
Nintendo should give us classic Mario games the same way Xbox Game Pass gives us classic games

"Nintendo has made it difficult, if not impossible, to play a lot of its classic games on modern consoles. The Super Mario 3D All-Stars announcement only emphasizes how much of a problem this has become." | Rebecca Spear

Immagaiden1366d ago

Nintendo isn’t going to add N64, GCN & Wii games to NSO anytime soon. We barely even get NES & SNES games added to the service in a timely manner nowadays

1366d ago
BrainSyphoned1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

Interesting article that names two Xbox games and dozens of Nintendo games. The fact still remains—Nintendo makes its own games and is proud of its work. Microsoft on the other hand shoves its few titles into a bargain bin with stuff other people left behind.

Donnie811366d ago

What are u talking about. Xbox’s releases games via backwards compatibility that look and run better. Sometimes even at higher resolution up to 4k and now they are upping FPS and adding hdr. Plus if u own the disk or had it digitally it’s urs at no charge. Nintendo ports an old game with no improvements and charges you a premium. Like Xbox or not you still got to give their bc program props.


You have no idea what this article is about or what you’re saying do you? Smh...

Donnie811364d ago

Well I was just replying to someone else so take it up with them

1366d ago Replies(1)
Knightofelemia1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

The whole Disney approach that Nintendo is taking about releasing a title for a bit then throw it back into the vault is a bad idea. And all it does is just leads people to hack the console and dump roms onto the console. You make more money flooding that title in the market because people want to relive their memories or open a door to games they never played like me with Sunshine and Galaxy. I'll say this again Mario 64 should have been cleaned up looks wise when announced for this collection its not that hard to do modders have been doing it for years you have had ample time to do that. Nintendo needs to be listening to their fans and what the fans want. The NES and SNES libraries they offer for the Switch online are a joke they had better libraries with both the SNES and NES minis. And adding new titles to both libraries on the Switch only happens once in a very blue moon. I understand their is a license agreement they have to seek out to add the games to the NES and SNES libraries on the Switch. But its like Nintendo is not even trying when it comes to that department and adding new SNES and NES titles. I would love to see the Virtual Console brought back for the Switch I use to play the shit out of it on the Wii. Nintendo also needs to work on the multiplayer aspect for the Switch as well the prison code sucks to add friends, no party chat, not way to message a friend and some games to play online lag like shit that's why I don't play and pay for the Switch online.

Si-Fly1366d ago

Somebody might need this if you put some paragraphs in.

parkesy781366d ago

Hardly the same nintendo probably has over 100 games over multiple generations that have scored over 90% that people will still buy today ,i cant think of a single "classic" xbox game that I'd repurchase

LoveSpuds1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

Yup, Gamepass forms the main strand of MS's strategy in the games market for one reason only, they have no choice. Outside of their hardcore audience nobody cares about MS as a games company and the few franchises they did have of any note have been driven into the ground.

You simply cannot compare MS's offerings with the Nintendo library. I think its fair to say Nintendo should do more to make their classic library available to gamers, but I see no reason why they should give them away on a service like Gamepass, they simply need to add classic games to Switch in a similar manner to the Virtual Console on Wii.

FinalSpero1366d ago

The original Xbox library was stacked...

Applejack1366d ago

I loved playing Blinx and JSRF when I had the OG Xbox. Those would be good choices imo.

rainslacker1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

Ironically, Nintendo would probably do well with a game pass like service on the Switch, or for mobile, if they put up their older titles on there. They may even surpass MS if they had a streaming service.

Maybe in another 10 years Nintendo will dabble in it, and somehow miss the mark with it like they tend to do when they start dabbling in things.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1366d ago
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Nintendo million sellers - Super Mario 3D All-Stars at 9 million, Link's Awakening over 6 million

Nintendo has just provided some updated information on several of their Switch million seller titles via CESA 2022. As such, we’ve got some new sales figures for a few of these titles.

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brewin638d ago

Awesome to see Bayonetta 2 get over a million and the Xenoblade games to do so well! Good numbers all around. Nice to see Nintendo recover after the Wii U.


Nintendo Shipped 60,000 Units Of Super Mario 3D All-Stars After Limited Release

With the release of the White Book, Super Mario 3D All-Stars lifetime sales hit a new total of 9.07 million.

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I still have a sealed copy of this game. I heard it was going to be a limited release so I never opened it. I wouldn’t exactly call 9mil limited however.

642d ago Replies(1)
MasterChief3624642d ago

It is highly doubtful this game will increase in value, especially on the level that some were expecting. This is one of those "limited" releases that isn't limited at all, like you said. Getting a sealed version of this and keeping it like that will not net you much profit, I can guarantee it.

Knushwood Butt642d ago

Maybe they limited it to 10 million.

Limited lol

Nintendo get away with it again.

HeliosHex642d ago

Nintendo played us yet again. Fattened up their pockets by using the coveted limited release tactic to gain profits by secretly releasing more than they said was available.
I feel this as bad as insider trading. There's a law broken somewhere here. It doesn't feel right. Bastards never again will I listen to their bs.

Sgt_Slaughter642d ago

Who knew Nintendo could piss someone off just by operating as a business that likes money.

CrimsonWing69642d ago

Are you familiar with the concepts of “bad business ethics” and “damaging the confidence of consumers”?

Making money for your business doesn’t always equate to a company doing what’s right.

Neonridr642d ago (Edited 642d ago )

I mean I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who bought the collection just wanted the games to play again.

Just a hunch though.

HeliosHex641d ago

Lol I wasn't one of them.

brewin642d ago

Well I wouldn't buy something they said was limited but didn't included any limited edition stuff. There was no special box or special edition items included so the writing was on the wall. Its like they were trying the old Disney tactic and telling everyone this would go back in the vault soon. Im more upset that it didn't include the excellent Mario Galaxy 2.

Necr0philiac642d ago

Remember amiibo's or how Nintendo was creating artificial Wii shortages! The Wii dominated the news without even having any good games. Parents most of the time are clueless and listen to what media deems popular or sold out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 641d ago
Smellsforfree642d ago

It was stupid to make it a limited release to begin with. No matter, it is pretty easy to find used copies for people who missed it and want the collection. It is a fine collection, especially having Mario Galaxy which is a pain to emulate because of the controls.

brewin642d ago

Can they just do the Zelda collection already?! Yes we know Mario is popular. But damnit I want a Zelda collection of all the handheld games, including the 3ds remakes of Ocarina and Majora along with the great and underappreciated Link Between Worlds.