
An update from the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Remake development team

An update from the dev team reveals that Prince of Persia Remake is still under development.

-Foxtrot939d ago


This game should not be released until it looks like a full on next gen remake

What they showed off was embarrassing and to give such a big franchise the remake treatment then hand it over to a brand new studio in India that haven't made anything else, just speaks volumes on how Ubisoft views this franchise now.

badz149939d ago

hey, this graphic is plenty for the Switch

Sashamaz938d ago

Is there a problem with the game being developed by a new studio in india?

-Foxtrot937d ago

I didn't mean it like that, I just meant they've opened a new studio all away over there which is brand new and they haven't made anything that says "Yes, we are more than qualified to make a full on great looking next gen Prince of Persia remake"

If we didn't complain that shitty version we all saw revealed is what we would have gotten.

Knightofelemia939d ago

I just want the Prince of Persia to see the light again and continue to see the light. I would hate for it to see this light then get shelved and forgotten about for many years. Prince of Persia is one of my favorite franchises I never got use to the 2D Price of Persia games I down own one on Genesis I got into the Prince of Persia when he made it to the 3D world.

The7Reaper939d ago

Unlike most I was hyped for the game and was gonna pick it up day 1 when it released regardless because I just wanted to play this masterpiece again but on modern consoles but the delay was for the best and I can't wait until this releases, glad to hear they're still working on it.

ecchiless939d ago

they gonna partnering with another AAA studio to get the game done? or better yet a AAAAAAAA studio.....

ForwardDude938d ago

They could also buy a big Publisher.

Aussiesummer939d ago

No next gen remake should be released until it at least looks up to the quality of demons souls.

badz149939d ago

that's...a pretty high bar

jznrpg938d ago (Edited 938d ago )

That’s asking too much unfortunately . They won’t put much that much effort and $ into it . If it looks as good or somewhere around as good as SoTC on PS4 that would be great compared to what they showed . Of course we all want next (this gen) gen looking games but it’s not going to happen imo . The graphics they showed earlier were really bad and I’m not expecting much at all but hopefully the gameplay is done right because I don’t think the graphics are going to be very good . I hope I am wrong but if it is anywhere near what they previously showed it won’t be a looker .

Darkborn938d ago

So almost no games would release except for Sony first party?

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Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time Remake Trophy List Appears On The PS Network

The Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time Remake may be closer to release than most expect, as its TrophyList appeared today on the PlayStation Network

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Retailers Stopping Pre-Orders for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake has been in development hell since the reveal trailer. With no expected release date retailers are no longer taking pre-orders.

XxINFERNUSxX720d ago

I rather some talented fans remake the game. It's getting to the point where fans are better suited at remakes and I rather give them money for their work.

Knightofelemia720d ago

I like the Prince but I have a feeling Ubisoft will botch this remake up I might just pass on this now and play the game on older hardware. I have a feeling at launch when or if this game does come out I have a feeling it will be botched in one way or another.

718d ago

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Shouldn’t Be This Hard To Remake

From TheGamer: "The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time remake has now been subject to multiple delays, with a fairly confident release date being pushed into 2022 until Ubisoft came along and postponed the game indefinitely. Even worse is that Ubisoft Mumbai and Ubisoft Pune have now been pulled off the project completely as the parent company takes a look at the progress made thus far and what can seemingly be done to salvage it.

Fans weren’t especially thrilled with the initial screenshots and footage of the revival when it was first announced last year, resulting in the first expected delay, but part of me is scratching my head when trying to think what exactly has doomed this game’s development to further misfortune. It’s a remake of a popular PS2 game with a focus on combat and parkour - much like Assassin’s Creed - so something must have gone seriously wrong for it to so spectacularly fall apart. Like seriously, what happened?"

Read Full Story >>
751d ago Replies(2)
ZeekQuattro751d ago

Well when the walls are caving in on you I'm not surprised. Ubisoft has been hurting for years. They were the big story before Activtison/Blizzard became the new whipping boy. It's finally catching up to them.

-Foxtrot750d ago

Here's how I think it happened

They saw people wanted a PoP remake

They thought they would cash in on this and do a remake as cheap as possible while not disturbing their main big studios

They got a lower experienced support studio all away in India to do the remake with a tight budget in mind thinking "Meh, they really want this, they'll buy it, this whole thing is going to be super cheap for us"

The reveal came and we all showed our total dissatisfaction because the game looked like a game which would have released two generations ago, it also showed how little Ubisoft cares about the franchise and it didn't help with all the other bad PR they've been receiving lately

They now freak the f*** out, try and crack the whip at the India studios to do as much as they can, thus delaying it

They review the work the two studios have done since then and realise that these studios aren't going to cut it

They now decide to get their main studio, who did the main PoP games in the past, to work on the remake, thus possibly delaying it further. "If you want something done right, do it yourself".

This has now generated bad PR, possibly caused conflict in the two India studios and most likely cost them even more if they had just decided to do it at their main studio from the start.

deleted750d ago

Nailed it.

The higher ups and investors needed to see a series of milestones set in place also, to show that they were on the proper track and timeframe to deliver a more impressive experience.

Either the timeframe wasn't being met or the attempted improvement wasn't impressive enough at the time of recent milestone reviews... so it got yanked.

750d ago
Chocoburger750d ago (Edited 750d ago )

I love The Sands of Time so much. People are upset over this news but to me it's good news for once from Ubisoft.

I want this remake done right, so I'm glad to hear that some of the originals devs are working on the remake. I just hope that there's none of that Ubi-junk infesting the game (grinding, skill trees, micro-trash-actions).

That said, the original games hold up just fine for me to this day, and I'll do another playthrough soon on my Xbox.

Outlawzz750d ago

Lol yea that sounds about right, I'm just happy their trying to fix it.

It was bad and would have cost them a lot of sales imo, better to get it done right or not release at all.

senorfartcushion750d ago (Edited 750d ago )

You’ve forgotten the part where they tried to advertise the reveal by showing just how important it is to have an Indian studio working on a game starring a Persian character, despite the fact that Persia is now the Iranian province and not anywhere near India 😅😅😅

The usual individualist approach.

Also India is a massive, massive market.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 750d ago
neutralgamer1992750d ago

It's UBI they most likely trying to include some Micro transactions, NFT's and XP boosters into the remake

What part of make a great game and gamers will support it don't these publishers understand. Gaming business isn't complicated

Manage budgets during development
Release quality games
Release most wanted games like splinter cell, prince of Persia, beyond good and evil and Rayman

DefaultComment750d ago

That's BS right there! Final Fantasy VII remake took like 6-7 years if not more to deliver just a part of the whole game and now you people want to crucify Ubbisoft because they are taking one more year?

jambola750d ago

Ff7 remake is a massive remake of a game when characters didn't even look like people
Not a few hour platformer

Where you getting 7 years?
It was announced in 2015 and released in 2020

DefaultComment750d ago

yeah it was announced on 2015 but it was in the works by then so there is you 6-7 year gap that I meantioned or do you really think they barely started developing in 2015?

Also how do you know that the remake of prince of persia is gonna be a few hours platformer? I could be a big sandbox game like an assassins creed game for that matter, you don't know.

CosmicTurtle750d ago

While you are right to think a delay is fine and advisable. The scale and ambition of those two projects are vastly different.

jambola750d ago

I said prince of Persia was a few hour platformer, not the remake

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