
20 Years Later: The Nintendo GameCube Is The Sixth Generation's Unexpected Champion

The GameCube certainly had its flaws, but saying the love for the device is pure nostalgia from its diehard fans would be a disservice to Nintendo's incredible work that yields modern standards.

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Magog996d ago

The only game I really enjoyed on it was Animal Crossing. It had the worst Zeldas and the game I bought it for (MGS The Twin Snakes) was a massive disappointment.

iplay1up2995d ago

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, are the worst Zelda games? That is your opinion. WindWaker was fantastic. The Wii U version, looks great! I played through twice on Wii U. The Gamepad was perfect for that game.

Magog994d ago

Windwaker was boring as hell.

fr0sty994d ago

These folks are looking back through rose colored glasses, that's for sure.

Knightofelemia994d ago

GC may not have had the run like PS2 or the specs of the OG Xbox but I love the system Nintendo does have a solid library on the machine. The Game Boy Player alone was worth it for the machine I can still buy cheap GBA games and play them on my tv.

XxINFERNUSxX994d ago

I loved Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on GC wish there was a remaster or a sequel. Also Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, I want a remaster or even a 3rd one love those games. Of course Metroid Prime 1 + 2, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Mario Sunshine, Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes, too many to list here 😀

cammers1995994d ago

"sixth generations unexpected champion"
The GameCube was great, but it wasn't a champion of the sixth gen. PS2 was and outperformed the GameCube is every single possible way.

iplay1up2994d ago

No it didn't, as far as POWER was concerned! RE4 on PS2 did not perform nearly as well on PS2, because Gamecube had much more power.

meganick994d ago

All the consoles that gen were great in different ways.

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22 GameCube Titles that Deserve the Metroid Prime Remastered Treatment

Nintendo proves with Metroid Prime Remastered that the GameCube library is worth revisiting. Here are 22 more games that deserve some HD love.

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Yi-Long477d ago (Edited 477d ago )

F-Zero GX was (is) so so SO good. Would love to see that a proper remaster. Already looked stunning back then, and played so smooth. Gamecube controllers were good as well. I think mine all still work flawlessly.

Never played Skies of Arcadia, but would love to some day.

Power Stone 1/2 deserves a comeback.

PhillyDillyDee476d ago

I would lose it if they did something, ANYTHING, with F-Zero…

-Foxtrot477d ago

Deffo Luigi’s Mansion

I doubt it but it would be awesome to have new modes when going through it again similar to the Mirror Mode

cthulhucultist476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

They should release a collection of 1 and 2 together as remastered (although I would prefer a remake).

Luigis Mansion 3 was amazing

Kaii477d ago

Mario Kart: Double Dash - SSX Tricky - Star Fox Adventures - Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - Sonic Adventure 2 - Pokémon Colosseum

Becuzisaid477d ago

You pick Star Fox Adventures but not Rogue Squadron 2 or 3??

I'll take some Star Fox though. Would rather then remaster Zero instead. Just stop the motion controls.

DaReapa477d ago

I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the GameCube, but if they were to do a quality remaster of Eternal Darkness, I'd get a Switch in a heartbeat...even if only for that game.

cthulhucultist477d ago

Excellent choice - that would be my pick as well

Nitrox477d ago

I’d like to see a full remake rather than a remaster of this one. It would benefit so much from a more modern control and camera setup. It felt a little cringey to me when I tried playing through a couple years ago.

By far my favorite game during that era though and my #1 pick as well to see brought up to date!

RaiderNation477d ago (Edited 477d ago )


No more remasters! I want NEW iterations of Nintendo IP, not rehashes! Give me a NEW Mario Kart, give me a NEW F-Zero, give me a NEW Metroid Prime, give me a new Waverace, etc!!!

Neonridr477d ago

but we are getting a new Metroid Prime. What's the harm in having some classics remastered to help fill in some gaps?

RaiderNation477d ago (Edited 477d ago )

Because Nintendo struggles at being prolific with putting out 1st party games as it is! I dont want their seemingly limited resources being tied up with remastering old titles. I want new stuff. I cant believe we are 6 years in with the Switch and still, no new Donkey Kong, no new Punch Out, no new F-Zero, no new Waverace, no new Mario Kart, no new Star Fox, no new Kid Icarus, no new Metroid Prime, no new Earthbound, and only one new Mario game! ONE new Mario in 6 years (well two I guess if you count Mario Maker 2 bur I consider that a rehash). And they have a freaking movie coming out this year, with no game tie in! What has happened to Nintendo?? I remember between 2006 and 2015, we got nine new Mario games! In six years with Switch, one! But by God they'll flood us with a hundred Pokémon games, farm sims, and cell shaded anime junk!

Neonridr477d ago (Edited 477d ago )

@RaiderNation this is where 3rd party studios can come in though. Plenty of skilled studios that could handle something like a remaster since the game itself isn't being changed.

Good Mario games take time to make. How many 3D Mario titles did we get on the Wii? Galaxy and Galaxy 2? Wii U we got Mario 3D World. The "New Super Mario Bros" games were just filler in my opinion.

Nintendo doesn't make Pokemon titles, Game Freak does. And what does cel-shaded graphics have anything to do with the quality of a game? Are you 15 or something where only 4K photorealistic graphics make it possible to enjoy a title?

RaiderNation476d ago (Edited 476d ago )


No I am far from 15 lol. Cell shading is fine once in a while. Its a graphical style that can look beautiful if done correctly. But I feel there's been an over reliance on it with Switch, (no doubt to help counter the weak performance of the hardware). Its like anime. After you see so much of it, it all kind of starts looking the same.

"Good Mario games take time to make"

You're right and I didnt realistically expect 9 Mario games in 6 years on Switch. I just pointed that statistic out to show how huge of a drop off it has become. Mario Odyssey was great...six years ago! Wheres the new one? Yes they take time but...six years?? Come on! Hideo Kojima made Death Stranding in 3 years with infinitely more complexity! And to not have a new Mario game ready to coincide with the release of the movie?? That seems like a misstep. What the hell have they been doing the last 6 years?? Have they ALL been working on just Zelda???

476d ago
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A Remaster of The Simpsons Hit & Run? Yes Please

It's time for Homer to get back behind the wheel.

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chicken_in_the_corn499d ago

No, thanks. They need to make a new game instead. They could do alot more with the advanced tech.

jambola499d ago

You know they could do both right?
It's not like it's some rule they could only do one or the other ?

VenomUK499d ago

The Simpsons Hit & Run already has an unofficial remake made by a developer Reubs who has done it for fun.
The publisher should just get together with him. It would save them time and money and give him a financial reward for helping bring back the hype for what is one of the best GTA style games.


Orchard499d ago

We’ve been asking for this forever and while I would love it, I doubt we’ll get it.

Chuck it onto the “needs a remake” list alongside MGS etc.

Profchaos499d ago

I'd love it but it's in licensing hell by all accounts. Seems rights are tied up everywhere including now defunct companies.

shinoff2183499d ago

I'd prefer a new Simpsons game. Hit and run while fun relied to much on racing. Eh. To this day I would love for them to just make a straight up open world Simpsons game. So much could be done it would be dope af. Last I knew ea had game rights. Good luck

With emphasis on the planet and that these days. A captain planet open world game could be dope af to.

ModsDoBetter499d ago

No thank you.
I think this is massively viewed with rose tinted glasses.
I picked up a PS2 again a couple of years back and Hit&Run was one of the games I got alongside it. Yeah…rose tinted glasses.

shinoff2183499d ago

It was the time though, it was good and fun.

ModsDoBetter499d ago

Absolutely, definitely was one of my most played PS2 games alongside San Andreas & SOCOM.

Some game should stay in their respective generation.

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Modder Brings Portable GameCube Console To Reality

The portable GameCube console, which was once a hoax, has recently been reimagined into reality by a modder after more than a decade.

SinisterMister816d ago

Some really talented people out there. How can I get one for myself?

Snookies12815d ago

By becoming a really talented person, lol. Seriously though, I'd buy one...

VenomUK815d ago

Respect to the love and dedication to crafting this. But now there is a Switch that runs many new versions of Gamecube games it's not so desirable.

Inverno815d ago

I would check the description of the YouTube videos. Many link to shells, parts and and instructions to build these portable version of old home consoles.

jznrpg815d ago

If he is selling them for sure .

brewin814d ago

Holy hell that is slick! I am constantly amazed by these modders. I don't understand why Nintendo wouldn't team with them and release this kind of stuff in a limited capacity. They could just sell it thru their official website and not mass produce them. There is definitely a market for this stuff so why not embrace it?!