
Phoenix Games reviews Mercenaries 2

The first "Mercenaries" saw much success with the franchise's debut on the PS2 and Xbox last generation. Unfortunately the magic that made the original so great is missing from the sequel and the result is an over-the-top cheesy experience. At the start of the game you are able to choose one of three mercenaries that you will control during the campaign (aside from their looks and annoying one liners, they are all essentially the same).

The story itself is a joke. In your first mission, you are hired by a politician to rescue his kidnapped friend. When you manage to complete the mission, your client fails to keep his end of the bargain. In a rather ridiculous cutscene where your client attempts to kill you, your character manages to escape, taking a bullet in the butt. This single event aims to drive the story as your character is set on getting revenge.

The main draw for a game like this lies in its gameplay. What made the first installment so great was how much fun it was to blow things up. The same is true in "Mercenaries 2," but somehow the excitement this time around dies off all too quickly. From brain dead enemy AI to repetitive gameplay mechanics, there is little incentive to keep playing after the first few hours.

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higgins783443d ago

I cant agree with a lot of games on this list. Far, far more deserving entries - which I wont go into now. All I will say is Blast Corps U...I can dream, cant I?

I_am_Batman3443d ago

The Darkness games are among my favorite games of last gen. Both were very unique in their own ways. I'd love to see a third iteration though I doubt it'll happen.

Folklore 2 would be nice as well.

idlet3443d ago

Folklore was great! Great mechanics and atmosphere. Shame it never got too much notice

I_am_Batman3442d ago

Yeah. If I hadn't played the demo I would've probably missed out on it as well.

Helloween133443d ago

Well apart from Jak and Daxter the rest are total crap and I for 1 are glad there was no more of that crap, now if you want to talk about Heavenly sword and Medievil now thats 2 that should have another go at this gen

TomLovesXBOX3443d ago

Legend of Dragoon. That is all that needs to be said.

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