
Resident Evil Village looks to be pulling off its big action horror | GR

After Resident Evil 7's murder house reinvented the series, Village brings back some old Resi feels.

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Sonic-and-Crash1140d ago (Edited 1140d ago )

probably the most detached REvil in the series (and for my tastes the worst) .....everyhting inside RE8 doesnt make any sense in the lore of RE

It is like Ridley s -Cameron s Aliens after some sequels to become The Nun horror movie with demons and paranormal things

the thing that has numerous copied themes -concepts from other games (especially Bloodborne) makes it even worse

Viking_mo1140d ago

It has a lot of elements of resident evil 4. The best one in the series and possibly one the greatest games ever, its why capcom is milking it but its still resident evil

Sonic-and-Crash1140d ago (Edited 1140d ago )

RE4 was the doom of the series .... ....at least 5 and 6 didnt have giant child statues hunting you , mages with miniguns inside temples , horny president daughters and children with pirate hats

PhantomTommy1139d ago

Shhhh, you're not allowed to say that Resi 4 is the best one anymore. It ruined the series with its perfect pacing and endlessly enjoyable combat system.

SullysCigar1140d ago

Just another Negative Nancy like we saw when RE7 launched. That turned out to be much loved by fans, especially if played in VR.

I'm looking forward to seeing how they built on RE7.

CrimsonWing691139d ago

I know where you're coming from, but once upon a time I said the same thing about RE4 before it launched.

I was a late comer to the series and it wasn't until RE3 that I finally got it and then I binged the hell out of the series. So, seeing something so drastically different than what I came to expect from the series really was difficult for me to accept... until I played it!

I have seen numerous imagery related to the Umbrella logo, so possibly this is where Oswell, James, and Edward came up for the idea of the Umbrella corporation? Maybe there's B.O.W. experimentation that created the 4 families? Also, I think it'd be awesome if Lady D was in fact a Tyrant (though not likely).

I think you should wait to play it before you jump to conclusions.

goldwyncq1139d ago

Imagine thinking that Bloodborne invented gothic horror.

Rebel_Scum1139d ago

It's the direction RE should've gone after the first one. Have a self contained story with a new "Resident evil"/horror element in a contained environment. Make it mysterious and suspenseful.

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Father__Merrin1140d ago

Wasn't a fan of 7 so doubt Il like this.

Nerdmaster1139d ago (Edited 1139d ago )

I think 7 was the only one in the main series (and Code: Veronica) that I didn't finish more than once. And I can't pinpoint why.
It's a better game than 5 and 6 for sure (which I also finished more than once), maybe even better than Zero, but I just don't feel like going through it again. Maybe the first person perspective? Gameplay not being as fun? Over-emphasis on horror more than action (RE is at its best when it blends both perfectly) until later parts?
I can't be sure. I do know, however, that I'm more excited for the unnanounced Switch RE, which is said to have been born as Revelations 3, and the Revelations series has been better than the main series for me.

Father__Merrin1139d ago

The only ones I managed to complete was RE2 RE3 Ps1, RECV dreamcast, and RE5 ps3. The rest of them just didn't do it for me. But the RE7 style has been mega popular

jBlakeeper1139d ago

Super excited for it. It looks to be great IMO. Even if the story just seems loosely connected to the RE universe.

philm871139d ago

I think the 20 minutes I spent in the demo was enough to tell me it's going to be a hoot. Going to go back and play the free DLC from RE7 now, and probably get the season pass which is on sale.


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