
Pachter: “Sony Making a Huge Strategic Error Abandoning E3…Dumb Strategy…Biggest Loser”

Michael Pachter isn't afraid to say what is on his mind, and on the latest episode of his AIFTD Games show Pachter Factor he lays into Sony for skipping E3.

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Jin_Sakai1026d ago (Edited 1026d ago )

“Pachter: “Sony Making a Huge Strategic Error Abandoning E3…Dumb Strategy…Biggest Loser”

He’s right. PS5 isn’t selling well. There’s no great exclusives. There’s no upcoming games to look forward to. All thanks to abandoning E3. What a disaster!

VenomUK1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

I remember first becoming aware of Michael Pachter from the Geoff Keighley show Bonus Round on Gametrailers. I’ve always found him to be interesting and entertaining, and he explained some of the business of how gaming companies operate. He was new to the gaming industry so there were big gaps in his knowledge and he had a natural bias to US companies. One thing that hasn’t changed over the years is he, like other regular guest Stephen Totilo, he always had a natural bias. He regularly would say Sony’s going to do badly and its competitor will do better!

His problem is he thinks it’s still the dark days of the early PS3 generation. He predicted Xbox One ‘would do gangbusters’ against PS4. Then every year in the early years of that generation he predicted a reversal.

As for E3, missing E3 didn’t hurt Sony in 2019. This year Microsoft has a good E3 and if Sony had a press event it wouldn’t have lessened the Xbox messaging.

UltraNova1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

Sony opting out of big industry events is a loss to them, not Sony. That said, not giving us those big reveals is also not a good thing as it helps hype their games and brand (I'll never forget GoW 2018's reveal) and let's be honest,10-20 minute ramdom State of plays doesn't cut it, for me at least.

I really hope those rumors wanting PSX return are true, I'd love to see an annual PS event were Sony goes all out to impress by having actual devs and execs come up on the stage to talk us through their games and plans for the near future.

As for Patcher, what can I say the guy is as irrelevant as they get these days.

Sonic-and-Crash1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

is this guy still "alive" ? lol (i mean in videogame industry world)

Sony is doing the best move to abandon E3 -...no free money to managers , exhibitionist, advertisers, managers etcetc....and still people gets what they want-> big reveals of their best next projects in State of Plays

if i miss that hype and summer excitement of a big game event with reveals and trailers that all are competing betwenn themselves ??--yes i miss the thing a bit ....

but is ridiculous saying that Sony leaving its consumers in the cold or doing a bad move ...to the contrary has fed us well with trailers ,gameplays, tons of games etc

VenomUK1025d ago

@UltraNova. Sony not being at E3 and Sony not having a press event are two different issues.

This year's online E3 was an online event and I don't think Sony lost currency from staying away from what has been called the 'Worst E3 ever.'


As for Sony not having ANY press event... last year, many in the media were complaining that Sony is 'too quiet' and 'why doesn't it talk to us often as Microsoft' but the two companies have different media strategies it's just that Sony does thing its way and its not at the E3 timeline.

I'm leaning more towards the idea that Sony IS going to have a full press event (not a regular State of Play). It is now mid-July and Call of Duty hasn't been revealed yet, not even the next, next-gen version of GTA V and there's not likely to be any big surprises with that so it would have made sense to have the trailer drop by now unless it's being held back. And with Forspoken due for early 2022 a Sony conference would be a good stage to show all these off.

1025d ago
Obscure_Observer1024d ago


"This year's online E3 was an online event and I don't think Sony lost currency from staying away from what has been called the 'Worst E3 ever."

You posted an article from Gameindustry.biz which dates to 2017 and some random dude crying on reddit about Take Two not revealing GTA VI and overall disappointment because his "steaks were high".

Lmao. What a rubbish.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1024d ago
gamer78041025d ago

It’s not good for the long term skipping e3 all the time. It’s certainly no fun for the consumer

RaiderNation1025d ago

99% of the console buying public doesn't even know what the hell E3 is. Get real. Sony skipping E3 only aggravates the media and the hardcore gamers which is a very small number of people. It changes nothing except it saves Sony a bundle from expenditures.

gamer78041025d ago

@raidernation so you agree then it isn’t fun for consumers who are aware. Those who are ignorant won’t care either way this a better negative.

Atticus_finch1025d ago

Sony already said they would have more to Show before summers over. Let's be real Sony has the most upcoming 3rd, 2nd and 1st party games of any console. They have plenty to show.
And it's not easy for devs to have a working, good looking, playable demo early in development. That's why many publishers choose to do CGI. And let's not forget how lame CGI reveals are. At least to me.

RedDevils1025d ago

@gamer7804 Funny an xbox fan worrying about what Sony do, irony.

1025d ago
ScootaKuH1025d ago

E3 is no fun for the consumer either.

WillyC0091025d ago

This is so incredibly off the mark it’s not even funny, just clueless.

As a consumer, I couldn’t care less about E3. It’s been irrelevant to me for years and the showings from most who attend stink. It’s all fake hype, random celebs and zero substance. I’ll pass just like Sony is.

lancer1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

Sony doesn't need to show up at E3 to prove they can still provide the best games.

And Raider is right. Not a lot of people even know what E3 is. All they want to know is if the console has games.

RaiderNation1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )


Do I agree that it frustrates me that Sony skips E3? Sure. Does it affect my love of PlayStation or my future buying habits with the platform? LOL, not even a little bit. It changes nothing in that regard and that is the reality for almost all gamers. Virtually no one out there is saying "Sony is skipping E3, therefore I am not supporting the platform." And the ones that are, they make up a number so infinitesimal that it doesn't even remotely move the needle in terms of sales.

I would also say that what is or isn't "fun" for the hardcore gamer in regards to Sony skipping E3 is completely insignificant and is not even remotely factored into Sony's decisions for the direction of the platform, nor should it be.

gamer78041025d ago

@raidernation it’s not insignificant many gamers, press and industry execs have talked about it. I would much prefer if Sony showed up. I also have all of the consoles, I play on Xbox the most. Then PlayStation and lastly switch. Looking forward to bayonetta and Babylon’s fall on those

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1025d ago
Seraphim1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

I agree w. Pachter. Only because I miss their presence and showcase. While E3 is no longer a trade show it's still a major event in the gaming world alongside TGS. Though I also understand why Sony doesn't necessarily need to or feel the need to attend E3 in this day in age. With internet availability and a shifting focus to [even E3 the past numerous years has been online] it's probably cheaper & makes more sense for them to just produce State of Play videos for games when Sony is ready to show them. Instead of putting together a show with games coming anywhere from 6 months from now to 2+ years. Or the infamous announce trailer 5+ years before a games release. However, I still missed not having Sony doing a presentation and will miss it in the future. 2 cents

GameZenith1025d ago

What exclusives?

Horizon, GoW and GT7 are all PS4 games that are ported over to PS5.

Jin_Sakai1025d ago

Exclusive that you won’t be playing on Xbox.

jznrpg1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

So every MS game isn’t exclusive then? Plus they haven’t released anything this year at all

JackBNimble1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

Don't worry I'm sure all will come to pc soon enough.

Oh and considering how big sim racing is on PC , I'm surprised GT series is already on pc.

Sonyboys have been saying that for years we're just playing your games now.

Wulfer1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

You know what E3 and Gamescom are right? It's not for you (well it wasn't in years past) its for developers to meet together in one place to talk about the future and even create / lockdown future deals. Yea, your right Sony should stay away from these shows you wouldn't want to give Nintendo or Microsoft more time to talk to all these companies that attend. Ooh you wanted Sony to stay home, oops.

Edit: WoW so many comments below and none of them know why these show's exist. Here's a hint it isn't for you! The conferences are for you, the shows are not for you!

majiebeast1025d ago

Hey dumbass how do you meet during a digital event.....

bunt-custardly1025d ago

Bit of a disingenuous response considering these events sell tickets to members of the public and have done for quite some time. It's how the organisers can recoup some of the millions it costs to host these things. Day one of these events is always buisness and press. The others are consumer. You are correct the events are for deals to be made and wares to be showcased but it's not all closed doors. These events generate a lot of hype/interest for products from the press and attendees alike.

Wulfer1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

(Didn't finish the post)

True fact: before 1995 E3 was never open to the public. I was able to go under business marketing to the Atlanta 1997 Show. (I miss those days) I was able to go once again (for marketing in 2002 at the LA convention show). Too bad you guys will never see what I saw those years! The shows of today pale in comparison and man did they give us a lot of stuff. The last day of E3, they just gave controllers, shirts, accessories etc.. away because they didn't want to pack things back up to send home. It was incredible. I had bags of stuff for 3 whole days. Still have some of that stuff. I have a Panzer Dragoon Orta logo pin on my desk as a reminder of those days. I bet those Pokémon balls are worth a pretty penny too now. Nintendo shot them out of a air cannon all over the Nintendo booth once an hour. Funny you could see masses of crowds running to the Nintendo booth at the end of every hour.

FinalFantasyFanatic1025d ago

Considering that everyone is moving on to do their own online stream/presentations, I could see E3 completely dying off in the future, I'd be happy if the big 3 just had their own mini expos once or twice a year.

GameZenith1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

Again, what exclusives?

All of the big upcoming games you dont even need a PS5. Horizon FW, GoW2 and GT7 can all be played on the PS4.

"We believe in generations"

lancer1025d ago

Should I day the same thing for Microsoft as well? What great amazing exclusives can I get that's not on PC?

jeromeface1025d ago

it isn't selling well? funny... no one can find one in stock anywhere...

DeadlyFire1025d ago

Ps5 actually is selling pretty well. There are plenty of upcoming games as well. Sony just hasn't revealed them yet. Sony needs to showcase them. Even when they were not at E3 at first they had a showcase every year. Why this year EA, Sony, Call of Duty all decide to do a much later showcase. Idk.. It's very odd.

Kaze881025d ago

Uhm what? Sony skipping E3 is dumb, yes...but wtf is the rest of that. PS5 is selling out, there are no consoles on the shops, because they sell out....how is that not selling well? There's no great exclusives, uhm. Sony is the one that actually have exclusives and great ones at that (Spider man miles morales, Ratchet and clank rift apart, Demons souls remake, Returnal) when compared to xbox currently. The only and big reason why there is no upcoming games for Sony, since they skipped E3, that one you hit right on the nail.

Sony's new strategy seems like same strat as Nintendo, the difference is that now that Sony USA is in charge they think they can do what the fk they want. Though that could not be further from the truth, they have the lead yes, but they have more eyes on the now than ever before. This silent marketing, skipping well known/sought out events, pulling out on JP market, censoring the 3rd party but not their own games, demanding money for crossplay, telling people they believe in generations when they are doing the opposite, charging 10€ more from their games, charging from upgrades is getting out of hand. Could you even be more out of touch from the gaming communities?

Wulfer1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

Hmm take the advice of unknown internet posters or take your on experiences at E3 from marketing? Tough choice there. (majiebeast) I'll forgive your dumbass statement because you didn't have a chance in this fight.

CaptainHenry9161024d ago (Edited 1024d ago )

Microsoft and Bethesda made a error announcing a lot of their games. Most won't release until 2024-2025.


LordMaim1024d ago

I was confused until I realized you were being sarcastic.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1024d ago
Cockney1026d ago

This guy is as irrelevant as e3 itself

Unknown_Gamer57941025d ago

There’s one thing I have to hand to the guy though. No one’s paying me for my armchair opinions. It seems that at least 99% of the time he’s either playing Captain Obvious, or way out to lunch. This is definitely one of those out to lunch times.

Yet, the guy somehow still has a career. I honestly don’t get it, but I suppose this world is full of things I don’t get. He doesn’t even need to be right. Seriously, what the heck?

Also, who thinks this guy’s thoughts are so great that they warrant so many articles? Who is the intended audience here?

Einhander19711025d ago

I agree who employs this guy and pays him.

SoulWarrior1026d ago

This years E3 was one of the worst ever, not a big mistake at all, demand and sales prove that.

KillBill1025d ago

They needed more white guy playing flute stuff?

SoulWarrior1025d ago

I wasn't a huge fan of Sony's E3 2018 with it's slightly bizarre structure, part of me definitely missed their big conferences, but for me the last great E3 was probably 2016.

enkiduxiv1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

As goofy as it was, the 2018 Sony press conference was the best ever. I know its an unpopular take but think about it. Everyone hates the lack of game play in E3 trailers. That conference had massive gameplay trailers for Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Last of Us 2, Control, and Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Also, consider the quality of the games revealed. Even if you hate Death Stranding, everything else on that list is top notch. The only thing that was kind of lame in the end was Kingdom Hearts 3, Control and Re2 remake were game of the year contenders and they didn't even highlight the show. I would take another roster of games like that in exchange for a little flute playing any day.

EDIT: Oh, and Marvel's Spider-Man got its first big gameplay reveal there as well. All of the best Sony titles in the back half of the generation and several high quality third party titles were there and show substantial gameplay footage. What more could you want?

-Hermit-1025d ago

Uh oh, Pachter's back.

Why does this guy's name get dropped so often? I honestly don't know a single person interested in the thoughts of Michael Pachter.

1025d ago
IRetrouk1025d ago

Highest revenue and profits ever in gaming....when was the last time playstation was at e3🤔
Seems e3 needed playstation more than playstation needed e3🤷‍♂️

NeoGamer2321025d ago

I am not sure that high revenues, profits, being sold out, etc. are a measure of whether a company should attend industry trade shows.

When I look at it, I look at it from a brand building and gamer mind share perspective. From both those perspectives, I am not sure skipping is all that great of an idea.

Or.... Lets put the question this way.... By not attending did that help Sony get new sales from people looking at what console to buy, or by not attending did it help them convert Nintendo or XB fans to Sony? To me, not showing up did not help either of those scenarios.

IRetrouk1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

I didnt say it was did I? I simply pointed out that not being there hasn't had an effect, and it hasn't..... I'm all for e3 and other gaming events, I love them as a gamer, unfortunately, like it or not, e3 is not needed and does not hold influence or sway in consumers buying habits anymore, its a ghost of its former self, sony have not been at e3 for 3 years now, it hasn't affected them even slightly negatively, e3 needs playstation, not the other way around.

They have constantly been building their brand and gaming mindshare without e3 for 3 years now, the sales alone prove this, never mind all the views their state of plays and other videos get. E3 is not needed for this anymore, at all.

Would attending e3 have really changed the mind of a predominantly xbox or nintendo fan anymore than their state of plays? I don't think it would, their aim is to reach all gamers, not just a particular sub section or fanbase, their state of plays and other event videos pull in higher numbers than e3, so why do they need this particular trade show, the simple answer is they don't.

rakentaja1024d ago (Edited 1024d ago )

The highest revenue can by no means be a good indicator for user base. Sony is not willing to expand the Playstation as a brand and just collects money. For example, Microsoft is investing heavily in Game Pass, Azure technology and xCloud (play everywhere) to name a few and whatever is "Microsoft HoloLens".

IRetrouk1024d ago

High revenue is a very good indicator of a solid, strong fanbase, what are you talking about lol?

So ps plus, ps now, and ghakai were nothing? What about Psvr? Stop while your ahead man, you talking crap and not making sense.

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Xbox Has No Idea What They're Doing, and I'm Not Sure They Ever Did

Nirav from GL writes: "If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?"

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Christopher3h ago

***If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?***

None if you stay in an arena of corporate driven metrics. And this is what happens when you allow publishers to buy up massive amounts of studios and IPs. There's only so much internal competition and the focus in the end will remain on those who look best on a spreadsheet.

Players can be so driven by what is best for them and only see what is put right in front of them. But that's not what is best for them. They are being lied to constantly, as seen by Microsoft's ridiculous praise for Hi-Fi Rush and Phil's lies about Redfall prior to release and how big of a supporter of both studios he has been. But, instead of thinking "wait, this corporation wants me to think this way, should I be listening to them and believing them?" players eat it up and go "OMG, did you hear what they said! They're just like us and they know what's best for the industry."

And because of this single-mindedness of the majority of gamers, we are where we are now. Massive layoffs. Massive studio closures. Games that we were told were representative of the core values of said corporations shelved and studios behind them shuttered. The truth is coming to bear because the truth all along was only what the numbers in an excel spreadsheet told the corporate suits.

If you truly want what is best for the industry, what is best for developers, then you need to support Indie games, support developers that maintain control over their IPs and direction, support boutique publishers who only exist to help Indies make it out the door and don't own the IP. Stop supporting major corporations with your money or you devotion. Stop playing their games, and I don't mean video games, but their marketing, their double speak, their guy without a tie who says things you want to hear PR, their future of video gaming concepts as if we were hurting for new ways to play games other than installing/downloading and playing them, and especially any slogan from them that gives the impression that they are for you, the consumer. They are not. You're merely a value on a spreadsheet.

Christopher2h ago

Sure, I'm the one drinking the koolaid. Keep believing in the corporations. They definitely have your best interests in mind. All hail the Big Green, For You Blue, and Nostalgia Red! All praise big corporations buying up other publishers. All praise the inevitable spreadsheet adjustments. For greed, not the players.

anast5m ago

"then you need to support Indie games"

Get punk rock with it.

Tody_ZA38m ago

This should not be surprising to any of you. We have been saying for MONTHS that Game Pass is not sustainable and that these acquisitions will come at a massive cost to the industry. People refused to grasp the difference between buying and investing in a developer like Insomniac or Housemarque, and buying the entire publisher. People refused to accept that spending billions to acquire the biggest publishers in gaming means you have to RECOUP those costs, and you aren't going to do it without consolidation, focusing on core IP that sells, creating revenue streams via ownership and releasing on other platforms, and closing down studios that are superfluous to the budget requirements. You will not recoup those costs by investing in risky new IP or creative new games and studios.

No, people cheered Microsoft on like they were delivering GOTY titles to their door and pouring money into the industry to grow Indies and triple A projects.

You are getting what you deserve. You take the consequences of the practices you supported.

Layoffs happen. Some games don't succeed. Everyone has seen it happen. Happens even to the winners.

This, however, is goddamn shambolic and if you can't see it now then there's no helping you and you should keep enjoying the "value" of Game Pass while contributing nothing to this industry.

I've never seen the developer of one of the best games of the year get axed before.

Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2, I can see them going independent again. There's more to come from MS.

TiredGamer8m ago(Edited 7m ago)

This is exactly it. There is more of this coming. MS runs from one bad idea to the next, and GamePass is an unsustainable train wreck that we get to watch in real time.

GamePass is stalled for subscriber growth, and all that they can hope for is to either A) Reduce the quantity of games (i.e. shutter game studios), B) Reduce the quality of games (to make more mediocre but lower budget offerings), or C) Raise prices on existing customers. Or some combination of those.

MS does not have a passion for the industry. The XBox project, from the beginning, was sparked from the fear that someone else would eat their PC market lunch by making a games machine that replaced the PC. THAT was the entire motivation for getting into the games industry.

MrBeatdown6m ago

But hey, at least we get Call of Duty free on game pass*



Former Blizzard President Says Closures Hurt Phil Spencer 'as Much as Anyone Else'

The former president of Blizzard Mike Ybarra in a statement on Twitter says Microsoft Gaming CEO is hurting just as much as anyone else following the closure of three studios under Bethesda - Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and Alpha Dog Studios. Roundhouse Games is also joining ZeniMax Online Studios.

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jambola12h ago

Yeahhh I doubt it's hurting a millionaire as much as it's hurting fans and people who lost their jobs

VenomUK9m ago

Mike Ybarra‘s defence of Phil Spencer is the dictionary definition of tone deaf. Even Alanah Pearce, who’s close to Aaron Greenberg and Phil called him out on it.

“Mike, I have a lot of fondness for Phil and don’t doubt he’s incredibly bummed about this, but CEOs can handle some “shots” amidst people having their lives destroyed. Your sympathetic posts should solely be directed at those who’ve lost their jobs.”


Name Last Name7h ago

Phil is the only guy in the industry that has plot armor.

Tody_ZA6h ago

Hahahahahahaha! xD Legendary comment.

lelo2play4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

At this moment, even Xbox fanboys are starting to hate Microsoft. It's fu**up, after fu**up, after fu**up... that's the state of Microsoft gaming.
Purchasing developers left and right, then killing them off...

Phil was the worst thing that happend to Xbox. Might as well just shut down their gaming division and fu** off

Jingsing8h ago

I can already hear Jim Ross.. He has a family damnit!

Barlos7h ago

Poor Phil. He must be crying into his bonus cheques. Makes your heart bleed doesn't it?

MrDead6h ago(Edited 5h ago)

I'm sure he'll be upset that those cheques contain a small percentage of money MS is still making from the closed studios games too. Next time someone purchases High-fi Rush or Evil within all that money is now just Microsofts, just think the former devs at Tango who made Hi-fi Rush MS's most highly acclaimed game in years will get nothing more.

MS are buying these publishers for the big IP's like Elder Scrolls and Call of Duty they have little interest in the ones that don't make huge profits... and firing thousands and closing studios looks good on the next quarterly shareholder report. Gotta protect the share price.

Eonjay10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

This is all coming from the executive who thinks we should have the option to tip devs... apparently so publishers can pay devs minimum wage. Will someone think of the C-suite executives!!!

dumahim5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

That was from a former Blizzard exec. Did Phil make a comment on that also?

edit: Oh, it wasn't Phil who said this himself.

LucasRuinedChildhood9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Yeah, the guy making $10m a year is hurting as much as those who have lost their jobs and are worrying about their future and supporting their family. /s

It takes a real lack of shame to even try put the Good Guy Phil™ spin on this. It's not going to work this time.

Profchaos9h ago

He's sitting around feeling sorry when he should of been doing everything in his power to get people jobs in other studios you're telling me after toys for Bob split from Activision there wasn't a opening in the call of duty mines for arkane it's just woah is me.

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It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass

Under his leadership, many have lost their jobs and fewer games have made it out the door.

purple1011d 2h ago

people should call for his resignation, he has literally flushed xbox down the toilet.
another 3 studios closed today, thats it now, get out

Tody_ZA1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Well purple101 you'd have to convince Observer and the other Xbox faithful that these studio closures and the fallout from the acquisitions is a bad thing and a sign of what's to come, and I don't think you're going to do that.

Nobody has managed that feat.

Redgrave1d ago

Obscure and Zeref have been summoned to the floor to give their account of these proceedings.

VenomUK1d ago

I 100% blame 'nice guy Phil' for the death of Xbox. The thing to realise is the Xbox Series S & X are performing WORST in console sales and game sales than the much criticised Xbox One - how can this be?

His two big mistakes were 1-not developing enough exclusives and 2 - always trying to beat PlayStation. If he made more exclusives over his decade reign and not tried to 'win' then classic Xbox would still be here in a profitable third place. Instead he tried a series of different projects to win and he ended up ultimately destroying Xbox by changing its relationship with its most loyal customers. What did he do?

* Phil spent a decade only release new iterations of Halo, Forza and Gears and not investing in creating new first party studios and IP. He mishandled Scalebound and shutdown Lionhead Studios.

* Phil tried Mixer, a streaming channel that could be used to promote Xbox dominance with free giveaways...

* Phil tried to create a streaming service that he regarded as too superior to consider PlayStation and Nintendo as competitors! But would instead compete with Netflix and Google...

* But his worst mistake was Xbox Game Pass - a multi billion dollar investment that could only work if completely dominated the worldwide gaming market - but it didn't. Instead it changed the culture of Xbox gamers so they resented spending on third party games as they were now trained to expect everything for free. Now all the games Microsoft had invested so much in were not only NOT making money from other platforms, as ever, but they were now NOT EVEN making money from Xbox customers.

If Phil Spencer had just concentrated on making new games and not non-stop gimmicks to beat PlayStation, I genuinely believe the Xbox would be an attractive platform with regular exclusives like Halo but with others too that would give it its distinct identity and maintain a profitable existence. Phil's been in charge for over a decade, the blame lays at his feet.

ChiefofLoliPolice7h ago

Oh you and I both know that's never gonna happen. Some people you can't convince them there is a fire even if their own hair is burning. Denial is a powerful thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7h ago
amazinglover23h ago

Last MS financial results for FY24 Q2 which is the company's sales data through Dec. 31, 2023. According to the earnings, gaming revenue is up 49% year-over-year.

That doesn't sound like he flushing it down the toilet and that also makes very unlikely he loses his job any time soon.

crazyCoconuts22h ago

Revenue up due to acquisition... Spending 10s of billions for new companies of course revenue is up. They don't tell us profits but they wouldn't be shutting down these divisions if they were in the black. Pretty sure they're shifting so radically because their current state has been an abject failure

Scissorman22h ago

This is 100% due to Activision Blizzard. If that deal had not gone through, Xbox revenue would be flat, which means a game like Starfield failed to move the needle.

rlow121h ago

While I agree that Phil and team have gone back on their word. Especially the last six years of promises.

But I disagree on your logic about the revenue.
They bought the companies to boost their gaming division revenue. In that regard they were very successful. They are owned by MS so your point is moot.

Lightning7717h ago

They made all that money and still doing studio shutdowns...

It's bottomless pit of money MS wants. There's no amount of money MS can make to save their own studios. They're doing it out greed and general incompetence. Calling Phil's head won't mean anything or do anything for MS. They'll still destroy regardless.

Chevalier17h ago

Damn idiots don't know how to read revenue reports. Revenue was due to folding in Activision Blizzard Revenue. They were up 61% due to Activision Blizzard with 62% increase. So they only went up 1% over last year. But idiots going to be idiots thinking Spencer is helping Xbox right now. Lol

Markusb339h ago

this is due to Activision and not their general output of quality titles,

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 9h ago
Jingsing12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

It is funny that it was him finally touching Bethesda that was the straw that finally broke the camels back. They should have been calling for this years ago.

Markusb339h ago

im sure this is good for gamers, didnt Phil say that about scalebound ?

JackBNimble7h ago

You obviously don't know what literally means but ya , all console bosses need to accept accountability for their actions.

Christopher3h ago

So, Phil gets canned. Do people really think that the person to replace him won't kowtow to those above him? Like his replacement won't look at spreadsheets to find things to remove and ignore the human element and accomplishments behind those numbers?

No matter whether Phil is there or not, the problem isn't just Phil. It's the corporate culture and how they prioritize numbers over anything else. Stop acting like getting rid of Phil will get rid of the issue. It won't.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
Tacoboto1d 1h ago

Phil needs to go. His time is over. When you oversee layoff after layoff after studio closure after studio closure, it's impossible to keep going forward and have people - employees and fans alike - trust you in any way.

Especially after HiFi Rush hit their metrics. I guess we know what to expect for Ninja Theory next once Hellblade is out, and Machine Games once Indiana's out & Todd Howard focuses back on ES6.

Lightning7717h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Ninja Theory won't last after HB2. Because it won't hit some impossible metric in order to be a success at MS.

Expect NT to be gone in a years time also. Where the hells the advertising for Hellblade 2? Another MS issue they do to themselves bunch of clowns.

Tacoboto17h ago

Their first-announced Series game going out like this. Their marketing so far has just been a daily tweet or two the last week.

And now this will overshadow everything up till and through its release. Maybe Ninja Theory will get the same dignity as Tango and bow out with a better PS5 port.

Chevalier17h ago

Hellblade 2 out in 2 weeks and no one will even remember it by the beginning of June

RaidenBlack9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Unrelated but since there's a shortage of devs to make Fallout content ... MS could've asked Tango or Austin or both to make a new Fallout game (doesn't have to be a full-blown RPG) ... fans would've gobbled it up after watching Prime's FO season 2 ... and it would've been a nice experiment to check the feasibility of having Fallout venture into non-RPG genres (like it was done before during Interplay days).
This is what I would've guessed/suggested from past statements from Xbox & co., that you can experiment with new ideas (using new or existing IPs) at current Xbox ecosystem.
But ... after axing Tango & Austin ... don't know if Xbox is still open to such experimentations.

Chevalier17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Just watch Outer World's 2 also be dead on arrival without Playstation and Nintendo gamers buying that game you can expect Gamepass to kill that IP too. Ditto for making that contract to exclude Playstation gamers from getting Indiana Jones too. Remember how Tomb Raider sales were on Playstation after the 1 year exclusivity? Expect even worse for Indiana Jones too

mastershredder1d 1h ago

It's not just Phil (Phil is just the dumb kid taking the money) and Kotaku is NOT the voice to listen to as shi7 sites like Kotaku helped contribute to modern gaming toxicity and disinformation. Kotaku staff = Much like Phil, and yes need to go.

Moegooner1d 1h ago

MS has been posting record profits, you think they give a crap about games and gamers? Think again.

DOMination-1d 1h ago

What a prat.

People gave him and Matt Booty the benefit of the doubt for a few years due to the mess they inherited but a decade on and all they've done is ruin gaming for everyone.

The only success they've had is MS Flight Simulator which was developed by a third party anyway - and Forza Horizon which by pure coincidence went downhill in quality the second Playground were acquired (imo) and that's all I can think of. Everything else they've touched has been ruined.

It's genuinely staggering how either of these two guys are still there.

Hofstaderman1d 1h ago

Phil didnt even inherit a mess, he was equally responsible for it because he sat on the executive so the kinect and XBONE roadmap vision was also on him. Mattrick was the convenient public scapegoat back then but now theres no one to place the blame on.

Tacoboto1d 1h ago

If they're to keep anyone, I'd hope it would be Sarah Bond. She's at least consistent, constantly doing quick tweets with green emojis where she can, repping the brand, saying the next hardware will be the biggest leap ever (whatever that means).

Phil Spencer openly minimizes Xbox by going out of his way to congratulate competitors and talking about how great playing non-Xbox devices are; if only Xbox had someone that could even pretend to like Xbox for being Xbox.

LoveSpuds1d 1h ago

This is the point I always found frustrating, the whitewashing of Spencers reputation when he got promoted. He was involved in the slide into mediocrity of the 360 generation!

Aloymetal1d ago

The worse is yet to come and their fanbase don't know it yet, someone at MS posted and deleted a tweet saying all their main ''exclusives'' Halo, Forza, Gears etc will be heading to PS soon so grab a front seat ticket and some popcorn and enjoy the show;) The crying will be hilarious.

Notellin23h ago

Yeah he is absolutely responsible for the abysmal state of Xbox. I can't tell Mattrick and Spencer apart at this point. Both have been horrible executives for the Xbox brand.

Lightning7717h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Phil's responsible for this generations mess. Phil was the one following orders under Steve Balmer and Don Mattrick.

Don even admitted he messed up on camera with the Xbox documentary

Let's keep the facts straight. Everything currently now is Phil's fault.

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