
Cyberpunk 2077 Has Reached "A Satisfactory Level", Says CDPR

CD Projekt Red's management has reportedly said its beleaguered RPG Cyberpunk 2077 has now reached a "satisfactory level".

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SullysCigar1077d ago

Hmmm...they also said it was ready for release, when it wasn't.

CorndogBurglar1076d ago

Didn't they just put this thing back up on PS+ last week, plastered with warnings about the game's poor state? If you have to put warnings on your game in order to sell it on PS+ then how is it considered "satisfactory"?

GamerRN1076d ago

Sony put the warnings, not them.

Spenok1075d ago

Read the article, he's only referring to one part of the game. It's stability. Not the game as a whole.

RpgSama1075d ago

Oh wow, after 6 months of release the game is in only at a "satisfactory level", that's SO sad.

What a mishandled property.

Jericho13371077d ago

Waiting for the next gen version. Will hopefully be the game the first envisioned.

EazyC1076d ago

I don't think it's the game they envisioned initially, nor will it ever be.

SyntheticForm1075d ago

And unfortunately, it doesn't matter if the game that was envisioned ever comes to fruition - only the money. Well, the money they envisioned certainly came in.

Who knows what they envisioned at this point; could be that this is what they had in mind all along. Create a nice frame to impress, fill it with bullshit to pull the wool over our eyes, then sell it for the money they envisioned,

VenomCarnage891076d ago

The game they first envisioned is basically impossible to bring to life at this point. Where we currently stand, anything more than hoping they patch up the glaring issues that get in the way of basic gameplay would be wishful thinking

ElvisHuxley1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

Play it on PC. Game is great. The angry mob doesn't represent reality. The response to the last gen version, which probably shouldn't have been released, has been imposed on the entire release. If I play it on PC, and it's amazing, it doesn't matter, because the mob has canceled the game, a shame. It feels like most of the people trashing the game haven't even tried it.

chronoforce1075d ago (Edited 1075d ago )

It is just as janky on PC and I have seen my far share of jank. Cars unable to pass around the slightest of obstacles, npc's without routines that walk back and forth before disappearing in front of your very eyes. V seemingly being the only person alive who has a licence to ride a motorcycle, npc's without animations for opening car doors along with said doors swinging right through characters as well.

Fixers you have never met call you out of the blue offering you Jobs and to buy vehicles for some reason. These Fixers are actually on the map but CDPR could not be asked to integrate meeting them into the game and story properly or even give them initials on the map so you know who's who.

Street racing and seeing the AI cars teleport forward as they get left behind, the broken, uncomplete wanted system. The list goes on and on.

You are in denial if you think the people that negatively critique the game have not played the it.

jznrpg1075d ago

Unless they totally rework the AI , add a ton to the interactivity in the worlds objects and npcs this will never be close to what they were hyping. Maybe if they green light a CP 2 they can do it but it’s so much work it may be impossible without starting from scratch for the first game .

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1075d ago
Knightofelemia1077d ago (Edited 1077d ago )

They made these promises before the damage is done everybody knows about this game and how it's broken.

GameZenith1076d ago

Does not mean they cannot improve.

I am sure you made assertions that you'll be able to accomplish something only to fall short of expectations. So does that mean you should be labeled a failure and someone who does not meet expectations for the rest of your life?

Fluttershy771076d ago

No. But it means you have lost some credibility

CS71076d ago

But did he blatantly lie and say his accomplishment ran ‘surprisingly well’ when he knew at that point that it ran terribly?


Did he hide the state of his accomplishment knowing that people would spend their money to buy a broken product?


The problem isn’t the miss, it is the lies.
And if you defend CDPR for lying, you are the problem in the industry.

I hope every game you ever buy runs buggy and terribly while the developers tell you it is amazing.

I hope every developer hides review copies and you are never able to see a true review for any game ever.

Since you think CDPR was is ok.

Hikoran1076d ago

@CS7 Bit drastic. We all play games, we're all entitled to an opinion. You shouldn't wish harsh stuff on someone because their views don't align with yours.

Knightofelemia1076d ago


Yeah they could improve the game probably be 2077 until the game is actually playable. When they were popping out updates for this game the updates would fix some issues then open up more problems. They lied, rushed this game out the door, even their staff said the game was not ready, it gets pulled down from the PSN store, digital store fronts and even CD Projekt were offering refunds. Also the misleading to the higher ups that has lead to what four lawsuits on this game. They rushed the game out the door to snag up holiday sales instead of pushing the game back to clean up and spit and polish the game. I will admit some of the bugs were funny at first but then they just got annoying. I like the dirty futuristic stories like Judge Dredd, Fifth Element, Total Recall. I got tired of waiting on patches other games were coming out so I traded in this half baked cake of a game for something better that was actually fun to play.

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Relientk771076d ago

Going from The Witcher 3, which is a masterpiece, to this train wreck with months of patches and it's just "satisfactory"

Wow, how their standards have fallen.

FlavorLav011076d ago

Witcher3 wasn’t a masterpiece. It had some of the stalest combat I’d ever experienced in a game with that level of production. Story, characters, and world building were great. But good lord, the same 2 or 3 sword combos over and over were laughable

WillyC0091076d ago

That’s your opinion and very much in the minority. Witcher 3 is a masterpiece of an RPG, a modern classic.

Elda1076d ago

I agree. I tried playing TW3 several times & it was just a bore to me.

KINGS471076d ago Show
CantThinkOfAUsername1076d ago

It's an action RPG (in the broad definition of RPG). RPGs don't excel in combat. The best of the genre, according to critics and gamers, have serviceable combat at best. For example, Mass Effect has the most mundane combat I've ever seen to date. Skyrim is another example. Both are heralded as masterpieces.

Combat never defines RPG. Characters, Dialogue, Quests, Story, World, and overall freedom do.

Snakeeater251076d ago

Combat system is terrible

poppatron1076d ago

I don’t know about laughable, but I do however think everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. The mass critical and commercial success does make you in the minority. But people shouldn’t jump down your throat for voicing a perfectly valuable point of view

Silly gameAr1076d ago

I didn't really like The Witcher 3, either. It's like Fallout 3 to me. No matter how much I tried to like it and get into it, it just didn't click with me.

Taero1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

@FlavorLav01 Agreed, TW3 combat (and really all of the Witcher series combat) is 'adequate' at best. As an RPG the quests and story are top notch but the actual fighting? Mediocre at best.

I see a comment below about how "Combat never defines RPG. Characters, Dialogue, Quests, Story, World, and overall freedom do." and my addition to that would be to ask 'why not?' Is there a a reason we shouldn't expect to have fun in combat and just settle for the lore/story?

Slightly different wheelhouse but it's in my mind since the demo for the sequel just came out but "The World Ends with You" on the NDS was a masterpiece RPG imo when it came out, story was great, characters great, customization great, length great, and the combat was innovative and also great fun. Now I'm not expecting tapping and frantic circles, scratching, shouting etc. on TW3 like TWEWY :p but the idea that you should just not expect decent combat because it's an RPG smacks of excuses and hand waving.

P_Bomb1076d ago

I was late to the party, didn’t playthrough Witcher 3 til last year. But it quickly became one of my goats. Loved it.

Zhipp1076d ago

You should've played on the hardest difficulty. There's a lot more strategy and timing involved. Plus you actually have to make use of signs and potions.

frostypants1075d ago

Witcher 3 had plenty of weapon moves. The issue was you really didn't need to learn or use them.

WillyC0091075d ago

There are a lot of ppl on here I’m thankful don’t get a say on games of the year awards and what gets deemed ‘class ice’. A lot of comically bad takes hahaha

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1075d ago
Yui_Suzumiya1076d ago

The Witcher games just never interested me. It's the setting that I don't care for. Dragon Age II is the only fantasy themed RPG I've ever enjoyed. Cyberpunk I absolutely love though. One of the best RPGs ever made.

Psychotica1076d ago

One of the best ever made?? lol..absurd

DankSinatra1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

I’m seriously thinking you guys are forgetting how bad the Witcher was when it launched. It wasn’t “masterpiece” material with it’s large number of technical issues and they had to patch it like crazy. CDPR has low standards for games technically since the Witcher 1.

GamingSinceForever1076d ago

I agree. TW3 was in fact the last game that I recall having to stop playing until they fixed a glitch that would allow me to advance on a story mission. I recall it being the one where you had to recruit a clan. It took several weeks before they patched it.

WillyC0091076d ago

The state of Witcher 3 wasn’t nowhere near as bad as cyberpunk 2077. That game was unplayable for me on the ps5. I still get crashes every 30-40 minutes. I didn’t forget about the issues when Witcher 3 launched but the foundation, story, world, gameplay, exploration, lack of load times besides travelling the the different worlds. Outstanding. The game is simply a modern classic and a true masterpiece as far as I’m concerned.

BigMalk1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

It wasn't though. I reviewed it with a pre-release copy, and the only major problem was Roach and his pathfinding. The rest was minor stuff that didn't really interfere with the fun of playing.

DankSinatra1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

@WillyC009 I had the same experience with cyberpunk 2077 where I had a total of 2 glitches and 1 crash in my entire play through of 130 hours. But with the Witcher it was a constant struggle to play. Strange Tpose glitches, crashes, riach and characters floating, textures not loading, falling through the map. Not everyone has the same experience with either games but TW3 was definitely in a similar state as CP2077 was, it’s just more publicized now with the amount of hype riding from what the Witcher 3 had become later on.

@BigMalk same to you, not everyone had the same experience, you can look up anywhere if you don’t believe my experience and people will tell you TW3 was absolutely in a bad state at launch and took a bit of updating to make it playable for a lot of people.

Am I defending cyberpunk 2077? No. They made promises they didn’t keep. The only thing I’m pointing out is that the technical issues should have been expected.

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specialguest1076d ago

Sorry CDPR. You blew it and I've lost interest months ago. I was hyped for this game until trouble was reported

GameZenith1076d ago

Then dont play it. Leave it for others to enjoy.

Snakeeater251076d ago

I did not waste more than 5 hours … such terrible combat and gameplay

specialguest1076d ago

I won't be playing it. We are both in agreement 👍

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Crunch+Bad management+Greedy disgusting monetization.
I'll tune back in when D3 is dropping and they've toned down the monetization & the foundation is good

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VincentVanBro1d 6h ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast1d 6h ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.

enkiduxiv1d 4h ago

Wow, both options sound terrible.