
Confirmed AAA Holiday 2020 Games You Should Put on Your Radar

Here are the Holiday 2020 games that you need to keep an eye out for! Note that only games confirmed to be released later this year qualify.

anonymousfan1404d ago

Weird the only one of those I wanted to play was Cyberpunk and even then I am planning on cancelling my discounted pre order... I think I am too stressed out to enjoy gaming anymore...

ArchangelMike1404d ago

what's stressing you out though? Is it gaming related or just life related? I find that gaming is actually a form of stress relief for me.

Anyway, try take it easy, just pace yourself :)

CoffeeBlack9101404d ago

Words of wisdom right here! He's right, games should be relieving your stress, not adding onto it. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a break.

anonymousfan1404d ago

Newborn child stuck at home with zero outside contact or help besides wife who is back at work full time and doing extended hours... I tried gaming but I get either super irritated when I can't beat a level because it sucks in too much time I cant spare or I feel just guilty because I have so little energy and time to spare that I feel bad putting any at all into gaming.... Thats the short of it.

anonymousfan1404d ago

@CoffeeBlack910 you're probably unto something maybe I just need to give gaming a break for a few months or years.

sprinterboy1403d ago

Yep I suffer from anxiety and gaming is great for chilling me out, nothing stressful about gaming apart from PES rage

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1402d ago

I agree. Gaming is a hobby, an escape, a form of entertainment and it most certainly isn't anything worth getting stressed out over. This situation that the entire world is in has forced millions of people to change their daily routines and some have suffered far worse. If you aren't among those who are suffering and being crushed by financial uncertainty you should be grateful. If you're sitting around the house thinking doom and gloom all day, get out of the house, breathe in the fresh air, and try to avoid the negative thoughts. Gaming isn't the source of your stress. The entire world is facing a massive upheaval and like ArchangelMike said, pace yourself and I'd also like to add that getting some exercise helps too.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1402d ago
victorMaje1403d ago

Take it easy, a break isn’t a bad idea. Don’t give in to FOMO & come back whenever you feel like it, & if you need someone to talk to please not me! /jk ;) sorry had to make the joke hopefully you smiled :)

Exvalos1403d ago

Wait your depressed because your wife is paying all the Bill's and you get to be a stay at home mom? Man I wish I had your problems. Try working 17 hour days and weekends making almost 0 dollars and 2 newborn kids. Cmon man, this cant really be your issue.

sprinterboy1403d ago

Issues come in all shapes and sizes dude

Elda1403d ago

Just breathe. Take some time to concentrate on yourself & your family,gaming will always be around for you to come back to when you feel the need.

CaptainObvious8781403d ago

"Newborn child stuck at home with zero outside contact or help besides wife who is back at work full time and doing extended hours... I tried gaming but I get either super irritated when I can't beat a level because it sucks in too much time I cant spare or I feel just guilty because I have so little energy and time to spare that I feel bad putting any at all into gaming.... Thats the short of it."

I want kids, but as a passionate gamer this is exactly what I'm afraid of.

I hope you can find a healthy equilibrium, friend.

AuraAbjure1403d ago

I myself am growing out of gaming and becoming less passionate in general. Passion comes from the Greek word "pathos" for "pain". My life is way less painful now ever since I learned about advanced dietetics and advanced detoxification.

aceloth1403d ago

Been there with my kids years ago...take a break, focus on new born, goes by real quick and makes for great memories later !

Espangerish1403d ago

Read your explanation of why you’re stressed. I took a year long break from AAA gaming when my first and second kids were born. Years later now the kids are older I am enjoying gaming more than ever.

I used to get my gaming fix by dipping in and out of simpler handheld games games instead. Many of those are easy to pick up and put down. No complex controls, long story arcs or long cut scenes. Worked well for me so thought I’d pass it on to you in case it helps.

Hang in there, this phase isn’t for ever. You’ll be just fine in time and know that being a parent gets much easier offer the newborn phase.

bradleejones1403d ago

When we had our Son 12 years ago I was in a similar situation. Fast forward a bit and you will find video games as a great way to spend time with your kids. Promise you. Do what you gotta do for now. Time changes things.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1402d ago
RazzerRedux1404d ago

I used to think Cyberpunk was my most anticipated game. After TLOU2 and GoT.....Cyberpunk has huge shoes to fill.

And I'm still expecting Cyberpunk to be awesome. Great year in gaming (for some).

CoffeeBlack9101404d ago

I was hesitate at first with Ghost of Tsushima, but wow am I glad I picked that one up! It's probably my current GOTY.

excaliburps1403d ago

Same. It's my GOTY. I have no idea how anyone can rate this as a 6/10. LOL. Like, what kind of games do you dig, then?

1403d ago
CaptainObvious8781403d ago

GoT is my current GOTY and one of my top 5 games of the generation. It was so so so refreshing to play a game in current year without any politics shoved down my throat. That in it's self was a minor miracle.

I haven't played tlou2 yet, and I think I might have fun with it I've read the spoilers and as a film maker I won't be able to overlook the glaring narrative issues, especially if I feel certain plat points are being forced to fit with an agenda.

gamesftw2501403d ago

I just hope it doesn't get delayed again :/

Nitrowolf21403d ago

GoT my GOTY also.. Super fun game, love it. I dont think Cyber will fill it, but I still think it'll be a great game

Elda1403d ago

I only played 2 hrs of TLOU2 because of my backlog but I put that on hold as well to play GOT & the game is just amazing so far,about to start Act 3. It seems the AAA games releasing this fall do have huge shoes to fill.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1403d ago
ADekuKid1403d ago

If everything goes to plan these should all be pretty good. Though I admit it feels weird getting really excited when the state of the world is what it is.

Chocoburger1403d ago

Spider-Man is the only game that appeals to me, thankfully I can just play more retro games this year, which are honestly more enjoyable for me than modern day GAAS grind-fests.

Elda1403d ago

I'm interested in everything except Halo:Infinite & WD:Legion.

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just_looken4d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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