
IGN: Block Party review

Step into the shoes of a young child for a moment. Your redneck father decides he wants you out of the house for a while, so he takes a chain, ties up you and your friends, and hangs you upside down from a tree in the back yard. Just for laughs, underneath each of you he places a genetically altered, man eating cactus, closer to which you are slowly being lowered. Upon escaping, one of your friends is quickly eaten by the neighbor's giant dog. It's a terrifying experience indeed; and just a couple of the many bizarre mini-games found in Activision and Ivolgamus' Block Party for Wii.


The Worst Wii Exclusives That Everyone Should Avoid Playing

Sherry Baldwin: "I was kind of excited at the beginning of the week when we planned out three features for the current generation of home consoles… That was until I was told my point of view was to pick the worst Wii games released to help potential consumers avoid any “shovelware” as our editor put it. Thankfully there are a lot of quality games on the little white box that many consider to be a game changer in the industry. However we’re not focusing on the great titles the Wii has to offer."

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VG_Releaser5113d ago

It would take weeks to list all the shovelware from the first 1.5 years.

vgn245113d ago

Mario Galaxy Came out within the first 1 1/2 years and sp did tons of titles, but I get what you mean.

HolyOrangeCows5113d ago

"Honorable Mention:
Literally Too Many To List (Six more released while you were reading this.)"

LOL, nice.

jadenkorri5112d ago

i loled on that one

Literally Too Many To List (Six more released while you were reading this.)"

best statement i ever heard..

vgchica5113d ago

I can't argue with most of those titles, because I never even heard of most of them. LoL

BeaArthur5113d ago

Just about everything with party or dance in the title.

FuckinUsername5113d ago

Too much shovelware to make a list

ElementX5113d ago

They could've at least shown screenshots of these horrible games.

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Activision UK Unveils Fun4All Series Exclusively On Nintendo Wii

Activision UK today announces six titles in the UK as part of its new 'FUN4ALL' range designed exclusively for Wii. With a choice of astounding adventures, mischievous gameplay and thrilling sports challenges, the child-friendly collection offers something the whole family can enjoy! The six Wii exclusive titles will be arriving in UK stores on 13th February.


Activision Blizzard announces new Wii label

Activision Blizzard have revealed a new label to take full advantage of both the Wii's popularity and its target demographic – the family.

The new Wii-exclusive label, Fun4All, will encompass family games and focus on the social aspect of gaming in an attempt to bring family and friends together.

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ChickeyCantor5593d ago

" The new Wii-exclusive label, Fun4All, will encompass family games and focus on the social aspect of gaming in an attempt to bring family and friends together. Activision marketing director"

As if families are broken and only look happy in a family portrait.


gaznutta5593d ago

I have two children a lad 9 and a daughter 7 both of whome were quite excited by pitfall and its nice cartoony style graphics.I must admit even i was looking forward to playing it albeit nostalgia purposes.

Now-- however it is being marketed as shovelware and solely for familes, both of my children turn round say " daddy they keep bringing out baby games". Forget the corporate pile of slush and release games that actually appeal.

Piling them into a range and calling them all as one is not the way forward. Pitfall would sell tons more had it had a less babyish cover. You just watch spore wars show you how its done, at least Pax holds a weapon on the front!

Well done activision youve joined the publishers that dont know gamers and upset two small children a the same time!. I just cant help wonder how many other people feel this. Sack your artists and imagineers