
With Two Massive Titles, Will Ubisoft Own Next Gen Launch Week?

With two juggernauts launching alongside PS5 and Xbox Series X / Series S, will Ubisoft own launch week next month?

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SyntheticForm1322d ago

Definitely going for AC Valhalla on PS5.

Looking forward to the game and how the PS5 leverages its power.

AC Odyssey's loading drove me nuts.

neutralgamer19921322d ago

I do wonder if past ubi games will get next gen patches

1322d ago Replies(3)
TheOptimist1322d ago

Two shitty titles, no way are they dominating. They haven't made a good game since R6S.

MrNinosan1322d ago (Edited 1322d ago )

3 games within 5 weeks from Ubisoft and I’m interested in all of them.
Watch Dogs Legions seems to be an interesting change to that serie. AC: Valhall serms to be as amazing as both Origins and Odyssey, if not even better.
And then we have Immortals Fenyx Rising which I already love without touching it.

Will be an amzing end to this year 👍

RosweeSon1322d ago

Or a cheap start to next year ;)

neutralgamer19921322d ago

Hopefully AC games won't have the XO boosters that otherwise require you to waste a lot of time on doing side fetch quests

RosweeSon1322d ago

No. I won’t be getting anything from them until 3-6 months down the line when it’s being dropped to barely £20 ready for next years entry. Great or at least pretty decent games but a new one each year and £70 a pop these days, no chance. Spider-miles and Observer will do me.

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Modern Games Are Getting Too Long

While there’s a lot to love about modern video games, there is one trend — particularly in the AAA space — that tends to grate: their length.

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GoodGuy0970d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Games are coming out with too much fluff and side activities that are horribly dull. That's my main issue with all these open world games. Open world should be about exploration, discovery and wonder, not have some stupid 10s or 100s of boring activities spread throughout.

IAMRealHooman69d ago

100% agree
All these ubisoft titles, Farcry, AC, Ghost recon, boast huge maps, but with the same, 3 missions or the same base to clear 100s of times. Hour 1 of any of those titles is the same as hour 100, there big for the sake of being big, with the illusion of player freedom, where we really want depth and player expression.

Ninver68d ago

Give me a solid 15-20 hour engaging single player driven IP any day. Life's too short you dig.

isarai69d ago

I stopped buying overfluffed games like a decade ago. Cant stand games with the Ubisoft mindset of just filling maps with uselss collectibles and fodder. Make it mean something. Ill gladly take 1/4 size of the map and 1/10th the "content" if it all meant more, were more unique and greater affect on your progression.

Abnor_Mal69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Well people complained like the world was ending when a few games were six to ten hours of gameplay. Developers listened and started making longer games full of repetitive gameplay, time wasting fetch quest and other forms of bloat. In doing so they were able to justify the high cost of a game being sold to the customers at seventy dollars or more.

H969d ago

Filler, it's like a 80 episodes show where only the first and last episodes actually matter

Inverno69d ago

It's been a problem with pretty much every modern AAA game all through last gen and this gen. God forbid you point it out tho because all these big games are masterpieces and people lose their minds if you criticize them. Death Stranding is a fetch quest fest, but people will die defending it cause it's a "masterpiece".

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The Best Open World Games on PS5

Like a huge game world to truly get absorbed into? GameSpew has rounded up the best open world games on PS5.

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Watch Dogs Legion Receives Mysterious New Update After Ending Support Two Years Ago

Over two years later, Watch Dogs Legion has gotten a surprise update on the day of The Game Awards.

northpaws180d ago

New ads? I kid I kid.

I do appreciate Ubisoft's keep making single player games, but hope they can learn from some of the best open world games in the industry and evolve, I don't really like their recent games, but I don't want them to go away either.

Profchaos179d ago

I hope they learn from wd legion don't build a fanbase then use that fanbase as guinea pigs to test out a new idea on a sequel.

Who am I kidding it's ubi the whole franchise has probably been put on ice because of this failed experiment

Hypnofear179d ago

Which is a shame because Watch Dogs 2 was actually really good!

Ironmike179d ago

If they just left with the Kames bond like char ter in the beginning I'd loved it