
Super Mario 3D All-Stars resolution detailed

Nintendo has revealed details regarding the resolution of different docked and portable modes for Super Mario 3D All-Stars.

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Levii_921369d ago

I don’t get 64’s resolution .. why is it 960 x 720 docked when the other two games are 1080p docked and they are much advanced games graphically.. -.-

GameBoyColor1369d ago

They are too lazy to scale it properly to 16:9 would be my guess

IMissJimRyan1369d ago

It's not laziness. It's efficiency. The company calculates the investment and the return.

They know that whether or not the game improves there will be queues to buy this collection for $ 60. Nintendo is a lifestyle brand, as is Apple. More than consuming it is essential to have the product. Nobody can call themselves a real fan if they don't have this box on the shelf with limited sale.

Nintendo knows the passivity of its consumers. And it exploits every weakness.

tombfan1369d ago

Locomorales... don't tell me nintendo isn't expecting a HUGE sell margin with this? Almost everything they get out it's 10 million units sold or more. Besides they're not making the games again, just upgrading it a bit and porting them to switch.

IMissJimRyan1369d ago

tombfan....I said that Nintendo knows that it doesn't have to put much effort into remaking these games because it knows its consumers. The company knows that more than content, the brand is essential for anyone who buys Nintendo.

As a for-profit company, there is a need to expand profit margins as much as possible.

1369d ago
IMissJimRyan1369d ago

ZeroBlue2... I didn't say that I like it or that I agree. I explained how it works. And like any other for-profit company, Nintendo wants only to enrich the owners. While consumers continue to pay her $ 60 for anything, it will continue seeking investment efficiency limit.

LoreCannon1369d ago (Edited 1369d ago )



Shockingly, it wasn't hard. Nintendo isn't even using the resources they have.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1369d ago
SIdepocket1369d ago

The game is culling geometry just outside of the camera frustum, I suppose they decided it wasn't a good idea to update the source code.

IMissJimRyan1369d ago

They know they don't have to. Too much work and would sell exactly the same as much.

1368d ago
1368d ago
badz1491368d ago

they don't want to do too much work or they have to charge $60 EACH!

anonymousfan1368d ago

Compare this with Activision's remakes of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro... And at the quality and price of their remakes Activision is wayyyyyy more generous than Nintendo... Sad

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1368d ago
RaiderNation1369d ago (Edited 1369d ago )

This is a lazy collection. No Mario Galaxy 2 and Mario 64 should've been remastered with Mario Odyssey assets. But hey, Nintendo is going to Nintendo.

anonymousfan1369d ago

Yup oh well they could have had my hard earned 60$ but nah I'll leave their cheap port for other sheep.

1368d ago
Bigman4k1369d ago (Edited 1369d ago )

You're getting 3 great mario games in one package and you still complaining? This generation smh

King_Noctis1368d ago

Because it’s on the Switch and not other console.

Spikeantestor1368d ago

You make it sound like he/she's being ungrateful. This collection isn't free. They chose 3 games a lot of people wanted/loved and decided to do a certain amount of work to them and put them in a package for retail.

Everyone has to decide the value proposition for themselves.

Some will say, as you are, it collects 3 great games and charges one price for them. That is enough to create value.

Others will see the lack of modernization on very old games and feel ripped off.

Niether is correct by default.

King_Noctis1368d ago

“ Mario 64 should've been remastered with Mario Odyssey assets”

That would be called a remake, not a remaster.

Bigman4k1368d ago

And if Nintendo did that they would charge $60

Nerdmaster1368d ago

Strongly disagree with "Mario 64 should've been remastered with Mario Odyssey assets", but I do agree that Galaxy 2 should've been included.

RaiderNation1367d ago (Edited 1367d ago )

Yeah after giving it a lot of thought, I changed my mind. Youre right. For this collection they shouldve just remastered Mario 64 to wide-screen 1080p/60fps. That wouldve been better. However its still kind of hard for me to look over at something like the Crash N Sane and Spyro trilogies, collections of 3 games each, remade completely, and sold for 39.99, and then look at this lackluster effort for 59.99 and justify it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1367d ago
CrimsonWing691369d ago

all the rumors I heard about remakes, then this gets unveiled and I am suddenly completely underwhelmed.

But y'know, this is Nintendo's thing, port old games and sell them for full price.

At least with Mario All-Stars on the SNES it had a graphics overhaul.

darthv721369d ago

And this does too... just not as much. The 8bit ones were given a 16bit treatment. For something like 64, it is getting some AA to smooth out the edges but they werent going to get rid of the classic look all together. That is part of its charm.

CrimsonWing691369d ago

Ok I meant more like remade with Odyssey graphics. Like how they took an 8-bit game and have it the 16-bit treatment.

1368d ago
TheEnigma3131369d ago

Mario sunshine is definitely underrated, and I would love to play galaxy with regular controls other that when it was on Wii

TravsVoid1368d ago

Sunshine is one of my favorite games ever made but without any improvements I don't see a reason to rebuy it.

LoreCannon1369d ago (Edited 1369d ago )


Hmmm... that's cute Nintendo. We already did the work for you, but okay.

16:9, updated model assets, native compilation NOT emulation. This is a native SM64 NRO Binary.

Good-Smurf1368d ago

Gotta love them banning ROM sites only to hoard the IPs and do bare minimum with it.

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Nintendo million sellers - Super Mario 3D All-Stars at 9 million, Link's Awakening over 6 million

Nintendo has just provided some updated information on several of their Switch million seller titles via CESA 2022. As such, we’ve got some new sales figures for a few of these titles.

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brewin638d ago

Awesome to see Bayonetta 2 get over a million and the Xenoblade games to do so well! Good numbers all around. Nice to see Nintendo recover after the Wii U.


Nintendo Shipped 60,000 Units Of Super Mario 3D All-Stars After Limited Release

With the release of the White Book, Super Mario 3D All-Stars lifetime sales hit a new total of 9.07 million.

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I still have a sealed copy of this game. I heard it was going to be a limited release so I never opened it. I wouldn’t exactly call 9mil limited however.

642d ago Replies(1)
MasterChief3624642d ago

It is highly doubtful this game will increase in value, especially on the level that some were expecting. This is one of those "limited" releases that isn't limited at all, like you said. Getting a sealed version of this and keeping it like that will not net you much profit, I can guarantee it.

Knushwood Butt642d ago

Maybe they limited it to 10 million.

Limited lol

Nintendo get away with it again.

HeliosHex642d ago

Nintendo played us yet again. Fattened up their pockets by using the coveted limited release tactic to gain profits by secretly releasing more than they said was available.
I feel this as bad as insider trading. There's a law broken somewhere here. It doesn't feel right. Bastards never again will I listen to their bs.

Sgt_Slaughter642d ago

Who knew Nintendo could piss someone off just by operating as a business that likes money.

CrimsonWing69642d ago

Are you familiar with the concepts of “bad business ethics” and “damaging the confidence of consumers”?

Making money for your business doesn’t always equate to a company doing what’s right.

Neonridr642d ago (Edited 642d ago )

I mean I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who bought the collection just wanted the games to play again.

Just a hunch though.

HeliosHex641d ago

Lol I wasn't one of them.

brewin642d ago

Well I wouldn't buy something they said was limited but didn't included any limited edition stuff. There was no special box or special edition items included so the writing was on the wall. Its like they were trying the old Disney tactic and telling everyone this would go back in the vault soon. Im more upset that it didn't include the excellent Mario Galaxy 2.

Necr0philiac642d ago

Remember amiibo's or how Nintendo was creating artificial Wii shortages! The Wii dominated the news without even having any good games. Parents most of the time are clueless and listen to what media deems popular or sold out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 641d ago
Smellsforfree642d ago

It was stupid to make it a limited release to begin with. No matter, it is pretty easy to find used copies for people who missed it and want the collection. It is a fine collection, especially having Mario Galaxy which is a pain to emulate because of the controls.

brewin642d ago

Can they just do the Zelda collection already?! Yes we know Mario is popular. But damnit I want a Zelda collection of all the handheld games, including the 3ds remakes of Ocarina and Majora along with the great and underappreciated Link Between Worlds.