
Maneater Won’t Support PS4 to PS5 Save Transfers

Tripwire Interactive has said that their open world action RPG, Maneater, which launched earlier this year, will be getting a dedicated next-gen release and launch alongside the upcoming consoles as a launch title. However, if you’re a PlayStation player, there’s some bad news for you.

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thesoftware7301327d ago (Edited 1327d ago )

Wow, So it comes to light why we wont be seeing save transfers to PS5.

Microsoft must have some Wizards on their team to make everything so seamless as far as BC and Forward Compatability plus PC.

1327d ago Replies(3)
morganfell1327d ago (Edited 1327d ago )

I guess it never occurs to some people that Sony wrestled with this idea but realized that their coding structure designed to support a generational leap in data access wouldn’t support it so they made a choice. Individuals acting as if Sony just didn’t care when they obviously worked to obtain 99% B/C with the PS4 are reaching absurd conclusions.

Making such a huge issue out of this is simply parroting a campaign designed to attack Sony in any manner possible.

1326d ago
morganfell1326d ago

You are misunderstanding me or else I wasn’t clear. I am just talking about how Sony worked to get backwards compatibility. And had it been possible to switch game saves they would’ve done that as well. I only mention backwards compatibility as it’s a demonstration of the fact that Sony wanted to have this feature. It makes no sense that they wouldn’t have wanted to move game saves if it was easily possible.

I’m pointing out the fact that some individuals act as if Sony is doing this on purpose or else they do not care and the facts of the matter do not seem to fit that assumption. I’m saying if they worked to get backwards compatibility there must be a very large overriding reason why shifting game saves wasn’t possible.

Sony isn’t using the same system as Microsoft and they are more forward-looking and spending far less time spent looking over their shoulder or most of their games are located

SierraGuy1327d ago ShowReplies(1)
itsmebryan1326d ago

Think about it Sony had been downplaying BC for a long time and didn't intend on having it in PS5 in the beginning. Just look how their ps4 controllers won't work on PS 5 and the confusion about what games how they are BC. Is it free or do you need to for a service to play PS4 games you already own on ps5? Will the BC games be enhanced?

Ps5 comes out in a month and they still haven't answered alot of questions and are holding things close to the vest. But, why?

I think Sony did much better with the PS4 launch. They laid everything out earlier in the year at E3 but, now it's a month to launch and we don't know how BC works for all the games, how much is the expandable storage,. No hardware in the wild for anyone to look at or look at besides some random person that took a controller apart.

I feel like they are hiding something for the last minute to say it because they are way too quiet to have a system launching in a month.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1326d ago
nickanasty2061327d ago (Edited 1327d ago )

Sony have been mum about backwards compatibility for a reason. Disappointing that this will effect my experience with the PS5 that we know very little about thanks to Sony's inability to be transparent. All of us who have pre-ordered this thing know very little about it, and that is not good. Sony's messaging has been terrible so far when it comes to pre-orders and really everything, hopefully they make up for this. I would almost go as far as saying Sony has been nearly as bad this generation as Microsoft was back in 2013 with the Xbox One. Hopefully they don't make too many more anti-consumer moves.

1327d ago Replies(2)
Sunny_D1327d ago

This is related to cross saves not BC. But since there are games like Spiderman MM that do have cross saves, I want to know why some are able to do it and not others. Sony should definitely assist in this part.

1326d ago
northpaws1327d ago

I am a huge Sony fanboy, but this is a little bothering me, hope it is case by case basis and doesn't affects some of my favourite games. I don't play Man-eater, but I would imagine me wanting to play some games that I invested a lot of time in, such as Witcher 3 or even newer title like the last of Us 2 or ghost, I don't want to completely start over when I play them on PS5.

nickanasty2061327d ago

God damn, i didn't even think of TLOU2. I was waiting to play New Game + on my PS5 when they upgrade it for PS5. if that doesn't transfer, i will be very pissed off.

Sunny_D1327d ago

I don’t think this is affecting BC PS4 games. What this is affecting is cross saves for cross gen games. Meaning if you start playing man eater on PS4 and then upgrade to the PS5 version, the save won’t transfer. But we games like Spiderman MM being able to do it and some other games, so I hope Sony can help out in this regard.

northpaws1327d ago


From the article, it does seems like the developer is saying both PS5 and XBox Series S/X are getting the same sort of updates, but one you can play with previous save and one cannot though.

Either way, not trying to be negative or whining, simply as a PS fan that would want to continue a few PS4 games on PS5, I just want the transition to be smooth. And if there is a valid reason why that isn't possible, hope Sony can come out and give us a clear message, because if none of the saves will be carried over, I might want the digital version instead of the disc one that I pre-ordered.

ziggurcat1327d ago

If it's not being treated as the same application, that's on the devs, not Sony.

nickanasty2061327d ago

Worst part is that we don't actually know. Hopefully Sony will have answers for us soon. We do deserve answers for this. Problem is that we all have so many questions about the PS5 that have not been answered with clarity. I have never been so confused as to what i am actually getting with only a little over a month before release.

ziggurcat1327d ago (Edited 1327d ago )

We do, though. If most games transfer data, then that's a coding issue in the game that the devs have to address. If the devs have to come back with "we'll let you know!", that's something the devs have to address.

Christopher1326d ago

Look, it's easy to throw this out, but, you then have to answer this question:

Why are the developers not treating them the same way on Xbox One/Xbox Series X?

ziggurcat1326d ago

Who knows, but I don't think this is a case of Sony saying yes or no to specific titles.

I can concede that it's possible that Sony has to check off a box in their API or whatever to allow the system to see those apps as the same, but then we have the case of Miles Morales where it's known that its cross-gen save data does transfer. That's largely why I think that the devs themselves have to allow it to happen.

thesoftware7301327d ago (Edited 1327d ago )

To the people making excuse after excuse for Sony's lack of transparency and in the past month disappointing information coming out needs to stop. I play PS, like most other gamers on here, we know that they have great first party games so I get it, still not a reason not to call out short comings of a system that is going toe to toe with the competition, literally 2 days apart, where is the preview systems for journalist? Series X has been making the rounds and I haven't seen one negative report. This is what Sony needs to get in front of..we hardly know anything about the actual hardware.

This is a new consoles being launched and so far they are lacking things that Sony Soldiers keep saying isn't a big deal. If MS was this sketchy and confusing(like the Xbox One launch), they would be getting hammered right now. Who the hell wants to play all their unfinished games from scratch, remember some people might be unable to get a PS5 this holiday..what if I start Cyberpunk 2077 on ps4, will I be able to transfer all my progress if I'm not finished with the game? AC: Valhalla? these are long games which have multiple ways to play, so you either wait until you can find a PS5 or start from scratch? How can anyone make this seem ok? We are consumers, we should call out shit like this especially when the competition is making it look easy.

Please don't give me the, its always been like this situation..its 2020 people and Sony is a giant, they need to get with it.

nickanasty2061327d ago

I love my Playstation as well, so to see them start slipping right before the new console release on simple things like game saves in 2020, is definitely a bit unnerving. Sony was great this last generation, but so far they have seemed to become arrogant because they know they have a massive lead over their competition presently. I would hate to see Sony start slipping up and make stupid mistakes, when they clearly do have a desirable platform. I am speaking from the position of being strictly a gamer though, i own all platforms and use each for their intended purpose. If i was solely a Sony gamer, i would even be more upset than i am right now. Luckily i have options, so this doesn't affect me as much, but for those who are one console exclusive types, this is terrible news and you should be upset, i mean hell, i am upset that i don't know if my save will transfer from TLOU2 so i can play new game plus in all of its glory on PS5. If nobody gets upset, nothing will change, so now is the time to cause a bit of a fuss so it gets corrected.

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Games Leaving Game Pass List Expanded in June to Over 10 Titles with Addition of Six More Games

Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft's video game subscription service, is set to lose six more titles from its library, bringing the total number of departing games to 11.

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MadLad353d ago

The Hunter I still actively play but, eh, I got my fill. I'll grab it on the next Steam sale.

theindiearmy353d ago

They probably announced and added most of these last showcase season and chances are they were on one-year deals. So makes sense June would see a high list of departing games than most other months.

Aussieguy352d ago

Gamepass is starting to go downhill IMO. There seems to be more and more Indy games now and they dont seem to care what games come to Gamepass as long its something. There should be a quality standard or at least try and get more retail games, even if its just older 360 games and Xbox one.


"Maneater Apex Edition" is coming physically to the PS4 and Xbox One on September 30th, 2022

"Developer and publisher Tripwire Interactive and retail co-publishing partner Deep Silver are eager to announce the "Maneater Apex Edition" is coming physically to stores for the PS4 and Xbox One on September 30, 2022." - Tripwire Interactive and Deep Silver.


Maneater is free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Maneater is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until June 16 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it’s yours to keep.

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