
Doom Eternal's Ray Tracing Upgrade Analysed - Best PC Settings + PS5/Xbox Series X Comparisons

Digital Foundry : Join Alex Battaglia for a deep dive into Doom Eternal's brilliant ray tracing upgrade - see how idTech 7 has evolved for the next generation of hardware, how to optimise the game for the best experience - and see how id Software as adapted its RT implementation for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.

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XxINFERNUSxX1074d ago

Yup, have a 5950x, 3070, 32gb ram but using a 240hz GSYNC 1080p panel cause higher FPS will always be best. 😁 Native, no DLSS, RT on, all settings on ultra + I'm using reshade to make it look better that does take a pretty big FPS hit, upwards of -25fps but seeing FPS in the 150s - 170s. I even tried to see what 60 FPS would feel like, that's mostly the target on consoles and to me it felt like pure shit sorry lol. Horrible lag, so sluggish ugh. Looking to upgrade to a 1440p panel 240hz GSYNC this year but, I don't like some of the performance hit you get. Need more benchmarks to look at. 🙃

Fntastic1074d ago

I hope you didn't buy a 5950x just for gaming as that would be really pointless. IPC will be 30-40% better than current chips in newer CPUs within just 2 years from now. Better off going for 6-8 cores and upgrading then.

BrettAwesome1074d ago

Omg. What a f$#@ing load of master race horse shit techno babble

Father__Merrin1074d ago

They do it all the time the most insecure people out there. The whole life revolves around thier computer

Shiore2u1073d ago

We get it, you're too stupid to understand technology.

Neonridr1073d ago

just a man enjoying his tech

BrettAwesome1073d ago

No. I just don't like when people jerk off in public.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1073d ago
PunksOnN4G1074d ago

Lol this dude braging about specs and 240hz but hes playing on a BUM Broke 1080p Screen lol

BehindTheRows1073d ago

Um, most 240Hz monitor screens run in that resolution. And plenty of them are far from ‘broke-bum’.

That said, I prefer my 180Hz/1440/IPS screen.

Father__Merrin1073d ago

You have to think of them as a pair of goal posts. Notice you don't find them with best graphics best this best that anymore? Now the consoles put out more than acceptable visuals for anyone they move onto frame rates now "it's all about the high fps" aprantly only 120htz will do or mabey 200+ otherwise "it hurts thier fanboy eyes"

CrimsonIdol1073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

Something wrong with your setup if 60fps if it has horrible lag and slow setup. The difference between 60fps and 240fps is about 12ms and with human reflexes sitting around the 100-200ms range, not saying that 12ms is not noticeable, but it's shouldn't be horrible. Maybe that cheap monitor of yours is letting you down, you should consider upgrading that to something better, but then with a 3070 probably don't have too much room to move up. Maybe you should have gone with spending money on a better GPU instead of a wholly over-the-top CPU if you're into gaming, would have helped out your frame rates, you'd have more to brag about then.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1073d ago
bacano1074d ago

Amazing work as always, ID, Bethesda or whoever is making doom atm. I'd love to see other studios achieving this level of optimization.

jukins1074d ago

Theyve mastered the vulkan api.

PunksOnN4G1074d ago

Q-I wonder why DF did not run a framerate teston consoles at all he legit showed nothing from console lol wtf the point?

poppatron1074d ago

I thought the exact same thing, to name drop the consoles in the title then have nothing in the video. DF are awesome but this sucked

PunksOnN4G1074d ago

Maybe its not not embasee the PC DLSS and so on lol cuz ps5 and xsx are running it tather great better then most PCs.
Also DLSS is just a fancy word for checkerboard rendering. LOL

SeTTriP1074d ago

You know he's butthurt over consoles having ray tracing.

He said it was not possible before next gen consoles hit the market.

isarai1073d ago

Yeah they honestly shouldn't have even mentioned the consoles in the title. They're barely covered at all

Bender65021073d ago

The difference is partly due to the idTech eng, so much better than unreal eng, has been for decades. MS now owns this tech, so use it MS. As far as PC master race goes, I once was like you, but then I got a life and relegated gaming to it's rightful position -hobby. :)

Jin_Sakai1073d ago

Interesting that PS5 has better image quality than Xbox Series X.


Jinjojuice491073d ago

Is that from doom eternal?..Like anybodys got time to stop and look for this shit in game lol


6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

While some video games overwhelm you with sheer scale, titles like Asura's Wrath and Doom Eternal make you the boss player right upfront.

solideagle19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?


Canceled & Abandoned DOOM Games We Want To Rip Into

Cultured Vultures: While we've been eating fairly good recently when it comes to DOOM, there are DOOM projects that never were or never can be ripped, nor (gasp) teared.

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XiNatsuDragnel88d ago

Doom absolution and 4 would've been nice

DefenderOfDoom286d ago

Midway did an excellent job porting DOOM 1 and 2 , just called DOOM, for Playstation in 1995 .

banger8886d ago

This is my favourite version of Doom. It also had the best soundtrack imo. Very ambient and creepy as f***. I never liked the rock music in the PC version, then again I grew up on the PS1 version so maybe I'm biased towards it.

DefenderOfDoom286d ago

Aubrey Hodges did a awesome job with the music for Playstation DOOM. I really liked the reverb type sound effects when you picked up health and armor in PS DOOM . Did not play PC DOOM until 2006 when it came with the collectors edition of DOOM 3 . I had a lot jump scares from Demons when I played PS DOOM back in 90S and was in my late 20s back then. And remember having nightmares of me being in DOOM , I remember in my nightmares Demons were chasing me and was climbing up ladders running scared from DOOMs Demons. Crazy scary but very fun times!!!


The 7 Best FPS Games on PS5

The PS5 isn't the FPS powerhouse the PS3 was, but there's still some good titles. Here's Chit Hot's picks of the 7 best FPS games on PS5.

zacly105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

all listed as number 1?
1. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
1. DOOM Eternal
1. Apex Legends
1. Battlefield 2042
1. Borderlands 3
1. Destiny 2: Beyond Light
1. Far Cry 6


Stonilein105d ago

I want a Sony exclusive fps like Killzone with no Cross play