage for the cockpit gameplay.

King Nezz884d ago

Talking about popup or the lack of proper reflection updating, the green car at the 54 second mark has a texture morph or do something taken out of R&C: Rift Apart and at the 1:21 mark, those reflections on all the cars in the tunnel look horrid.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
Amplitude885d ago (Edited 885d ago )

It looks amazing, dont get me wrong. But i just have to comment on the trees man, The pop-in of the lighting on the trees is really rough and the 2D cutouts of leaves rotating with the camera like Mario 64 is inexcusable at this point in time. I always find it a bit distracting and kind of ugly. Trees have always been the only bad part of Gran Turismo and its better here but... come on.
Motorstorm did it too and it constantly took my eyes off the road to stare at the textures rotating with the camera lol

EvertonFC885d ago

You stare at trees while racing ?

0hMyGandhi885d ago

Do you not notice trees while driving? or buildings? or pedestrians?

As far as games go, and especially Gran Turismo, I sure as hell will notice the environment I'm driving through far more than whatever meticulously detailed array of 3d-modeled bulbs are housed in the headlamps.

dbcoops885d ago (Edited 885d ago )


"Do you not notice trees while driving? or buildings? or pedestrians?"

Not at 130 miles an hour with cars all around me doing the same speed I dont. This is a racing game not a casual drive around town game. What I do notice quite easily though is the fanboy nitpicking going on so people can rip this game apart.

dumahim885d ago

And hardly anyone has any serious complaints about the LOD pop-in with FH5 in performance mode which seems more obvious there than what's going on here.

DJStotty884d ago

The 2D trees have pop in textures around most of the track, they almost look plastic.

The car/track details seem spot on, but i feel more work needs to be done on the environment, whether this is a sacrifice to get RT running @4K, who knows, but for me the environments in other racing games look better.

IRetrouk884d ago (Edited 884d ago )

Dj that's a shadow culling issue not texture pop, same thing happens in halo, only more aggressive. Also, not 2d trees.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
gravedigger885d ago

Forza Horizon 5 is native 4k at 30 fps in quality mode. And in performance mode is 1600p-4k. This is native 4k at 60.

Sayai jin885d ago

Does it have race tracing?

Bruh885d ago

and Horizon 5 looks a whole generation ahead of this game visual wise loll

SurgicalMenace885d ago

You guys are aware that this is a YOUTUBE video, how about we pull up Ratchet & Clank to see how much fidelity YouTube captures there? I've NEVER seen ANY racer show as much detail as GT and this is after owning Forza, Dirt, GRID, etc. Drive Club was the closest, imo.

dumahim885d ago

@Sayai jin
Yes, in Forzavista, similar to how it will be in GT7.

Orchard885d ago

It’s dynamic res if you enable the performance mode - not native.

thesoftware730885d ago


Ohhhh, I get it, that explains why it graphically pales compared to Forza 5.

gravedigger884d ago


Sure. In your Xbox fantasy land

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
CrimsonWing69885d ago

I’m sorry but can you elaborate on what exactly pales in comparison? What it looked at was impressive in the sense that it looked almost photorealistic. What are you unimpressed with specifically?

darkrider885d ago

Pales... Dude, you really don't know what you are talking. Better rewind again the video. From lightning, to reflections, to Tyre noise.... Again rewind, something that you must be used to do...

884d ago
Father__Merrin885d ago

i find forza horizons 5 just a slight step up from forza horizons 4, i think you dont like realistic visuals and prefer open world colour

0hMyGandhi885d ago

I love how adding color magically means that something is unrealistic.

badz149885d ago


dude...please tell us you don't think FH5 is realistic. it's as arcadey as it gets in terms of driving and racing

dbcoops885d ago

Agreed 100%, they are acting like Horizon 5 is a generational leap over Horizon 4 and it is not.

0hMyGandhi884d ago


I don't think the color palette lends itself to making Forza unrealistic........It's an arcadey-racer.
The color palette has nothing to do with it.

DJStotty884d ago (Edited 884d ago )


"please tell us you don't think FH5 is realistic. it's as arcadey as it gets in terms of driving and racing"

Which is why it is an Arcade racer, (slaps forehead)

GT7 will be compared to Forza Motorsport when that is launched 22/23, not FH

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
Sayai jin885d ago

Forza 5 has been released and the gaming community as a whole has spoken and it reached critical acclaim. I am sure GT will release and be widely praised as well. It brings a solid racer to the PS5.

Forza is solid and GT will be solid and one ends up being better than the other, so.be it. People that play on only one console won't be bothered. Just enjoy games people.

DarXyde885d ago

Even then, it's a bit apples to oranges. It would be kinda like comparing Ni-Oh to Ninja Gaiden. Thematic and mechanical similarities, certainly... But two fundamentally different experiences for what you're into. One may not necessarily be better than the other, but does cater more to what someone else is into.

Sayai jin885d ago

Agreed, as I understand the differences between the two, nut they will be compared since they are "racers". The issie is that many ha e to bash the other when comparing. Forza is great and I am sure GT will be great to. Neither franchise has ever disappointed.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi885d ago

The cars look better than fh5. The track details are lacking though. Its hard to compare really. Race tracks don't have mud or puddles or foliage. So is it technically worse or just a matter of design?

0hMyGandhi885d ago

they have a visual "budget" to stick to, and so they need to pick and choose what is modeled and detailed and what is not.

The issue I have is that Polyphony overworking certain details and ignoring other areas. They remind me of that one guy in art class who can draw a super realistic eye, but can't for the life of them, depict a human face.

dumahim885d ago

I think it needs to be dirtied up a bit. Looks a bit sterile. The track should be marked up a bit from skids and have discoloration along the driving line through the curves. Maybe a little damage or imperfections here and there and a bit more advertising signage.

Fonsecap885d ago

I kinda have to agree with you, at least they should give foliage some animation, trees and almost everything else is so static.

ooquis885d ago

Pace yourself my friend, your gonna be talking about Forza 5 for the next 3 years before you have something new to talk about. Pace yourself!

884d ago
885d ago Replies(3)
yeahokwhatever884d ago

I play FH5 on my PC with everything maxed out. You're high, sir.

gravedigger884d ago

Quote :

:Ohhhh, I get it, that explains why it graphically pales compared to Forza 5.


Sure bud. Just with lighting system, GT7 demolish Forza

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
UltimateRacer885d ago

Looks great, people need to remember it doesn’t release until next March so plenty of work is still being done to the game but it’s very exciting.

TinkerNation885d ago

That's in 3 months. Around 2 months until the game has to go gold, and there's very little that they can change in 2 (or even 3) months, especially in terms of graphics. It will be mostly finalizing content, and bug fixes.

fr0sty885d ago

You do realize separate teams work on all of those things, right?

Orchard885d ago (Edited 885d ago )

@fr0sty Only the graphics team works on graphics… and there will obviously be graphics bugs to fix as they go through cert.

Realistically when you factor in cert and printing disks etc, they have about 1-2 months left, plus some Japanese holidays in the middle reducing it a bit further.

No one is adding or improving things, and shaking the jello, that close to release unless the game is launching as a mess OR being delayed.

UltimateRacer881d ago

I remember saying that myself when GTSport was 3-4 months out and that changed and got better before release.

EazyC885d ago

I think most of the work being done at this point relates to bugs/functionality. It won't look any different to this playing it.

Flawlessmic885d ago

It does look great i dont get what people are not picking over, definitely looks way better than gt sport!.

As far as forza 5 goes that game looks and plays brillant have had a really good time with it but they are 2 different games so not sure why there being compared.

Gt will always look sterile next to a game like forza, its a simulator what do you want exactly.

So pumped for this though i wasnt a fan of sport so iv basically waited a full generation to get a tradtional gt!!

iplay1up2885d ago

Funny, when Flight Simulator released, and with the most realistic Sim of the entire WORLD, Sony fans said "I am not interested in sims". Flight Simulator is still going to be the most detailed, realistic game out there. Especially in the areas Microsoft has photo realistic technology implemented. PC and Series X show a very realistic world.

Real time whether! You can literally fly through a Hurricane, in real time. Every plane is detailed from top to bottom. So GT is amazing looking, but it doesn't come close to being as realistic as Flight Simulator.

IRetrouk883d ago

"Flight Simulator is still going to be the most detailed, realistic game out there."

"You can literally fly through a Hurricane, in real time."


where-eagles-dare885d ago

To me, this just looks like a slightly updated version of Gran Turismo sport playing on a PS4 pro. I watched this gameplay on an Oled display and I was not impressed. From a visual standpoint, the sterile clean and empty style of the visuals has hardly changed in 20 years.

I don't care if I get crucified for saying this but from someone who is a PS5 owner and who has never purchased an Xbox console, I was far more excited by the visuals from the latest Forza title.

ElvisHuxley885d ago

I've been following this game somewhat, and I own Forza Horizon 5 for PC, but this is an absurd comment.

mcstorm885d ago

I am with you on this. I don't know if its just that the leap in power is no longer there compared to past consoles but I was not wowed by this at all.

Even though gt5 was a mess some cars and tracks made me go wow. Horizon 5 made me go wow this is a step up but I feel we are yet to see this with the new Gen consoles.

EazyC885d ago

It truly is becoming difficult to get meaningful improvement in graphics for racing games.

The new Assetto Corsa will probably be the new benchmark.

darkrider885d ago

Forza horizon is a colorful arcade racer. This isn't. This is closer to reality. From braking, to tires, to suspension. This is closer to real driving and not something with planes and fireworks... Horizon is a good game, but got nothing to do with gt.

King Nezz885d ago

Colorful? Someone has not seen Horizon 5 in HDR or Dolby Vision. You know, features that try to make colors more vivid and realistic at the same time. In Dolby Vision, everyone I asked about its looks have said it looks realistic. Gran just looks flat. And sure, Youtube videos lose detail. But it should not look bland. They do have time to adjust small little details. But as someone with a PS5, I'm not too excited. I'll pick it regardless. Just don't know if the immersion is there when it comes to its visuals. I know gameplay wise it'll be great.

885d ago
King Nezz885d ago

What are you talking about? There's a reason why people prefer HDR over resolution. The extension of the color gamut adds colors to what we are more likely to see in real life. Hence why a game could look great without HDR but have too much contrast making it look cartoony. Hell even techradar says it.

"HDR is bringing media closer to what the human eye sees, and by doing so, is creating more realistic images, from scenes bleached with sunlight to nighttime shots on city streets.

Here's the big takeaway: HDR TVs and content will display a more realistic color range, with an expanded contrast ratio to make black parts of the image look closer to 'true' black."

So let me guess, you know more than a site that's know for... tech? Go read up to find more about HDR and don't just go to Wikipedia.

iplay1up2884d ago (Edited 884d ago )

Still, this doesn't come close to the Realism of flights simulator. Again, specifically, In areas where Microsoft implemented photo realistic technology. It looks great, but not as realistic as Flight Simulator.

Also the lighting in Horizon 5 is better. Drive through the jungles in H5. Absolutely stunning. Of coarse I am talking about the PC and Series X versions.

884d ago
884d ago
King Nezz884d ago

You sound like a complete buffoon. Going by your typing skills, if you did study what you claim to have studied, it must've been at some community college under a high school basement.

Are you trying to say Horizon 5 and the series as a whole are more along the lines of a R&C title? Just because a game uses a more colorful palette and higher contrast/saturation doesn't mean it's more on the cartoonish side. Hell, look at fighters. Was Street Fighter a more cartoonish game versus the old-school Mortal Kombat because of its are style or colors? What game is more likely to headline an Esports competition? The less colorful MK 1 or the colorful Street Fighter II? The only good comparison you made was Crackdown and Ratchet & Clank. Those 2 games are definitely not trying to look realistic like a tree outside my house. But even because their art styles were not meant to make those games realistic looking, that doesn't mean HDR can't be used to give those games more vividness, bold, and more realistic colors that improve their look and feel. Here's my last example. Take Naughty Dog's top 2 franchises. Uncharted 4 and TLoU 2 look amazing outright. But they are more on the higher contrast/saturation side. Are they to be considered kiddie because without HDR their vegetation and foilage look nothing like the more realistic Crysis and its grass and trees? Those games offer a great action/adventure experience that with the implementation of HDR makes them look more on the realistic side. Even considering they don't achieve that without HDR. Your argument is flawed.

Take my advice, go back to school. You wasted your education.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
Stanjara885d ago

I remember that being said for the GTS, not much improvement over PS3.
PS4 pro is a mistake.

Oh boy were people wrong.

It looks awesome to me. Can't wait!

Oh, and I don't want to race against howercraft and planes.

I was actually surprised that Horizon doest have a bus drop at the beginning of the race.

derek885d ago

Who cares, it looks good enough and it sounds fantastic. I want to know how it feels to drive once I get everything set up.

badz149885d ago

to be fair to GT Sport, it does still look really great when playing on the Pro or PS5.

where-eagles-dare885d ago

GT Sport in my opinion looks stellar, but I'm just expressing my initial disappointment that the upcoming games graphical style looks far too similar to the aforementioned title.

I was hoping for more. Perhaps I was led to believe we should expect photo realism. I have no doubt whatsoever the game will be absolutely tremendous from a gameplay perspective and I will get it day one but I'm just a smidgeon let down by the similarity with prior iterations.

I do however feel a little jaded with this franchise & feel that the developers could benefit from trying to add some new elements. I do realize this is not an arcade simulation, but I'd like to see improvement with regards to weather & damage implementation.

cyberFUTUR3885d ago

"this just looks like a slightly updated version of Gran Turismo sport playing on a PS4 pro"

Sorry but no : https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Big improvements, not slighty updates imo.

where-eagles-dare885d ago

Do you have reading comprehension skill problems? You even use my direct quote where I'm talking about Gran Turismo sport on the PS4 pro, but your link is Gran Turismo six.

Ironically, your video only serves to illustrate exactly what I'm talking about, whereby I am critical of the graphical style looking somewhat flat, vacant and empty & not the advancement I was hoping for. Forza impressed me more graphically and I say that as a PS5 owner who is very much looking forward to the new iteration of Gran Turismo and will be buying the title on day one.

Imalwaysright885d ago

That's a comparison between a PS3 game and a PS5 game.

cyberFUTUR3885d ago

Oups, really sorry, my bad, it's true I'm wrong. :-/

885d ago Replies(1)
yeahokwhatever884d ago

the latest, FH5, isnt even close to this in visuals. I know, i play it all the time. FH5 is the best open-world racer for sure. But visually it sucks vs. GT7 or even sport, to be honest. look at the details in the cockpit, the lighting, the polycounts. Its not even in the same realm.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 884d ago
dbcoops885d ago

Looks fantastic, cannot wait. Day One!

SullysCigar885d ago

Looks awesome - and I'm gonna play this bad boy in PSVR2 next year!

But man, you gotta hate to be cool, just look at all the threatened comments in this thread...

dbcoops885d ago (Edited 885d ago )

Yep 540 degrees for this article and straight to the top of the list thanks to the hate bandwagon. Only took one video too, they should pace themselves as I'm sure we'll be getting more videos before the games launches, they should save some of that vitriol and concern trolling for later.

stonecold3885d ago

dont know why people compared forza a arcade racer to sim gt7 both game are diffrence anyway cant wait fot gt 7 to come out

EazyC885d ago

They're both kinda arcadey, by modern standards. "Simcade" is the correct term. So I think you can compare Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo directly, even if GT is a little more realistic..

dbcoops885d ago

GT is not "arcadey" in the least. People use it as a training tool to become actual real life auto racers, no one is doing that with Forza.

dumahim885d ago

Right, but people are comparing it to FH5, not Motorsport.

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GT7 update 1.46 features an all-electric concept racing car created exclusively for the game

Today’s 1.46 update includes ŠKODA Vision Gran Turismo, two other cars, new Café Menu, and World Circuit Events.

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The best PS5 exclusives 2024

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Hereandthere24d ago

PlayStation is killing it with the exclusives this year. Exclusive wise, what has xbox released this year?

VersusDMC24d ago

They won't complain about Microsoft not releasing games here but put all their effort into saying that only first party counts. Games like Rebirth and Grandblue Relink don't count. Games published by Sony like Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin don't count because Sony don't own the studios.

It's some narrative building so for when Hellblade 2 come out they can say, seemingly without shame, that Microsoft is actually releasing first party games this year. And claim victory.🙃

Chevalier24d ago

Weird 1st party games didn't matter when Xbox had so little, but, now they're important again? Guess Ark 3, Stalker 2 don't count any more?

KyRo23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

ARK 3 doesn't exist and it's just a timed exclusive. It's also a game that a majority of the ARK player base doesn't want as it's a massive deviation from what people like about the original game

Abnor_Mal23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Honestly to me it doesn’t matter what they say, they are just finally getting a chance to say all the things PS fan(boy)s were saying to them for the past few years. Let them get that, they deserve a “win” for a change.

The new narrative is that suddenly first party games matter again when awhile ago they didn’t, but that was because they were struggling with the same three games with the occasional fourth or fifth. That games should be everywhere on all platforms since that’s whats happening to theirs. The consoles don’t matter just the ability to play anywhere. Whatever Xbox is doing Sony will soon follow.

They’re not moving the goalpost anymore, but rather just moving the whole damn stadium.

jwillj2k423d ago

Only a incel would care about who published what and who owns who.

If it’s not on the other consoles it’s an exclusive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 23d ago
Cacabunga24d ago

Killing what? Where are the 1st party games??
Stellar Blade and FF7 is what I’m seeing this year.. so shallow!!!!

andy8523d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're great games. Baffles me why people put an emphasis on 1st party. They're still games you can't play anywhere else this year

Cacabunga23d ago


PS brand is my favorite because of their stellar first party software.. currently I see absolutely nothing to go crazy for..

CS723d ago


PS1 and PS2 was built on great third party exclusives like FF, MGS, GTA & Tekken.

23d ago Replies(2)
raWfodog23d ago

Of course I love the games I’ve played from PS but I don’t believe we need to limit it to ‘exclusive’ to acknowledge that Xbox will be releasing some good games this year also. In that same vein, I believe that Xbox diehards shouldn’t limit their acknowledgment of good PS games to 1st party. There are plenty of good games to go around for everybody.

Tacoboto23d ago

This is a Playstation article about Playstation games and your comment is about Xbox. Can't you just celebrate what PS has without dragging this into console war BS?

ChasterMies23d ago

I don’t think Microsoft is releasing games exclusively on Xbox anymore. They have some timed exclusives that release on Xbox first.

23d ago
23d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 23d ago
Abear2123d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Returnal, Astro Bot, and Ratchet made having it since day one worth it.

GT7 free updates and Spiderman 2 and others at 60fps have made this last year more than okay.

But yeah, it’s been dry lately. BG3 and third party have made great filler, but we ready for that SOCOM or Killzone announcement and some more 1st party goodness. Crossing fingers for Ghost of Tsushima 2 announcement this summer.

Didn’t know Helldivers was exclusive! Wtf is going on at Xbox that they can’t get these games, series s strikes again.

SonyStyled23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Sony owns the Helldivers IP. The first was a PS3/Vita/PC game. It was never an Xbox game that they could ‘get’ a decade ago. I’m not sure what the upset is with Xbox here

CS723d ago

Lol, how do you ignore Rebirth one of the best games ever made?

anast23d ago

Looks like they are on par with the previous gens. Solid games all around. Interestingly enough, we can't say they released a bad game yet this gen. Unlike the Quiet Man dustup.

23d ago Replies(2)
23d ago
DefenderOfDoom223d ago

I actually do not mind if Marathon releases on multiple platforms . I just wish that Marathon has a dedicated single player campaign.

DaniMacYo23d ago

Helldivers 2 is exactly what gaming needed. I’m loving it.

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