
"Why would anybody play this?": PlayStation boss' most notorious quote

Jim Ryan wants people to know that he doesn't hate old video games.

jonny8971057d ago

Most people buy new consoles for new games. All manufactured consoles are selling out rapidly. When the next God Of War, Halo, Forza, Hellblade, Horizon etc etc land these consoles will fly off the shelves even faster.

FallenAngel19841057d ago

That doesn’t make classic games irrelevant

TheTony3161057d ago

It doesn't but that's not why i got a PS5. I keep my old consoles for my old games. Full native BC would be cool but i will always prioritize new games for my new console.

Shiken1057d ago


Old consoles go bad overtime. Some last for over a decade, others barely hold on. Accidents happen as well.

It would be nice to know that you retain your purchases as generations move forward, instead of relying on aged hardware that at best you would have to take a chance on something used to replace of anything went wrong.

TheTony3161057d ago


But that applies to all electronics. They can last a very long time if you take care of them. All of my consoles and games still work fine. And if my PS1 dies some day i can just get a used one for ~30€ on Ebay. Again, i wouldn't say no to BC. It's much more convenient to have everything on one system but that's not a priority for me when buying a new console.

Shiken1057d ago


While it certainly is not the only reason, it did play into why I went with the Series X before the PS5 despite always being PS focused in the past. Gamepass with BC together os a killer combo for the value and I am able to experience a lot of what I missed last gen for cheap, often with upgrades.

The major Sony exclusives I care about (God of War amd Horizon) will be playable on my PS4 Pro, so I can easily wait for a PS5. Had I been able to consolidate my entire PS library to one console via emulation, something Sony has done before, this would have likely played out differently.

1056d ago
Tacoboto1056d ago

"But that applies to all electronics"

And every UHD Blu Ray player can still play DVDs and even CDs. Gamers are conditioned to accept so much less from new platforms than consumers of any other media type/industry...

blacktiger1056d ago

I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear Solid, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario 64, and when I played them it didn't last more than 3 minute.

Those are god damn so old, bad ai, bad gameplay for 2021.
Sorry give me something better. Thanks

FallenAngel19841056d ago

@ Tony

Newer consoles can play classic games better than they originally used. Also it’s way more convenient to have one system that plays a lot of those titles than a bunch of systems

Plus some people may have missed out on getting the older console before for various reasons and it’d be more practical to play it on their current console

frostypants1056d ago

It doesn't change the fact that people claim to care about classic games more than they actually do. These companies have the spend numbers. They know the reality.

anubusgold1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

@TheTony316 No sony bricked my ps3 with a bad update then refused to fix it and tried to charge me to repair their screw up no i dont trust the hardware makers. Thats why im glad to have the emulators out there .

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1056d ago
Sonic-and-Crash1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

i must admitt that Jim Ryan is doing extremely good job as Playstation boss....far better than Sawn and previous CEO no matter the first negative reactions

he has transformed Europe to Sony land (except UK which officialy is not Europe ) ...Xbox is just not selling here ...to get a Playstation 5 you need 3 months wait while XSX is available on the selves....and its games are 1/4 of the of the whole game stand in stores... .

EmperorDalek1057d ago

It was already heading that way before he took over. He would have to be doing a disastrous job for that not to be the case.

TheTony3161057d ago

The UK is still in Europe. They're just not a part of the EU (European Union) anymore. ;)

Kurt Russell1057d ago

Why do people keep saying the UK is not in Europe? We're not moving continent... we are just leaving the European Union.

TheTony3161057d ago

@Kurt Russell

Oh, i thought you guys left us and sailed to America :D

Aussiesummer1057d ago

Doing a great job by lying about "believing in generations"? Yeah fabulous job.

GhostScholar1057d ago

I dont know where you get your data, but xbox series x is just as scarce as ps5. The chip shortage is affecting all consoles and even PC. Yes Sony is more popular than Xbox in foreign markets, but your data is erroneous.

1Victor1057d ago

🤦🏿 did UK magically lifted off the ground or got transferred to another dimension 🤷🏿.
Let make it simple so you can understand does your home stop existing if the local government decide to change the street name?
If the answer is yes seek immediate psychiatric help

1056d ago
annoyedgamer1056d ago

He is turning Playstation into an American brand, I dont see how this is a good thing. It will overtime just become another mediocre suit driven game developer, thanks to the corporate culture we have in the US. You can already see that change happening with releases and change in overall corporate voice. There is a reason the Softbank founder went back to Japan to start his companies.

FreeFallFrenzy1056d ago

@Kurt Russell and wait until you guys unionize with Canada/NZ/Australia too. You'll probably have more pull than the EU at that point!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1056d ago
King_Noctis1057d ago

I still play old games from time to time on new console. I think we should always be given the option to do that.

1056d ago
DigitalDaniel1056d ago

Yeah. Same here. Actually unbelievable that there's actually 8 people who downvoted you on this. I mean, near half say "nope, we should not have the option to play the games that we paid for".

Shilling for multibillion companies, lmfao.

DiRtY1056d ago

I still play DOS games from 1994. True story.
Yet I am also currently playing Call of Duty and am halfway through Hellblade.

1056d ago Replies(1)
darthv721056d ago

To be fair, "new games" is subjective to the individual. A game they never played before would be considered new to them. So a system that offers variety in the games it plays (not limited to one specific generation) would have a wide range of new games for that individual. "New" does not have to be specific to the condition, it can also refer to the experience.

gravedigger1056d ago

Actually, his quote was took out of context. This is full qoute :

Another concern occasionally raised by PlayStation devotees involves the company's once-ubiquitous PlayStation 2. While Sony has in recent years devoted resources to bringing a handful of popular older titles to the PlayStation 4, the better part of that library is lost to time. For now, it seems that's where it'll remain. "When we've dabbled with backwards compatibility, I can say it is one of those features that is much requested, but not actually used much," says Ryan. "That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?"

But of course, every crap of game sites will try to make a sensation from nothing. Yeah ever since he made that original comment it was fairly obvious he meant it to be interpreted in the way he clarifies here, albeit as he admits it was just phrased very bad and I don't really feel sorry for him that it was taken slightly out of context all this time.

dcbronco1056d ago

And yet there are constant remakes of older games. That's because some of those games had some of the best experiences of our gaming lives. But with far better graphics.

DigitalDaniel1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

The point is that from a technical point of view, there's very little reason for it not to support your older games.
I mean, some of us sit on hundreds of games after one console generation. Especially if you're like me who play on all the platforms. How am I supposed to have space for all the old consoles plus the new ones all the time ? Not very feasible.

This is one of the things I love with PC gaming. I can play all my games on one machine, no matter if they're 1 week old or 10 years old. We really shouldn't make excuses for these billion/trillion dollar companies, we should ask for more. And having the ability to bring the collection you've spent thousands of dollars on with you into the new generation should be the standard.

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aaronaton1057d ago

Not only is it Nostalgia, but some classics games are just better than their modern counterparts. Currently i'm playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 over all the new ones.

Snookies121057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

Agreed, I've been messing around on Battlefield 5 with some buddies of mine thanks to it being free on PS+. There are so many issues, and flaws I'm finding more and more every day I play it. It barely feels like the series has evolved at all. Even had a glitch that wouldn't allow me to swap off a medic syringe to actual weapons. Small things like that seem far too widespread for such a long-running, supposed "AAA" title from EA. It honestly just makes me want to go back to BC2. That game was incredible for its time.

CorndogBurglar1056d ago

The thing is, I don't think people want Battlefield to evolve. Aside from better graphics, new maps, and maybe some different match types. But for the most part, BF2-BF4 and the 2 Bad Company games are considered to be the best of franchise. If anything, BF1 and BF5 DE-volved from what those games were. At least as far as gameplay mechanics. And I think gameplay mechanics are what most people think of when talking about games evolving.

Yi-Long1057d ago

This. Original Mirror's Edge better than the newer one. We haven't had a good Tennis game in ages. SSX3 is still the best snowboard game, FIFA14/15 were better than the recent games, Driveclub is better than GRID and Project Cars 3, Super Meat Boy is still one of the very best 2D platformers, etc etc.

Jim isn't a gamer. He's a suit. So he just thinks "newer is better! More is better! Bigger is better!", and we've seen time and time again that it doesn't work that way. BETTER is better. It needs to nail the fundementals of being a good, fun game, instead of just increasing size or throwing in some higher resolution or better lighting.

aaronaton1057d ago

I'm a Playstation fanboy and i find it hard to like Jim Ryan. Maybe he's been just as instrumental as Cerny in the PS5+Studio development, who knows. For me though, there has been a huge neglect of 1st party multiplayer titles i.e games like: Warhawk, SOCOM, Twisted Metal, Motorstorm etc..

Not everything has to be a brand new IP, people didn't moan in the PS2 days when there were a series of sequels.

Snookies121056d ago

To be fair, the SSX reboot was still really good. Although not quite as ridiculous in the level designs which I did admittedly miss. Just wish we could get a new one... Imagine SSX on PS5, XSX and PC only. Built from the ground up for current gen.

1056d ago
DarXyde1056d ago

Yep, well said. For sure, this comment made me very wary of Ryan. It is true that some games really didn't age well, but I think people want to know that they don't need to have all of their prior PlayStations hooked up to play all of those games. Microsoft has done a pretty bang-up job of injecting new life into their old catalog and I commend them for that.

Even if enhancements weren't offered, it would still be great to revisit some of those games. Sadly, my PSOne bit the dust a year or two ago. Fortunately, I still have my PS2 and PS3 to play those games. Better still, run everything on one device if possible. And I totally believe that it is. Ever since Cerny mentioned the Tempest Engine has this sort of SPE setup, I've been convinced that they're working on something.

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Elda1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

There's nothing wrong with going back & playing classic games but for me I buy a new console to play new AAA exclusive & multi-plat games with higher resolutions,fabulous graphics & productions first & foremost.

northpaws1056d ago

Anything that XBox has but PS doesn't are extremely important, no matter what that is. /s

gold_drake1057d ago

as someone who still plays games on my ps2 because certain games, or some of my favs, just never saw a remaster or a re-release on any other platform, i say bc is important.
but not so important that throw a temper tantrum cause of it.

xbox just did a better job at building their consoles for such a thing and playstation didnt. its as simple as that.

JEECE1056d ago

The thing is, Sony could pretty easily do BC for everything except PS3, regardless of how the consoles were built. I mean, PS2 emulation on PS4 is very solid, they just only allowed a very limited number of games, unfortunately. They just choose to not do it.

gold_drake1056d ago

yea its quite unfortunate for physical games.
as for bringing them to the ps4 digitally.. IP ownership issues (who owns them are mostly unknown for games that didnt do as well or their publisher simply dissolved) are most likely the reasons id day.

JEECE1056d ago


I see what you are saying, and there definitely are some games that couldn't be rereleased digitally for IP-related reasons. But there are plenty of games Sony owns the rights to, as well as others owned by the larger publishers that Sony has continuing relationships with, that they could release. I mean, look at how many PS1 games were released digitally on PS3. It wasn't a full catalog, but it was a solid number.

Father__Merrin1057d ago

New console new game experiences... But still it's great to catch up on older titles so back compat is a great option even if it's emulation. Sony should offer Ps1 emulation and start having a Ps1 segment of the store. Same with ps2 emulation and so on so forth the difficulty will be ps3 emulation

Eonjay1056d ago

I still think we will get it but I think it would have been here sooner if people in charge had a more favorable view of backwards compatibility. It is completely understandable for him to have that opinion, but reality and the nature of customer satisfaction requires him to look past his own judgements, what I am absolutely sure he will do. Because ultimately it isn't about him. Its about the customer and its about making money.

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Next Battlefield Game Already Playable and Being Built by “Largest BF Team in History"

EA says the next Battlefield game is being built by the "largest Battlefield team in history," and confirms the game is in a playable state.

Kaii1d 4h ago

“I’ve just spent a whole bunch of time with the collective Battlefield team, playing what they’re building and it is going to be another tremendous live service.”
It's just what gamers want, more live service garbage.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 2h ago

Ik more live service is what I want /s.

_SilverHawk_1d 1h ago

I'd like a lot more live service game / hi 5

RaidenBlack22h ago

What Henderson has leaked so far is that ... even though the dev size's large, they are playing safe this time,
so I am guessing big budgeted BF3 2.0 ... fingers crossed

Yi-Long6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

We don't need thousands of workers wasting their time and effort, for many years, on a live-service project nobody asked for.

Just take a dedicated small team and create a cool Battlefield GAME. Not a service, but a game. As in 10-12 Conquest maps, 4 classes, cool gameplay, done. That's it.

That doesn't need 3-4 years of development. That doesn't need thousands of employees. Just go back to basics; Release a cool game, let gamers buy and enjoy that game, and 1-2 years later you release a sequel. No 'service', no subsciption, no DLC, no seasons. Just a game. On its own. Done. 50 bucks.

Inverno4h ago

Oh boy I can't wait to see how they screw this one up.

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Phil Spencer trends on Twitter amid calls for him to resign

Phil Spencer and Microsoft have come under fire following the closure of multiple Bethesda-owned studios including Tango Gameworks.

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gold_drake14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

wow haha.

i dont think he will resign. or will be kicked off.

if hes still here after everything in the past, this wont affect him unfortunately.

RhinoGamer8812h ago

He and his cronies have a sweet deal. Even if they are fired, stock options and parachutes will mean they never need to work again. Cronyism at its worst.

neutralgamer199211h ago(Edited 11h ago)

I think his days are numbered TBH. Spending 80 million of all acquisitions yet can’t even compete with others it’s insane

This also proves gamepass isn’t as profitable as Xbox fanboys make it out to be

RaidenBlack10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

That huge Acti-Blizz acquisition wasn't worth it ... They should've stopped at Zenimax and instead focused "rescuing" individual studios like Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, Crytek, Volition or Gearbox etc (much better than trying to devour the whole of one of the largest gaming publisher)
IMHO, with no $70 Billion deficit, these studio closures would not have happened ...

12h agoReplies(1)
12h agoReplies(1)
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Xbox Has No Idea What They're Doing, and I'm Not Sure They Ever Did

Nirav from GL writes: "If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?"

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Christopher16h ago

***If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?***

None if you stay in an arena of corporate driven metrics. And this is what happens when you allow publishers to buy up massive amounts of studios and IPs. There's only so much internal competition and the focus in the end will remain on those who look best on a spreadsheet.

Players can be so driven by what is best for them and only see what is put right in front of them. But that's not what is best for them. They are being lied to constantly, as seen by Microsoft's ridiculous praise for Hi-Fi Rush and Phil's lies about Redfall prior to release and how big of a supporter of both studios he has been. But, instead of thinking "wait, this corporation wants me to think this way, should I be listening to them and believing them?" players eat it up and go "OMG, did you hear what they said! They're just like us and they know what's best for the industry."

And because of this single-mindedness of the majority of gamers, we are where we are now. Massive layoffs. Massive studio closures. Games that we were told were representative of the core values of said corporations shelved and studios behind them shuttered. The truth is coming to bear because the truth all along was only what the numbers in an excel spreadsheet told the corporate suits.

If you truly want what is best for the industry, what is best for developers, then you need to support Indie games, support developers that maintain control over their IPs and direction, support boutique publishers who only exist to help Indies make it out the door and don't own the IP. Stop supporting major corporations with your money or you devotion. Stop playing their games, and I don't mean video games, but their marketing, their double speak, their guy without a tie who says things you want to hear PR, their future of video gaming concepts as if we were hurting for new ways to play games other than installing/downloading and playing them, and especially any slogan from them that gives the impression that they are for you, the consumer. They are not. You're merely a value on a spreadsheet.

Christopher15h ago

Sure, I'm the one drinking the koolaid. Keep believing in the corporations. They definitely have your best interests in mind. All hail the Big Green, For You Blue, and Nostalgia Red! All praise big corporations buying up other publishers. All praise the inevitable spreadsheet adjustments. For greed, not the players.

Crows908h ago

I'd like to but I think you drank it all...

anast13h ago

"then you need to support Indie games"

Get punk rock with it.

rlow19h ago

I don’t always agree with you. But you are correct and well said. It amazes me on what used to be a pretty straightforward industry has turned into such a greedy mess. Layoffs galore across the industry and corporates pushing/firing whatever is going to move the bean counters. With no regard for the people making the games. I’m tired of hearing these rich companies saying it’s just business, or an adjustment needed to be made, but it’s not personal. Then on top of it they have to inject corporate inclusivity into every game. On top of releasing broken games and expect people to pay top dollar.

But again well said and we as the consumer need to not only speak up but vote with our wallets.

Aussiesummer3h ago

Anything that makes millions is going to become a miasma of greed and corruption.

Tody_ZA14h ago

This should not be surprising to any of you. We have been saying for MONTHS that Game Pass is not sustainable and that these acquisitions will come at a massive cost to the industry. People refused to grasp the difference between buying and investing in a developer like Insomniac or Housemarque, and buying the entire publisher. People refused to accept that spending billions to acquire the biggest publishers in gaming means you have to RECOUP those costs, and you aren't going to do it without consolidation, focusing on core IP that sells, creating revenue streams via ownership and releasing on other platforms, and closing down studios that are superfluous to the budget requirements. You will not recoup those costs by investing in risky new IP or creative new games and studios.

No, people cheered Microsoft on like they were delivering GOTY titles to their door and pouring money into the industry to grow Indies and triple A projects.

You are getting what you deserve. You take the consequences of the practices you supported.

Layoffs happen. Some games don't succeed. Everyone has seen it happen. Happens even to the winners.

This, however, is goddamn shambolic and if you can't see it now then there's no helping you and you should keep enjoying the "value" of Game Pass while contributing nothing to this industry.

I've never seen the developer of one of the best games of the year get axed before.

Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2, I can see them going independent again. There's more to come from MS.

TiredGamer13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

This is exactly it. There is more of this coming. MS runs from one bad idea to the next, and GamePass is an unsustainable train wreck that we get to watch in real time.

GamePass is stalled for subscriber growth, and all that they can hope for is to either A) Reduce the quantity of games (i.e. shutter game studios), B) Reduce the quality of games (to make more mediocre but lower budget offerings), or C) Raise prices on existing customers. Or some combination of those.

MS does not have a passion for the industry. The XBox project, from the beginning, was sparked from the fear that someone else would eat their PC market lunch by making a games machine that replaced the PC. THAT was the entire motivation for getting into the games industry.

Profchaos12h ago

I saw it from the outset of day 1 on Xbox it's unsustainable no one was buying their games and a noticeable decline in quality and a push to live service elements to keep subscriptions active was obvious.

I saw it every time I'd go to a physical game shop for a Multi plat pre order no one was there for the Xbox version.

I'd go to CeX or other used game stores and be able to pick up the full range of Xbox studios first party games for 20 bucks and change while on the PlayStation side 20 bucks might get me two PS4 launch games and wouldn't even get me a single Nintendo first party game.

-Foxtrot12h ago

"Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2"

Anyone think it's weird it comes out in 2 weeks and there's hardly anything on it

Tody_ZA4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Actually Foxtrot, I don't find it weird. When last has Microsoft thrown advertising weight behind one of their releases? Long gone are the days where their games had the sheer presence of Halo 3 or Gears of War 2. It's all been replaced with "play it day one on Games Pass."

Why spend millions on marketing a product when you aren't SELLING it? The Xbox faithful aren't going to buy it, they're just going to see it on the splash page of Game Pass.

MrBeatdown13h ago

But hey, at least we get Call of Duty free on game pass*


anast13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

They know what they are doing. If 'you' treat them like "good 'ol simple minded folk", then 'you' are relieving them from blame via ignorance. They knew that they were going all live service, streaming and mobile a long time ago, The Oracle tends to see the obvious. While companies patronize gamers like they are children, which most of them are, may be confused for stupidity, they are also not so stupid they don't understand the decisions that they are making toward the overall direction of their company.

*None of their games were even close to competing for GOTY. They paid for names to be mentioned.

Profchaos11h ago

Xbox survived it's first gen by pure luck halo became a hit and it was huge followed up by halo 2 which had one of the biggest marketing campaigns I can remember seeing in the early 00s we had guys in master chief outfits on the sidelines of state of origin as a promo it blew my mind.

Then the 360 fell under the excellent leadership of Peter Moore and outpaced the PS3 for the first three quarters of that generation the only time anyone has ever done that.

Since losing Peter Moore it's been a rapid decline and buying up the industry stank of a desperate move along with the idea of gamepass itself stank of desperation to me no one was buying the X1 they needed something to get people interested and here we are.

I would happily lose gamepass if Xbox could go back to the 360 era style of focused heavy hitters and solid games.

The championing of consolidation they did was disgusting and what's happened as a result is proof they never had gamers or the industry at heart they need their ROI and that's all they cared about big daddy ms has signed a number of blank checks getting them here and it's coming to collect on their debts

zaanan5h ago

Well, MS bought Bungie to get Halo (and shut down the Mac version), which is a big reason they were as successful as they were. And the PS3 actually outpaced the 360, which is why it eventually outsold it despite releasing more than a year later. So really, not much has changed if you think about it.

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