
Nioh Collection Review: The war between demons and samurai comes to PS5 - WebBee

The Nioh saga makes its debut on PlayStation 5 with two well-made remasters, offering hundreds of hours of fun.

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7 Games to Prepare you for Elden Ring Launch Day

FromSoftware's Elden Ring is creeping ever-closer, so how can you prepare for Elden Ring launch day? With these seven games of course!

SinisterMister836d ago

Oh come on. Give us the game already.


The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide

Team Ninja: "The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide now!"

FallenAngel19841000d ago

At 6 million NiOh is on the cusp of nearly outselling Ninja Gaiden’s 6.8 million with just only 2 titles under its belt

This could mean Team Ninja may see no reason to return to producing new NG games

CaptainHenry9161000d ago

But what if a new Ninja Gaiden sells well?

FallenAngel19841000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

The latest Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection had sold 240,000 units worldwide at last count

Unfortunately that may not be as high enough a number to convince Team Ninja to also commit to continuing Ninja Gaiden alongside Dead or Alive and NiOh.

And when they aren’t working on those they’re focused on licensed properties like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

I wish I were wrong but that may be how Tecmo Koei sees it. Hopefully they prove me wrong and produce Ninja Gaiden 4 at some point

Yi-Long1000d ago

To be fair, does anyone still trust Team Ninja with Ninja Gaiden*?

Let’s be honest here, it was Itagaki who created Ninja Gaiden greatness, with NG1, NG Black (improved version of NG1), and Ninja Gaiden 2.

The Sigma versions of 1 & 2, done without Itagaki, while decent/good, never lived up to the originals, and NG3 was a mess.

And they half-assed the collection, so many huge fans of the series never bothered picking that up.

I’d be excited if Itagaki would announce a return to the action ninja genre. If Team Ninja would announce a NG4, I’d be skeptical.

To be fair, Team Ninja DID show they’re still capable of releasing greatness with the Nioh games, but with Ninja Gaiden, without Itagaki, they have never been able to reach the quality of NG Black again.

(* … does anyone still trust them with the DOA games, for that matter … !? )

deadfrag1000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

Things are not seen from that stand point.Ninja Gaiden Never had a game produced for PS4 or Xbox One from the ground up.Nioh sold 6 milion because exposure and Marketing are way bigger this days than they were on PS3 and Xbox 360 generation.The Ninja Gaiden collection was never going to sell much since theres nothing new on them,this collection is actually worse to what was already available on Xbox 360 and can be play by BC on any Xbox One console.Ninja Gaiden needs a new game that shows new stuff and that gets backed in the marketing like Nioh.This collection games have already been played by anyone that likes Ninja Gaiden years ago it didnt bring nothing new to the table it was obvious that it would not sell very well.

ocelot071000d ago

That's great and it's now free on the epic game store.

FinalFantasyFanatic999d ago

I just picked it up a couple of hours ago, it was a nice surprise to see it there.

jznrpg1000d ago

Well made games glad they did well .

Brazz1000d ago

they deserve this, Nioh is a amazing game. Hopefully they will expand and make a more ambitious game and have even more sales.


Returnal, Demon's Souls, Spider-Man in PS5 Weekend Sale

Sony’s dropped a surprise PS Store sale for some of the PlayStation 5’s biggest games, including Returnal, Demon’s Souls, and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Scheduled to run until 28th June, the promotion sees Housemarque’s roguelite reduced to £52.49/$49.69, which represents a 25 per cent saving. FromSoftware’s cult action RPG is also temporarily £52.49/$49.69.

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FallenAngel19841077d ago

Finally time to get Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Highrevz1076d ago

£52 is still pretty high for a game that’s on sale but it’s a bigger discount then Nintendo offers on there games.

Robodrake1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

(taking into consideration your pathetic comment history) What the hell is the point of this comment? WOw yOu JuSt deStRoYeD SoNy dUde

It's just on sale for a weekend. Calm your tits. This doesnt mean the games are selling poorly, kid.

Silly Mammo1076d ago

You're right. The X's exclusives are still selling strong. Ms doesn't need to put them on sale. Oh! Wait...

InUrFoxHole1076d ago

No it didn't. The way I see it is.. if you're not hell bent on day 1, then you can hold out so $70 isn't an issue for you. Also who doesn't like to save $$$ on bangers. Hope sony comes up with a service to rival gamepass. They have the titles for it.

Highrevz1076d ago

You got more chance of Sony making a decent Multiplayer game and that’s unlikely.

Atticus_finch1076d ago

People need to stop pretending that psnow doesn't exist. The only benefit for gamepass is day one exclusives that most people don't want to own hence why they're day one. Even ps+ has given me a better library that GP.

Or more chances of Xbox selling you a free to play game with ugly graphics.

ElvisHuxley1076d ago (Edited 1076d ago )

Didn't take long for this comment either. Not sure how it's relevant though, perhaps if PS5 and PS5 games weren't selling like hotcakes, there would be something negative to extrapolate from it, but alas this is not the case. From what I can see, it looks good for Sony and gamers alike.

InUrFoxHole1076d ago

Agreed. I don't think sony has ever had a problem selling games especially 1st party

brewin1076d ago

I think it's good that they're putting their games on sale already. No reason to keep the prices artificially High. Sony has always been good about putting stuff on sale in a reasonable time frame.

John_McClane1076d ago

I never said it was a bad thing.

brewin1076d ago


No, but you said that it didn't take long. Well, the console launched in Nov 2020, it's been 7 months and this is the 1st I've seen most of these go on sale. Id say that's long enough, and why not throw the newer ones like Returnal on sale too, maybe sell a few extra copies 🤷 I can also see them dropping Ratchet and Clank down to $50 soon as well. I don't like the $70 price tag, but $50 is more digestible and reasonable for a lot of people.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1076d ago
Gaming4Life19811076d ago

I might get Returnal, I always wanted it but I was not paying $70 for it or any game. Is it multiplayer?

UnSelf1076d ago

yeah it is. Your friend can play as the gun and fire whenever he wants against your will

njitram20001076d ago

That actually sounds like an interesting coop idea. Has that not been done before? One controls the movement, the other the gun? Reminds me of the IGN Linked Together series.

stupidusername1076d ago

Mario Galaxy did it on the Wii. The second player pointed the star cursor and could shoot enemies and collect stuff on the screen, while the first player controlled mario.

CobraKai1076d ago

In a Demon Souls way it is, but not multiplayer in the traditional sense of teammates fighting next to you. The isolation is part of the atmosphere.

Chevalier1076d ago

Returnal is fantastic! I just finished my first play through and am going for the true ending now. Really unique game with some cool weapons

Robodrake1076d ago

No, it is not a multiplayer game, thank goodness.

NeoGamer2321076d ago

I went out and supported the game about a week or two after release by buying it full price. Personally, I enjoyed it, but I do like rogue-like games to start with.

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Tacoboto1076d ago

And Spider-Man Remastered is still probably the full $20 upgrade, and is still only able to be purchased through the SM:MM start menu. Beyond stupid

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