
Bugs and Glitches is Not Cyberpunk 2077's Biggest Problem

COG writes: From the litany of bugs that have plagued life in Night City to the framerate drops that dampen the experience, consumers have felt let down by CD Projekt RED's lack of polish. However, after several patches and more in the pipeline, will Cyberpunk 2077's vision of a neo-future soon be realized?

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thorstein1270d ago

Yeah. Polish. Like allowing incoming calls during missions. The inability to ignore calls instead they come through.

It appears that they may have fixed the settings reset glitch and the bullet sponge glitch. Not sure if being insta killed is still a thing.

Storyline dialogue wasn't finished and now the people who were making the game are actually sounding off on it.

JasonBloodbourne1270d ago

Settings reset glitch may be fixed but once you set your settings you can’t exit the settings menu. Proper shambles with no testing whatsoever by the looks of it.

1270d ago
Bercilak1270d ago

The biggest problem is that you're using the singular "is" when you should be using the plural "are" for multiple sentence subjects, like so:

"Bugs and Glitches ARE Not Cyberpunk 2077's Biggest Problem"

Psychotica1270d ago

Yeah that's real important..

gamer78041270d ago

It is if you are a writer and want to be taken seriously.

njitram20001270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

That depends on how you read the sentence. When I read it, the subject is "Bugs and Glitches" as a single concept and in that case IS is correct.
Edit: For example: you say "I stayed at a bed and breakfast" even though it has 2 subjects according to your description. In that case it would become "I stayed at bed and breakfast", which is only correct if you are Russian ;)

Bercilak1267d ago

It does not depend on how you read the sentence. It depends on whether the subject is singular or plural. In virtually every instance, using more than one subject is considered plural because, well, it's more than one. SOME compound subjects, like "bed and breakfast", are commonly understood as a singular subject, but they are the example that proves the rule. "Bugs and glitches" don't count.

Rachel_Alucard1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

There's a bunch of things that were shown off in gameplay that were mysteriously cut in the final game. I'm not talking about the formally announced cut features, but there were things shown off not even 2 weeks to 2 months prior just gone. Like they talked about the game having a challenging weather system that would pose a threat to your survival, an actual wanted system with Police changing based on what district you're in, and they even had 4 different styles you could adhere to that NPCs would react to, this was shown off less then 2 months ago.

I had a feeling this game would be lackluster but not this bad, I was hoping for the sequel the to fix everything similar to how Witcher 2 ended up. But I hear they wanna run back to the Witcher IP instead of cultivating anything.

SaveFerris1270d ago

kitsch, entropism, neomilitarism, and neokitsch.

nancy31269d ago (Edited 1269d ago )

So far, things are certainly not what CDPR had hoped for with the reception for the game and with many PC and current-gen console players demanding a refund and Microsoft. With Sony pulled Cyberpunk 2077 from its store a couple of days back and Microsoft later also offered refund for any dissatisfied Xbox players too, CD Projekt Red should make some quick fixes to these bugs to restore some of their lost reputation. I was reading a discussion on psychosquad forum where most of the players were furious about the game, especially when they were made to wait for the game with several delays.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

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Cyberpunk 2077's Lead Quest Designer Explains Lack Of New Game Plus Mode

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just_looken3d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


Personalized Spatial Audio Coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with Immerse Gamepack

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