
Outriders is Coming to Xbox Game Pass on Day One

From Xbox Wire: "We all got a taste of Outriders with the recent demo, so I’m thrilled to announce that Outriders will be available on Console and Android phones and tablets via Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) with Xbox Game Pass on day one!

Starting April 1 (not an April Fool’s joke, I assure you), Xbox Game Pass for Console and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members can jump into this true genre-hybrid from Square Enix, which combines brutal combat with deep RPG systems. Outriders is set in the distant future where players attempt to colonize a planet that they believe to be a new home for humanity. Turns out, the planet doesn’t want them there. Oops. A mysterious storm called the Anomaly burnt out all the tech that’s more advanced than a lightbulb, hyper-evolved the wildlife into ferocious monsters, and colonization efforts broke down into a bitter war of attrition for the last remaining resources available to humanity."

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Jin_Sakai1155d ago

I really need to get a Series X. Gamepass is amazing.

DJStotty1155d ago

I've just cancelled my 2 pre-orders lol

AngelicIceDiamond1155d ago

MS is dishing out the millions day by day for gamepass. No complaints here I'm gettin my moneys worth.

seanpitt231154d ago

I wouldn’t like to know how much it cost Microsoft.. this game is going to get mostly 7/10 so will it be worth it.. idk

DJStotty1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

They may have just said in the agreement, Microsoft will re-imburse any cancelled pre-orders to people can fly, as well as a lump sum downpayment. I do not think it would have cost that much as they would only work out the potential loss of sales across the consoles.

People can fly will also make money through gamers downloading the DLC through gamepass at a 10% discount.

Not only that, gamers that did not preorder the game, will now try it out for free so Outriders will now be played by more xbox gamers than originally intended.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1154d ago

Sorry to slightly derail the discussion, but a year of PS Plus and PS Now is how much when compared to Gamepass Ultimate?

$60 + $60 = $120 + 1000 games on demand per year

DJStotty1154d ago


That is like comparing apples to oranges, Day 1 games are not available on PSNOW, neither are new 1st party playstation games.

Would be better to do direct price comparison when the 2 services are identical. As of now Playstation gamers are paying to stream old PS1/2/3/4 games, with a limited rotation when compared to gamepass.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1154d ago
thesoftware7301155d ago (Edited 1155d ago )

GP value in gaming is truly unmatched.

I can Honestly say that its has saved me a few hundred dollars already. It also introduced me to games that i would otherwise never pay for individually.

DJStotty1155d ago

So true, i have played so so many games i would never have looked at twice.

1155d ago
crazyCoconuts1155d ago

For the record - that's $120 / year, $180 / year if you want to play online. Just sayin, it may be the most expensive subscription service in gaming as well.

1155d ago
crazyCoconuts1155d ago

@Justthefacts, yea if you paid $30/year because of a promotional special deal, hands down that's the best value in gaming for those first three years.

Shiken1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )


I played over 200 bucks worth of games in 2 months with game. It has already paid for itself and then some for a year. 180 bucks is only three new games afterall, and GOLD is included at that price. The value is insane, and no amount of downplay can change that.

Its the best value period, promotion or not.

Highrevz1154d ago

“I suspect that 3 years from now, the "loophole" to get Gamepass for cheap will be closed.

This comment is guaranteed to age well.”

It’s not a loophole but should the conversion come to an end, for me it’s still worth the extra price per month to get GPU over Xbox Live.

You should join now while it’s still cheap👌 We’re all having a ton of fun and you could do with the cheering up.

Neonridr1154d ago

@fewDankMemes - it's so weird seeing a comment like this have so many downvotes period.

Smok911154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

CrazyCoconuts There are so many deals and websites like CD keys you should never pay more than $10 a month for the Ultimate pass.

DJStotty1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )


"For the record - that's $120 / year, $180 / year if you want to play online."

False information again, it is $60 / year to play online, not sure where you shop, £49.99 / year here in the


Edit : ah, i see now, you mean $120 for gamepass, $180 for Gamepass Ultimate, my bad.

Or you can use xbox reward points and pay nothing for Xbox live or Ultimate, so even with both, it does not cost $180 a year to play online.

I think the cost per month is fair for what we get, others may not, but as it stands there is no other service available on any console that we can do a price comparison with, therefore it is the best value gaming subscription service available.

FanboysKiller1152d ago

I can understand where its haters are coming from, let me guess, mmmmm

1- former pro gamestop shields
2- don't mind wasting their money on bad games.
3- living in a self proclaimed "opinion" bubble
4-easy patches emigrants who can't live without them especially when they are trying to make sense and be reasonable to demand easy patches from game makers cause they suck at playing games.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1152d ago
OneLove1155d ago

Only way in the states is to be watching the retailers daily.

thejigisup1155d ago

You can get a pc instead and have a lot more versatility with your game library.

jukins1154d ago

Not as far as gamepass this one is console only apparently

thesoftware7301154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

@ thejigisup

I have a good strong PC and I still play Xbox, PS5 and Switch more.

Versatility In what way? Steam? EGS? PC gamepass?

DJStotty1154d ago

Yeah because i have a spare £1000 to make my PC even capable of running the title screen lol /s

strifeblade1155d ago

Sony fanboys really don't have an answer to this lol

NotoriousWhiz1155d ago

Every positive for one console doesn't have to be a negative for another.

iplay1up21154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

I have PS4 Series X and Switch. I went with Series X first, because it offers more updated games by far than Playstation 5. It isn't like I didn't have fresh new content to play. I picked up Legions and Valhalla when I finally got my Series X. Both are current gen optimized.

The amount of games I already own getting free updates is fantastic. Quick resume is too. Series X offers more features right NOW than PS5

I have had Game Pass since it first came out, it keeps getting better and better. When Flight Simulator comes out for Series X, in August I might buy a flight stick. Why not? I save $60 because I don't have to buy the game. It comes to Game Pass day one.

RazzerRedux1154d ago

Game Pass doesn't make Sony's great games any less great. No why you are even bringing Sony up though.

badz1491154d ago


your insecurity is showing. you can't even enjoy a great feature without downplaying the other consoles, ha? why the need to bring up Sony? why not Nintendo? why not the whole PC gamers too while you're at it? wanna include mobile gamers in your pissing contest too? go on!

strifeblade1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )


Not having a feature like gamepass is likeb saying my tv can do Netflix and your tv doesn't have access. It's an essential feature- and Sony/ Microsoft are head to head. Pc also has gamepass. Nintendo is really just a side console. It's a great service that I see Sony fanboys down playing.

badz1491154d ago


"essential"?? HAHAHA

maybe to MS because their 1st party output has been pathetic. xbox fanboys think it's essential because they gotta have something to brag about. it's funny because GP is so "essential" xbox stays 3rd ALL THE TIME!

I'm not downplaying anything. it's great that it caters to the subscribers and hope they enjoy their subscription. me? I don't really care! just like back then how xbox fanboys brag about EA Access, now that it's already on PS4, did I care? NOPE! I can subscribe to GP on PC but do I really want to? NOPE! for me, I HATE subscriptions! PS+ is already 1 too many for me.

so, how about you go enjoy your subs, and I continue with my traditional ways of acquiring my games? capish? I love that I got my monthly games from PS+ (which soften the blow of subscribing), and then I also love buying most of my games outright through sales and deals instead of renting them. in my many years as a gamer, waiting for games to be cheaper is best IMO and that's how I've been gaming since last gen. the idea of "playing games I would not have invested in if it's not for a service" stops with PS+ and EGS for me personally.

Sony has PSNow which has all the old games you would think of but I'm also not subscribing. see?

DOMination-1154d ago

Sony's first party output is pathetic too. Good games yes, but 2-3 a year for the last two generations.

The reason Sony keeps getting brought up is because their one "advantage" is about to be crushed. MS First Party will not only improve in quality to be comparable to Sony, but there will also be so much more in terms of variety and sheer quantity. Not to mention, all those sweet, sweet RPGs.

And the best part of it, they will all be free on GamePass. And I'm using that terminology because there was a recent article on N4G where everyone argued and concluded that PS Plus games were free. So by going with that, we can draw the same conclusion here.

I wouldn't have purchased Outriders, but I will now definitely give it a go as its free. And that in a nutshell is why the service is good for publishers. Square-Enix are just the latest in a long line of big names who are abandoning the idea of their own service and going with GP. Good on Microsoft to unite the gaming industry.

RazzerRedux1154d ago


"Sony's first party output is pathetic too. Good games yes, but 2-3 a year for the last two generations."

Why are you pretending 2 to 3 games a year is "pathetic"? If that is pathetic then what word would you use to describe Microsoft's ridiculously worse output?

"The reason Sony keeps getting brought up is because their one "advantage" is about to be crushed. "

No, it isn't. Sony had more consensus GOTY titles last gen than Microsoft and Zenimax combined. Microsoft will be more competitive this gen and that is a good thing, but you are talking fanboy nonsense when you try to compare past output.

Maybe you guys should stick to talking about how great Game Pass is and stop bringing up Sony in Xbox articles?

strifeblade1152d ago


I never liked paid subscription services. Even gold when it came out. B but it paved the way for a better experience and don't followed suite with ps+ which is now essential to play online.

I see Sony following in Microsoft foot steps and introducing their own gamepass. Bethesda, Microsoft and EA titles. I split with a friend and got gamepass ultimate for 80$ for three years. Not regretting it. Yes for a deal just like you yourself are looking for game deals.

Guess what? I play games day one and I'm a collector. I end up buying hard copies when they get cheap long after I beat them on gamepass and they stay sealed. Your don't have that luxury and anyway you view it, you are losing out on an excellent experience.

RazzerRedux1152d ago

"Guess what? I play games day one and I'm a collector. I end up buying hard copies when they get cheap long after I beat them on gamepass and they stay sealed. Your don't have that luxury and anyway you view it, you are losing out on an excellent experience."

So are you. You are not getting Sony's awesome library of first party games. You don't have that luxury.

But maybe you don't want that experience. Maybe you would rather have Game Pass. That's fine. Too bad you don't like that experience enough to just talk about that. Your narrow mindedness has you pretending others are missing out in your little world because you assume the experience you want is what they want. You are wrong.

strifeblade1152d ago (Edited 1152d ago )


You ever wonder that people who are on Xbox prefer the service? The interface? Just the overall experience. It's no secret that Microsoft innovated online gaming and sony followed suite.

I'm sure Sony exclusives are great- but there are just so many games in the market that I can't keep up with. And if I can't keep up with third party releases- i don't think Sony owners can either. So many times I'll talk about a great third party exclusives with friends and Sony owners have never experienced IT simply because there are just so many games in the market. Look around- landscape has changed and there are amazing games left and right. Microsoft have their own exclusives in genres Sony can't touch either so it's a trade off depending on what owners prefer but no matter what- the market is saturated with games and the experience to browse a massive catalogue of games I own on gamepass is infinitely satisfying and doesn't get old. Guaranteed if Sony offered this service- fanboys would be jumping. It's great.

RazzerRedux1152d ago

"You ever wonder that people who are on Xbox prefer the service? The interface? Just the overall experience. It's no secret that Microsoft innovated online gaming and sony followed suite."

You ever wonder why there are TWICE as many people who prefer PlayStation than Xbox? Game Pass has been around for years and people are still choosing PlayStation over Xbox. And last time I checked, it is no secret that Microsoft "followed" Sony into the console gaming market. I have no idea why you think that matters either way, but whatever.

"I'm sure Sony exclusives are great- but there are just so many games in the market that I can't keep up with. And if I can't keep up with third party releases- i don't think Sony owners can either. "

Oh....so as far as you are concerned, Microsoft wasted all their money building up those first party studios, huh? I mean, you can't keep up with third party so you want have any time for Bethesda games or the new Fable or any of that new content coming from XGS?

If you can't keep up with third party releases, I guess other Microsoft "owners" won't be able to either. Damn saturation makes it impossible for you to enjoy all those games, huh?

You can't have it both ways.

"- the market is saturated with games and the experience to browse a massive catalogue of games I own on gamepass is infinitely satisfying and doesn't get old. "

You don't "own" any of those games. And it is funny that you complain about "saturation" when it is about PlayStation but brag about a "massive catalog" when it is Microsoft.

Again, you can't have it both ways.

strifeblade1152d ago

"You ever wonder why there are TWICE as many people who prefer PlayStation than Xbox? Game Pass has been around for years and people are still choosing PlayStation over Xbox. And last time I checked, it is no secret that Microsoft "followed" Sony into the console gaming market. I have no idea why you think that matters either way, but whatever"

It's just marketing and strong brand. These facts don't devalue anything Microsoft has to offer which is stellar now and stellar since the beginning. From developing achievements- robust online services, connectivity with friends, party chat. Sony followed in Microsoft's for steps.

"Oh....so as far as you are concerned, Microsoft wasted all their money building up those first party studios, huh? I mean, you can't keep up with third party so you want have any time for Bethesda games or the new Fable or any of that new content coming from XGS"

Bethesda was always third party, and them being first party doesn't automatically make the industry more saturated since they are always there. What's your problem? And sure I'll have time for first party if I'm interested, but first party doesn't mean always better then third party games on the market.

"If you can't keep up with third party releases, I guess other Microsoft "owners" won't be able to either. Damn saturation makes it impossible for you to enjoy all those games, huh?"

Any owner plays what they want? I remember many PS3; owners wouldn't play prototype because they had infamous. I loved prototype. All owners play what they want and all owners don't have time for every game. What don't you get? We don't live in a market where we don't know where to find the next game. We are in a market where there are crazy amount of genres from first and third party. Just enjoy.

You don't "own" any of those games. And it is funny that you complain about "saturation" when it is about PlayStation but brag about a "massive catalog" when it is Microsoft.

As long as there on gamepass I play them they are in my library. Once I finish them. It doesn't bother me that I don't own them because once I finish I will never play it. If I did them I'll buy it down the road for cheap and enjoy them day 1.

You sound butt hurt.

RazzerRedux1152d ago

"It's just marketing and strong brand. These facts don't devalue anything Microsoft has to offer which is stellar now and stellar since the beginning. From developing achievements- robust online services, connectivity with friends, party chat. Sony followed in Microsoft's for steps."

And Microsoft followed Sony's steps in building/buying studios because they were getting their asses kicked in first party. I have no problem acknowledging both companies have pushed the other. You seem to have decided to delude yourself that this has always been one way. You are wrong.

"Bethesda was always third party, and them being first party doesn't automatically make the industry more saturated since they are always there. What's your problem? And sure I'll have time for first party if I'm interested, but first party doesn't mean always better then third party games on the market."

So when it comes to Microsoft you'll have time for first party if you are interested, but somehow Sony fans won't have time for first party.

"And if I can't keep up with third party releases- i don't think Sony owners can either. "

That's hilarious. Problem is you've made up your mind what you and everyone have time for or what they want to play. That's idiotic.

"Any owner plays what they want? I remember many PS3; owners wouldn't play prototype because they had infamous. I loved prototype. All owners play what they want and all owners don't have time for every game. What don't you get? We don't live in a market where we don't know where to find the next game. We are in a market where there are crazy amount of genres from first and third party. Just enjoy."

I get all that. You are the one coming in here claiming anyone who doesn't experience games the way you are is "losing out". That's what you explicitly said.

"Your don't have that luxury and anyway you view it, you are losing out on an excellent experience."

"You sound butt hurt."

No, you just don't like the fact that others may prefer experiences different than you. That is the definition of "butt hurt". Like I said earlier, why don't you stick to talking about how much you love Game Pass and stop pretending it isn't possible for anyone to enjoy anything other than what you enjoy?

strifeblade1152d ago


I'll put it clearly for you. The same way you claim xbox owners are missing out on Sony first party- I can make the same claim that Sony are missing out on a service like gamepass. Originally launched quite bare and now a Juggernaut with EA and Bethesda's. Sony didn't even allow ea access on their platform. Unless Sony develop a service like Microsoft they will fall behind. If not already.

And again achievements were made- year later trophies came. In the beginning Sony fans didn't want it and now they love it etc. They also were okay with online during the PS3 days but Microsoft services just owned it it and now ps users have better online and pay mandatory to play online- no complainants and I'm sure you enjoy your current service and pay for it.

Fact is you don't know what your missing until you have it. There is a reason tons of people enjoy Netflix and why blockbuster is out of business. Microsoft is paving the way for the future, and I don't think anyone will complain about the Netflix of gaming.

You either join the storm or just bite the dust.

I will Mantain your missing on an essential service and of you had it- you would enjoy the gen more. I know in personally am- but that doesn't mean that if you don't have it that your not still having fun on Sony console. That's my point. Just enjoy and be mature about it.

RazzerRedux1152d ago

"I'll put it clearly for you. The same way you claim xbox owners are missing out on Sony first party- I can make the same claim that Sony are missing out on a service like gamepass. Originally launched quite bare and now a Juggernaut with EA and Bethesda's. Sony didn't even allow ea access on their platform. Unless Sony develop a service like Microsoft they will fall behind. If not already."

My "claim" was clearly mocking yours, but it is a simple fact that if you don't have PlayStation you don't know what gaming is like there just as much as those who don't have access to Game Pass don't know as well. And I never disputed that MS had a great service with Game Pass, now did I? I said early on that it is fine to rather have Game Pass. You are the one bending over backwards trying to downplay Sony's first party advantage.

"And again achievements were made- year later trophies came. "

lol....you are still yapping about PS3 era shit? Look....I don't care. It has nothing to do with anything. Whatever you want to say about Xbox doing whatever bullshit first....fine. Let it go. That was two gens ago.

"I will Mantain your missing on an essential service and of you had it- you would enjoy the gen more. I know in personally am- but that doesn't mean that if you don't have it that your not still having fun on Sony console. That's my point. Just enjoy and be mature about it."

Now, let me put it clearly to you. Your assumption is incorrect. I've used the Game Pass service several times on PC. I only subscribe when there is something there I want to play, but it always there for me when I want it. So no, you can't tell me I would enjoy the gen more cuz I do have access to the service and no, it is not essential for me at all at this point. As far as Sony's offering, the simple fact of the matter is you are speaking from a position of ignorance since you have already said you haven't played the games. I have used Game Pass and I've played Sony's first party. Does that put me in a position to tell you which would enjoy more? No, that entire line of thinking shallow and incredibly egotistical. But at least I have an informed opinion, unlike you. Be mature and acknowledge just because you find something enjoyable, not everyone will.

strifeblade1151d ago (Edited 1151d ago )


"My "claim" was clearly mocking yours, but it is a simple fact that if you don't have PlayStation you don't know what gaming is like there just..."

I owned PS2 and PS3 and just bought ps classic. I was multipat gamer early in the 360 gen until I decided to go 360 exclusively simply because I liked the services way more. Xbox felt lively and PS3 just felt Barron to me. Due to the fact I don't have time I solely game on Xbox and have switch (haven't touched it though but own 20+ games) and my friends game there as well. Im not down playing exclusives- but I'm saying for my case and most others the market has enough games that keep me occupied both Microsoft first party and third party multiplats-. Never felt the need to go Sony simply because I'm more than busy. I also value the fact that series x will be the best console for multiplats- which was also the reason I picked 360.

lol....you are still yapping about PS3 era shit? "Look....I don't care. It has nothing to do with anything. Whatever you want to say about Xbox doing whatever bullshit first....fine. Let it go. That was two gens ago."

Yeah I'm still yapping about it, Microsoft is the reason you enjoy PlayStation online services more than ever and trophies and soon Sony will see gamepass and will need an answer. It is significant to drive innovation. Don't you understand where you come from and competition is what drives innovation?

"Now, let me put it clearly to you. Your assumption is incorrect. I've used the Game Pass service several times on PC. I only subscribe when there is something there I want to play, but it always there for me when I want it. So no, you can't tell me I would enjoy the gen more cuz I do have access to the service and no, it is not essential for me at all at this point. As far as Sony's offering, the simple fact of the matter..."

Your Informed? Far from it. Gamepass on PC is not the same gamepad on console nor is it the same as gamepass ultimate. Here is my call. Sony will answer to game pass eventually- and you will Subscribe. It's that simple. And your will look like a hypocrite pretty soon.

RazzerRedux1151d ago

"I owned PS2 and PS3 and..."

And I don't give a shit.

"Yeah I'm still yapping"

sigh....I see that.

"Your Informed? Far from it. Gamepass on PC is not the same gamepad on console nor is it the same as gamepass ultimate. "

Actually Game Pass for PC is better than Game Pass on Xbox in several ways. On PC, I don't need Ultimate at all as I don't need Live Gold obviously. And Game Pass on PC is getting EA Play while you have to pay for Ultimate for that on console. And spare me the xCloud bullshit. But for the difference in cost between Game Pass Ultimate and Game Pass for PC, I could use that money and subscribe to PS+ and get all the free games it brings. Even with all that, I'll only ever subscribe when there is something worth playing. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the benefits from both Microsoft and Sony, subscription or no, as I see fit, when I see fit. So yes, considering the fact that I have sampled all these options from both Sony and Microsoft, I am, in fact, more informed than you.

Hilarious that you could ever think you were in a position to tell anyone they were "losing out". Like I said, you speak from ignorance. That is a fact.

"Here is my call. Sony will answer to game pass eventually- and you will Subscribe. It's that simple. And your will look like a hypocrite pretty soon."

Yeah...that's your "call". Always thinking everyone is going to do what you do. How can I be a hypocrite when I've already previously said I have subscribed to these services many times? I've subscribed to Game Pass, Ubisoft+, Humble Bundle, and Origin and different occassions. Suddenly, if/when Sony creates a comparable service and I subscribe then I'm a hypocrite? Do you even realize the idiotic nonsense you are typing?

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1151d ago
Highrevz1155d ago

“@Justthefacts, yea if you paid $30/year because of a promotional special deal, hands down that's the best value in gaming for those first three years.“

After those 3 years are up it will cost you around an extra $14 instead of $1 to convert up to another 3 years. You make it sound like it’s a one time thing which is not true.

NotoriousWhiz1154d ago

I suspect that 3 years from now, the "loophole" to get Gamepass for cheap will be closed.

This comment is guaranteed to age well.

Shiken1154d ago


Good thing the full price is also an insane deal anyway then. But yeah, people have to be delusional to think the loophole will remain.

iplay1up21154d ago

Uh, aren't PS5 games $69.99 now? Yeah I will take Game Pass. Of course I will still buy games, but definitely will try before I buy, if the game leaves the Service.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1151d ago
Obscure_Observer1155d ago

Phil Spencer and the Team Xbox ain´t F* around! O.o

This is amazing!!!

RaidenBlack1154d ago

*Unrelated: Do you have any info, what's Compulsion Games upto?

Ausbo1155d ago

This is huge news. Gonna have to fire her up now

neomahi1155d ago

Seriously? Then why did you get an Xbox SEX? You have to wait for games to get ya in the mood? That sucks, bro.

Ausbo1154d ago

There are some games that I’m on the fence for. Not that hard to figure out bro.

Bigman4k1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

Facts but thats how alot of people do

RazzerRedux1154d ago

Why does he have to wait for anything? Game Pass doesn't prevent one from buying games.

BenRC011155d ago

Gamepass.. the new straight to dvd.

MadLad1155d ago ShowReplies(4)
TheOtherMoon1155d ago

Here is a predictable comment by @BenRC01, had Sony made the same announcement: "Sony continues to give gamers great games."

But man, if MS does it it...nothing more than a straight to dvd-type release. GtFOoH

AuraAbjure1155d ago

We still get the big screen releases. Game developers themselves say they like gamepass meaning the industry isn't missing out on anything.

FPS_D3TH1155d ago (Edited 1155d ago )

They hate the truth but how many Xbox exclusives this year went straight to game pass and we’re underwhelming garbage. Answers plenty enough...

1155d ago
MadLad1154d ago

Let's see what Obsidian, InXile, Rare, id, Arkane, the Coalition, 343, Ninja Theory, Tango, Double Fine, Bethesda, Playground, the Initiative... the list goes on for the many award winning studios currently developing for Microsoft.
Until then I'll sit back and enjoy the awesome service that Gamepass has proven to be.

glennhkboy1154d ago

We can answer proudly: EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE XBOX EXCLUSIVE IS & WILL BE GO STRIGHT TO GAMEPASS. On the other hand, how many Sony exclusive have Sony asked you to buy again, and again, and again........

1155d ago
Highrevz1155d ago


Lol some people reported your comment as inappropriate.


RazzerRedux1154d ago

I see nothing inappropriate with what he said. Just strange.

iplay1up21154d ago

Don't be such a fanboy! Seriously!!😂🤣& #128514;😭

bneals1154d ago

What a confusing comment. Many of us have GP to get 1st party MS games on day one. To get other games like this made by non-MS owned studios on day one too is GRAVY.

The real question is why would this annoy you?

DJStotty1154d ago

Because they secretly are envious of the service and want an identical one on Playstation, that is all that is wrong here.

This news is really getting some attention today lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1154d ago
thesoftware7301155d ago

Sweet. Saved me $65, thanks MS.

I think Ms will acquire People can Fly.

RaidenBlack1155d ago

Yea ... People Can Fly is a really passionate studio and will benefit greatly from such acquisition.

LucasRuinedChildhood1155d ago

They seem to get third party games Day 1 on GamePass (like Outer Worlds) when they buy the studio in question, so I'd say it's already done, tbh.

I own a PS5 but Sony needs to buy some new studios soon. MS's output is going to be crazy

TreMillz1155d ago

Sony does not need to buy a studio to match anything Microsoft did recently, this was more paying for day 1 access which cost them $ to do so

jznrpg1155d ago

They have expanded most of their studios to have 2-3 teams . They may have a lesser number of named studios but they have a lot of teams within those studios . I haven’t tried this demo yet but it wasn’t something I was looking at . I like the sound of rpg elements but we will see. I’m not going to gamepass as I don’t want the long term effects of it , a monopoly of games I have to subscribe to play the games I want . It’s not going to be this cheap for long they know how to sucker ppl in they have done it with every other service they offered . I don’t want MS as a monopoly for games , they have showed in the past that quality is not their priority and though that may have changed some in the short term I’m not a believer in their long game and I’m willing to spend $ for my hobby . I hope I’m wrong but I don’t like their direction

LucasRuinedChildhood1155d ago (Edited 1155d ago )

Guys, I'm not switching over to Xbox or anything. I'm just acknowledging that Sony, especially since many of their studios delivered big games last year, probably need to buy more studios to match MS's output going forward.

I actually hate that MS bought Bethesda and would love if this acquisition war wasn't necessary. I prefer Sony's traditional approach of developing a long term relationship (creating exclusives) with a studio before buying them.

badz1491154d ago

come on, this is a 3rd party game releasing day and date on the PS4/5 too. no need to be too proud of it since MS also needs to push to make sure GP subscribers don't run away because honestly, their own 1st party output is almost non-existent at the moment and nothing more than a promise for the future. they want people to subscribe RIGHT NOW and the only way for them to do that right now is to pay 3rd parties to do this kind of thing as they have nothing worthwhile yet on their own. gotta love running to daddy Satya for more money as they did with the acquisition of Zenimax and make it sounds like it's XBOX's money LOL.

look, I'm not downplaying this by any means. it's awesome for xbox gamers and I hope you GP subscribers rejoice, but I have a problem with those trying to call it as an xbox's win over PS5. you guys celebrate it like it's a 1st party game exclusive for xbox LOL.

CaptainHenry9161154d ago

"It’s not going to be this cheap for long they know how to sucker ppl in they have done it with every other service they offered ."

Thats what I'm concerned about. I expect a $10-15 ( over $300 dollars a year) dollar price increase by next year for Microsoft to make more profit for the Xbox game division. Just how netflix keep raising their price. They should keep it lower for PC gamers since it's inferior to the Xbox version

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neomahi1155d ago

Not necessarily. Studios will resist an acquisition if it means the cost of morale. Microsoft acquired the rights to Gears of War and Cliff Bleszinski left Epic Games to form his own studio with former Guerilla Games dev and Bleszinski that would only develop and and advocated heavily for Xbox and Microsoft developed their game only for PS4 and PC. Rod Ferguson took over the series at was once known as Black Tusk studio and became the Coalition and made Gears 4, this guy was the head of a studio making Microsoft money bailed and went to Activision, under Bobby Kotick, to work at Blizzard, so, acquisitions arent always what studios want and theres two examples.

Atom6661154d ago

I'm trying my best to understand what you're saying here. I agree that morale is vital, but your Gears example isn't making sense.

Cliffy left Epic in 2012. MS didn't buy the IP until 2014. Are you saying there's a connection?

Rod had an interesting involvement with MS and Gears. He was with MS for many years. He was what they call a "closer" because his strength was in getting games finalized and shipped.

He actually left MS at their suggestion to go work on Gears back before Gears 1 because it had so many development issues. He remained there until about the same time as Cliffy, but Rod called out Epic's deal with Tencent as his reason for leaving. He believed Epic would no longer focus on those big AAA games (he wasn't wrong either). But instead of retirement, he went and helped finish the last Bioshock. Then he went back to MS (and back to Canada). The guy has been damn good at his job for a long time, and has a great resume for success.

Cliffy is a talented guy, but successfully running a whole studio needs more than creative talent. Knowing that Rod went to Epic in the first place because they needed someone to handle the business end of game production, it's probably understandable why Cliffy struggled with Boss Key.

With all of Diablo's reported problems, and the number of high ranking people at Blizzard who left, they 100% needed someone just like Rod. I'm sure they paid quite a bit to get him there, too.

I'm not sure what exactly your examples were trying to show, but Rod, Cliffy, and Gears in general have nothing to do with acquisitions failing.

thornintheside1154d ago

In every acquisition there are employees who find themselves unsatisfied. Especially people in leading positions, since the acquiring company usually already has people in those positions.

DaveZero1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

Yeah and Cliff was a failure ever since he left Epic lol.

It wasn't the studio that resisted MS it was Cliff, he thought he was big that he could make it on his own and while I respect that he tried. He also made a fool of himself for trying to make others in the business look like idiots and belittled them all while thinking he was one of the big boys in the playground.

Cliff certainly got put in his place for his sillyness in the industry after leaving Epic. Gamers refused to buy his game and it was a large part due to his arrogant approachand idiotic ways.

His worst mistake was turning away from MS.

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The 7 Best Co-op Games on PS5

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Cacabunga122d ago

For coop, get a used switch instead

jznrpg122d ago

I own a Switch and have never played co-op on it. I do play Elden Ring , Demons Souls and some other co/op games with my friends on PS5. Baldurs Gate 3 is the next game I’ll play co-op. Can’t do that on a Switch

Cacabunga121d ago

I was thinking for couch casual immediate fun.. not online coop games that require some adaptation.


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RavenWolfx606d ago

At the time of this comment, I am not seeing Odyssey on Xbox or PC yet.


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