
Call of Duty: Vanguard Auto-Aim Bot Hack Spotted as Beta Starts

Rough start for Call of Duty: Vanguard.

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Jin_Sakai980d ago

That’s why PC should be excluded from cross platform play with consoles. Especially when it comes to competitive games.

Father__Merrin978d ago

They should take pc off cross play. I k ow why they do it because PC cod is usually dead online.

Just turn off cross play,

Str8Chaos74977d ago

I play Cold War on the PC and almost every match it's just me and all console players, but trust me there are plenty of cheaters on consoles as well. It's definitely worse on PC. There is Cronus Zen (Was so popular it was backordered for a while) that lets you cheat on consoles that is undetectable. People think cheaters on console is extremely rare, they are misinformed. Sucks people cheat and ruin for everyone.

porkChop978d ago

It wouldn't be such a big deal if publishers would take cheating more seriously. Give them hardware bans. Even if they can get around it, it'll be a lot more work. Invest in AI to detect and catch cheaters. I mean, shit, do something. Banning people once they get caught or reported isn't enough. They need to be proactive rather than reactive.

Darkborn978d ago

But didnt everyone champion crossplay and call Sony anti consumer for the last couple years, even when they specifically said they didn't want crossplay because of cheating?

Jin_Sakai978d ago

“But didnt everyone champion crossplay and call Sony anti consumer for the last couple years, even when they specifically said they didn't want crossplay because of cheating?“

I’m fine with crossplay so long as PC isn’t part of it. Way to many cheaters that ruin it for console players.

ElCapitan006978d ago

Yeah, Xbox and PlayStation cross play. Not PC in the mix.

InUrFoxHole977d ago

People like cross-platform but have the option to turn off

Vanfernal978d ago

I strictly play Souls games on console for this reason. On Pc you always get invaded by invincible naked guys who backstab you from a mile away.

977d ago
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GoodGuy09978d ago

Lol you should probably play any pvp shooters only on console now. I heard these was some ai aimbot that makes it impossible for anticheat programs to detect.

Zeref978d ago

Anti cheat companies seem like theyre so far behind now smh. Shooters pretty much have to rely on the Userbase to report

BlackDoomAx978d ago

Soon ai bots will take on consoles too. Play it while it last.

SyntheticForm978d ago

This particular Call of Duty game is absolute and utter crap.

The game is a buggy shit show (yeah I know it's a beta) where plants jiggle when shot, sparks are bouncing off player bodies, constant flickering is taking place, and the graphics are extremely underwhelming. The spawns are obviously bad as well.

Red Star should serve as an example to developers of how not to make a map. I honestly don't like any of them, but some are intolerable while others are passable at best.

quenomamen978d ago

I Always turn off cross platform on online FPS games.

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Despite Negative Reception, Call Of Duty: Vanguard Has Sold Over 30 Million Copies

Call of Duty: Vanguard has sold over 30 million copies, a milestone confirmed by the game's former social media strategist.

DarXyde48d ago

That's the thing about Call of Duty: it gets panned online, but still sells gangbusters.

Begs the question: is the online community complaining truly a vocal minority, or are people just unprincipled? Both I'm sure, but to what extent?


It's all about the hive mind, and I'm no exception to it. We buy each installment pretty much every year, regardless of the next installment being an improvement or not. Sad to say, but it is what it is.

Lexreborn248d ago

People know what they like, it’s really that simple. The people who play CoD love CoD and unlike the minority gamers they will support it regardless.

The vocal people online will make sure a game burns they don’t like without even trying it. But, the CoD crowd will buy the game PLAY it and give feedback that goes towards their games growth.

And as long as they can get online and shoot people they will continue to support it.


Cod is not the same anymore, I didn't buy this one or mw3 and I no longer care about the franchise... People complain about Spider-Man 2 as being a copy paste but cod is the same game every single year and they're ok with that.

Lexreborn248d ago

@cptn you further validate the point, people who enjoy it keep playing, and people like you who don’t stop. But 30 million is greater than your displeasure of the game.

And if they like it, they’ll keep playing and paying.

anast48d ago

Most of them are young people that look up to characters like Dr. Disrespect.

Tacoboto48d ago

"are people just unprincipled?"

I mean... You're on this site. You've seen the discourse over COD, how awful it is, yet how aful Microsoft was for taking COD away from PS gamers, despite not once saying they wanted to do that.

Another similar one - fans of BG3 since day one refusing to buy Alan Wake 2 because it doesn't have a physical edition. Or anyone calling 30fps unacceptable but is enjoying DD2. Or anyone complaining about bloated open world games yet is complaining about shorter, focused narratives.

Neonridr47d ago

they haven't taken CoD away from PS Gamers.

WiiU-Dude48d ago

I've said something like this many times. When something is huge...it could be music, video games etc, it is fashionable to start the hate. I have loved every iteration of COD. Each has it's own merits. I have enjoyed them all and have never had a problem proclaiming it even when people heckled me. Oh well. People gonna hate.

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RhinoGamer8848d ago

Just like Madden and Fifa (FC), the audience is conditioned to buy every year by EA and ATVI.

VersusDMC48d ago

Why talk about Vanguard? It was still the best selling game of that year. And at a 70+ metacritic.

Modern Warfare 3 last year was the 2nd best selling game of the year(been awhile since it wasn't 1st) and at a 50+ metacritic.

It would be cool to see the sales for all the call of duties to see if there's a trend and to compare.

jznrpg48d ago

I have only bought 2-3 CoD’s ever and the last time I bought one was at least a decade ago. The only reason I bought it back then was to play with my Son who was still in high school. I got some copies for free here and there from friends but I would only play the campaign. I’ve been burned out on PVP since Battlefield Vietnam on PC , Planetside stuff like that. I do enjoy PVE if done well but I doubt I’ll ever play a PVP game again unless they do something totally different than what’s been done before and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

I have friends that buy every CoD and I ask them why do they still play after 20 years of the same game? Most of them say because of their online friends or real life friends that play it. Not because the game is good or it’s better than the last.

TheColbertinator48d ago

Battlefield Vietnam was so much fun

ocelot0748d ago

Maybe because people pre ordered it. I have pre ordered every COD since COD MW 2019. I enjoyed mw and cold war. Didn't play beta to vanguard I just pre ordered it like 2 days before release and regretted it a few days after release as it was bad.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II ranked play arrives in 2023, says goodbye to older COD titles

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II ranked play arrives in 2023. Meanwhile, ranked play gets retired in two older COD games.

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Welshy569d ago

I'd only thumb this up if it meant SBMM was being entirely removed from unranked. Otherwise the only difference between ranked and unranked is the visibility of where the game deems your skill level.

gamer9568d ago

Exactly, we're already playing ranked play in quickplay, cod has zero clue what they're doing on quickplay vs ranked. All they need to do is copy other popular games but they can't figure it out

REDGUM569d ago

Don't laugh but I don't understand as I'm a casual gamer but what's the difference between the MW2 multiplayer that I'm playing online now compared to this ranked play etc? What is ranked play. I thought I was playing with a rank that increases at certain point stages.

TheEnigma313569d ago

Ranked means they will match you with similar skilled players. Like a level 50 will match with level 55 and a level 10 will match with a level 5ish.

Welshy569d ago (Edited 569d ago )

It's not account level that will be matched, but skill level via some MMR/ELO system. There are level 2 smurfs out there who will stomp lvl 55's.

I'm not entirely sure on how they'll grade it, whether it will be bronze/silver/gold etc like Rocket League or an ELO number like Siege. I suppose functionally it's the same thing so it doesn't matter.

gamer9568d ago

Is it going to be crap like all their previous ranked play? Timed events that place you in a ladder and you move up and down in that ladder? Just give us a normal ranked play like every other comp game please, let us move up and down between the ranks based on ELO, for the whole season


Call Of Duty: Vanguard Fortress Map Gameplay

Here is a look at what is likely to be the last new map for Vanguard before the new game is released.