
PlayTM: Rock Band 2 Review

PlayTM writes: "I bloody love music games. I loved the music-maker in Mario Paint on my SNES. I fell head-over-heels for Taiko no Tatsujin, the silly Japanese drum game I played in arcades all over Japan, and on the PS2. I was enchanted by the original Guitar Hero volumes, even though my lack of coordination made it pretty much impossible for anyone else to enjoy the game whilst I had the guitar in my hand. I adore Singstar, dodgy scoring system and all. And I was positively salivating for the release of Rock Band, which finally allowed me to get the mic in my hand and make a worthwhile contribution to progressing through the game. When we finally got our hands on a copy, we played it all night. Walking back to my flat at 6am, I found myself still humming away, the visuals still playing brightly behind my eyelids. Like the rest of the world, I was hooked. And drunk, obviously."


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InTheZoneAC2055d ago

Only recognized one game on the list, rock band

Sonicjp2054d ago

If you bought The Stanley Parable on release day you can unlock the "don't play for 5 years" achievement.

McMahonme72054d ago

Yea this one is annoying because it's time-dependent, but not impossible


Those Were the Days - Legends of Rock

Those Were the Days - Legends of Rock. A look back at one drunken evening that brought to light the best thing about Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

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SpamnJam2967d ago

Nice. I remember so many drunken nights with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. So much fun to be had.


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