
Ten VR Titles We Would Love to See on the PlayStation VR 2

The PlayStation Brahs:

Here's 10 PCVR titles we would love to see make their way to the PlayStation VR 2.

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SullysCigar1065d ago

Those controllers look awesome

ApocalypseShadow1064d ago

They do look cool. Can't wait to see the headset. If PS5 looks different than the typical monolith design. And, the next VR controllers look different than what's out there. Then, the headset ought to be an interesting piece of technology to look at.

As for the article, there's some good picks there. I wouldn't mind playing Lone Echo and some Forever Bowl since Sony never thought of bringing PS Eye/Move games to VR like High Velocity Bowling. Let alone Sports Champions. Would also like to play Technolust before Lo-Fi comes out from Iris VR.

Actually, just bring anything great over.

Darkborn1064d ago

I just wonder how it'll work. They did mention the controllers and the headset will support haptic feedback.

Neonridr1064d ago

@Darkborn - my guess is they will just utilize adaptive triggers on the end much like the Dualsense.

jukins1064d ago

If they could bring sports champions to vr make it multiplayer and social would instantly be my favorite vr game

Profchaos1064d ago

Might just be me but I felt like the current psvr was already using the design language of the ps5 at least in the colour scheme.

I think it might look very similar to the current headset

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1064d ago
Neonridr1064d ago

they are adopting the style from the Quest 2 / Index (which is a good thing). Most likely the headset will be similar in design to the Quest 2 in that it will use inside out tracking, IR emitters instead of the move lights, and a single USB-C cable to connect to the PS5. Once you've experienced the ability to freely move around your play space it's a game changer. No offense to the PSVR, but you were pretty much stuck in one spot facing forward for the majority of the time.

HICK1063d ago

Depends on the game. I have decent movement in games that allow it

Neonridr1063d ago

@HICK - when you try inside out tracking or something like an Index you'd be surprised at that assessment.

Einhander19711064d ago

I hope its backwards compatible with PSVR 1 titles. Saves me having two headsets setup.

Neonridr1063d ago

I already have an Index set up in that same play space (retired my old Rift CV1). I don't want to have to have my PSVR at all. My hope is the PSVR 2 comes along and is fully compatible with PSVR titles via a small patch hopefully.

UltimateOwnage1063d ago

The controllers look like cat eyes in the link to this article. Cant unsee it.

ArmorOfGod1063d ago

Came here to say the same thing


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1nsomniac128d ago

I hope so. Might give me a reason to dig out the PSVR2.

F0XH0UND922126d ago

Oh you must have beaten all the good VR games already?

Petebloodyonion128d ago

If Vertigo tries for the real AAA experience like Valve did then yeah
But if Vertigo tries for the light Call of the mountain experience then nope it will be another... light eperience

MrBaskerville128d ago

It looked very much like a proper metro game in vr. I'm mostly worried about its length. Hopefully atleast 6+ hours and not 2.

EvertonFC128d ago

Agreed hoping for some decent hours to be had, 6 plus sounds about right.
Love the series so wiping the gas mask clean, changing filters, checking watch and reloading weapon should be fantastic.
Also one for the headphones, going to be so atmospheric and not for the faint hearted.

MrBaskerville127d ago

Mega jank or short playtime is the only thing that could kill the potential in this one, as I see it. And I don't really believe that they would go with something super short.

I'm very optimistic, they really just need to combine Re4 Remake with Metro last Light and we're golden.

Neonridr127d ago

looking like a VR game and being an actual game and not some slice is completely different. We will know more in time though.

fr0sty128d ago

COTM was a launch title, so it being short and light on content is to be expected.

coolbeans127d ago

That's perfectly fine too, but I don't think that detracts from Peter's main point: there's a gap between COTM & what HL: Alyx accomplished as VR-only titles.

MrBaskerville127d ago

Short is ok, that't to be expected from a vr game. But there's short and there's demo sized.

DefenderOfDoom2127d ago

I would buy a PSVR2 just to play this game .

Leeroyw127d ago

Buy it for resident evil 4. It's amazing.

EvertonFC127d ago

So many great games, I've still got about 20 games on my wishlist to get through.
Wallets going to hurt this year with VR and traditional games.

generic-user-name127d ago

IMO RE8 and RE4 already clear Alyx. Yes Alyx is ground-up VR so it has more of a cohesive feel but the RE games are full AAA campaigns that are thrilling and using the iconic guns of RE4 in VR is something else.

Neonridr127d ago

Alyx will always be the benchmark personally because it was designed for VR. It didn't have VR shoe-horned into it. While Village and RE4 are fantastic, not being able to interact with your environment properly is what sets something like Alyx apart.

generic-user-name126d ago

Walking up to bottle and picking it up is cool and all but there's more to a game that that and I feel like it's something that is more of a novelty. There's much more to the combat in something like RE4 with multiple enemies rushing you (not dumbed down numbers for VR) and actually physically parrying attacks with a knife before single-hand pumping Leon's shotgun etc.

If you prefer Alyx, that's cool, it's an amazing game for sure and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, but for me the RE VR games do more.

Neonridr126d ago

@generic - for me, VR is all about immersion. Resident Evil is amazing, but when you can't even interact with a single thing around you, it feels very limiting IMO.

Everyone is different of course. Arizona Sunshine and the Walking Dead has tons of enemies and frenetic paces, and they still allow you to interact with almost everything in sight. Even simple things like putting your hand against a wall and being able to place your hand on it. It's all about the little things for me in VR. Climbing ladders, vaulting over things, etc.

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RhinoGamer88196d ago

But no one is buying enough of the games to generate the required profit for game publishers. :-(

crazyCoconuts196d ago

Give it time. Flat screens will be antiquated at some point

mkis007196d ago

Its amazing there are people who fail to see that we are always improving. I mean do they not know where we were 200, 100, 50 , 25, 10 years ago?

JackBNimble196d ago

Maybe when they start making AAA games for VR it might start selling better.
There definitely needs to be a better library to entice me in spending $750cnd on a psvr2. I already did that with psvr and was expecting sony to show a little more love for it .... but nope. Not falling for it this time.

mkis007196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Think of early video games to what they are now. As long as it isn't abandoned it has no where to go but up. Technology is again the limiting factor, but compared to the regular games VR has a lot more room to improve by orders of magnitude.

Crows90196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Only because its a separate peripheral. If VR came with every console purchase youd bet more people would adobt.

Imagine if Sony gave a servicable VR headset with the ps6. Then at the same time released the psvr3. The console headset would maybe be made to play only a set of VR titles. Maybe last gen VR titles. While the psvr3 would give players access to current gen VR titles.

JackBNimble196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

That would be a very expensive package, and if they tried to bundle like they did with kenect , it would fail on price alone.

Babadook7196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

“But no one is buying enough of the games to generate the required profit for game publishers.”

I don’t think that’s true. The games themselves are selling very well. It’s just that the cost of entry for customers to buy into the ecosystem is high for most.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 196d ago
mkis007196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

I mean to my eyes regular gaming just has evolutions left. Everything boils down to what we already have a primitive version of; ai, physics, raytracing. For VR we have just scraped the surface, we are at pong level right now. We only have head and hand tracking mainstream so far.

AR is more likely to be the future main tech but VR will always have a place in the home. Idk if it will ever be possible, but a full body VR experience where you can walk without moving is the end game for me. Perhaps full dive isnt just a fantasy, but even I can't go THAT far.

ApocalypseShadow196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

VR is great. It's more immersive than any flat game can be. But, we don't need to trash flat games to uplift VR games. Article says flat gaming has hit a dead end. But there's always more to improve there as well as VR gaming.

I was just as jaded by how nothing seems improve in gaming. The same fighting games, the same red barrels, the same stupid AI. I was almost done after playing for over 40 years of gaming. Then I got VR. VR made me feel like a kid again. Everything was new. I wanted to try all types of VR games. Found many great titles.

But, it reinvigorated my love of gaming too. Games like Ghost of Tsushima took gaming for me to the next level beyond great games like Onimusha. Or reflux 5 getting a great Spider-Man game story and all. Horizon went way beyond what Guerilla Games did with Killzone. Retro games became that much more fun again. Arcade and old school console games.

But VR does have a long way to go. It'll be years before we get to the point where modern gaming is now. But the journey is just as fun until we get there. Can't wait to see the more advanced VR games with more physics, AI, objects on-screen, etc. Just like what's happening in flat gaming.

Can't wait for VR to hit that Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man moment in VR. VR is innovative. But flat gaming can still surprise us. Even peripherals like Dual Sense brought unexpected surprises. Even though 3D sound does have its impressive origins in VR that PS5 and Xbox series enjoy now.

generic-user-name196d ago

I've definitely lost a lot of interest in traditional gaming since I started playing on PSVR1 and PSVR2. Big names like Spiderman 2 pull me back of course and I'll probably never give it up entirely, but since playing Firewall Zero Hour I find it difficult to enjoy 'flat' FPS games and online games in general. Playing online in VR makes you feel like you're actually hanging out with people, for me anyway.

The problem with VR, or PSVR2 at least so far, is that Sony aren't fully committing. They'll buy Nixxes to port games to PC but why haven't they got a dedicated team to make VR updates for their games? If Capcom can bring RE7/8/4 to PSVR, why can't Sony bring Uncharted/TLOU/GoW? There's a modder on PC called PreyDog who makes VR mods for PC games single handedly, why can't Sony manage this? They also need to be doing everything in their power to get GTA V/RDR2/GTA VI running on PSVR2. Any of those would move headsets.

Storm23196d ago

I'm jealous. I think I would really enjoy VR but I get motion sickness and just can't really do it.

poppatron196d ago

Oh man, I feel so so sorry for you. Lots of games have loads of additional comfort options to make it a little gentler, they use vignetting and teleportation locomotion instead of smooth which really helps people. From what I hear you can build up a tolerance. But it’s an awful lot of cash to lay out if you don’t develop one

Storm23195d ago

Yeah. I bought PSVR1 and some games I did ok but most I did not. I have heard PSVR2 is better but as you said, that's a lot of cash to find out I still can't do it. Too bad. I really want to play quite a few VR games.

Inverno196d ago

Can we really call it innovative when VR has been around longer than in the last decade? It's been improved, hardware always is. But I think, for games at least, and really anything with software being what drives the hardware, that innovation must be done within the software itself. The VITA had a lot of neat features that went mostly ignored later in its life. The DS4 touch pad and speaker were underutilized, I don't think I've played a single Nintendo made game that uses the touch screen for anything unique in any of their games. Hardware becomes a gimmick if devs don't wanna use it.

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