
It Is Very Clear ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Has A Long Term ‘GTA Online’ Plan

The long term endgame plan of Cyberpunk 2077 becoming a revenue generator for CDPR like GTA Online seems clear.

rlow11263d ago

I could see them pulling the trigger on this. But after all the bad press would anybody bite?

phoenixwing1263d ago

online gamers would line up if the gameplay loop was good. I personally don't play online games so I don't plan on buying it or spending any cash in their store.

1263d ago
Sunny_D1262d ago

The game sold millions and will continue to sell. Especially for the PC crowd.

telgou1262d ago

Wait a few months and everything will go back to normal.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1262d ago
MadLad1263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

All of this is just assumption. Literally an entire article saying "GTA has guns and cars and activities; so does this ...... therefore this is going to be GTA online".

LucasRuinedChildhood1263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

In articles from weeks ago, it was said that the online component is "considered an individual AAA product rather than just a mode" (this quote says it all) and "2021 appears unlikely". They're obviously planning something similar considering the scale of the project. GTA Online helped GTA5 remain relevant for 7 years (very high engagement) and sell more than 100m copies. It's just common sense. GTA Online doesn't have a real direct competitor

MadLad1263d ago

My point being the writer never brings any of that up in the article.
If you read it, it's literally them saying "There's guns, cars, and activities, so obviously their online component is just going to be GTA online again".

Just shoddy journalism.

OhReginald1263d ago

I don't want to hear anything about multiplayer until they fix the damn single player.

neutralgamer19921263d ago

Exactly and before people come in saying game has no issues and they have super rigs

MadLad1263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

I ran the game at a locked 36 fps, 1080p, with a 6 year old 970, a 9 year old i5, and 16 gigs of ddr3 at medium settings.
That's literally an old gaming rig I now use as an office PC.

It may take a high end PC to run it at 1440p +, with all the settings cranked, but it doesn't take anything insane to get the game running decently.

RgR1263d ago

I know 2 other people with similar setups as @tedcruz mentions below.

My own pc which I don't have the space to use for gaming anymore is very similar as well. So I know I could run to the game at 1080p settings and have a decent experience.

Nobody is saying there are no bugs though. It's just not as bad for everyone. And if you play carefully and smart, knowing there are bugs, then you should be fine....especially if you have an SSD. Then itsna cakewalk to just save and reload quick.

got_dam1263d ago

Agreed. I love the game. My game of the last few years. But im not deluded enough to say they didn't royally fuck the release and their goodwill. Im lucky enough to have a stable experience, but that is only because I have a strong pc. Console players, and pc players less powerful hardware, got totally screwed. I really, really feel sorry for the dev team. They get to eat a juicy shit sandwhich because of the piss poor decisions made by their management. Too bad because you can really see the love poured into the game.

neutralgamer19921262d ago


For gamers paying full price they shouldn't have to be careful to enjoy the game and not run into bugs. I am not blaming the developers because they did the best they could but the high ups knew the issue and they released it anyway. They probably thought we are CDPR and gamers won't be that mad

And sadly many are defending CDPR but the same gamers if given the opportunity would bash the living crap out if other big publishers

esherwood1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

I’m playing on Xbox one and it’s best game I played this year, u people are just mad it didn’t live up to some unreal expectation you built up

anubusgold1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

I only have a 1080 and a 3700x you can build that for cheap these days. I get 40 fps on high at 1440P people with 1080P monitors may get close to 60.

anubusgold1262d ago

To prove these console people wrong i want to download it on my laptop and see if i can get 30+ fps locked since it has a 1660ti in it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1262d ago
esherwood1262d ago

Oh shut up people like you are going to be bitching no matter what. Hopefully they realize that and ain’t wasting there time

anubusgold1262d ago

Play it on pc if you have a 1000 series or higher card its good for 40 fps medium settings at 1440P.

MadLad1262d ago

No no no.
This doesn't run well on consoles, so you obviously have to take out a loan to get a PC that makes it run decently.

anubusgold1262d ago

@TheRealTedCruz A 1000 series card is like what 200 bucks and a 200 dollar six core cpu and you can get those in a motherboard bundle because cyberpunk does not use 8 cores.

MadLad1261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

I have a 2060 super and i7 build, but I got this running decently on a 970 with a 9 year old i5 and 16 gigs of ddr3 as an experiment.
1080p, 36 fps, and mostly medium settings.

The people acting like it takes a super computer for a decent experience have no idea what they're talking about.

RgR1263d ago

Absolutely nothing about the game or current events point in that direction.

Also notjing the developers previous history points in that direction either.



Aussiesummer1263d ago

Nothing about the developers previous history pointed to cyberpunk being an absolute clusterfuck either.

RgR1262d ago

Maybe if you didn't play theur gsmes before.

Witcher 1 had issues and witcher 2 had issues. They released buggy and with performance issues. Granted they primarily focused on pc.

That focus is evident with cyberpunk as well. They shoulda just dropped last gen consoles.

franwex1263d ago

If they can get their act together, it would make a really special online experience for sure.

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just_looken4d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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