
PS5, isn't RDNA 2? Sony Engineer Clarifies his Statements

Is the architecture of PS5 not RDNA 2 pure? Some statements were taken from a Sony engineer, who then provided further clarification on the matter.

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mrsolidsteel201393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

What does that even mean? "RDNA 2, but primary RDNA 1 core."

Is either RDNA 2 or RDNA 1.

So who to believe now this guy or Mark Cerny?

Again these are honest questions that I'm asking, I'm far from a tech guy.

Someone is clearly lying.

Marquinho1393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

I wouldn't say someone actually "lied".

Cerny said it was a "custom RDNA2" chip... well... it looks that this "custom" approach is closer to the "Low End RDNA2" AMD revealed in their roadmap, as Machine Learning is vital for Ray Tracing and not every RDNA2 chip will support it:


Also take a look at this:


So nobody lied, it's just that PS5 is missing features included in the "High End" RDNA 2 spec.

What does this mean compared to RDNA 2 (as in XSX)? ... Missing HW accelerated Ray Tracing capabilities and AMD's DLSS for what I understand.

mrsolidsteel201393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

Interesting and thanks, I know that RDNA 2 is not going to be fully utilize in both the XSX and PS5 like it will when it's release on the PC, consoles always doing heavy customization when it comes to AMD and Nvidia components.

But it's crazy confusing when this engineer said is "RDNA 2, but it's primary a RDNA 1 core" that just doesn't make any sense to me.

Unless the RDNA 1 core is for BC with PS4 games?

I really have no idea.

Again I appreciate the civil response.

marcodias1393d ago

arent you contradicting yourself? that link says only high end rdna 2 use ray tracing, you know something already confirmed to be in most ps5 games?

Marquinho1393d ago

Update: It also means PS5 doesn't support VRS, Mesh Shading in addition to ML.

crazyCoconuts1393d ago

I thought DF came to the conclusion that HW accelerated ready tracing was present in the PS5 demos.

I_am_Batman1393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

First of all, both consoles use a custom GPU based on the RDNA 2 architecture. That means that their featureset will differ in certain areas from an off the shelf GPU. That has been explained in the PS5 deep dive and is not news worthy.

When it comes to machine learning, we already know that the Xbox Series X does not have tensor cores either. Instead it runs ML on it's shaders. The PS5 can do the exact same thing. Even if you run with the 'not true RDNA 2' narrative. RDNA 1 vector registers already had native support for parallel 8-bit and 4-bit integer math.

Hardware accelerated ray tracing has been confirmed over and over again. We've even seen it in action and you're still gonna claim that the PS5 does not have hardware accelerated RT?

I probably shouldn't be surprised considering you're linking tweets by blueisviolet, who has been propagating so much disinformation, it's astouding to me that he still has so many followers. He was a proponent of the 'hidden second GPU' hypothesis for the Xbox One back in the Misterxmedia days and he still jumps on nearly anything that props up Xbox and smears Playstation.

There is already enough misinformation floating around on the internet. We don't need to spread it on here too.

IRetrouk1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

I linked you the 2nd wired article that states that ml is in the ps5 yesterday, yet you still trying to say it's not, why?

Also what do you think the geometry engine does in the ps5? You realise it's been patented by cerny himself? Everyone who was pointing to the geometry engine being an rdna1 thing was wrong, including that blue dude you like quoting. I'd say read up on it but you wont, that's obvious enough just by seeing you still say the ps5 has no ml.

IRetrouk1392d ago

Also ps5 has primitive shaders, which are the same thing as mesh shaders.

So there is ml,
There is a version of vrs
And there is a mesh shader too

its like you do no research at all.

Christopher1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

But the chip does ray tracing, confirmed by Sony on multiple occasions. And even this dev days it does everything but one thing. Contacting what you say above.

So, if ML is required for this things then it does have ML.

Christopher1392d ago

^^^ my amazing phone skills

1392d ago
I_am_Batman1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

You've been actively commenting on other articles and editing this submission the whole day and yet you haven't responded to any of the criticisms aimed towards your initial comment by me or others. You've just come back to post an 'update' with even more misinformation about mesh shading and an assumption about VRS. Are you going to respond at all, or are you just interested in stirring the pot and disappearing?

rainslacker1392d ago

"Machine Learning is vital for Ray Tracing"

No, it's not. Doesn't hurt given current tech though.

"Cerny said it was a "custom RDNA2"

MS is also using a custom RDNA2 chip. Both chips are custom.

"it looks that this "custom" approach is closer to the "Low End RDNA2"

It does? Do you even understand what a GPU architecture is or how they're classified, or what specs are actually needed to be classified as an RDNA chip? AMD and NVidia don't make that spec, ya know. It's a conglomerate of companies and standards groups and people much smarter than us that do that. If Cerny called it a RDNA2 chip, then it meets the requirements to be called one. There is no in between when it comes to standards. It can do more than the standard, but it has to have at least the minimum requirements to be called something. If there was a greater spec, then there would be a different version number.

"it's just that PS5 is missing features included in the "High End" RDNA 2 spec."

Yeah. XSX is also missing features from supposed "High End" RDNA2 specs, but there is no such thing as high end RDNA2 specs, just RDNA2 specs, and other features can be added or taken away based on the system makers(GPU or console makers) wants or needs. To use a completely made up example, a DX12 GPU that supports ray tracing, is still a DX12 card, because it has all the requirements to be classified as one. Doesn't matter if it also has other features, nor does it make cards that don't have ray tracing support not DX12.

" Missing HW accelerated Ray Tracing capabilities and AMD's DLSS for what I understand."

Sony has their own ray tracing solution, which is hardware accelerated. This has been stated by Sony, AMD, and confirmed by 3rd party groups. It is using a different implementation of RT, as opposed to MS solution.
Their chip isn't missing anything.

DLSS has been in use for quite some time without hardware. It's nothing new It was implemented on the PS3 in fact, was available on 360 when using the proper game engines, and is in both current consoles in some form or another. Sony has the same process built into their API's already. It also have variants in use in both DX and Vulcan. It just wasn't hardware accelerated in most cases, or on any console. I don't know if Sony has a hardware accelerated version in their system, but given the set up of their SSD system, I'm not sure it's actually necessary, and would be extremely limited in it's usefulness on a large scale.

Ghostbob1392d ago

It's quite simple really it's a custom base rdna2 with a lot of futures that are not on the Xbox rdna2 witch is also is custom both have different types of features to fit their vision.

Marquinho1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Actually, as more information surfaces things get more confusing. Unless I'm missing something, there's no proof or demo available on PS5 making extensive use of Machine Learning (and this Engineer comments might be the reason), whereas on XSX the implementation of ML-Based HDR injected into any Xbox One game via backwards compatibility is a clear (and awesome) showcase of this technology on the console, which does have dedicated hardware to it:

"We knew that many inference algorithms need only 8-bit and 4-bit integer positions for weights and the math operations involving those weights comprise the bulk of the performance overhead for those algorithms," says Andrew Goossen. "So we added special hardware support for this specific scenario. The result is that Series X offers 49 TOPS for 8-bit integer operations and 97 TOPS for 4-bit integer operations. Note that the weights are integers, so those are TOPS and not TFLOPs. The net result is that Series X offers unparalleled intelligence for machine learning."

As for RT on PS5, I'm sure they have some kind of HW dedicated to it, otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to run those GT and R&C Demos on it.

What I was speculating is that it might have some trouble doing so as ML is a key component in RT acceleration, and being such a taxing feature, it'd be one less feature to "make shortcuts" in order to achieve it in real time.

Now I'd appreciate if you guys cool down and stop acting as if I was the guy to filtered this conversation on Twitter/NeoGaf.

Peace ✌️

IRetrouk1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

So you make a load of baseless claims then act the victim?🤣👌

You worked your arse off to get this story approved 🤣

You can doubt the dev about ml all you like, that was from the second wired article, no way sony is letting that go to print with anything that's not true, that would include the ea devs quote.

The rt is hardware based, just like the xbox, like it, dont, but get over it man.

TitaniumExposed_VIP1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )


The xbox is missing on one essential feature called:

"Talented Developers" - TD for short

I_am_Batman1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Just to be clear I'm not shooting the messenger here. I have 0 problems with the way this article posted now. As a rumor rather than news, with the clarifying response linked instead of just the initial leaked dm discussion on neogaf. My comment is entirely focused on the misinformation you've posted in your comment and has very little to do with the article. Since you've replied I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and try to clarify some issues:

The ML figures you've posted for the XSX let us know that the console doesn't have tensor cores and instead uses the standard shader cores for the job. A shader core can do eight 8-bit integer operations per clock and twice as many (sixteen) for 4-bit integer operations. If we do the calculation we get the figures you've posted, confirming that the operations run on shader cores rather than tensor cores.

INT8: 3328(shader cores) * 8 (operations / cycle) * 1825 (clock cycles / second) = 48588800 (Operations / second) = ~48.6 TOPS

For 4-bit integer it's the same calculation, but it's double the operations / cycle so you can simply multiply the 8-bit figure by 2. I won't go into the details for tensor core calculations, but the math is different and tensor cores are much more efficient at doing those operations (which makes sense of course, because they've been designed to do them).

Considering the consoles don't have Tensor cores and someone is asked whether they'll have something like DLSS it's much more understandable why someone would say they have no ML (meaning no dedicated ML hardware). I think that's the reason Rosario responded the way he did. That would be true for both consoles.

But how do we know whether the PS5 supports 8-bit and 4-bit integer operations? We don't, but it's very likely. Here's why:

The Dual compute architecture was built from the ground up to support all sorts of data types. AMD could've implemented INT8 and INT4 support in Navi 10 GPUs if they wanted, but since they have a fairly low amount of CUs at fairly low clocks the ML performance wouldn't have been great. Another reason to exclude it was that ML doesn't have much utility in gaming at the moment and those cards were strictly build for gaming. The consoles on the other hand are build for years to come and having some rudimentary ML capabilities makes much more sense in that context.

From the RDNA whitepaper:
"The new SIMDs were built for mixed-precision operation and efficiently compute with a variety of datatypes to enable scientific computing and machine learning."

"More importantly, the compute unit vector registers natively support packed data including two half-precision (16-bit) FP values, four 8-bit integers, or eight 4-bit integers."

"For even greater throughput, some ALUs will support 8-bit integer dot4 operations and 4-bit dot8 operations, all of which use 32-bit accumulators to avoid any overflows."

So it's very clear that ML capabilities have been on the menu for both MS and Sony even in the earlier planning stages. Of course Sony could've still decided against implementing it with PS5, but the evidence is pointing in the other direction.

Laura Miele on ML: https://www.wired.com/story...
Toshihiro Nagoshi: https://wccftech.com/playst...

(ran out of characters so just the links)

King Nezz1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

You brave soul. Bless you for putting yourself at risk against the Sony Squad.

fr0sty1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

PS5 supports RT, it was shown in many of the showcase games, such as GT7.

What it MIGHT not support based on this news would be hardware support of a machine learning algorithm to apply AI noise reduction to the image generated by RT, so shadows and reflections might be a tad more grainy on PS5 if that were the case... unless the dev decided to dedicate come CPU or even the tempest engine towards that task, assuming Cerny saying the TE could be used for things other than 3D audio as well holds true.

Ray Tracing, especially real time, can lead to grainy results if you don't let it iterate enough times, which it can't always do when in real time, so AI noise reduction steps in and removes some of that grain for a cleaner looking image.

It's basically what I do when previewing a ray traced render in Cinema 4D. I do a quick, low-iteration Ray Trace of the animation, then pass it through state of the art noise reduction software to eliminated the grain from the image, which gives me a pretty good idea of what my high quality, high iteration render (that can take days per frame depending on how far I wanna push it) will look like in the end.

bouzebbal1392d ago

The reason I choose gaming on consoles is because I don't want that tech headache.. I buy a console for the games it offers, completely regardless of the tech.
I am still playing 3ds, I favor it to switch for the exact same reasons..

kryteris1392d ago

unless they have their own solutions, could be devastating.

IRetrouk1392d ago

Frosty the gpu can do machine learning man, this has been known since 2019...

"I could be really specific and talk about experimenting with ambient occlusion techniques, or the examination of ray-traced shadows," says Laura Miele, chief studio officer for EA. "More generally, we’re seeing the GPU be able to power machine learning for all sorts of really interesting advancements in the gameplay and other tools." 


FITSniper1392d ago

That's not what he said. And Sony has confirmed HW accelerated ray tracing for the PS5.

rainslacker1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

I'm curious how a dev could make a demo showing off machine learning that would be tangible enough for the layman to see it in action. Machine learning isnt something that shows direct results, and only helps along other processes or functions which have more substantial hardware or software to implement the data that machine learning spots out.

I could make something that would calculate data and processing of data provided through machine learning, and its be readable to someone who understands what they're looking at. However, since it appears that the average person doesnt know what the differences are for half the terms I used in this post...and that's being generous...i doubt there would be anything that really represents what machine learning can do. On top of that, ML is only as beneficial as what its data sets allow the actual hardware or functions to do with that info.

Realizing that you don't understand this stuff with enough technical expertise would help you from making brash assumptions without the ability to back them up. Not to say some of the people refuting you are any better in this understanding, but for the most part, they're providing sources stating that your comment is just false, or at least you misinterpret things.

ILostMyMind1391d ago

We actually don't know either if XSX is full RDNA 2.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 1391d ago
marcodias1393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

mark cerny confirmed it rdna 2, not only that but a custom build, how did this person confirm he works for playstation? maybe the dev kit had a version 1, but cerny clearly states more than once it is rdna 2, if this person doesnt work for sony or has wrong information, either way if sony doesnt confirm its not rdna 2 dont believe it.

we've had our share of "people in the industry" downplay ps5, with heating problems, ps5 is only 9 tflops, no hardware ray tracing (which mark cerny confirmed in that event too) and now rdna 1, if sony doesnt confirm it you shouldnt believe it, though theres quite a few sites already running this story as facts since yesterday.

i'll leave this here https://www.pcgamesn.com/am...

purple1011393d ago

I remember that..

&, niiice

rainslacker1392d ago

Are you saying Sony needs to repeat itself because someone is saying something that contradicts their already clearly stated facts, that weren't presented with any kind of obfuscation?

I'm more prone to believe Sony in this case, particularly coming from the system architect who has proven he knows what he's doing and talking about, than I am about some source on the internet. The gaming press hasn't proven itself reliable enough in the past decade to believe any source they considered verified, and more often than not, their sources are usually reddit posters, who were supposedly verified by a third party.

Even if the guy here works for Sony, I'm more likely to believe a direct admission by the system architect, than a possibly misinterpreted quote to a journalist, who don't care to research, seek comment from Sony, or do the bare minimum of journalistic work before posting this information.

We all know this article, or those that cite it, are going to be posted as proof that Sony lied, or that the system isn't RDNA2, because why believe something direct from the mouth of the system architect....from a presentation meant for actual devs, who would not want to be lied to about such things.

jlove4life1392d ago

Nice read lol straight facts they're not just using RDNA 2 they helped build it to utilize the best features for ps5

Kribwalker1393d ago

it could have some of the features of a RDNA 2 card but not all features, which is why it could be called a “custom rdna 2 gpu”

The big thing is if it has machine learning or not and vrs. We know both of these are in the Series X, but we don’t know if they are on the PS5 yet.
If the ps5 is based on the rumoured 5700 and then upclocked as rumoured, it could be quite interesting to see how it fares vs the series x

IRetrouk1392d ago

Wired article for machine learning.
Geometry engine = vrs.
Primitive shaders = mesh shaders.

Kribwalker1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

primitive shaders do not equal mesh shaders

Mesh Shaders are newer, more efficient and can process both Vertex AND primitive Shaders. A mesh shader can be programmed to act as either or both.

you wouldn’t call it primitive shaders it it was mesh shaders, because primitive can be done in mesh.

Mesh is also a RDNA 2 feature


IRetrouk1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

You don't know what the primitive shaders can do just because of a name, pulling crap out your arse as usual, cerny will have made customizations, just like the geometry engine... they do indeed do the same thing.

"Primitive shaders are lightweight shaders that break the separation of vertex and geometry shaders, promising a performance gain in supporting games."


Sounds exactly the same as when people were pointing at the geometry engine and calling that rdna1 tech, even though its cernys own design...

Christopher1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

It's all up in the air, to be honest. But, let's remember Cerny's remarks and what they are doing:


On a features level, Cerny reveals features that suggest parity with other upcoming AMD and AMD-derived products based on the RDNA 2 technology. A new block known as the Geometry Engine offers developers unparalleled control over triangles and other primitives, and easy optimisation for geometry culling. Functionality extends to the creation of 'primitive shaders' which sounds very similar to the mesh shaders found in Nvidia Turing and upcoming RDNA 2 GPUs.

PlayStation 5's ray tracing support is in line with the implementations we've seen in the PC space.
While Cerny doesn't mention technologies such as machine learning support or variable rate shading, PS5 does indeed deliver hardware-accelerated ray tracing via its Intersection Engine, which Cerny says is "based on the same strategy as AMD's upcoming PC GPUs". There had been speculation of an external block, but that's not the case - like next-gen Navi and Xbox Series X, the RT hardware is built into the shaders and so fully integrated. Similar to the RDNA implementation, PS5 will have access to the same kind of RT implementations we've seen in the PC space - reflections, ambient occlusion, shadows and global illumination are a good fit.

"How far can we go? I'm starting to get quite bullish," says Cerny. "I've already seen a PS5 title that is successfully using ray-tracing-based reflections in complex animated scenes, with only modest costs."


I, honestly, don't know how the end result will work out on PS5. It's already a given the XSX will have better features. Both consoles should hit UHD quality textures, but how they will get the rest of stuff to work is to be seen. Less questionable on XSX by far as it's doing everything by the book. Sony, though, they're doing another PS3 it seems.

Personally, I'm not too invested in "the best" but "the games" but I definitely plan to get both within the first year of release and will determine from there which machine will be my permanent "third-party gaming machine." Currently, it's the XBO. Might be the XSX if the features on PS5 just don't add up.

DarXyde1392d ago

Stop. Please. The misinformation is staggering.


The Geometry Engine is built around VRS, which by virtue of design, mandates its presence.

sprinterboy1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

Exactly, even series X is custom.
Do gamers actually think both Sony and MS were gonna use proper full spec RDNA 2 lol pmsl

cooperdnizzle1391d ago

@ Kribwalker Mesh/Primitive Shading seems to allow for both SIGNIFICANTLY higher geometric complexity as well as reduced CPU usage. They are both considered to be the same thing and used interchangeably. Xbox fan make up what ever they want and spin it as truth.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1391d ago
MADGameR1392d ago

The guy claims he woke up at 5AM to to play Ghosts of Tsushima... that sounds like an X Box guy trying to act like he is in the know of PlayStation and trying to act like he's a PlayStation fan. When it is a direct attack on PS5, that is not a PS fan, that is an X Box fanboy in desguise

Ryzza51392d ago

On the PC side, RDNA2 at it's higher levels is rumoured to be in the range of 40-60% better than an nVidia 2080Ti, and may even out-perform the next gen nVidia 3xxx series cards if nVidia is stuck on Samsung 8nm and AMD has access to 7nm. (nVidia may go for loads of power and heat to stay competitive).

The next consoles were said to be around the performance level of a 2080Ti (perhaps with slightly better Ray Tracing chops) which is in lnie with previous comments about console custom RDNA2 being lower-end. Of course, that's expected given the entire console with GPU, BluRay drive and SSD being priced under a high end PC graphics card.

Whichever platform you're going to be on in 6 months, there will be salivating performance bumps to look forward to. If nVidia is dethroned by AMD this year in PC-land, you can be sure they will fight back agressively next year.

kryteris1392d ago

was not rdna 1 hybrid? seems that is more fitting for backwards compatibility.

1392d ago
soulrebel1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

"It's either RDNA 1 or 2"

No, it could be primarily 1,but include a few features of two. Just like some 2020 TVs aren't full hdmi 2.1, but include some hdmi 2.1 features.
Not everything is binary.

IRetrouk1392d ago

How could it be primarily rdna1? The cores are rdna2 cores lol, then theres the clock speeds ..

rainslacker1391d ago

There are two things that are used when talking about a gpu spec.

One is the minimum hardware process requirement to be able to be called that spec. A process is anything that runs on a processor.
So, the add process will take two pieces of data, and add them together. This is different from a function, as a function will perform a process, or set of processes, using pieces of data. This will mean that it will have to have at least a base set of processes within the hardware itself.

This hardware spec is often, of not always also defined by a minimum or required level of hardware design, and often requires using specific core level operational implementations to insure compatibility. This hardware typically uses the same general core design throughout its lifetime, with new things added on top...kind of like x86 up until then iSeries of processors, which emulate some older core code.

The second part which defines the spec is the base hardware calls which APIs and tools will use to make the processor work. This is also where the bus, OS, assembly, and compiler languages are defined for those that need to use the hardware.

What most people are talking about in the forums is the higher level above the second part, which is more about the currently available tools, and moreso the current development know how with the new designs.

When sony, or MS say they have RDNA2 chips, it means they meet the minimum requirements to call them that. If something is defined as a requirement for the spec, whether its RT, DLSS, Machine Learning, or any other fancy feature that may exist, it will be included in the form its originally intended. It can modify those implementations on any level to make them more efficient, or better in some cases, but it has to use the hardware designs that exist to do so, or add onto those designs.

While this.post is long winded, it's actually a simplified version of what I'm having trouble putting into words.

1391d ago Replies(2)
slavish01391d ago

You know what this means, u want to be confused because the truth hurts you more😂

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1391d ago
Hakuoro1393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

"For example, support for ray tracing is not present in any AMD GPU currently on the market. (...) The PlayStation 5 GPU is unique, it cannot be classified as RDNA 1, 2, 3 or 4."

"It is based on RDNA 2, but it has more features and, it seems to me, one less.

Marquinho1393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

He said that after the original post in NeoGAF. He is proving that he actually said that.

Obviously, he will try to minimize his words, but the fact still stands on that PS5 will lack Machine Learning, which is a huge feature of RDNA2 specification, present on XSX for example.

From Leonardi himself: "It is based on RDNA 2, but it has more features and, it seems to me, ONE LESS."

marcodias1393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

he said it was rdna 1, then next day changes its tune and it is rdna 2 with more features but with "maybe" has one less feature and from that you say its facts? he went from its true to it may be, nothing from that seems like facts to me, not that you would know what facts and opinions are, you use your feelings as facts.

Outside_ofthe_Box1393d ago

Even if true it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Games will still look great and amazing to the eyes and will still be fun regardless if machine learning is there or not.

If you care about the my favorite console is better than your favorite console wars then sure, keep fighting the good fight.

Hakuoro1392d ago

The only thing I know is that your motivation is to make PS5 look bad.

I trust Cerny over some soon to be unemployed shlub that no one had even heard of before yesterday.

1392d ago
gravedigger1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

MS called their own console XSX is RDNA 2 custom, Sony their own PS5 custom RDNA 2. You can also see the same thing in Digital Foundry articles for both console where it says CUSTOM RDNA 2 for both. So, what's the problem?

Anyway, Leonardi later said this ( as it is mentioned in the article ) : ""RDNA 2 is a commercial theme to simplify the market, otherwise GPUs with completely random features would come out and it would be difficult for the average user to choose," wrote Leonardi.

"For example, support for ray tracing is not present in any AMD GPU currently on the market. (...) The PlayStation 5 GPU is unique, it cannot be classified as RDNA 1, 2, 3 or 4."

"It is based on RDNA 2, but it has more features and, it seems to me, one less. That message turned out badly, I was tired and I shouldn't have written the things I wrote", continued the engineer, complaining that he received insults for his statements."

So, BASED RDNA 2. It's custom RDNA 2. Sony helped AMD in developing Navi GPU ( RDNA 2 in that regard ). Also, if is RDNA, PS5 GPU wouldn't hit clock speed over 2 GHz, but RDNA 2 can because 50% efficiency. Also, Ray Tracing is only in RDNA 2.

IRetrouk1392d ago


"I could be really specific and talk about experimenting with ambient occlusion techniques, or the examination of ray-traced shadows," says Laura Miele, chief studio officer for EA. "More generally, we’re seeing the GPU be able to power MACHINE LEARNING for all sorts of really interesting advancements in the gameplay and other tools."

ziggurcat1392d ago

"From Leonardi himself: 'It is based on RDNA 2, but it has more features and, it seems to me, ONE LESS.'"

Seems. That's speculative, not factual.

OB1Biker1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

He obviously made a stupid message engaging with fanboys.
I think RDNA 2 is the architecture. It doesnt matter what features Sony and Ms pick and choose or ADD their own features. Both are OFFICIALLY BASED on RDNA2. Not called 'FULL' rdna2 which doesnt make sense for a custom console.
There is no such a thing as RDNA 1.5

DarXyde1391d ago

I'm seeing a pattern with your posts, lad.

It seems you're putting in a lot of free hours before 23 July.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1391d ago
mrsolidsteel201393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

What the hell? Like always let's wait until we receive the official word from Sony.

What a joke, "That message turned out badly, I was tired and I shouldn't have written the things I wrote"

"It is based on RDNA 2, but it has more features and, it seems to me, one less."

This guy clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

RpgSama1392d ago

From a supposed Sony engineer to say this late in the game "it seems to me", actually means he's talking out of his ass, he either knows or he doesn't, there are no in betweens.

rainslacker1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )

I question the source personally

I will say though, that very few engineers are fully versed on every aspect of any one hardware architecture....in particular one as complex as a GPU. I write tools that use the GPU's for a living, and I'm always finding new things, or finding new ways to do things that I wouldn't have though possible on processors all the time. When I need something, I find a way to do it, and that often leads me to learn new things, which I sometimes just forget later because I never touch them again.

But, I do know an architecture is defined by some standard. Every chip that uses that standard will have a base set of features or processes that are required by the standard, otherwise, it'll will be some other standard, or it's own thing. I may not know all those standards, but if a company publicly states it meets those standards, it's probably the case....outside outright misrepresentation which rarely happens with direct statements.

That said, an engineer that says it's not any specific spec isn't met because it has some added things, or maybe it's missing something from another chip which has some added thing, is probably not the most well versed engineer to be talking about such things. That was supposedly when he was awake and aware. His original statement was even harder to take with confidence.

That said, Sony engineers don't remain Sony engineers too long after they go on forums and publicly talk about matters that are protected by NDA. Even if those things have been spoken about publicly. There is a clear line that employees are not supposed to cross when it comes to the press or speaking publicly about subjects they're not cleared to speak about publicly. All major companies have rules like this. He may have been tired, but even then, you have to want to be fired, possibly sued, to hit that submit button to placate some random forum goers who mean absolutely nothing to you, and only care about what you can do for them, not what you may have to offer. Which is why these companies have these rules about speaking to the public in the first place.

jznrpg1391d ago

It’s also Google translate

mrsolidsteel201393d ago (Edited 1393d ago )

Can anyone confirm if this a real software engineer?

elazz1392d ago

He probably is but then again there are thousands if not tens of thousands in that field. Also he says he was wrong. In the end it might not be RDNA 2 because it has more features except for one but he's not sure. Anyway. The only thing you can consider fact is anything Mark Cerny has said or in official publications.

timotim1392d ago

That is certainly one of the real PS5 engineers. He says its not full RDNA 2...his words not mine.

mrsolidsteel201392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )


Did he come out again saying that it’s not RDNA 2 or are you referring to his first statement?

timotim1392d ago

He said based on RDNA1 AND RDNA 2...but not FULL RDNA 2

_dangerclose_1392d ago

And here you are again.

"It is based on RDNA 2, but it has more features and, it seems to me, one less. That message turned out badly, I was tired and I shouldn't have written the things I wrote",

His words not yours.

timotim1391d ago

LOL...I mean yeah...he was so tired, he just got lost in his own thoughts and misplaced his logic temporarily...makes perfect sense to me. Or maybe he got a call the next morning from the higher ups telling him to shut up or find another job...

Outside_ofthe_Box1391d ago

"LOL...I mean yeah...he was so tired, he just got lost in his own thoughts and misplaced his logic temporarily...makes perfect sense to me. Or maybe he got a call the next morning from the higher ups telling him to shut up or find another job..."

LOL. . . people really pick and choose what they want to believe and WHO they want to believe. Bet if this was the reverse (praising the PS5 as being better than SX and later retracted his statement) you wouldn't be saying that. . . oh wait

timotim1391d ago

I mean...youre free to believe all ya like that these very intelligent individuals that are suppose to know these boxes in and out just somehow forgot that it wasnt full RDNA 2...then later somehow remembered that it was. I know which one sounds more logical to me. He told the truth from the rip, then tried his best to clean it up once others got to him about how it would be perceived.

Outside_ofthe_Box1391d ago

"I know which one sounds more logical to me. He told the truth from the rip, then tried his best to clean it up once others got to him about how it would be perceived."

Right. . . just like that crytec dev. . .

timotim1391d ago

I have to disagree with you there...the Crytec dev wasn't an official engineer of the PS5 hardware...this guy is. He would actually KNOW something like that...where as the Crytec dev could have been going off more of what he heard but didnt have first hand experience like this guy does.

Outside_ofthe_Box1391d ago (Edited 1391d ago )

Cerny would KNOW, AMD would KNOW too, but you seem to ignore that. . . probably think they're lying like you think Sweeny is. . .

"where as the Crytec dev could have been "

"could have been" So you don't KNOW. It's still a possibility that the higher ups yanked him just as you ASSUME here. Difference is one favors the one you prefer over the other. . .

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1391d ago
RpgSama1392d ago

Like I said above, from a supposed software engineer working with the console to say this late in the game "it seems to him" that it has one less feature, actually means he's talking out of his ass, he either knows or he doesn't, there are no in betweens

throne1392d ago

the truth is its RDNA 2, cerny even the CEO of AMD said so, so what's the problem, even the engineer said its based on RDNA 2 period...in the end these fanboys are grasping at whatever straws they can find just to make themselves feel better...what's so sad is after the confirmation they still dont want to believe, its RDNA 2 deal with it.

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