
Xbox One's First-Party Weakness To Become Series X Greatest Strength?

Throughout this current generation, Xbox has been beaten over the head with a stick over the lack of first-party games on their platform.

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Yodasfavoritesoda1404d ago

Yeah it’s is! Xbox is taking over!!!

1404d ago
Gamingsince19811404d ago

xbox greatest weakness, which is having no exclusives worth playing is somehow the series x greatest strength ........?? Yet this gen coming there will be No .....i repeat No xbox series x exclusives but it will be its strength ......who writes this bull crap, better yet who would believe it ?

Godmars2901404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

Wishful thinking, three console generations in the making.

Its going to have exclusives. Two, or more, years after its out, but it will have exclusives.

Gamingsince19811404d ago


They never said xbox series x would have exclusives they just said they would stop supporting the older gens after that 2 years, pc is not an xbox and neither are any other platforms they release the games on. The xbox brand of consoles are done with exclusives now.

bouzebbal1404d ago

Lol a weakness yesterday cannot turn to a strength work no action taken

indysurfn1404d ago

Step back and take a look at the reveal. They had 22 games the big games was HALO infinite......FoRZA and a middle tier game Fable......This looks like the same line up all over again.....(UNLESS one of the games turn out to be a hidden gem).

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1404d ago
RpgSama1404d ago

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I'm pretty sure the Xbox is going to have a MUCH better generation this time around, but to think that just because MS bought a bunch of studios of different sizes and background will make up in an instant what for Sony and Nintendo took decades to build and achieve it's just plain stupid. Over time, maybe.

aaronaton1404d ago

hmm well alot more previous Xbox owners from last gen have migrated to playstation. Its kinda been 1 way traffic, so you could easily make an arguments for Xbox having a worse upcoming generation than before.

Marquinho1404d ago

Indeed. That's not gonna happen. Sony still have their Top notch studios, nobody's taking that away from them.

Microsoft's task is to play catch up. They've been preparing for years... We will see but I have a very good feeling. And adding all the benefits of the Xbox ecosystem could well turn the table in the overall match up.

I_am_Batman1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

I doubt that all of those studio acquisitions will work out in the end. I'm optimistic about Ninja Theory, Playground Games and Obsidian. They are already good studios that could greatly benefit from the structure and funding that Microsoft can provide and become part of the backbone of Xbox Game Studios.

InXile and Double Fine could go either way in my opinion. Will be interesting to see whether Microsoft is planning to scale them up, or keep them smaller.

The two studio acquisitions I'm most sceptical about are Undead Labs and Compulsion Games. I don't know what Microsoft saw in them, but I think it'll take some time and work to foster creativity and talent in those studios for them to be worthy of being part of the 1st party lineup.

I'm hopeful, that Microsoft is on a good path with their internal studios. There are no guarantees, but at least they are trying to improve now.

Livingthedream1404d ago

Well it shouldn't hurt if they can release at least one to two new games every quarter and throw it on Gamepass, then it'll all be worth it. They picked up some Great developers, the service alone is worth the price of admission. They're giving customers good options and will only add to them once their streaming service takes off .

Marquinho1404d ago


I'm more or less in line with you. Same expectations and same worries. Just don't forget The Initiative. But taking a look at the big picture, you do have an impressive studio lineup... and some promising ones:

AAA Studios:
343 Industries
Ninja Theory
Obsidian Entertainment
Playground Games
The Coalition
The Initiative
Turn 10 Studios


"We'll have to wait" and see studios:

Double Fine Productions
inXile Entertainment
Compulsion Games
Undead Labs
World's Edge

Non hardcore games studios:
Mojang Studios

There are rumors about the acquisition of a Polish and/or Japanese studio.

In summary, this should be a radically different generation for MS in terms of exclusive content and quality. Many of these studios will have their first big budget game released on XSX.

I_am_Batman1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

@Marquinho: Yeah I don't know what to expect from the Initiative, so I wouldn't know where to put them at the moment. They are pretty much a wild card which makes it kinda exciting.

And I agree next gen should be much more interesting. Xbox is looking much stronger than they have at the beginning of the current generation.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1404d ago
Yodasfavoritesoda1404d ago

You guys are Sony fans that feel insecure am I right? You know Xbox has been doing big big things behind the scenes and today you get just a glimpse. Don’t worry guys jump on the hype train I’ll welcome you to the Xbox family with open arms. Nothing but love Doritos and Mountain Dew over here man. Pull up a bean bag grab a code red and I’ll toss you a controller

jbull1404d ago

You would want to lay off the Mountain Dew, you'll get type 2 diabetes with all that sugar.

mkis0071404d ago

No one needs your permission.

Yodasfavoritesoda1404d ago

I haven’t tasted a Mountain Dew in ten plus years it’s gross. Occasionally I may drink a glass of sprite with a meal but I’m sure you could tell I was just clowning around. I do think they will have a solid show today though

Ghostbob1404d ago

Just a glimpse! Xbox needs to show all they are so far behind Sony and Nintendo. I hope they have a great showing of AAA first parties games and new AAA IP.

Longadog1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

''You know Xbox has been doing big big things behind the scenes and today you get just a glimpse'

- and i'm pretty sure nobody heard any similar quotes before from Lord Spencer or Aaron the GAAS man Greenberg, right? jeez you xbox kids just really proves that the world would never really have any shortage of gullible people...

somewhere out there, Dan Mattrick is smiling and brimming with pride

Yodasfavoritesoda1404d ago

No nobody needs my permission but also I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was joking around I’ll make sure to not do that again. Instead I’ll make some proper social commentary on the evils of people that do not take everything seriously

Rude-ro1404d ago

“Hype” was Microsoft’s best forced AAA exclusive for the last 9 years. Cost wise.

Livingthedream1404d ago

It looks that way, not sure why though. MS is thinking on a much bigger scale than Sony they're really trying to build a following on PC as well. Sony will eventually start releasing their games on PC as well, which is frowned upon by their fanbase, well they frown when MS does it lol.

WillyC0091404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

What hype train? There is literally zero hype behind the xbox series x lol. You should think about laying off on the Mountain Dew and Taco Bell. It’s messing with your head ;)

sprinterboy1404d ago

Hopefully MS have a good show buddy, from a playstation fan.
I like games which happens to be my hobby and if we can have all 3 companies releasing AAA 1st party games then that's a positive.
Why because it makes the wait between the big exclusives smaller, keeps everyone on there toes which ends up providing us gamers with great games.
Fanboys like you on sites like this and other sites equates to about 1% of gamers.
While you have fangirl fights the other 99% are actually enjoying there games.

quenomamen1404d ago

Sounds familiar....Ohh yea they said the same thing 5 years ago.

Imortus_san1404d ago

hahahahahahaha, that was funny comment.

Atticus_finch1404d ago

This comment didn't age well.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1404d ago
RaiderNation1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

You amuse me Yoda. How about they just start with trying to take back their home country, OK. For too long, Xbox owners be like...


Yodasfavoritesoda1404d ago

North America is a gimme this generation because like it or not it was even competitive this gen. But Xbox is looking at the broader picture something that Sony’s new management want a slice of. Pc better quality streaming service because in beta form xcloud is better. Gaas they want some of that to basically everything people act like they hate about Xbox Sony is gonna copy. Raider you should be used to people like me busting ur chops . I’m a broncos fan we have been smashing Oakland for decades now :)

Spicyram1404d ago

One does simply not "take over"

1404d ago
medman1404d ago

Disappointing showcase overall....I was really hoping to be wowed, and there was not much there at all. I like the diversity of games, but the Halo gameplay underwhelmed completely, Forza, which I assumed would be there at launch or thereabouts is "early in development"?????, and while there were several titles I'm interested in, there was not a single stunner in the bunch. Still no Hellblade gameplay, and the fact that it's utilizing Unreal Engine 5 is awesome, but that engine isn't due for final release until late 2021, so when exactly are we going to be seeing Hellblade? Not great.

Microsoft is pushing gamepass hard, and rightfully so, it's fantastic....but it looks like the launch lineup is Halo and a lot of games people have already played given a series x upgrade. Maybe the medium is a title that can hit launch, but I don't know....not a great showcase for Microsoft imo. Not nearly enough gameplay. Not even close.

_dangerclose_1404d ago

Nothing from what they showed today would lead anyone to actually believe that.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1404d ago
jbull1404d ago

I wouldn't be jumping the gun just yet, my understanding games still have to release on base Xbox one which will limit their design look at Capcoms decision with Resident Evil Village and the Hellblade game? I remember many Xbox fanboys dissing on it here when it released on PS4 but now that MS have bought the studio their suddenly the best developers in the world and Hellblade will be groundbreaking? I'm sure the sequel will be good but Ninja Theory have yet to consistently produce AAA big budget quality games.

Marquinho1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

From the games announced for Next-Gen, Resident Evil VIII, which is "next-gen" exclusive, was one of the less impressive titles shown. It actually didn't look like anything the One X or PS4 Pro couldn't pull off.

I also keep wondering why a game like Sackboy adventures is a next-gen exclusive. Looks more like a business decision than anything else.

Said this, it will all depend on todays event and beyond. So far, Sony has the lead... but MS has only shown some 3rd party exclusives.

jbull1404d ago

Sackboy is definitely a business decision and aimed at kids for initial sales, we didn't see a whole pile of Resi VIII so ill reserve judgement for now. For example id be pissed off with Sony if Horizon forbidden west was being developed for both PS4 and 5 because it is not just the GPU and SSD differences both still having to design the game around the weak Jaguar CPU would hinder innovation.

RpgSama1404d ago

"From the games announced for Next-Gen, Resident Evil VIII, which is "next-gen" exclusive, was one of the less impressive titles shown. It actually didn't look like anything the One X or PS4 Pro couldn't pull off."

In here is where you guys have it wrong, looks and being a next-generation experience are 2 entirely different things, it might not look as the most impressive game out there, even compared to current gen games, but the experience in the way that it's built might be something that can only be achieved in next-gen consoles, it might be scope, AI, openness of the world, physics, loading times a combination of it all or a bunch of other things.

Some people think that a game to be considered next-gen the only requirements are resolution and framerates, the only thing to rate the games on Is if it's 4K 60fps or higher, there's so much more to next gen than that.

Livingthedream1404d ago

MS and Sony have very different visions, plus they made it easy for their studios to release on multiple platforms, sooo more consoles should lead to more sales, and allow people to continue their Gamepass subscription without having to upgrade consoles. Sony needs to move the PS5 ASAP so doesn't makes sense to keep supporting the PS4 which is a bit IMO

Marquinho1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )


I agree. I just don't see how REVIII would be unachievable on any of those aspects. I might be wrong, nothing shown suggests otherwise (as of now that is) I'm under the impression that it's also a case of business decision.

But the same can be said for Scorn or The Medium on XSX, only that they have stated that their decision was based on focusing efforts on next-gen without having to worry about current gen consoles. It's absolutely understandable... making those cross-generation is resource demanding and it makes all sense small to medium sized studios.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1404d ago
Livingthedream1404d ago

I remember PS fanboys giving Hellbalde High Praise when it released, but now they're trying to downplay it. Talking about Ninja theory not consistently producing quality games. If it was releasing on PS the hype would be ridiculous on this site. I mean you even have people defending the order and we all know how that game turned out.

RpgSama1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

You can say the exact same thing but in reverse about Xbox fanboys and it would be true.

"I remember xbox fanboys downplaying Hellbalde when it released, but now they're trying to praise it."

The truth is that Ninja Theory is a great developer, and that Hellblade was a good to great smaller scale game, but let's not pretend that the usual suspects in the Xbox community didn't tear a new one to the game when it came out, walking simulator, from the same team that did DMC, barely no gameplay, interactive movie, I remember it all.

jbull1404d ago

It was rightly praised as a good game that was developed on a budget, it was never intended to be in the same league as Devil May Cry or God of War etc. Only downplaying that MS and their paid friends in the media suddenly think Ninja Theory are going pull of game of the decade and are in the same league as top studios like Santa Monica, Naughty Dog and CD Projekt red.

crazyCoconuts1404d ago

There's truth to the bias of fans - unavoidable unfortunately. Personally, I happened to like both Hellblade and The Order. Ninja Theory did really well with Hellblade. It's a very unique premise which had a lot to do with it's success imo. I'm not sure how that translates into a sequel without burning us out on the voice in my head effect...we'll have to see. I say that as someone that will play it on PC if it's good- I don't want it to fail.

Minute Man 7211404d ago

Yup, even if Micro knocks it out the park the downplay will be "Greater"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1404d ago
leejohnson2221404d ago

Talk about propoganda, hope they have a solid show and don't rely on halo alone, new ips would be better but thays just me

1404d ago
I_am_Batman1404d ago (Edited 1404d ago )

It's definitely not just you. They've made it clear that Halo is the headliner. And I doubt anyone can get mad about them showing of a new Forza game, but if they wanna move the needle for people that aren't already invested in the Xbox ecosystem, new IPs are a necessity.

Magog1404d ago

Lol. Halo is done. Hellblade will look good but play awful. Ryse 2.0

PrimeVinister1404d ago

Halo is way past its peak - commercially and critically.

Hellblade is probably going to be a worthwhile title - but not a blockbusting system-seller.

RosweeSon1404d ago

Same with gears, when the original dev calls it quits and sells up says it all.

PrimeVinister1404d ago

@RosweeSon Definitely agree that Gears has had its day.

aaronaton1404d ago

What do you all think will look more 'next gen', Bugsnax or Halo:Infinite?

1404d ago
Ron_Danger1404d ago

Which of those two games is their respective publisher relying on to sell consoles?

Trying to compare those two games is pretty sad.

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