
Cyberpunk 2077 OnePlus Smartwatch Arrives on May 24th

OnePlus will soon launch a new limited edition of its smartwatch OnePlus Watch. On May 24 the OnePlus Watch Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition arrives, with colors and faces inspired by one of the most successful games of recent years.

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franwex1117d ago

Most successful games is beyond a stretch.

Amplitude1117d ago (Edited 1117d ago )

It sold decently well through preorders but yeah I honestly think if you take into consideration the hype, lies and subsequent letdown, it might actually be least successful game of all time. Next to maybe the ET game

got_dam1117d ago

Well, it was financially very successful. But yeah, that's an extremely misleading sentence that should have been cut.

porkChop1117d ago

No, it's not a stretch. It is absolutely one of the most successful games of the last few years. Review scores, performance, bugs, etc., are irrelevant when you're talking about a product being successful. It sold an insane amount of copies, even factoring in refunds. It made truckloads of money. It was a success.

jordan22290ps1116d ago

Review scores, performance, bugs,etc are definitely relevant when talking about a product being successful. It made money in the short run while marring it's reputation in the process and turning off a portion of it's fanbase that will certainly hurt sales in the future. It will have to spend more money on quality assurance for future releases in order to try and get rid of the stigma it created. It will lose pre-order numbers on future releases. Doesn't sound that successful

InUrFoxHole1116d ago

You think performance is not a measurement for a products success? Jesus Christ man! No wonder companies do crap like cyberpunk.

rdgneoz31116d ago

@InUrFoxHole Higher ups tend to look at sales and profit figures these days. Even with refunds, if the amount of sales is high they don't really care. It's the same with other businesses doing shady crap to make a profit, even if they know they'll get hit with fines later on. Since most of the time the profit outweighs the fines, like dumping chemicals illegally and saving 10s of millions of dollars and then getting fined a few million when caught... Or companies refusing to pay bills, when they can fight it out later and pay pennies on the dollars for services/products they obtained.

Also, as for performance. Minus the missing promises, it runs fine on high end PCs and next gen systems. They just should have skipped PS4/xbonex since they were a sh!t show...

MadLad1117d ago

Actual quality wise? Sure.
Selling 13 million in less than a year, yeah, they aren't wrong there.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1116d ago
TheGoodestBoi1117d ago

How many patches will they roll out before the watch is able to give the correct time?

Dirty_Lemons1116d ago

Let's hope this actually works.

theindiearmy1116d ago

Go read the reviews for the watch. Let's just say a Cyberpunk crossover is fitting for this device.

Binarycode1116d ago

Special features include.

Hands getting stuck.
Digital and analogue not matching up.
Alarms that go off when they choose.
Hourly chime that rings every 25mins.

Other features found by the user will be patched as needed.

IamFrasierCrane1116d ago

Glad to see they have their priorities straight.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

Cyberpunk 2077 was launched in a sorry state on PC and consoles in the 2020 holiday season. Since then, CD Projekt Red has worked hard to optimize the game for various hardware, including the Ryzen 8000 APUs, and the Steam Deck handheld.

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Cyberpunk 2077's Lead Quest Designer Explains Lack Of New Game Plus Mode

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just_looken4d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


Personalized Spatial Audio Coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with Immerse Gamepack

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