
God of War Ragnarok writer champions Angrboda as part of "our own spin" on Norse mythology

God of War is "our interpretation of mythology, not history"

Dixiedevil965d ago

Angrboda is the Jotunn mother of monsters. What’s Santa Monica Studios trying to say about black people?

IMissJimRyan965d ago

As is wrote down here, let's not be disingenuous and hypocritical here. Nobody cares that the Gof of War itself reinvented Greek mythology and all the representations to satisfy the game. Nobody cares about Marvel's Thor being in New York alongside Spiderman and the Hulk. Nobody connects the interpretation of Judaism and Christianity made in anime like Evangelion.

The point that is clear here is the racism of a very vocalic portion of the so-called gamers. Many are making arguments about "reverse racism" or "if you went with them, they would complain." All lie. What bothers is the fact that the character has black skin. That's it. Taking these ignorant folk fantasies from millennia ago and changing everything happens every day in all entertainment media. But the annoyance only happens when they put black people or women.

bangoskank965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

Dude, @locamorales , with all due respect please don't pull the racist card here. If that was the case why would I be super hyped for Forespoken, why would I be obsessed with Deathloop, and why did I love Miles Morales so much? Why am I against the way asian and indian characters were whitewashed during the infancy of cinema? Probably because I'm not racist. It's more like studios have become so lazy that they think race/gender equals bold and innovative when it's just a reflection of how racist they really are. If they were that interested in black culture why wouldn't they just make a brand new original coming of age series instead of rehashing an old show from the 90's with a black cast and slapping the title "Wonder Years" on it? How creative! Why not make a white version of "Good Times" that depicts struggling caucasian families living in less than desirable neighborhoods? That would actually be more compelling. If Hollywood or most game devs had any shred of creativity anymore they'd imagine worlds and lore steeped in black cultures, like Black Panther did. Tthat would actually be more respectful of black people that lazily throwing black people in Norse mythology or recreating an originally white-casted show with black people. It actually seems more insulting if you think about it, like throwing black people a bone instead of bothering to create something really cool like "Lovecraft Country".End rant.

Eamon964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Bangoskank has hit the nail on the head perfectly.

We live in times were identity issues are extremely charged up leading to a society of continuous paranoia. Paranoia that one is not being inclusive enough. And Paranoia of those who are paranoid they're not being inclusive enough.

It's ruining culture from all sides. West was already heading this direction but went turbo mode when Trump got in power.

There's no genuine point of contention to Angrboda's character design. But one can't help but have a thought in the back of their mind of why such a character design was chosen. After all, like someone else mentioned, there haven't been any black characters in the God of War series - and specifically GoW 2018 which Ragnarok is a direct sequel to. This also includes the fact that it feels a bit off since the mythology is Norse. The Nordic regions in Europe are obviously natively white/blond/blue-eyed etc. One would think that Norse people that came up with the mythology would make Gods in their image. So obviously, you cannot but help have thoughts about authenticity. Regardless, there's nothing "wrong" about making Angrboda a black woman. It's merely a strange choice.

Some made a point about Kratos being a Greek character in a Nore mythos game as a way to counter the reaction. Well, the point of the story is Kratos is an outsider in a foreign land. He is constantly referred in such a way and some characters even express weariness to Kratos due to this fact.

Also, a note to remember - Kratos has always been voiced by a black man. This was a creative decision made long before the current identiy-charged times we lived in. Kratos's greyish ashen skin isn't his real skin colour. His original skin is a Mediterranean tan, since he is, well, Greek. But Santa Monica took an explicit decision to cast a black dude as the voice actor. At the time, not a single person had any issues or made a fuss. In fact, his voice actor was friggin awesome. Made Kratos such a blast to play as. The same for the second VA for 2018's Kratos. Could not think of a better recasting. Because Kratos has a long history and is a beloved character, nobody is complaining about the fact that a white character is being voiced by a black man. This includes the fact that nearly all characters have American accents despite all being Greek. Very few have non-American accents like Zeus and Gaia. Baldur and Thor also have American accents. All these are definitely creative decisions. To conclude, the reaction to Angrboda is distinct because of how unexpected it was in the established trend of creative choices. She is also a frost giant, so perhaps this was a lost opportunity to make her blue skinned? Then again, maybe she really is blue but what we saw in the trailer is more an "avatar" illusion? Well, we'll see.

AKS964d ago

@locomorales If it was a story based on an African mythology and one or more of the characters were made Caucasian, most of the social justice wingnuts would be losing their minds. Hardly anyone has a problem with whatever race is in a game as one might notice with the sales of some of Rockstar's games. However, it's a bit unusual to have a multicultural cast in Norse mythology just as it would be a bit peculiar to have Caucasian characters in African mythology. And you're probably not going to see many Latin or black samurai or ninjas in games based on feudal Japanese lore.

964d ago
ShadowWolf712964d ago

@bangoskank Dude, come off it. This isn't "lazily" doing anything of the sort. Angrboda, again, is not even human. Not. Even. Human. The Eddas themselves have no description of her, nothing in there saying "this giantess is a white woman". Nil.

Now, if you really wanna make a play on authenticity: were you upset when they made Brok blue and speak with a southwestern accent? When Sindri was made a germaphobe? When Tyr was stated to have visited many, many other cultures, and even got symbols from their languages tattooed on himself? When Baldur was made decidedly violent and unable to feel ANYTHING to the point it was driving him mad? All of those were part of this spin on this mythos too, and no one had an issue. But this one, this one they do. There's a reason THIS change is the one sparking something so visceral in people, and I think some self-reflection is in order.

barom964d ago

Honestly, Norse mythology lacks a lot description in general. Why people get upset, I really don't get. Here's an example you should be upset about if you really worried about "accuracy", TATTOOS DID NOT EXIST ANYWHERE IN NORSE MYTHOLOGY, yet you have so so many people not saying one word because in your mind it's okay for a Norse God and Goddess to have tattoos all over their body but oh no, a black character, yeah somehow that's messed up. Do you really think everything they do in the video game is an accurate portrayal? Heck even the whole Loki storyline does not match up with Norse Mythology.

Face it, if you have a problem with a black character in Norse mythology, YOU ARE RACIST. Did you forget that Vikings were some of the greatest travelers in the world, there's good evidence that suggest they discovered America. Is it then crazy to think they might've gone somewhere in Europe that has black people? Let's also not forget we're talking about Gods too. Better yet, have you heard of Ahmad ibn Fadlan? An Arab traveler who encountered Vikings. How about Kratos himself, you seem to have no problem believing he can travel to the North on his own. Perhaps this black character/God/Giant could've done the same? Is it really that impossible of a situation? No, only if you're a racist and trying to find a reason for this character not to exist.

S2Killinit964d ago

Lol 😆 love the comment in this section

SyntheticForm964d ago


"let's not be disingenuous and hypocritical here"

"What bothers is the fact that the character has black skin. That's it."

Except that *isn't* it, and you're purposefully misrepresenting and misinterpreting people while also omitting context in order that you may label them racist. That's just slimy and dirty. People like you are not going to simply be allowed to call others "racist" without evidence.

As bangoskank said, it's the laziness and seemingly one-way nature of these "inclusions" that people take issue with. There's also a matter of authenticity which people desire to certain, fitting degrees. Africans and their counterparts are incompatible with Norse mythology and Scandinavian culture, and it's not "racist" to not want them there.

Again, this also goes one way. Say I have photos from various teams; a Swedish team (all white), a Nigerian team (all black) and a Japanese team (all Asian.) You'd think this would be fine - especially given the regions - but they're not. Somehow, the Swedish (white) team isn't *diverse* enough, and could be racist in its all-white state and demands the inclusion of other races. Why? I'll tell you why - racism - pure and simple. There could be a number of reasons but I think the most common reason is born out of vengeance. White Europeans had their time at the top, and now it's another race's turn to take pole position, and if it doesn't fit the context we'll force it and call anyone that disagrees racist. To that I say no.

Finally, while we're still on this topic, I'll also address why the cheap, bite-sized pandering and shoehorning isn't benefitting anyone - least of all people of color.

We all know that it's far easier and far less expensive to simply race swap a character. New material doesn't have to be written and it costs less. It's lazy. Corporations can race swap an established character (usually white) while claiming to be "progressive" and showing people of color that they care about them. That isn't caring - it's just being lazy - and racist - and cheap - and destructive. There's no good reason why companies cannot come up with original scripts of African stories. They could have big budgets and be made mainstream and people (myself included) would love them. They're not interested in doing that. They're interested in subversion, scoring cheap points with communities of color, and being anti-white.

This concludes my response and rant.

fr0sty963d ago (Edited 963d ago )

Those of you whining about "what would it be like if there were whites in African mythology" are missing the point entirely... The fact is, people of color have been under and misrepresented in entertainment for centuries. So, depicting someone who should have historically been black as white only furthers that. Depicting someone previously depicted as white as a person of color, does the opposite. It gives a chance for someone who historically has not been given chances to appear in entertainment to be featured in a piece of popular entertainment. Yet, strangely, the "anti SJW" crowd only seems to get mad when one of these scenarios happens... I wonder why... why when a game about a Greek god having a norse God for a son (which already crosses ethnic boundaries as well, Greek people aren't exactly "white", many have olive skin, dark hair and brown eyes much like others from areas of the Mediterranean and middle east) does swapping out the ethnicity for another god with a black person suddenly become a bad thing? The irony seems to be lost here among many...

I'll see the point of those saying it was done lazily, but what of Kratos and Loki? That is just as lazy, shoehorning a Greek into white Norse mythology, yet no complaints.

Mr_Writer85963d ago


That's under the assumption that the character was designed to be black and black only? Or that be her defining trait? Bit racist isn't it? That a character should be defined by their skin colour.

What if the actress was cast due to oh I don't know talent? Should a black women be told "nope sorry, you're perfect for the role, but you're black so we can't mess with the mythology".

Take Kratos as an example, a black man playing a white man, because he fit the role.

So let's not pretend that Santa Monica are bowing down to being "woke".

IGN even had a Norse expect analyse the game and even he said there is loads that isn't right, so this isn't some "like for like" exact match to the mythology.

Mr_Writer85963d ago


"So obviously, you cannot but help have thoughts about authenticity"

You're playing a game based on fairy tales, even in the first game they weren't authentic.


And do you not think black people traveled out to Europe?


+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 963d ago
lodossrage965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

I'm black and I wasn't even remotely thinking anything racially offensive

Not everything is about race

SullysCigar965d ago

It is for those looking for reasons to be offended. Sadly, not everyone is levelheaded.

Writing for games or movies is a minefield these past few years. Some people seem intent on fabricating sinister hidden meanings and then shouting them out in the hope they can cancel someone. Anyone.

dbcoops965d ago

I think that was Dixiedevil's attempt at reductio ad absurdum, but I could be wrong.

Noskypeno964d ago

@Sullyscigar, I try not listening to what the msm and it's followers tries to tell me about what is or isn't offensive. They somehow think "good people on both sides" is an offensive message.

SeTTriP964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Because your on a website dominated by white males and you want to fit in.

Locomorales made very valid points.stop brown 👃. Your part of the problem.

Keltech964d ago

Honestly she looks more like a Alaskan native (Eskimo) to me.

To some people is about race. It's because some people listen to the Ben shapiro's and tucker carlson's telling them Hollywood is trying to cancel their Caucasian culture. So one small change in a Norwegian mythology drives them crazy.

NoFanBoy964d ago

It is to some sad people.

SeTTriP964d ago

And look at how many agrees you got just for being a kiss ass.

This must've made your year?keep feeding the troll, you fit right in that box.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
Inverno965d ago

Leave that kind of thinking back on Twitter, son

CobraKai965d ago

Let it go man. Kratos is voiced by a black man twice. What’s that say? Absolutely nothing. Same thing with Angrboda.

Back to the article, I dunno why people are making a big deal of the little things. Norse Mythology is the backdrop, not a historical retelling. If it was, Kratos wouldn’t even be the lead character.

Shane Kim965d ago

What? You didn't know Kratos was in Norse Mythology?

IMissJimRyan965d ago

Yeah, but Kratos is a white man. So he doesn't bother the so-called gamers.

Eonjay965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

I mean that like saying she should have been white because that would be less offensive if we follow your logic.

Say less.

bangoskank965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

Right? I wasn't aware of any Nordic black people living in this timeline. Guess they were monsters... We get it, black people shouldn't be left out, but they also shouldn't be shoehorned into plots where there presence makes absolutely no sense. Disney is doing the same thing too. How about celebrating African heritage by making more movies about that culture's mythology and folklore. Would be more interesting and more respectful imho.

TricksterArrow965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

It's a game. About gods and monsters. No realism needed. Not everything needs something to say or celebrate anything. Black people don't need to be protagonists or exist at all in media only when the game revolves around race. A game can be just a game.

Flewid638964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

I would agree if it made any difference. Adding diversity to a FICTIONAL setting doesnt sound like shoehorning. It sounds like fiction. lol.

The entirety of Norse mythology is exactly that.... mythology. I.e. - fake. It's pretty telling when Gods & Monsters dont make you bat an eye, but god forbid someone with a tan shows up & suddenly that totally breaks the immersion lmao.

porkChop964d ago

Why does it fucking matter? If someone is telling a purely fictional story why are they not allowed to have a black character? The entire story is fake, loosely based on myths that are also not real. No one bats an eye, but suddenly because there's a black woman it's too unbelievable? She could be fucking tie-dye for all I care.

No one seems to care that Kratos doesn't exist in Greek or Norse mythology. There was someone named Cratos, but they have nothing in common with Kratos. They made Kratos up. And according to the lore Kratos was originally dark skinned. Black. Both versions voiced by black actors. Apparently that's fine, but God forbid they add a black woman.

You can play a game about some dude hopping through different mythologies killing all the make-believe gods, but the second you see a black character you're pulled out of the experience? That's where you draw the line on authenticity?

Have you ever thought maybe black characters aren't the problem? Maybe the problem is people like you.

Yppupdam964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Well, to be honest here, If we go by SJW logic this "would" be considered "cultural appropriation" But, normal people know that cultural appropriation is something only extremely stupid people believe is a thing. Frankly, at the end of the day, who cares. As for the likeness/voice actor screaming "black people exist!!!" on her twitter feed is so laughably cringe. This feels more like scripted drama than anything else.

SyntheticForm964d ago


Why not add helicopters then? I mean, it's a fictional setting after all. Why not diversify it with helicopters?

Sure, it's fiction, but within that fiction exists a degree of structure - Norse, European, and Scandinavian structure to be precise. Disagreeing with the type of incompatibility we're seeing doesn't make us racist.

Your boneheaded insistence that fiction is fake therefore nothing matters is patently absurd.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
PrinceAli964d ago

looooooooooooooooooooooooool!! !! This is probably my favourite take in all of this haahaha

Flewid638964d ago

As a black person, I can assure you absolutely nothing.

ShadowWolf712964d ago

Y'all know Angrboda isn't even human, right?

Y'all also know that she's clearly a kid here and Jormungander, a supposed child of her and Loki, already lives?

Just... maybe stop trying to produce a "gotcha" moment.

Redrex7000964d ago

what in the world how did people end up talking about racism

343_Guilty_Spark964d ago

I'm curious if they'll ever use one as a main character. No one has done African mythology and I'm not talking Egyptian. African gods and goddesses might be even messier than Nordic and Hellenic Gods.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 963d ago
965d ago Replies(10)
TheHan965d ago

Sad that they must cater to politics within their game, yet fans wanted to make comparisons that GoW kept to the tales of mythology which isn’t the case.

IMissJimRyan965d ago

Northern European drunken inventions from a millennium ago have no rules whatsoever. The studio coming up with something else doesn't offend anything that has any foothold in reality.

frostypants965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

While I agree, I don't think general sentiment would be the same if a game was based on African mythology (which would actually be cool) and some known character from that lore was presented as a white ginger dude. "Just our interpretation" wouldn't fly for a second.

Teflon02965d ago

Frosty, nah. If it was mythology that doesn't specify but is assumed, it would be fine. The idea of just making a different character isn't much of a big deal. It's no different than say Fate, making King Aurthurs heroic spirit Artoria as representation of King Arthur. Thing is, there's no implication that black people didn't exist there. No one said it they were racist and didn't have any black people. It's all assumed based on what people think stereotypically. It's like again Japan, half the country's roots are different than the other half and alot have African roots. Now if you were to mention a person who was never specified as something like a samurai from how many years ago. There's nothing saying that at that time they weren't race based at all and actually freely had them in the country and had alot of them in those positions before they changed over time to all gain east Asian features?

There's alot more to it when it's something like that as opposed to something that's specific

TricksterArrow965d ago

@frostypants There are actually many white deities in African mythologies and religions. Also, Jesus was most definitely not white. What's the point?

IMissJimRyan965d ago

Let's not be disingenuous and hypocritical here. Nobody cares that the Gof of War itself reinvented Greek mythology and all the representations to satisfy the game. Nobody cares about Marvel's Thor being in New York alongside Spiderman and the Hulk. Nobody connects the interpretation of Judaism and Christianity made in anime like Evangelion.

The point that is clear here is the racism of a very vocalic portion of the so-called gamers. Many are making arguments about "reverse racism" or "if you went with them, they would complain." All lie. What bothers is the fact that the character has black skin. That's it. Taking these ignorant folk fantasies from millennia ago and changing everything happens every day in all entertainment media. But the annoyance only happens when they put black people or women.

Elwenil965d ago

What many of you call "Norse Mythology" is still an active religion for many around the world and existed long before the romans came to power. As a proud Heathen, I should be offended by this game and all it's twisting of the image of the Gods I choose to honor, instead I will just not buy or play it. I don't care that it exists or that people are portrayed in whatever fashion they choose. I don't have to play it. I don't have to go looking for things to be offended about.

I do think the "Northern European drunken inventions" is more than a little offensive, but you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how misguided and fucking stupid it is.

IMissJimRyan965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

Of course, after all now we have the downtrodden believers in Thor, who have their religion distorted by a black girl in a video game about a son of Zeus who is living there. A tear even ran from my eye, as emotional as your sincerity.

Eamon964d ago (Edited 964d ago )


Fate is an interesting example because you get all shapes, colours and sizes of mythical heroes. King Arthur being a woman was an intentional surprise within the story. That's the big difference. The Fate stories specifically tell you that numerous legends have become altered (both intentionally and unintentionally) over history. In the case of King Arthur, it was intentional as it is part of Fate's established lore that the common people of Britain thought Artoria was a man. With others - like say Iskander - his chronicled small stature was apparently an invention of his enemies to discredit him when he was in fact a huge towering figure.

Also, because this is anime - i.e. attempting to do the polar opposite of photo-realistic design - you get all the hair colours of the rainbow for characters and every other anime-noteworthy features. God of War 2018 actually goes a lot in the photorealism direction with some creative license sprinkled over.

Also, issue of racial identity in Japan is contextually completely different to the West. Japan hasn't experienced anywhere near the mount of immigration that the West has. Stereotypes/perspectives just aren't much of a talking point over there. And I can tell you, that they definitely have a lot of what we'd call "negative" stereotypes normalized over there.

Sayai jin964d ago

Frostypants, except they done that with real world events and people. They have whitewashed actual historical pictures. So your anology about replacing a african character with a ginger dude is moot. See above. All the paintings, murals, stained glass windows, and kther displays illustrate jesus as a white dude, and many have him with blond hair with blue eyes. Cleoparra being portrayed by a pale white women. The term white washing was brought about in the 1500s when europeans even painted Greek, Macedonian, etc white.

So people are upset about a video game about mythology. Teo times removed from reality. Oh well.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
SimpleSlave965d ago

The only thing sad here is you and your moaning and bitching about this. Get over it and stop getting hysterical. This is fantasy shit. Who gives a fuck? Oh, right, you do. I wonder why? By the way, this is a rhetorical question. We know why.

wwinterj964d ago

So you just forget Brok in God of War 2018 is blue right?

PS-Gamer-1986964d ago

"His brother Sindri claims that his skin was blued due to his blacksmithing silver metals with his bare hands, which resulted in him developing Argyria"

wwinterj964d ago

@PS-Gamer-1986 Yes. He isn't blue in Norse mythology though at all. Seems to me you're just proving the devs for God of War 2018 had their own vision for a character as they do here so I really don't understand your issue.

PS-Gamer-1986964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

No YOU are missing the point. It makes sense that he is blue. They gave a compelling while short explanation why he looks the way he does.
Now it comes down to if or how they explain why a character of an ancient european mythology should look like she does. If they do- fine. If they don't and just placed her there for the sake of it then it sucks.

It's all about if good storytelling is involved instead of "look at us, we are sooooo diverse!"

wwinterj964d ago

So you agree it's fine for the devs to have their own interpretations of characters? Good. Glad we are on the same page.

PS-Gamer-1986964d ago

Yep basically and it is perfectly fine for everyone to dislike it or not

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
Pancit_Canton965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

Well you got that new woke writer Allanah Pearce joining Santa Monica studio. This is going to be the last of us part 2 all over again. This character look way out of place

lodossrage965d ago

ok seriously,

what does woke mean exactly?

Every time someone fights for equal rights, worker rights, racial rights, women rights, etc, they get called "woke"

So serious question, I'm asking what's the general meaning of the word? And no, I'm not asking that be be funny.

Eonjay965d ago

It's real original meaning simply means aware.. And as with most ideas that start off simple political has manipulated 'opinions' to mean ultra progressive.

As if the inclusion of brown skin is progressive. Basically people have been programmed to be automatically triggered by certain words or images no matter how mundane they are.

lodossrage965d ago


Thanks for actually giving a meaning. Because up until now, everyone here would just use the word "woke" when things didn't go the way they feel they should.

TheDoomedGuy965d ago

It means you're out of touch with reality and function primarily around your delusions of injustice. You forgo historical, scientific and biological facts in favor of feelings and don't really care how violence actually hurts people because you justify your own actions around these delusions.

Killer2020UK965d ago

Can't believe the people downvoting your sincere question. Why?

lodossrage965d ago


Unfortunately, that's how this site works. Tribal to the core. Even when asking a legit question.

dbcoops965d ago

What "right" is being fought for by putting a black character into a game base on Norse mythology?

lodossrage965d ago (Edited 965d ago )


Nobody said this had anything to do with anyone(s") "rights"

I was pointing out that "woke" seems to be the general word people use every time something doesn't seem to go their way albeit politically, culturally, etc

But as for the "putting a certain race into something. Big deal. Let's not act like that only just started recently.

For example, how many movies from the 50's and 60's show ancient Egypt with a bunch with nothing but white actors. Without a single black, middle eastern, or Arab person at all in it?

If you want a more recent example, try the first Doctor Strange marvel movie. Every Tibetian was white. And even the ancient one, who was originally on old asian man was played buy a white woman.

In the end, this is meant to entertain. If this stuff was meant to EDUCATE, then I'd be more bent out of shape about races or genders being miscast or put places they shouldn't be

Vx_964d ago

I want a Mulan film with a white-blond strong trans dude.

MadLad964d ago

Everything has to cater to straight white males or else it's "woke pandering".

And don't get me wrong, there's a lot of pandering that goes on in today's media; but pick your battles.

Both sides are getting cringy at this point, starting a fight over the smallest of things.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
965d ago
wwinterj964d ago

How does she look out of place in a fantasy game? Also did you have a issue with Brok being blue?

PS-Gamer-1986964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Are you aware that brock isn't blue because of his race ?

"His brother Sindri claims that his skin was blued due to his blacksmithing silver metals with his bare hands, which resulted in him developing Argyria"

You probably didn't play the first one i guess

It is a "condition" and his brother is white so he very likely is also

wwinterj964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

@PS-Gamer-1986 He isn't blue in Norse mythology period. The point is the devs made their own vision of the character as they have done here. Seems to me you're blinded too much by race to understand simple logic.

PS-Gamer-1986964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

But him being blue wasn't some move to "champion their own spin" aka trying to show everyone how progressive they are lol. And that is my whole point.

Sunny_D964d ago

@ps gamer

Are you aware that Angrdoba isn’t actually a human? She’s a Giant which last I checked is made up race that doesn’t exist….

DeathTouch964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

@PS-Gamer-1986 It doesn't matter. Him being blue is a spin on the character that does not partake in reality. He was never portrayed as such. Why they can spin him to be blue but not Angrdoba to be black? Do you agree or do not agree that the developer can make their own design choices about these characters? You seem confused on your own opinion about it, and the only thing that seems to annoy you is that Angrdoba is black.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
Flewid638964d ago

She looks totally fitting to me.

ShadowWolf712964d ago

Yes, Allanah has clearly taken over the entire game and is changing things as she sees fit.

Good grief, she's a staff writer. This is the Narrative Director's opinion, and he was the Story Lead on the last game as well.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
Inverno965d ago

I sure hope they got something uniquely written for her, I really do.

The Wood964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

People will still pick the bones out of it. Some people care about lore too much depite its inconsistencies and others are just bigoted. The non leftists are just as moist as the leftists. Like they give a flying f about the myth ology. Its fantasy now mixing Norse with Greek. Let the story be told like marvel vs capcom...chill the ef out

The Wood964d ago

I mean a clash of two worlds.....lol

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Review: Valhalla makes us want to give God of War Ragnarok another chance - Entertainium

God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla delivers some juicy story and offers plenty of entertaining gameplay. It's a great excuse to jump back into the fray with videogame’s second favorite Spartan.

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GhostScholar121d ago

I flat out just don’t believe that…….you need a rouguelite to make you want to replay one of the best games of the generation? Riiiigghhht

Rainbowcookie120d ago

People just need any reason whatsoever to create a story ...4 the clicks

Abnor_Mal120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

“ It's a great excuse to jump back into the fray with videogame’s second favorite Spartan.”

So you’re saying that the game Hades and its star character, never played it, are bigger more well known and liked than Kratos and the God of War series?

Armyofdarkness120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

He obviously means Kassandra, right?

Gamehard120d ago

I don't think the MC from Hades is a spartan though. Not 100% sure, but yeah I don't know of any other spartan game character that's more popular than Kratos.

Psychonaut85120d ago

Im guessing he’s speaking more broadly and is referring to Master Chief as the most popular “Spartan”

Abnor_Mal120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

That’s likely who it is, I don’t if Master Chief can be considered a “true” Spartan like Kratos lol.

Master Chief Spartan label is just a rank given in the Halo military, sorry not a Halo gamer so I have no clue what their army is called in the game.

But is Master Chief really more popular as a Spartan, interesting question.