
God of War Generated Half Billion In Revenue For Sony, Horizon Zero Dawn Hit 400M

Sony had an incredible sales success with their first-party IPs this generation with games like Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Uncharted, and more.

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zsquaresoff1268d ago

This is great news for us single player gamers and even better news for Sony who's investement in those single player games are showing great returns.

LordoftheCritics1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

V Good

Sony is clogging all the gaas leaks.

potatoseal1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

These numbers are over a year old, but still they paint a great picture for Sony moving forward

Welshy1268d ago

These sales numbers must be false because sInGle PlAyEr gAmEs ArE dEaD.

piroh1268d ago

I'm one of those who contributed to this number

shuvam091268d ago

Also shows why Sony doesn't wanna go down the Gamepass route. Not atleast right away.

RauLeCreuset1268d ago

They outright said why they don't want to go down that route while trying to remain polite toward MS in their explanation. You would be forgiven for thinking the Game Pass model is a proven model if you're listening to some people tell it.

Ezio20481268d ago

I am sure God of War would have generated much more than $500 million.

LordoftheCritics1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

If it was multiplat, it would do some serious damage on the top 10 sales everywhere.

xHeavYx1268d ago

If it was a multiplat then the PS4 wouldn't have outsold Xbox 3 to 1

bouzebbal1268d ago

If it was multiplatform no one would care for ps4. Sony is perfectly right to keep high quality software exclusive

DarXyde1268d ago

That's a bizarre point to make and not even necessarily true. It's done pretty well in Top 10s as an exclusive - being on other platforms doesn't really guarantee that it would do well on other platforms. One can also argue that making it multiplatform would likely result in compromise for the scale and scope of the game since a multiplatform game is always made with the lowest common denominator in mind (which, if multiplatform, would be the Xbox One or Switch). If that happened, the game might actually not be as well-received as it is because it appealed to the lowest common denominator and sacrifices were made to everyone's experience. Just a thought.

That comment aside, Horizon's numbers are actually outstanding. A new IP is not far behind an established franchise (though Horizon has also been out longer). Sony's got great talent, and both games really deserve their success.

Sunny_D1268d ago

Yeah the numbers are from 2019. So most likely even more now.

LucasRuinedChildhood1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

That figure comes from some time in 2019.

EDIT: Hadn't reloaded the page and seen the comment above mine.

RauLeCreuset1268d ago

That breaks down to over 8 million full priced purchases as of 2019.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1268d ago
Rimeskeem1268d ago

Makes me wonder what Spiderman hit...

SonyStyled1268d ago

Umm... not sure. But after purchasing Insomniac for $230 million Id think the studio was almost purchased for ‘free’ in that game alone, excluding development and publishing costs of course

Eonjay1268d ago

Another wrench 🛠️ to throw into the equation is that the money generated was probably split between Disney/Marvel, and Sony.

roadkillers1268d ago

^ You think so? I know Sony keeps all of the movie revenue as long as they make a new spiderman every couple of years.

RememberThe3571267d ago

Sony owns the right to Spider-Man only in movies, I don't think they even own the TV rights. Marvel still owns Spidey outside the movie sphere, Insomniac has stated a few times they asked to work on Spider-Man. Marvel went to Sony to make a game for them, Sony went to Insomniac to see if they wanted to do a Marvel game and Insomniac asked to make a Spider-Man game. I think the ability to tie into the movies is just a bonus.

WelkinCole1267d ago

Apparently Spidernan sold 13.2 million copies vs 12 million copies for GOW.

Forbidden_Darkness1267d ago

That was based upon July 28th, 2019 and it's definitely sold way more. I see a few articles stating over 20 million now, though Sony themselves haven't officially announced sales for it recently.

masterfox1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

Even more awesome to know is that Horizon is a totally new IP and generated this amount is freaking insane!, Tsushima is also another successful new IP that is breaking sale records, as always Sony and their Developers demonstrating that are best of this gaming industry hands down!

LoveSpuds1268d ago

Dont forget Days Gone, despite a determined attempt by games commentators (I refuse to use the term journalists!) to damage the sales of that game, it went on to sell by the bucket load.

When you consider how good Sony's exclusive content was on PS3, it is bonkers to think that they improved on that performance in the PS4 generation. Lets hope that the trend continues and PS5 improves on the PS4 exclusive library, although I have to say, I don't think we need to hope, it seems to be Sony's modus operandi.

masterfox1268d ago

True , Days Gone is another high selling new IP, Playstation has hits from every angle :D

RememberThe3571267d ago

I have legit gripes about Days Gone that no one here wants to hear, but even with that I loved the game. It's actually breathtaking in parts and the hoards at the end are crazy fun to fight. There's some big corners that were cut in the story telling that I think hurt the experience. The game could have been smaller and more polished and I think it would have been better for it. That second half really dragged on and without spoiling anything, the key relationships developed very weirdly IMO. I'd say more, but people need to play this game if they haven't.

LoveSpuds1267d ago (Edited 1267d ago )

The game wasnt perfect and I agree to an extent that it was a little bloated however, it was still a really solid game and didn't deserve the treatment it received from games websites.

The issues with Days Gone in respect of open world bloat are just as prevalent in most other open world games but these same commentators ignore it when they choose. Just look at the critical reception of Valhalla, my god that game is so bloated with repetitive content and a needlessly large world.

S2Killinit1268d ago

Horizon gameplay was just fun as heck. Im glad they are reaping the rewards of a job well done.

RememberThe3571267d ago

Honestly some of the smoothest gaming ever. Aiming, movement, camera, just incredible.

Lionsguard1267d ago

It's hard to believe that HZD looked as good as it does. It still looks like it belonged on PS5. Guerilla pulled some black magic when making that game.

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Summer Game Fest 2024 exciting leaks, rumors and confirmed studios

Summer Game Fest 2024 is right around the corner, and there are exciting leaks and rumors online in addition to confirmed studios.

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Lightning777d ago

Borderlands 4 is suppose to show up also but meh I didn't like that last one tbh. I beat it and everything I just didn't care for the characters and it was pretty much the same thing. Franchise needs a complete overhaul.

jznrpg7d ago

@Lightning77 I didn’t like the last Borderlands either. 1 was my favorite 2 was good as well but 3 I quit playing early in and I will skip 4 most likely.

anast7d ago

yep, I'm hyped for this one.


I'm hoping that Nintendo shows Metroid Prime 4 in some form, even a 30sec gameplay trailer would be fine. Most likely it will only be on a Nintendo Direct.

thesoftware7307d ago

Switch 2, most likely; they will use it to showcase the new system's graphical power.


Hmm, it might be both, Switch and Switch 2 just like how Twilight Princess came out on GameCube and Wii.

FlameWater7d ago

At least give me Age of Mythology


God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

Whatever form the next God of War game takes, it needs to be clear about what role Kratos is playing, lest the franchise lose direction.

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Nacho_Z14d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt14d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z14d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan13d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq13d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard13d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole13d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


Sony Has Added More Titles To The List of Games Leaving PS Plus In May 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has added a few more titles to the list of games that will be leaving PS Plus in May, 2024.

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darthv7235d ago

curious... if a game leaves PS+, does it make it unplayable if you have already claimed it before it leaves? I know on the XB side, games leaving Gamepass are no longer playable. You need to pay for them to be able to continue playing after you installed them from GP.

CrimsonWing6935d ago

The 3 monthly “free” games you keep as long as you have PS+ subscription. The PS+ library is like Netflix. They rotate stuff out and replace them with other titles.

MrNinosan35d ago

Yes, PS+ Extra/Premium games are unplayable after the leave the service, just like GamePass and Netflix.
PS+ Essentials games are available as long as you have an active PS+ account.

Profchaos35d ago

Monthly games, special promos like the free games during COVID or PS plus bundle on ps5 are forever yours. Premium and above are time limited

If you claim a game on the premium tier (not yours to keep) and it comes out as a monthly games later e.g. fallout 76 it appears you do not retain ownership on that one.

Notsofast35d ago

The 3-4 monthly games that are free that are part of every service are yours forever I canceled my service over a year and you never lose access. I dont know what these other comments are talking about maybe they are in a different country but in the USA I could play any game I claimed of the free monthly games

MrNinosan35d ago

Then one of the accounts on your PS5 probably has a PS+ Essential subscription.
Because the 3-4 PS+ games you get every month, is not available to be played if you don't have an active sunscription.
It's the same in US, Europe, Japan and everywhere else.

Petebloodyonion35d ago

Essential stays in your library
Extra and premium become locked when titles leave the service.

It's actually one of my gripes with Extra, you can't remove the title from your own library, so basically it countss as one your title but it's locked so you own library become a cluster F... unless you filter your titles.

MrNinosan35d ago

Well you can just chose to hide them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
-Foxtrot35d ago

Wonder if Horizon ZD leaving gives credit to those remake rumours

Sigh. If true…another remake that’s not Bloodborne.

SimpleDad35d ago

Probably yes cause of a remake.

Skuletor35d ago

I still remember them giving that one away for free, regardless of if you were subscribed to Plus or not

ApocalypseShadow35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

They did. It was during the pandemic and the "play at home" initiative.

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. Sony gave away a lot of games just to push gamers to stay home and not get infected by COVID.

Eonjay35d ago

I think you're right.
There is a separate Bloodborne rumor by the remake is allegedly scheduled for next gen.

Kingrizzy9035d ago

Yes cause of the remake good thing I got the plat
And is bloodborn really that good? I never played it due to being Incarcerated 8½ years but I read the comics. It's pretty dark

Profchaos35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Highly likely I also bet the remaster will be over priced and under whelming.

I'd also bet most people will simply stick with the PS4 pro and ps5 60fps patch over paying to upgrade when it offers the bare minimum.

I hope Sony has learnt from the last of us 2 and stop remastering games that just came out they have nearly 30 years of content to work with but always remaster games that are like 5 years old and don't need it. I assume this was In development alongside tlou2 so fingers crossed this is the last time we get this because what's next god of war on PS4 to ps5 for 70 dollars probably anything outside of bloodborne

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
Friendlygamer35d ago

Glad I played sundered and the messenger, both great 2d games

gold_drake35d ago

ahh the messenger is such a good game.

u should play sea of starts. same people, its a sort of prequel to the messenger tok

Friendlygamer35d ago

Oh I will definitely play it eventually, chained echoes too

Jingsing35d ago

Can N4G adopt a policy of games leaving subscription services as not being a new story, it is just spam at this point.

Petebloodyonion35d ago

Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return?
When was the last time that Sony added a PlayStation studio game?
Now I don't expect Sony to have day 1 like Gamepass but I would expect to at least care to make the offering interesting especially when they raised the price by 30% last year.

MrNinosan35d ago

PS Studio Games:
May - Destiny 2: Lightfall
April - MediEvil, Jak&Daxter: The Lost Frontier,
March - CoolBoarders

What Playstation Studio games is it you're missing?

Petebloodyonion35d ago

let me check my comment again
" Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return? "
Yeah pretty sure I mentioned the EXTRA tier and not the PREMIUM tier
but glad that you consider a DLC to a free-to-play game a great offering

MrNinosan34d ago

I repeat my question, what PS Studio games is it you're missing?

And regarding the first part of your comment, lots of great games leaving and nothing added?

What great games iyo has left the service?
For me, "wow-factor games added would be".
Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera, Raji, Miasma, The Outer Worlds, Resident Evil 3, Ace Attorney, Rainbow Six Siege, AC: Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs Legion, Both Southpark jrpgs, Fenyx Rising, Tales of Arise, Session, Lego Worlds, Vampire the Masquerade Swansong, Legends of Mana....

And many more.

Compared to what has been removed, the adds are better than the 'offs'.