
Acquire trademarks Stealth Assassins in Japan; Capcom trademarks Darkstalkers

The latest notable trademarks from Japan.

SaiyanFury1381d ago

Pleeeeease be a new Tenchu, but have a better system than T4, please?

Bathyj1381d ago

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

starchild1381d ago

Holy crap, I hope this means that a new Tenchu game is planned. But some things make me think it won't be Tenchu specifically but rather a game in the same vein as Tenchu. From Software owns the Tenchu IP and they seem to have decided to go with Sekiro rather than an actual Tenchu game.

I kind of think that Acquire saw how excited people were for Ghost of Tsushima and how well it was received (and to a certain extent how well Nioh and Sekiro were received) and decided that they should make a new Tenchu-like game and decided to trademark the name Stealth Assassins since that's the closest they'll get to Tenchu in terms of association.

I would love to see the specific world and characters of Tenchu make a return, but if we can get a very similar game made by Acquire, similar to what they did with the Shinobido series I'm all for it.

I'm also very curious what Capcom's trademarking of "Darkstalkers" could mean. They were likewise involved in the development of some Tenchu games and maybe they want to create a spiritual successor too.

This is certainly very exciting news for Tenchu fans. I love the recent feudal Japan games, but none of them truly scratch that unique stealth itch that the Tenchu series had. Nioh is combat oriented and while Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima both offer the option of stealth it isn't the focus in either game. I would love to see a Tenchu-like game with deep and challenging stealth gameplay.

starchild1381d ago

Nevermind about the Darkstalkers thing. I forgot that it is just a 2d fighting series.

In any case, I really hope Acquire is working on a Tenchu spiritual successor. I also wish From Software would make an actual Tenchu game. I love the series so much.

boing11381d ago

Acquire is a great studio. Hopefully it's something legit. Loved Tenchu series.


There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

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northpaws0m ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.


Bungie CTO Leaves Company After 14 Years, Joins Sony PlayStation

Bungie veteran and current CTO, Luis Villegas, has left the company after fourteen years and has joined Sony PlayStation as its new Head of Technology.

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Sonic188118h ago

"I feel incredibly lucky because as part of my new role I get to still work closely with my Bungie family."

New role and more pay and still can work closely with Bungie

14h ago
fr0sty3h ago

Yeah, he basically just got a big promotion within the same parent company.

14h ago
S2Killinit2h ago

Seems logical for him and probably for PlayStation

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2K Games Will Reveal Sequel to One of Its 'Biggest and Most Beloved Franchises' at Summer Game Fest

2K Games is preparing to reveal the sequel to a "beloved franchise" at Summer Game Fest, with fans speculating that it might be Borderlands 4, BioShock 4, Mafia 4, and numerous other popular games.

Relientk777h ago

I'm assuming it will be Borderlands 4. If it's Bioshock 4, I will be Bioshocked.

shinoff21833h ago

Xcom would be much better to reveal. Been needing some xcom 3

TheColbertinator47m ago

XCOM 3 would be my dream announcement