
Last Street Fighter V Character Luke Shows His Moves in Gameplay Trailer Ahead of Today's Release

Today Capcom released the gameplay trailer of Street Fighter V's upcoming DLC character Luke, the last to be released for the game.

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Fei Long will never return to Street Fighter according to SFV composer

According to Daniel Lindholm, Fei Long likely won't be coming back to the famous fighting game series.

UnSelf754d ago

A company without passion is a fraud. Prepare to fall.

UnSelf753d ago (Edited 753d ago )

quote from Fei Long in SF anime

Doge753d ago (Edited 753d ago )

I get the reasoning if it’s true, but it also doesn’t make any sense since Fei Long wasn’t really depicted as a comedic character. A stereotype? Yeah. Comedic? Not really.

Marshall Law however…

barom753d ago

I agree, I actually think Fei Long would help keep Bruce Lee's legacy alive too.

amazinglover753d ago

Fei Long was based on Bruce Lee so I wouldn't necessarily call him a stereo type.

H9753d ago

One of the rare moments were the people complaining are the people involved, yet I agree with the article that Fei Long is not comedic, he is a homage to Bruce Lee which is not something that his family is against, they want the homage to be respectful... What would be meaningful to know is who decides what is Respectful and what isn't? The family? Absolutely! Regular people? Everything is disrespectful to them so no!

rpvenom753d ago (Edited 753d ago )

Where are the SJW's complaining about unrealistic and sexist male body depiction here! /s lol

sourOG753d ago

How did fei long show Lee in a bad light though? Imitation is the highest form of flattery. It’s not like he was some ignorant asshole character lol

RosweeSon753d ago

Agreed. Worse case tho they just need to do a super serious version but yeah wasn’t hardly a comedic over the top take.

specialguest753d ago

Yeah I really think Quentin's movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood depiction of Bruce really sparked the need for the Lee family to be more protective of Bruce's legacy. Every Bruce clone out there never caused any issues with the Lee family until Quentin's movie was made which really misrepresented Bruce Lee with baseless rumors and just made a joke out of Bruce

I think they targeted the wrong game though. The SF series never made Fei Long a comedic character. Going back to SF2, they paid homage to Bruce Lee when Fei Long stated, "there will never be a legend like the great one and his son! I will honor their memory by training harder for the real fight". https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Major Street Fighter V battle balance and extra aesthetic features coming March 29

Update brings together combat adjustments with fun visual filters.

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Street Fighter V Getting "Definitive Update" Later This Month: Balance Tweaks, Filters, & More

Today Capcom announced a new and "definitive" update coming for its popular fighting game Street Fighting V.

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darthv72807d ago

all these updates and Capcom still wont release a new disc with everything on it. I know its the only way they can keep their contract with Sony but seriously nobody believed them when they said they weren't going to make a champion edition or arcade edition or super edition. And here we are getting pretty much a definitive edition yet its still all dlc to the original disc version.

Lexreborn2807d ago

They never did make a traditional “champion” edition. They’re promise was that you would only need to buy SFV once and not need to buy different versions. Which was very true, you can go buy the SFV disc right now and play online against people with one single update of current standard.

You could get the story and other secondary content without being locked out. In the past, there were separate SKUs of every version with full price request.

Hate the character dlc all you like, the core mechanics of base disc SFV are the same as ultimate edition minus the characters initially unlocked. Unlike sf4 to super sf4 to ultra sf4 to ultra sf4 a.e.

darthv72807d ago

Not hating the dlc, its just funny to see how they have stretched out their contract. Most any other publisher would have pressed updated discs by now. Nothing stopping old users from continuing to play. And new users could either buy a used disc for cheap and just dl the rest or (and this is what capcom should do) buy the definitive edition with everything already in there.

But they wont do that as they made it clear they didnt want to do those other iterative pressings like they did with SF4. I get that, but so much has passed and newer revisions to the roster warrants at least one updated physical pressing to finish it off.

CrimsonWing69807d ago

Man, the cel shading filter is legit

specialguest807d ago (Edited 807d ago )

It feels like it was so long ago when I last played SF5. I always get into the latest main SF series, but my time with the game typically last no more than 2 1/2-3 years. I'm basically a filthy casual. Can't wait to see what SF6 brings

Lexreborn2807d ago

Street fighter V was my most played game year over year when it was release first 4 years. I only stopped playing it because I had a lot of shifts in my life and I wasn’t playing games as much for a year or so.

Really looking forward to 6

VersusDMC807d ago

I had fun with it at launch. Sold it after awhile. Bought it again at 8 bucks digital to play as Akira from Rival Schools months ago. Didn't even pay for Akira as i had enought fight money(currency earned by playing game)to buy 3 characters.

I'm more of a VS guy.