
Phil Spencer Comments on Bethesda Games Releasing Exclusively On Xbox and PC

Phil Spencer has commented on their recent deal with Bethesda and their acquisition and how it benefits their eco-systems going forward.

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Sonic-and-Crash1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

what i see is that MS wanted more to recruit developers/studios that are competent to finish smhting as a project and less to gather a bunch of IP s (that more or less underperformed)....

they were searching desperately for people that can develop and can finish what they develop with decent results...as probably had alot of bad experiences with sloppy made HALO 4-5-Wars and with draining out of talented people who can bring game New game ideas to the table

bouzebbal1154d ago

Am I the only one who never played a Bethesda game before?

Sonic-and-Crash1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

@ not the only ...the only games that i played from Bethesda is og Morrowind which was pretty good back then and Doom 2016 which also good for a reboot ...but anything else from them seems unappealing to me

Melankolis1154d ago

I never played Bethesda's IPs nor interested to them, but Mikami's reputation makes me want to try Ghostwire even it's an FPS.

OptimusDK1154d ago

@bouzebbal Yes pretty much so. You must be quite a noob or just startet last week.

chiefJohn1171154d ago

Here lemme give you hug, everything gonna be okay

strifeblade1153d ago

All of a sudden it seems Bethesda's is unappealing. Wolfenstein is held in high regard. Elder scrolls is a generational game just like grand theft auto. Evil within and the studio developing the upcoming ps5 exclusive look great. Doom is just fun solid gameplay. All those games have a high meta and if your didn't play them or all of a sudden haven't heard of them your not a serious gamer

Sonic-and-Crash1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

@strifeblade ...yes i ll agree about Evil Within i have played it and it was good ...but i forgot it was bethesda my mistake ...though this doesnt change smhting , to me are 2-3 games that i would like to see again from them

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1153d ago
RazzerRedux1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

Timestamp is incorrect, apparently. Trying again: https://youtu.be/YJneU_qBMP...

His comments on this are around the 8:50 mark.

Christopher1154d ago

Just FYI, GamePass as you know it can't happen on Switch or PS as those games offered on Game Pass are already licensed on those platforms. Only thing they could offer is something like EA Pass with just Microsoft games.

1154d ago Replies(5)
Christopher1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

***I don't think you have the level of understanding to make that statement. Obviously new arrangements can always be made and that's assuming what you say is correct to begin with.***

I don't think *you* have a level of understanding on this subject matter. Licenses are to platforms. The same way music is licensed to platforms for streaming. Putting the games on a service would be an obstruction of their license with the platform upon which that service exists if Sony didn't agree to it. The only people who can break that agreement are Sony, such as when they agree to allow a game on PSNow (which is its own platform for agreement). Sony is not going to agree to allow money that could go to a game sale on their platform to be made available on a service that would be on their platform.

The thing is, Microsoft has already proven this by not allowing other cloud streaming game services on Xbox One. They themselves wouldn't allow PS Now on Xbox just like they wouldn't allow a competing cloud service.


UltraNova1154d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isnt MS allowing Nvidia's cloud gaming app via the xbox web browser? How does that work?

1154d ago
chiefJohn1171154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

Chris....You're making yourself look bad. Lol

Christopher1153d ago

***I specifically said Sony and or Nintendo would have to waive their license. I also stated Microsoft would have to get publishers/developers to agree to allow it.***

Just so I get this straight. And so you understand why you don't know what you're talking about while trying to tell me I don't.

I don't know what I'm talking about by saying that Sony would never agree to allow Microsoft to make money off of a service on their platform by making games available that are already on their platform and would take away sales from Sony on their own platform. I even linked you an article where even Microsoft prevented a competing cloud app on XBox.

But you do know what you're talking about by suggesting the most improbable solution of Sony willingly changing their license agreements to allow their number one competitor in gaming hardware to sell games, games which Sony already sell more of and get more profit from on PlayStation, as a service on their hardware which would require people installing and playing PlayStation hardware specific code that would have to go through Sony validation and would 100% be out of the hands of the people selling the product.

Yes. You totally proved me wrong and you totally didn't present the most ridiculous option to try and act like my statement above was wrong or even close to ignorant when in reality what you propose is preposterous and my statement is to define why it's prosperous.

1153d ago
Christopher1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

Insanely ridiculous.

You're giving an impression of possibility when it doesn't exist and then acting as if my comment isn't more accurate than yours.

And, the stances I listed above were purposefully ridiculous in stance and not support of what you're saying if you don't understand what I was getting at.

The chances of what you are acting as probable happening are less likely than Sony being bought by Microsoft.

You presenting a one in quadrillion chance of something happening and telling me I don't understand how it works is saying that you don't understand because you actually act like it could happen and because I ignore that as an option because it's just not an option (and even showed proof that microsoft themselves wouldn't allow it from a non-competitor) you try to act like you pulling this out of your rear makes you more knowledgeable. It doesn't.

By your logic, anything is possible. That's not how it works.

Please go troll elsewhere.

1153d ago
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crazyCoconuts1154d ago

I agree, an Xbox only pass is the only way this would happen, if at all. Whether it would be worth it for both companies I don't know.

-Foxtrot1154d ago

" is about delivering great exclusive games for you, that ship on platforms, where Game Pass exists, and that’s our goal"

This to me is basically them wanting to put Game Pass on as many platforms as possible, it's like their own bargaining chip. "You want the new Elder Scrolls and Fallout? Well your user base can get them if you allow Game Pass on your platform. What do you say?"

I still think eventually, and I mean far, far future, it will eventually shift Microsoft into a sort of third party space with select titles.

MrDead1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

"its about delivering great exclusive games for you"... by removing them from all other platforms!

With all that money MS could of added to the gaming world instead they use it to take it for themselves.
...remember when exclusive DLC was seen as a scummy thing to do? MS just blew that away!

MohammadAdam1154d ago

Reminds me of deathloop, ghostwire

UltraNova1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

No matter how much certain people might disagree with you, what you said is true.

It's one thing to assemble a dev team and have them create a new game from scratch and release it exclusively on your platform and an entirely different thing to buy a whole slew of studios that have been creating multiplatform games played and loved by so many people for decades and now locking a huge percentage of them out - then rubbing it in their faces.

"its about delivering great exclusive games for you" yeah....except you, and you, and you...

It's one thing buying a small-medium studio here and there or a timed-exclusivity but this...this is on another level.

Congratulations MS.

GottaBjimmyb1154d ago


You mean like Ghostwire, Deathloop, final fantasy remake, Street fighter 5, Until Dawn, Order 1886. Not to mention many other third party exclusive or timed exclusive deals? I suspect those are all ok for some reason I am just too dumb to understand though. Can't wait to hear the spin.

CaptainObvious8781154d ago


No spin required, just debunking your false equivalency.

All those games you mentioned are not the same as with each one of those sony funded them from the beginning. Sony didn't come in halfway through development, where a lot of resources had already been spent on getting the game to run on xbox platforms, waved a big fact check and said 'that game there that we haven't invested in at all and is already planned to release on xbox, don't release it on xbox'.

What MS have done with beth is actually worse though. They've said 'see that entire franchise that has millions of fans on multiple platforms, don't release any future games on other platforms'.

You see, when Sony does exclusives, they ADD to the pie. They approach devs from the very start and create something new to add to the industry. Where as MS simply cut out a piece of already existing pie and don't let anyone else have it. They take a game that's already halfway through development, sometimes games that have already been announced for other platforms, and block it coming to those platforms.

It's a very very simple concept to grasp, yet every single time this issue comes up I find myself having to explain it to ms apologists. So to answer your question, maybe you are too stupid to understand.

DaveZero1154d ago

Like Sony have never done that.
I will take you back to the days of Sony first arriving and the way they aided in Sega not being able to operate anymore, they grabbed every damn deal they could up and forced Sega out as much as Sega made bad decisions.

So let's cut the fanboy crap of how Microsoft all of a sudden is the bad guy, you were not saying anything last Gen when Sony were grabbing up the deals and MS were playing second fiddle, you fanboys from the playstation side were laughing and loving it.

Now the tables have turned abit and it's a game many playstation fans enjoy, now it gets to you and you understand why many Xbox fans were last gen calling for an end to exclusivity and to allow cross platform to be more of a thing.

If fans actually stood side by side rather than doing this song and dance of console wars maybe console company's would be more inclined to not make these moves that affect the other side's.

HardKnockKid241154d ago

@ CaptainObvious878

Didn’t Spider-Man used to release on all platforms back in the day? Lol I only see it on PS now

GottaBjimmyb1154d ago

@captainobvious How do you know that? You know that every game listed Sony paid for from day 1 before there was any product or team?
1. I highly doubt you know that
2. I highly doubt Sony is just giving blank checks to devs with no project development even started.
Also, MS is buying the studio, of course some projects are started, most of Sony's studios started as 3rd party devs, prpbably with projects in the works. I am not surprised to see the circles you require to run in to excuse your hypocrisy.

TBH, I could care less, I have all the consoles (I actually sold my Series X at launch because I had no use for it, ended up buying another recently) So I kinda could care less. I would be fine if everything went wherever honestly.

GottaBjimmyb1154d ago

Also, how do you know MS hasn't been helping and funding these games up to this point? How do you know sStarfield or Indiana Jones were already in progress as exclusives anyway?

CaptainObvious8781154d ago


WTH are you talking about? Last gen MS was the one to buy up 3rd party timed exclusivity left right and center. Sony did it a little as well, but no where near as bad as MS. I called out both companies when they did.

When know how Sony natures and cultivates their relationships with developers, both 1st and 3rd party, because the devs themselves tell us.

Take Insomniac for example. They weren't just some random 3rd party team that has a long history of releasing games on both consoles. Sony didn't just buy them out of the blue, they've help publish their games for years now.

And obviously sony isn't just giving cheques to devs without first hearing their proposals and getting approval.

You know I could keep explaining this a 100 different ways, but I know all of you are going to be purposefully ignorant. ms is just an absolute cancer on gaming.


It works for Nintendo and Sony. There is no reason why Microsoft cannot have a slice of the exclusive pie.

chiefJohn1171154d ago

Yet Insomniac purchase was ok for you....

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1154d ago
badz1491154d ago

when will MS stop abusing the word "exclusive"?

Gunstar751154d ago

Look up the word in the dictionary.

"Limited to one person or group of people"

As long as something excludes a person or group of people then is can be "exclusive"

iplay1up21154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

I am glad I went with Series X first. 20 Bethesda games are coming to Game Pass. EA play is on Game Pass. There is a ton of great content on the service!

A lot of games have had and many will get Series X updates.

CaptainHenry9161154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

I also expect the price to increase as well. I'll give it to the end of the year. $25-$30 dollars a month for gamepass will be profitable for Microsoft and the sweet spot (about $300-$360 a year). There's always a catch LOL. I just hope they don't increase the price for PC gamepass since it's inferior to the Xbox version

alb18991154d ago

I don't know about your expectations but I do know about those 70 dollars that you are paying for your PS5 games.

ocelot071154d ago

This is why I refuse to buy into gamepass. Currently I use there £1 for 1 month offer once it expires give it a day or so and they will offer it again.

£1 a month is fine that is absolutely noting to me lol. I refuse to pay the £8 a month on pc. When gamepass first came to pc it was only £4 a month then went to £8. It's Microsoft I honestly just don't trust them. Look what they tried to do with gold the other month. Also no longer doing 12 month a year suns anymore. They are trying to make gold look like a bad deal and are desperate for people to jump to gamepass ultimate.

As I said I'll stick to the £1 a month gamepass. If they ever stop that then games I do want for example Forza or Elder Scrolls I'll simply wait until they are cheap. For example 3rd party key sellers sell them for dirt cheap.

monkey6021154d ago

A 360 dollar annual subscription is a sweet spot for you?! Just what meds are you on?

Even if you or myself would actually spend more on the games we buy in a year, At that price the vast majority of users would walk away.

CaptainHenry9161154d ago


They have to make some money someway. It might even go higher than $30.

darthv721154d ago

you know... people keep saying the price of GP is going to go up and while that may eventually be the case... they spout it all the time recently as if when the day ever comes they can say "see... I told you so".

Just let is go Henry... you want to take credit for knowing the price will go up? you can have it. We ALL pretty much expect it to go up at some point. So you can give it a rest now.

TheGreatGazoo301154d ago

GamePass is already profitable.

CaptainHenry9161154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )


If it makes you feel any better I have a feeling that Sony will announce their version of gamepass. I'm definitely not a fan of this but this looks like it's the future. The good news for me is that Sony and Microsoft is doing me a favor. I won't have to buy a console in the future. Everything is going to PC!!

agnosticgamer1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

It’s been stated multiple times that GamePass is already profitable for Microsoft. What they need is continued growth and additional subscribers... That is what these moves and acquisitions are about.

For a company like MS continued investment in its money is more important than having $100 billion sitting in a bank.

Silly gameAr1154d ago


A one time fee of 70 bucks and I get to keep the game forever? Sounds like a deal to me.

DaveZero1154d ago

Even if there was a little truth to what you say a playstation Owner could buy 6 games and that would be 420 dollars, where an Xbox player can just pay abit less than that and have an whole library of games.

While your off getting bored in some months from your 6 x 70 dollar games, an Xbox gamepass Owner can have twenty or maybe times more game time of content to go through for exactly that price you put in your post. Not only that but the library of games always see additions.

I'd rather have Gamepass than pay for full priced games, it's about choice for me and Xbox players certainly get choice.

badz1491154d ago


you're acting like Sony's games will be at $70 forever. they will AT BEST be at $70 for 2 months maximum before dropping in prices in many places. or do you have a disease that all your games must be bought at launch or they are worthless many months later?? you must have nothing to play on Gamepass too, ha? aside form the ocassional new releases, there are just bunch of old games on there!

Father__Merrin1153d ago

There's rumour ubisoft connect will be added to gamepass I think we may see a rise

strifeblade1153d ago

People been saying that for a while. Hasn't happened.

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RgR1154d ago

And im glad that i havent bought either yet as it seems that the best approach is the wait and see.

BEthesda games on gamepass is great but i want new games not ones ive already played

CaptainHenry9161154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

That's what I'm waiting for. Microsoft has to make profit some way. And what about Xbox Gold? Will that be included with gamepass in the future?

TheGreatGazoo301154d ago

@RgR and @CaptainHenry916.

NEW games come to GamePass all the time now, and all the Zenimax studio games will now too. GamePass is already profitable for Xbox (I'm too lazy to fund the interview when Spencer said that).

Xbox Gold is already a part of GamePass Ultimate. So for $15 a month I get GamePass, Xcloud, GamePass PC (Crusader Kings 3 is great), and Xbox Gold. That's $180 a year, or the price of 3 new games. I've already downloaded and played more than that this year and I've found I play far more games now than I did before GamePass. Costs me $0 extra to download and try a game so why not?

CaptainHenry9161154d ago


I guess you won't care about the upcoming price increase for gamepass 😁

DaveZero1154d ago

Here we go, the whole I want new games lark, don't you feel bored you have to constantly say the same thing.

I know I feel bored as hell having to constantly state that playstation didn't get it's sweet looking games last gen just by putting together dev teams last gen, it took decades and years of moulding. If Microsoft and Xbox fans are patient which we are then the fruit of the labour will come soon enough.

Just so happens that the acquisition of Bethesda by MS is a statement to every Xbox Owners out there, that they are ready to be serious for us and do what it takes to make Xbox the place to be.

RgR1154d ago


Umm no. New games from xbox?? Which?
Ive already played Gears 5, Ori 2, The Medium....which new games are you referring to cuz I must not be seeing them.

DOMination-1154d ago

What new games have Sony released? A remake of am old game and a Spiderman expansion?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1154d ago
MrDead1154d ago

I want them to buy Ubisoft and Activision so they can lock all those multiplatform games behind a paywall too!

ThePacemaker1154d ago

You have the mentality of a 6 years old child.

DaveZero1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

I agree Ubisoft as I enjoy The division and we'd then have there nee states game but not Activision, however I'd love Microsoft to buy Blizzard and ArenaNet, having Diablo and Guild wars would be wonderful indeed..

DiRtY1154d ago

But but they need to recoup their investments....?

PS-Gamer-19861154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

I believe it is important for xbox to finally have a great lineup of exclusives again, so imo it is better for the brand if they keep these games console exclusive, but c'mon who would still take Mr Phil - 180 Degrees - Spencer's statements serious enough to say "but but......" lol

LegoIsAwesome1154d ago

Xbox have exclusives? Oh wait sorry, you mean console exclusive which is also available on PC which is where probably where most of its sales is gonna be? Yep. PC is looking to have a best games this upcoming years with Xbox as its sidekick.

DaveZero1154d ago

Does certainly help Xbox have an identity alone just by having Bethesda.

PS-Gamer-19861154d ago


I you actually read my comment you could see that is wrote "I believe it is important for xbox to finally have a great lineup of exclusives AGAIN", ending the very same sentence with "so imo it is better for the brand if they keep these games console exclusive". So i don't see what your problem is.

Xbox lineup has been horrible for years and years and we all know phil probably won't release full blown exclusive for xbox anytime soon, so at least the brand could use better console exclusives.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1154d ago
Redemption-641154d ago

They do need to recoup their investment, as to how they do it, it's up to them. Do you really think investors are going to invest all that money without a plan to recoup the money they spent?

I guess the plan here is to compelle people who like those games, but are not in the Xbox ecosystem to make the switch. Personally the last Bethesda game i played was Fallout 4. Will miss it.

DigitalDaniel1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

When the news broke about this purchase "everyone" went out and said there's no way the games will be exclusive and "they need to recoup".

MS don't have to recoup anything by putting the games on Playstation. Something they have explained before and now doubled down on. And their numbers adds up and backs their claims.

Recoup argument is something people has been repeating over and over until they actually believe in it. Yes they do have investors, but they also have an enormous war chest with over 131 billion dollars in cash. Not net worth, but cash. Sony's whole worth is 123 billion dollars. They're not a 1.7 trillion dollar company like MS. So they have waaaay more wiggle room to do long plays. There's a reason why Playstation's CEO Jim Ryan said that going day and date with their games on PS Now service is not sustainable. Not because the model isn't sustainable, it's just not sustainable to THEM. They don't have the money or infrastructure to do it. Even the Playstation's cloud service is delivered by Microsoft.

When Microsoft said they don't need to put games on Sony's platform they meant it. In terms of economics these two companies are not playing anywhere in the same league. Microsoft's real competitors are Tencent, Google, Amazon, Netflix.

Seems like people are not taking into the account the full picture with the economy of these companies.
Something I see all the time from Sony fanboys who thinks Sony can buy EA, Ubisoft etc. They don't have that kind of coin. That's just the reality of it.

Redemption-641153d ago

Am sorry, what does Sony's networth have to do with this? MS is the richest out of the big three, but it's not because of Xbox. Even with all their money, Sony remains the market leader. Hell when talking strictly about revenue in gaming, MS is in 4th place, following by Nintendo in 3rd, Tencent games in second and Sony in 1st.
You seemed hurt. Are you ok?

MS is company, in business to make money. Do you seriously think they will invest billions of cash into something without a way to recoup that investment? Weather they keep the games on Playstation or remove them in hopes those users switch to Xbox are both viable strategies to recoup their investment. Just because you are sitting on cash doesn't mean you don't want to recoup your investments. And even with all that cash, Sony remains the market leader, by a country mile.

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Generative AI Will Allow Bigger, More Immersive Worlds, Says EA, and Developers Were 'Hungry' for It

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson said generative AI will allow bigger, more immersive worlds, and the developers were very eager for it.

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Christopher19h ago

If you want a tool to reduce the time it takes to make a product, AI is a tool to do that. If you want a tool to just make content for you, AI is a poor crutch for good writing and storytelling.

Vits13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

I don't disagree. However, good writing and storytelling in games are still pretty rare. Honestly, AI as it is right now could probably produce output similar to, if not better than, your average experience. Especially because the main issue I see being thrown around for its use is the generation of ludonarrative problems. But, we have literal GotY winners that are incarnations of ludonarrative problems and written by humans. So if specialists don't care, would the average player even notice?

That said, from the perspective of improving the craft, AI will undoubtedly do more harm than good if used for that.

Christopher13h ago

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying what we're getting out there right now is overall great from everyone. There are obviously a lot of bad writers out there. The problem is AI learning from bad writers. No thanks!

thorstein18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Time for AI to replace CEOS. That way, when it fails, as it inevitably will, there's no one to tell. The employees can continue to make games, get raises (no CEO bonuses), and there will no longer be bone headed decisions by id10Ts.

Christopher13h ago

Think how much easier it will be to fire an AI CEO than a real one! We've sacked Ocrulos AI CEO and will be replacing him with Kensho Technologies v3 CEO.

isarai13h ago

Honestly, that's the funny thing I find about AI. Is that it's the management and higher up positions that are the most perfectly replaceable positions with AI vs people at ground level.

XiNatsuDragnel13h ago

Just ea man y'all embarrassing yourselves


EA CEO Says AI Will Transform 50% of Development Process

EA's CEO says that AI will revolutionize 50% of their development, enhancing speed and creativity in gaming.

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thorstein1d ago

I've heard of garbage in, garbage out.

But garbage creating garbage is a whole new "landscape of gaming" garbage.

isarai21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

You mean "Replace" 🙄😒

enkiduxiv23m ago

Coming from Andrew Wilson, an AI designed to behave like a tech bro, this sounds like nepotism.


Ninja Theory trends on X as gamers fear for studio following Tango Gameworks closure

Following the closure of 4 studios, many are now worried for the future of Ninja Theory once Hellblade 2 is released.

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Sonic18813h ago(Edited 3h ago)

How is it going to sell well when it's also releasing on gamepass 🤔

Sephiroushin3h ago

Meant better to sell the studio and not closing it 🤦🏻 not to sell more games….
and games are sold anyways, you can buy it on xbox (not recommended if you got gamepass) but many pc gamers prefer to buy on steam than deal with the xbox app or pc gamepass!

On a side note to OP, the sales of studios wont happen though, especially when they want to retain the IPs, and well nobody is gonna buy a studios without its IPs; the other publishers that want a certain dev from the studio that are closing on their team can try to grab them as soon as they see they notice of the studio.

RaidenBlack1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Well hypothetically speaking, Ninja Theory can be sold to Sony at a lower rate sans the Hellblade IP.
Sony can then welcome them to work on the Heavenly Sword IP, which they still own.
Will be a nice proposition for Sony who can continue to offer a God of War-like hack n slash in their portfolio via Heavenly Sword 2, whilst Cory Barlog & co. decides to take a break from the God of War IP & venture some other genres.
On top of that, Ninja Theory was also interested in a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and such Sony can come to a deal with Namco Bandai regarding the Enslaved IP.

Lightning7721h ago

Because they're next come next year. HB2 won't hit some impossible metric within MS so they're getting axed in 2025. Leave gaming now MS.

XiNatsuDragnel13h ago

Ninja theory might as well be gone in 2025 at this rate

notachance4h ago

Every xbox studio is in danger now because there’s just no way they’re gonna rake in big money from game sales because of gamepass, even CoD was rumored to not come to gamepass because it would canibalize their sales number.

neutralgamer19922h ago

If they are smart they don’t put COD on GP day one. It’s one of the best selling games on yearly basis

Hofstaderman2h ago

Satya will make sure that doesnt happen. As you rightly put it; why kill the cash cow?

But then again, it is MS after all.....

Rynxie4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Ninja theory games were never big sellers. I could be wrong, but I doubt hellblade 2 will sell millions. I would rather they go independent and make heavenly sword 2.

solideagle4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

heavenly sword is Sony owned IP. this will never happen as original didn't sell enough...

Wikipedia: "In 2008, it was reported that a sequel to Heavenly Sword was in-development at SCE Studio Cambridge, but was canceled due to Sony no longer seeing it as a commercially viable product"

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