
NVIDIA RTX IO Brings PS5's Hyped SSD Performance to PCs

We've heard a lot about the PlayStation 5's magical SSD architecture, which is supposed to usher in an era of lightning-quick loading times and streaming speeds that are unheard of, even in the PC world.

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Jin_Sakai1351d ago

“It’s unclear whether this feature is exclusive to NVIDIA’s new GeForce RTX 30 Series, or if it will be available for Turing-based GPUs as well.“

Every single PS5 will have a 5.5 GB/s SSD whereas PC owners SSD speeds will vary. So PS5 will still benefit.

RaidenBlack1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

Nvidia updated their article later. RTX IO is coming to Turing-based GPUs as well.

1351d ago
Marquinho1351d ago

It's not bringing anything from PS5. It's using Microsoft's Direct Storage. The fact that Sony marketed their SSD so hard doesn't mean nVidia got inspired by it. MS did it for XSX and PCs thinking of the next generation.

RaidenBlack1351d ago

@Marquinho, but I didn't mention anything related to the PS5.

Marquinho1351d ago

Yeah... I was referring to the article title.

Babadook71351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

I think Nvidia is using the (mostly) software based approach that Microsoft touted. Not as sophisticated as what's in PS5 but a step in the right direction. It's also going to need to take compute away from the GPU, unlike the ps5, which could make it perform worse in heavy streaming situations.

StoneyYoshi1351d ago

Thats cool but it wont be nearly as beneficial on PCI 3.0 as it will be on 4.0.

Eonjay1351d ago

It's still not as fast as the PS5. They admitted as much. In the end it comes down to the 12 channels on the controller.

But next year let's revisit this when the you can actually buy one of the new SSDs.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1351d ago
DJStotty1351d ago

Your correct, some may have slower SSD's, some may have faster SSD's.

Rimeskeem1351d ago

Either you buy a GPU the same cost as a PS5 or you buy an SSD that is maybe half the price

Consoles will always be good for younger gamers and those not wanting to enter high end pc market.

shauzy1351d ago

buying a GPU that costs the same as PS5 is lower class in the pc race, as the master race motto says: go broke or go home

KyRo1351d ago Show
boing11351d ago


I'm a 40 year+ old game designer with family and I simply have no desire to play on PC because I see it as possible waste of time for me. Number of issues I've had with pc gaming in my career has absolutely killed it for me. I play exclusively on PS and work on PC, playing only the game we're making. I see this trend a lot among my friends and I also have seen pretty recent demographic data. Most gamers at my age are clearly choosing consoles because of convenience.

Mithan1351d ago

I just want to correct you because you seem to lack knowledge. I have a PS4 Pro, I am 44 with an infant and a 2.5 year old kid. I also own a killer PC.

The reason people buy a console is variable, also, the majority of Sony consoles are owned by a 30+ crowd.

Why? Exclusive games, less trouble overall, sofa gaming, big screen tv gaming, living room gaming, etc.

Also, the PS4 Pro (and Xbox) have "good enough" graphics that most people can't tell the difference anyways. There isn't a huge difference between ACOdyssey on the PS4 Pro and my PC for example, that is actually noticeable when you are playing.

1351d ago
crazyCoconuts1351d ago

@boing1 - I hear you, I bounce around a bit, but love the convenience of console gaming. But the 3000 series coming out at this time with SO much power at a great price point... hard to resist the temptation of seeing my multiplats and VR games torqued out to ultra all the way and still getting a high framerate...

Christopher1351d ago

***Consoles will always be good for younger gamers and those not wanting to enter high end pc market.***

Laughable considering the mass majority of the PC market play on hardware no better than current gen consoles. You're acting like the <10% of PC gamers are the norm. That's like saying every Xbox owner plays on Xbox One X.

Unspoken1351d ago

Rimeskeem makes a good point but I think he was misunderstood. There are plenty of reasons why consoles are beneficial and would be chosen over a PC. Price, ease of use - plug and play, lack of maintenance, size, portability, though a lot of these have been handled fairly well by PC.

If you are older and have moved on from PC for whatever reason you fall into his second category.

The article indicates we will have more devs working on the same tech and have exposure to more games utilizing the tech is really the bottom line.

1351d ago
anubusgold1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )


No the huge step in gaming is amd hardware is behind 50% again like how i predicted months ago. This is what i said 99 days ago i under estimated lol

No Nvidia already said they are putting in twice the tensor cores that are used for raytracing so the next gen gaming gpus can run this easy and at a higher framerate than that 30 fps the PS5 demo is running at. Ray tracing will run at 60+ fps on the 3000 series and with better graphics since Nvidia is just better than amd we are looking at a 40 percent in graphics performance when the 3000 series launches.
99d ago 0 agree1 disagree

1351d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1351d ago
LordoftheCritics1351d ago

All I'm picturing is a superman game or even a flash game.

SullysCigar1351d ago

All I'm picturing is an empty wallet and wondering why I didn't buy a new TV, PS5 and a bunch of awesome exclusive games instead lol

1351d ago
lelo2play1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

Samsung already announced a new SDD that's faster then the one in the PS5... will even be released before the PS5.

sero331351d ago

this has little to do with the ssd in your pc. its going to be handled by the gpu which should be just as fast if not faster than the ssd in the ps5. it should also minimize latency. this is all in theory though so everybody should wait for benchmarks.

none of this matters though. games make or break a console, not its power or speed.

NeoGamer2321351d ago

People are really over-estimating the benefits of fast SSD.

I agree that fast SSD is good and is useful for gaming... It will make levels larger and allow things like loading in different environments quicker as witnessed with R&C Rift Apart.

But, SSD is still not in the same ball park as RAM memory speeds (448 GB/s on PS5) so they are still a long way from really providing what is needed for games long term. Making a sloth move 5 or 10 times faster is a benefit. But, it still isn't comparable to a Cheetah.

1351d ago
NeoGamer2321351d ago

RAM is used to compute and process the game engine. The more RAM you have the smart AI can be, the more complex a game, and the more interactive a game can be.

The only thing SSD storage provides is the initial loading of the game engine and the game environment.

If SSD was as fast as RAM it could do a lot more and games could be infinitely complex and interactive. But, since SSD is so slow compared to RAM it is narrowed to just a few functions.

BrettAwesome1350d ago

You're wrong. The super fast SSD's aren't only responsible for initial loading. They're responsible for loading data into RAM on the fly, which is one of the reasons they state they don't need more than 16gb. They can fill up ram in 2 seconds, meaning the can stream data to RAM as needed, not only initially but constantly.

NeoGamer2321350d ago

Yes, I did say, "different environments quicker as witnessed with R&C Rift Apart" which equates to loading data in on the fly.

But, there are limitations because SSD is nowhere as quick as RAM. If SSDs were in the same ballpark as RAM there would be no limitations.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1350d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1350d ago
FlyingFoxy1351d ago

Fair to assume AMD will likely have something similar with their GPUs then. Looking good overall.

TheOptimist1351d ago

Obviously they will. Consoles are AMD APUs -.-

PixelOmen1351d ago

Yes, but the IO controllers on the consoles are dedicated coprocessors. Not saying AMD couldn't put something similar to this in a GPU, but the console architecture would have nothing to do with it.

1351d ago
DJStotty1351d ago

So the SSD tech is not exclusively only on the PS5 after all.

RazzerRedux1351d ago

This isn't PS5 tech at all, but no, PS5's SSD tech isn't proprietary. This has been known for some time.

PixelOmen1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

PS5 tech is definitely proprietary. It's a custom designed coprocessor. Something could be created with similar/better performance, like RTXIO for example, but it wouldn't be the same tech.

1351d ago
RazzerRedux1351d ago


I'm not aware that Sony has even given Microsoft even the slightest mention. Sony doesn't have to. Sony let's their games do the talking and they are not afraid to show those next gen games off on PS5 hardware as Microsoft has been. They certainly don't have to trademark every damn thing in the hardware and brag about it endlessly instead of showing actual next gen games running on it. Bottom line: Microsoft absolutely needs to highlight the deltas while Sony does not. Simple as that.

sprinterboy1351d ago

Nobody ever said it was, even Mark Cerney explained that.
You been living under a rock?

1351d ago
DJStotty1351d ago ShowReplies(5)
1351d ago
Marquinho1351d ago

It's using Microsoft's Direct Storage. It has nothing to do with PS5. Microsoft had their own initiative for both PC and XSX.

DJStotty1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

I think the article is just basically saying, that the benefits the PS5 receives from the SSD architecture, will be mirrored in the other platforms by using similar methods albeit different names.

Poor choice of title i might add by saying "PS5's Hyped SSD Performance to PCs" i do not think it is "hyped" more than it is fact

There was the same article where the title mentioned the series X instead of the PS5.

Marquinho1351d ago

Since it's using a Microsoft's technology that's going to be present in XSX, they should say that nVidia has partnered with Microsoft in order to bring the technology present in XSX to PCs, which is exactly what it is. Even Jensen (nVidia CEO) mentioned it in their event:


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1351d ago
waverider1351d ago

The only problem is that this cards will be used for less then 10% pc gamers. The average PC gamer doesnt have a high end PC. Not even close.

RazzerRedux1351d ago

Why is that a "problem"? Since this will be available on Turing cards more and more PC gamers will have access to this as they upgrade. No more of a "problem" than ray tracing or any other new tech.

garos821351d ago

the "problem" is similar to that of seriex x and xbox one. you are not taking advantage of the beastly hardware when you have to cater to lesser beasts

RazzerRedux1351d ago


PC games have rarely had a problem outperforming their console counterparts so no, I don't see that as a problem. There isn't a console game out there that I wouldn't rather play on PC.

waverider1351d ago

because the target gamers are a very low % of all PC gamers. The average PC gamers doesnt have a GPU that is able to use this.

morganfell1351d ago

The problem is that developers and publishers are not going to be in a hurry to pay for all the time needed to really build their levels and in reality entire game design around a capability that few of their target audience possess. Having the PS5's architecture abilities provides very very limited boons if the developers do not build a game to take advantage of them. And by designing an entire game around a certain capability you are severing the other majority of PC gamers that do not have the correct hardware. They will in effect not even be able to play a game. Look at R&C into the Rift. There goes the rift. And that game is the tip of the iceberg. They are just getting started developing on the other side of the chasm that will really separate the PS5 titles from other games that employ a traditional design approach. The issue? Sales. Money. Operating in the red.

RazzerRedux1351d ago


"The average PC gamers doesnt have a GPU that is able to use this."

Which will change as more PC gamers adopt the newer tech. This is all part of the normal evolution of PC gaming.


Which means PC games are not likely to be "designed around" this tech immediately, but will still be able to take advantage of it. But the fact that this technology is becoming more prevalent and will be more widely adopted means more and more games in the future will indeed be designed with these capabilities in mind.

sampsonon1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

@RazzerRedux: I don't think that's what @garos82 was saying. he was saying that it's like the xbox one holding back the xsx. It had nothing to do with pc's out performing consoles.

morganfell1351d ago

You can't take advantage of the tech if the software isn't there to take advantage of the tech. Its like having a dragster that does top speed...sitting in your garage with no strip on which to race it. I am not saying it will never happen but a smart person would wait. I will eventually get one next year sometime. Just not now. Let the drivers mature, the price to come down, and most importantly, the software to appear. As you said yourself, games in the future. When we get a little closer to that future I'll pony up. I might as well buy an 8K TV right now.

RazzerRedux1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )


Well, there is a difference between software being "designed around" the tech and the software being able to take advantage of the tech as it is. Load times will improve without any effort as bottlenecks are removed. Devs don't have to program for that. But PC gamers are not going to see R&C type games that fully utilize it. That was your point and I agree with that, but that doesn't mean there will be no benefit at all. Don't think that is what you are saying so I think generally we agree.


"But Sony has already said they plan to bring more of their games to PC, so even those are going to have to work on PC."

To be clear, Sony said they are exploring more games on PC. That doesn't mean PS5 games necessarily. More than likely that will be PS4 games, at least for quite some time, and those games are not designed around high speed SSD. If Sony isn't going to put their PS5 games on PS4 right away then they certainly are not going to push them to PC in the foreseeable future. Eventually, perhaps, and at that point high speed SSD will probably be standard for most.

starchild1351d ago

If that affected PC games it would also affect the majority of PS5 games, since the overwhelming majority of games on the PS5 will be multiplatform games that have to run on PC and Xbox platforms. So, at best you could argue that some PS5 exclusives could maybe take better advantage of it.

But Sony has already said they plan to bring more of their games to PC, so even those are going to have to work on PC.

I think that you will see some developers still targeting the newer IO speeds in their designs for PC games. It will be part of the required specs for their games. In other cases I think they will find ways to scale or adapt things for lesser hardware.

My prediction is that there won't be any significant real-world difference in this regard for PS5.

anubusgold1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

@morganfell Yes you can on pc you can always force settings some games dont even have decent AA or AF you can force it on pc when the developers get lazy. I remember back in the day when i used one card for graphics and one card for physics when the game itself ran like crap because of lazy developers.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1351d ago
RaidenBlack1351d ago

Well, in case of RTX IO, its available even for an RTX 2060.
Just that, people with Turing GTX, Pascal and Maxwell are out of luck.

TheOptimist1351d ago

I hope you realize these will also be enabled on the RTX 2060s and RTX 3060s which will be pretty affordable for most people. The GTX 1070 is still an extremely popular card. That is where the budget segment lies with the 60 and 70 series.

sprinterboy1351d ago

Delusional pc elitist as usual, great tech for the ones who love high end/ultra gaming but agree 75% plus play on medium settings

I_am_Batman1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

I don't think that's right. The value proposition of the Ampere cards is much more convincing than it was with Turing, which only offered a small performance increase over Pascal. If Nvidia can meet the demand, these cards should sell really well. The inevitable 3060 and (maybe even 3050) will most likely support this feature as well, at a much lower price.

This is also great news for console players, because it means that higher IO bandwidth can be utilized by 3rd party devs more easily since it'll be a much more widespread feature.

1351d ago
DJStotty1351d ago

If you are a PC gamer, then you would already be in the 10% that you mention.

You will probably find that the majority of PC gamers will have close/if not a high end PC.

Christopher1351d ago

***You will probably find that the majority of PC gamers will have close/if not a high end PC.***

That's not even close to true. High End PC gaming is a niche market compared to most people who game on laptops and mid-range PCs that are about as good as mid-gen consoles.

DJStotty1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

May not have the top GPU's, but the builds themselves i personally would class as close to high end, like mid range+.

I game on PC on a mid-range PC but i would not class myself as a PC gamer. Half of the games i can not run all because of the GPU.

I suppose it depends on what you class as mid-range, my mid-range may be your low-range.

When you build a gaming rig, the components are next to nothing until you get to the GPU, so the PC could be classed as close to high end but have a slightly weaker GPU, like say a 1080ti. I think that was more the point i was trying to make.

LordoftheCritics1351d ago

Every start of a console generation, pc gamers slowly transition to newer hardware. The games basically demand it. So whether someones picks up the highest 3090 or the unnannounced 3060, they will all far outperform the console. Thats exepcted.

It will be a large number of pc gamers who want to play the coming generation of games who will buy into the new tech. Why? Because the minimums which are closer to 2070 and 2080 are basically same price if not cheaper with the 3070 and also a larger performance gain. Its basically a no brainer.

starchild1351d ago

Yet there will still be more higher end PCs than PS5 units sold in the first year. And then more and more people will be upgrading their PCs over time, including upgrades to new graphics cards that will come out in the coming years.

Marquinho1350d ago

You do realize that Mid-End (Not high end) 3070 cards will provide 2x the power of a PS5, right?

Even the Low-End cards (probably 3060) will outperform it, so it's just a matter of upgrading. Not a "problem".

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1350d ago
Whitey2k1351d ago

Its crap that Sony made the tech and now everybody gonna want a piece of that tech. I think they should approach sony for that tech. Give it time when sony comes up with another tech idea nvidia will also take that tech idea

Fishy Fingers1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

Haha, what?

This is Nvidia tech leveraging MS's DirectStorage for Windows and ironically they'll be first to market (before PS5/XBSX). Nothing to do with "sony made tech".

sampsonon1351d ago

Actually it does. Cerny and Sweany said that the tech Sony is using will far out perform anything on high end pc's. They both said the tech will come to market for pc's after sony launches the ps5. Meaning next yr. They are just talking about the speed, but how it's delivered. Sony is using their own tech which will hit pc's next yr.

DJStotty1350d ago


This has nothing to do with the PS5, or its tech.

So are Sony selling their tech to AMD and Intel? What Sony tech will be coming to PC's next year?

TheOptimist1351d ago

The uneducation is real here.

Nvidia has been in the AI segment for very long now. I know it's not related, but what makes you think they are using Sony's tech to do all this?

sampsonon1351d ago

The tech sony is using is better at transferring info faster because of the tech they created which won't be available til next yr sometime.

RazzerRedux1351d ago

Don't let the article title confuse you. They are comparing RTX IO speed to PS5 SSD, but this is not PS5 SSD technology.

sampsonon1351d ago

It's not, that's why it won't be faster than the ps5. It's not just the ssd but the tech surrounding it that makes it transfer info faster. Sony's tech when released for pc's will boost the speed way faster. But you gonna have to wait a bit.

Melankolis1351d ago

It doesn't have anything to do with Sony.
PC is always ahead in technology, but console will set a standard what is going mainstream next.
I bet next-gen, after XSX and PS5 out, there will be more PC games require SSDs for recommended specification.

karlmarblazehorn1351d ago

Technology like this has been around since 2016 were workstations cards bolted SSD's too the GPU, the novelty about DirectStorage is it can use the consumer SSD instead. This is all too support virtual texturing and virtual geometry using the new Meshlet piplines. Sony did not invent this technology at all.

LordoftheCritics1351d ago

Its alright, we all talk shit sometimes.

SegaGamer1351d ago

Well done, you win the award for Sony fanboy of the day.

Sircolby451351d ago

It's cute that you think Sony somehow pioneered this tech and everyone else "copied" it from them.

SierraGuy1351d ago (Edited 1351d ago )

Once PS5 releases it will be torn down completely and copied... until then nobody knows exactly how it works...so yes nobody will catch up until at least 6 months after PS5 release.

Also if you ask me they have "pioneered" the tech like usual.

Kribwalker1350d ago

lol it’s not even using PS5 tech. It’s using the direct storage API, which is designed by MS and used in their velocity architecture

Not only is this tech not Sony’s, but it has placed sony as the odd man out here, as now programmers will be programming for Xbox and PC’s with these cards with the direct storage api at the forefront.

and the fact of the matter is, the PC market >>>>>>> than the console market

RookieMonsterLives1350d ago (Edited 1350d ago )

Oh I didn't know that the SSD tech in the new RTX 3000 series is the same as the one found on XSX. That means that the majority of developers will make their next gen games with PC/XSX as the lead platforms.

The PS5 is already underpowered but the SSD speed was their biggest strength and their one and only advantage hardware wise. But if most developers are not taking advantage of it and prioritize the XSX due to the Velocity Architecture is the same tech as the PC, then that is not looking good for Playstation 5. These Digital Foundry comparisons will be interesting.

DJStotty1350d ago


You sound like one of these that think Sony own Blu-ray as well.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1350d ago
Show all comments (197)

Starfield's new Xbox performance modes are thoughtful and comprehensive

Digital Foundry : Bethesda's Starfield was generally a well-regarded RPG, but the game's 30fps target on consoles was the subject of some controversy. The game's massive scope arguably justified that 30fps refresh rate, with only high-end PCs capable of hitting 60fps and higher, but now Bethesda has changed course and opened the floodgates on Xbox Series X consoles following significant optimisation work. Players can now independently select performance and visuals modes at arbitrary frame-rates. How exactly do these new combinations fare, and is 60fps really a possibility after it was explicitly ruled out before?

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darthv722m ago

900p in performance mode for SX.... I'd assume a 5pro would at least hit 1080p if not more.


Assassin’s Creed Shadows: Inside Ubisoft’s Ambitious Open World Japan

An inside look at Assassin's Creed Shadows, Ubisoft's ambitious open world Japan where your every move is affected by weather, season, and lighting systems.


Report: Assassin's Creed Shadows to Require an Internet Connection Even If It's Single-Player Only

Assassin's Creed Shadows digital storefront pages are up, and it confirms the game will require an internet connection, and MTX.

kenpachi7h ago

Was sort of interested in this but if it's true it's an easy pass

jznrpg1h ago

It’s true for sure. Avatar game had online requirement

Tacoboto24m ago

Avatar only had an online requirement to install the disc version, not to play.

This AC really does have Online Play Required marked on it.

Terry_B6h ago

as usual..Don't Buy Ubisoft Games.

Skuletor2h ago

One thing that's messed up about this, is there will be people playing pirated versions of this without that restriction, while the paying customers will suffer. Just like how some games will have lower performance on PC due to DRM, while pirated copies don't.

Anyone that wants to say something like "Who doesn't have internet access in this day and age?" There's plenty reasons people won't always have access, such as living in rural areas with spotty coverage, for example.

banger882h ago

Three single-player games in a row they've done this with now. Those f***ers weren't kidding when they said gamers need to be comfortable with not owning their games. As a physical collector, and somebody who enjoys Ubisoft's open worlds, this is a nightmare scenario for me. Absolute scumbag company.

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