
Immortals Fenyx Rising Runs At Locked 4K On PS5, Dynamic 4K On Xbox Series X

According to an analysis, Immortals Fenyx Rising appears to run slightly better on the PS5. Both new generation consoles offer similar performance.

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RaidenBlack1255d ago

VG Tech:
"PS5 in Performance Mode uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 3840x2160 and the lowest native resolution found being approximately 2275x1280.
Xbox Series X in Performance Mode uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 3840x2160 and the lowest native resolution found being 1920x1080."
"The only resolution found on PS5 in Quality Mode was 3840x2160.
Xbox Series X in Quality Mode uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 3840x2160 and the lowest native resolution found being approximately 3328x1872. Drops in resolution below 3840x2160 on Xbox Series X in Quality Mode seem to be uncommon."

Will_b1255d ago

"The draw distance is slightly higher in Series X, also, there seems to be some issues with the shadows on PS5 in quality mode."

"ElAnalistaDeBits" - https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Will_b1255d ago

I didn't write an oppinion. Why this downvotes? Please talk with "ElAnalistaDeBits" and express your feelings...

Duke191255d ago

lol at your downvotes - so they turned some settings down on the PS5 to get it to run at locked 4k. Anything that looks like even a hint of "slander" against Playstation on N4G gets met with downvotes

Will_b1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

@Duke19 But I only quoted a source!!! How is it possible??!! Am I wrong?? did I write an oppinion?? Just Quoted a source and get downvotes...

But in this same article, repling @boing1 I wrote "I have an Xbox Series X but I have to admit it, PS5 it is a really good optimised machine." that is in fact an oppinion and I only get Upvotes...

Sorry for my poor English...

Elwenil1255d ago

Relax, they are downvotes not bullets. It's not that serious.

Popsicle1255d ago

Really the best thing to do is let it roll off your back, laugh about it, and don't take it personal. No matter how factual the info, you will always get disagrees from those who cannot see past their bias. No worries, just post and have fun!

Btf_19911255d ago

Lol at downvotes. Don’t worry about it

RazzerRedux1255d ago

Probably because you are highlighting a single piece of information as if it is the most important.

See what happens? You've got Duke19 make stupid comments like:

"so they turned some settings down on the PS5 to get it to run at locked 4k. "

He pulled that out of his ass and he knows it. As far as anyone knows, the "shadows issue" is just a bug.

Army_of_Darkness1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )


Well, there was a lot more positive feedback than negative towards the ps5 in this performance test and yet, you decide to quote only the negative aspect of the overall result?? Hmmm.. thumbs might not have went down as much if you quoted both positive and negative. Just an assumption...

denawayne1255d ago

@Will_b watch this


Artemidorus1255d ago

They won't like that on here, you told the truth.

Sayai jin1255d ago

Elwenil, true. Neither is the make believe console war, but that doesn't stop people from acting like fools.

TheProblem1255d ago

Maybe it’s because you linked to some obscure channel to support your agenda

VG tech and nxgamer are the best at game analysis.

potatoseal1255d ago

Only pathetic insecure idiots complain about downvotes. There are a few on both sides of the fence

Mr Pumblechook1255d ago

@Will_b Don’t cry about downvotes! There’s no rhyme or reason. Even if you say the sun is hot somebody will downvote you! You don’t need anyone’s approval just say what you gotta say.

Babadook71255d ago

"Maybe it’s because you linked to some obscure channel to support your agenda

VG tech and nxgamer are the best at game analysis."

Thats probably it. And quoted only the Pro Xbox bits.

gamer78041255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Well this is n4g. Just look below you’ll see some Same old characters who downvote anything not pro Sony or the folks that will try to appear unbiased but really are pushing a pro Sony narrative. We are going to continue to see wildly varying results and implementations this early on in the generation as developers learn the hardware.

anubusgold1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

And this game is having a hard time running at a locked 60 at native 4k on a Rtx 3080 its the games fault maybe with DLSS it will be better. 1440P it runs near 120 fps i rather have that .

RazzerRedux1255d ago


But we have "characters" like you who push the pro Xbox narrative as well. So? That's fine. But why pretend this is one-sided or that downvotes only work one way?

Frankly, I have no idea why downvotes are ever even discussed. They are completely anonymous so why try to derive meaning or make blanket statements about them at all. Just silly.

tontontam01255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

"so they turned some settings down on the PS5 to get it to run at locked 4k. "

Yeah ms should just lower their pride and copy ps5 graphics settings to get a locked 4k. the difference in graphics quality is negligible

1255d ago
Extermin8or3_1254d ago

I didn't vote you up or down. Infact I just ignored your comment initially. Not because I think you are wrong but because you linked to some obscure YouTube channel I don't know, have never heard of and am not about to give a click. I prefer and trust analysis by sites like this and digital foundry which are usually accompanied by a written article on an actual website.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 1254d ago
Lore1255d ago

But the Series X has 12 TFlops. How could this be

derek1255d ago

Tools Lore, Toooooooooools. Lol.

russo1211255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Patch nr.1 and consequent analysis from Alex Battaglia of DF incoming! Hurrah!

OT - the real business is to have a balanced system, 12TF is just a value for MS devoted audience.

Mr Pumblechook1255d ago

@Lore. You made me spit my tea out with laughter!

anubusgold1255d ago

@Lore Go find a woman. This is ubisoft being lazy a 3080 and 3090 is struggling with this game as well and they crap all over a PS5 this is ubisoft screwing up again.

gamer78041255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Easy most of these games were developed on the one x kits then patched late in the game for series x. Sony did a good job of getting the kits out there much earlier so naturally we’ll see some of the launch window games performing slightly better on ps5 where we’ll see backwards compatibility games running slightly better on series x. Time will tell what the future holds but I would expect series x to pull ahead as time goes on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1255d ago
The Wood1255d ago

Has anyone noticed certain members just don't show up in these articles. . . I know we're in a pandemic and all that but I didn't know lockdown and social distancing meant the Internet too

1Victor1255d ago

So is anyone keeping scores of what system got the better version of a PS5/XBSX because I lost track 🤷🏿 Once I couldn’t get a PS5 😭

DJStotty1255d ago

So more or less parity between the 2.

The drops in resolution will not be noticeable to anyone regardless of screen quality/size.

RaidenBlack1255d ago

Nah ... very much noticeable
only if you pause and use a magnifying glass, whilst your play time. /s

DJStotty1255d ago

lol exactly, as long as the game looks and plays well, on whichever platform, it's all good.

Even i haven't chimed in with power difference between the 2, they are both great built machines and both have their pro's and con's (I'm looking at you Phil, i want some games, ala flight simulator and age of empires on my beloved black fridge)

RazzerRedux1255d ago


You need to have the right equipment to game like a real fanboy.


RaidenBlack1255d ago


🤣 ... what is that actually?

RazzerRedux1254d ago


It is a magnifying headband so you can see all the pixels and count them individually while you game!

lol....actually, I think it something jewelers use or something like that. Not real sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1254d ago
gamer78041255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

@razzer of course it’s not only one way but it is decidedly moreso Sony in this website. Regardless if it’s me who’s more pro Xbox or you who’s pro Sony. One should just expect to get downvoted more or commented back more in a pro Sony fashion is all I’m saying.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1254d ago
strifeblade1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

you know whats funny- ppl dont seem to remember that console with better hardware- will eventually always trump in multiplats. happened with one x- with original xbox, ps4, and even ps3.

dont worry if history is right- series x will outperform. we are not even a month in. you risk looking stupid:D

Rude-ro1255d ago

No... it has been new consoles for Microsoft... not time on the hardware.

DJStotty1255d ago

I think xbox games will eventually look better and i am just wondering whether they are having dev tools issues, Halo Infinite - delayed, the medium - delayed

boing11254d ago

So you think this works only for Xbox?? Devs will learn PS5 too + it has larger overhead for unomptimized code because of architecture bandwidth and higher-clocked cpu. This means it runs more efficiently, which is clearly the case in almost every multiplat comparison. It requires less work and at the same time it gives larger benefits. Imagine the benefits if someone puts a lot of work in it. I think we'll have our jaws dropped in 2021, at least once.

strifeblade1254d ago (Edited 1254d ago )


Your talking about being more efficient with better tools and learning system architecture. Bottom line is Xbox is more than 25% more powerful and has RDNA 2. Tools or efficiency when BOTH CONSOLE ARE AT THEIR 100%-xbox will outclass just like every other console that was more powerful in the previous generations. Fan boys here delusional.

The Wood1254d ago

Yeah boi. I think we've got another one here........*hard face palm*

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1254d ago
Ashunderfire861255d ago

O boy another Digital Foundry video coming soon for the fanboy wars to sink their teeth in! O the horror😩

crazyCoconuts1255d ago

they'll stick to the formula:
PS5 advantages - super close virtually the same, gloss over this
XSX advantages - nod goes to Xbox - repeat a few times
XSX disadvantages - avoid nervous laughter. pivot to an advantage by saying xbox has VRR and ps5 doesn't

Tetsdah1255d ago

Yea the fallback on VRR is fairly is annoying. Its a nice feature but still a minority of the gamers have access to it. So, the comparisons should be arranged by how most will experience it.

Again, it is a nice feature, but they've been attempting to use VRRas a crutch in their comparisons

DaveZero1255d ago

Couldn't give a damn about VRR

IanTH1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Yeah, it's sad that is used for ammo in this silly "war". The information they provide is simply information. Mostly it is interesting to see how implementations differ, what tradeoffs might have been made, ensuring that devs/pubs are kept honest in terms of the quality of their product, or finding issues they may have overlooked.

But instead we have people taking a product that, if played in a vacuum, would look great. And, in most cases, if played side-by-side they couldn't tell anyway - having to zoom in to 400% to see some of these things. I mean, a 10% difference in resolution one way or the other isn't going to be felt. Resolution differences at 1080p or lower were much more pronounced. Now that we're in 1440p and up territory with temporal upscaling? It all looks good, and people are getting too hung up on pixel counts. Frame rate analysis can be more important, but should more a data point to be discussed - if differences exist, is it a tech issue? A bug? A dev issue? But it always comes down to boast or roast with this stuff.

All of us N4Gers are gaming enthusiasts, regardless of platform. Not many people who play games bother reading up on the news & commenting. But rather that that being a reason we're joined together, most do their best to divide simply because we play 95% of the same games that happen to be played on different plastic boxes. It's monumentally stupid.

The Wood1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Nobody's dying bro. . It's just banter. Don't take it too seriously. I know many cats on the other side and we joke and argue all the time. The world is serious. . . . Here we can relax and have some fun and take a break from all the efferies outside

Necr0philiac1255d ago

I agree. I'm shocked at how much time some regulars spend on this site. What a waste of time and life

IanTH1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

@The Wood - No, no one's dying. But like you said, we can relax and have some fun - but most people seem to come in here to shout at "the other side". A light poking would be banter. And while I'm sure some are just trolls (and that's a shitty way to unwind, at the expense of others), it tends to feel more extreme than just banter for a good number of commenters. I feel like people have truly tied their self worth to some of these consoles & argue like they are truly fighting a war of words for the freedom of their console country.

I still come here. I still comment, though there are some articles I won't even bother going into the comment section for because I know it will be an all-out shitshow, which is just sad lol. It certainly isn't the end of the world. But it still is kind of sad that a thing that should be a shared interest ends up devolving into arguments over dumb ass things, or trying to make people feel bad for owning a different console to...make themselves feel better? I don't really know.

And like you said, the outside world is rife with efferies these days. I feel like that should help give us all the more perspective on things like this, but somehow - for quite a few - it doesn't.

Will_b1255d ago

I have an Xbox Series X but I have to admit it, PS5 it is a really good optimised machine.

SullysCigar1255d ago

Deffo, it's like Series X has slightly higher horsepower, but a peashooter exhaust and is slipping about on thin tyres, meanwhile the PS5 has nice fat treads and a fat straight-through pipe to get all that power out and down.

It's far more efficient than we're used to seeing from a console, with a lot of attention to adress the usual bottlenecking, which is why it was misjudged from the numbers...until we got to take her for a spin!

343_Guilty_Spark1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )


Or the Xbox Series X is not being used to its full potential.

I mean objectively speaking the Series X has more CUs, albiet clocked slower, but there are more of them. Are they all being filled with data? Or are developers backporting the PS5 version (since it is the lead platform) to the Series X version and only using 36 of the 52 CUs?

Series X has a memory advantage at least for 62.5% of the memory pool (10 GB at 560 GB/s)....PS5 memory is 448 GB/s for all 16GB...the other 6 GBs of RAM is slower at 335GB/s in the Series X. If you average the memory speed its essentially the same as the PS5.

These graphics showdowns don't appear to be an issue with I/O.

I don't know...would like to see some truly next gen games or some interviews with Devs.

Will_b1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )


"Power Is Nothing Without Control" - Pirelli

Btf_19911255d ago

@343 Look up the term “core monger”. More cores does not mean more better

1255d ago
medman1255d ago

And it will only get better.....Sony's ICE team is no joke.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1255d ago
JEECE1255d ago

Honestly this is reminding me a bit of the early PS3/360 comparisons, where, despite PS3 having a processor that was theoretically far more powerful (so much so that institutions purchased PS3s to get access to that processor for supercomputers), 360 versions of multiplats often ran better. The difference isn't as pronounced here, but it's still a good reminder that specs on paper aren't everything.

Rude-ro1255d ago

Well.. that is why sony was attacked.
From all angles.

No major computing corporation was not going to support an outsider re-writing how computing works.
Too dangerous to their strongholds.

Back then windows was in big trouble and was facing heavy competition that could have swayed the mass consumer base from windows operating systems... and Sony’s design took years to crack and opened the door for what would have been a massive change in the industry.
pirating was at an all time high and people were looking hard at their losses of pirated software through windows os and were ready to make changes.

So it was just not about games and Microsoft spent a lot of money to sway a change due to Sony’s architecture design with computing and part of that meant attacking Sony’s credibility per their hardware.

A much larger war than one would think.

343_Guilty_Spark1254d ago

No term exists on the web..."core monger" is a made up term.

Destiny10801255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

another game where the PS5 completely and utterly destroys the series x/s

the s drops down to 30fps for cut scenes LMAO

maybe microsoft needs to send in there experts to tell the developers to lower the res even more

Charal1255d ago

This dropping resolution BS was the most sneaky and misleading MS PR for a long time.

Now you all see the results in many games: the S needs to drop resolution, frame rate and details to try to output something presentable.

And this is not even 1 month in the next gen. In 5 years the S will either be the most laughable machine in gaming industry, or already been discarded by MS.

Just thinking about a third option though, as everything is possible with MS: maybe the Serie X will be discarded in 5 years, with MS only supporting crappy streaming cloud gaming through a 99$ serie S.

JEECE1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Remember a few weeks ago when the series S was a "1440p console" with a better CPU than PS5, RAM didn't matter, and games were going to run on it exactly the same as on series X except at a different resolution? I guess devs forgot to use the magic word "scalability."

Father__Merrin1255d ago

This is true they said same experience but cut down to fit the 1440p target. They didn't mention cutting FPS and details.

I think they should via firmware bring the cpu speed same as the X

russo1211255d ago


They're engineers not magicians.

jbull1255d ago

@JEECE Its worrying for Series X owners with how poor the Series S is performing, you have to think what's it going to be like in 3 years time Microsoft will have to accommodate their exclusives for that console.

DJStotty1255d ago


"Remember a few weeks ago when the series S was a "1440p console" with a better CPU than PS5"

I can not recall hearing that, but whoever said it is an idiot. The Series S is has a lower CPU/GPU than the Series X, so no way it has a better CPU than the PS5.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1255d ago
Kavorklestein1255d ago

Utterly destroys?
Did you actually read the article?
Both machines have pros and cons and I'd rather have the farther draw distance personally.

Atticus_finch1255d ago

Ps5 is cheaper and currently running the 2 best looking next gen games. Miles morales and Demons souls.

Kavorklestein1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Okay but that does not mean it Utterly Destroys Xbox. It just means it has 2 great games.

1255d ago
Atticus_finch1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

@kav Utterly destroys would be an exaggeration but beats would be appropriate.

@Just Name a games that looks better and load the levels in seconds. I'll wait.

DJStotty1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

There is more or less parity between the 2 versions, any differences will only be noticed with a frame by frame graphical comparison, which quite frankly, i'm not going to do that while playing a game.


" currently running the 2 best looking next gen games"

I'd agree with that statement, seeing as though Series X currently has no exclusives as of yet to compare against.

1254d ago
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CrimsonWing691255d ago

Easy there turbo, without a comparison vid you wouldn’t be able to see the difference. It’s not like a game running vastly different on one console vs the other.

russo1211255d ago

"...It’s not like a game running vastly different on one console vs the other." - and yet every fanboy told xsx 12TF compared to ps5 10TF would be a gigantic difference.
PS5 is the clear winner, quality vs. price vs. performance.

Neonridr1255d ago

or reduce the draw distance to match the PS5.

Atticus_finch1255d ago

Or a $100 cheaper to match ps5.

RazzerRedux1255d ago

A few months ago I didn't think folks would be talking about downgrading the XSX to match PS5's performance.

And yet....here we are.

DJStotty1255d ago

Exactly Razzer, i would rather a game dip a few frames here and there and be a slightly lower resolution, if it results in greater draw distance and better graphics.

RazzerRedux1255d ago


Why you are pretending that is what I said?

DJStotty1252d ago


I was not implying you said that, sorry if it came across that way.

I was simply saying from a personal standpoint, that rather than downgrading games to match another rivals platform, i would prefer the game dip a few frames, as opposed to trying to "match" frames, if the results show higher draw distances and better graphics.

Again, my opinion, games should be created to perform the best on the given platform, not changed to match another for parity.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1252d ago
1255d ago Replies(4)
Atticus_finch1255d ago

Don't claim victory so fast.
You have to wait for E3!
Wait for the exclusives!
Wait for the tools to be updated!
Wait for the cloud!
Just wait!

Nicknasty1255d ago

That’s Microsoft for you. They’re infamous for fooling people! Long live PlayStation!!!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1252d ago
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Ubisoft Switch sale - lowest prices for Assassin's Creed: Ezio Collection, Immortals Fenyx Rising

Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection, Immortals Fenyx Rising, and more at lowest prices ever in Ubisoft August 2023 Switch eShop sale.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for March revealed

Highlights include Tchia, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Ghostwire Tokyo and Immortals Fenyx Rising.

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-Mika-423d ago

Good month. I recommend PS users to download R6 Extraction. It is seriously a really fun and polished co-op game.

423d ago Replies(1)
zachyBROosevelt423d ago

Totally agree. The game got dragged in the review market but, get some friends together and it’s definitely worth a shot. It’s just as good with shooting mechanics as siege but no sweat lords to compete with

423d ago Replies(1)
Crows90423d ago

That's a crap ton of older good titles...some of which I never got to.

423d ago Replies(2)
poppatron423d ago

I’ve been holding out but I think when they start putting psvr 2 titles on there it’ll be my time to dive in

crazyCoconuts423d ago

I was thinking the same thing when I locked in on the deals they had during the last holiday season. I'm normally not a fan of subs but this was so cheap and the likelihood of them adding PSVR2 is pretty high imo. Hopefully within the next 6 months.

SullysCigar423d ago

It'll happen for sure at some point. They did OG PSVR titles on Plus before. Hopefully they'll be great games that flew under the radar, like The Light Brigade seems to be.

423d ago Replies(1)
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Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass: Immortality, Tinykin, Immortals Fenyx Rising, and More

From Xbox Wire: "My favorite part about announcing games coming soon to Xbox Game Pass is that feeling where you know you’re about to make someone’s day. Sharing ‘coming soon’ details about a new game they’ve been excited about (you can catch me playing Immortality on launch day), one they’ve never heard of that might become their new favorite, or a beloved classic they get to play again. We’ve got all of these and more for you coming soon to Game Pass (and maybe some more surprises later this week) so let’s jump in!"

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sparky77635d ago

Oh wow this is a crazy drop, after the last drop this more than makes up for it. That Immortality game got a rare 10/10 from Edge so can't wait to try that.

The best deal in gaming continues to deliver.

Eonjay634d ago

Not sure about some of these titles but Immortals Fenyx Rising is a great get. And we should expect to see this kind of cometition between GamePass and PSPlus which as everyone mentioned is good for the subscriber. But on a real note, I don't understand how we are supposed to play all of these games. My back log now has a back log. I am overwhelmed. I was already stuck with my regular backlog. Does anyone hear have both GamePass and PSPlus? How do you even deal? That like 1000 games.

Petebloodyonion634d ago

@ Eonjay
"Does anyone hear have both GamePass and PSPlus? How do you even deal? That like 1000 games."

I have both and the simple answer is you can't so what's the benefit you may ask?
1 - Having access to a shared library with other friends that have the same library so we can easily find a coop game
2 - I can easily check some smaller game that I wouldn't have considered (12 minutes comes to mind) and discover some gems.
3 - it allows me to stop with the FOMO of buying good games at discount ( that are currently in my backlog) but will never play because I'm currently playing the newest... or my favorite game of the moment
Here's a bunch of games that I bought (phsysical) on Ps4/Ps5 and never played (- Nioh, Kingdom Hart 3, Nier automata, Death Stranding, Spider Man Miles Morales (ps5), Ratchet and Clank(ps5), Iron Man, Rick and Mortys
I have a similar list for PC, Xbox and Nintendo

Fun fact I joined Gamepass on Black Friday and was amazed that for 2$ I was allowed to play 80$ of games that I was about to pay in Steam sales the same day.

mkis007634d ago

Why do you guys buy games you dont want to play? I always boot up a game i buy within 24 hrs. And if I am busy with another game I wait because I know the price will drop.

EvertonFC634d ago

1/8 and you are saying "wow this is a crazy drop" you being sarcastic?

EmperorDalek634d ago

Immortals Fenyx Rising was great too. Don't know much about the others, but it looks like a good drop for sure.

sparky77634d ago

I only mentioned Immortality since it's lesser known game in the list and was well received from Edge of all places. The rest are already well known titles. So no I was not being sarcastic, this is indeed a crazy drop.

634d ago
neutralgamer1992634d ago

These are good offerings hopefully more people give fenyx a chance because that's a really good game a lot of fun. I would go as far as to say it's the best game you'll be soft has made over the past 10 years

MadLad634d ago

And just bought Immortals Fenyx Rising lol
Ah well. Got a good deal and all the dlc, so

John_McClane634d ago

I almost bought it a couple sales ago but got Far Cry 6 instead, if I like it I'll be be buying the dlc though.

MadLad634d ago

It's definitely worth playing.
Very good game.

monkey602634d ago (Edited 634d ago )

Whoop! Midnight Fight looks so damn good!

I'm also very keen to try Tinykin

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