
The Last of Us Part 2 proves gaming doesn’t know how to deal with muscular women

Polygon: Abby, a new character introduced in The Last of Us Part 2, does not fit the mold. Her face is anchored by a square jaw, which gives her visage a wider look — at least, compared to the heart-shaped face that defines most women in games. Perhaps most notably, Abby is buff. Your eyes are drawn to her chest and muscular arms, which, according to The Last of Us Part 2, she worked very hard across multiple years to beef up.

_SilverHawk_1428d ago

"The Last of Us Part 2 proves gaming doesn’t know how to deal with women"

Kaze881427d ago

"The Last of Us Part 2 proves that subverting expectation and destroying old characters does not work in games either."

Lore1427d ago

I see where Druckmann was going with it (he’s talented and good at what he does), this was just the absolute wrong title to go that route

Redemption-641427d ago

That is subjective at best. I personally found Part 2 far more enjoyable than the first, where by I was able to literally predict the ending of the game, after meeting Ellie. Also, there are many games where a main character is killed off or becomes the villain.

dnAWE1427d ago

What expectations were subverted? And how were old characters destroyed?

dumahim1427d ago

"What expectations were subverted? And how were old characters destroyed?"

- Joel lied to Ellie at the end of 1. Ellie finds out and it shatters her. Seems like a logical outcome to me.
- Joel kills a bunch of people in cold blood in the first game, including the doctor who could have created a cure for the entire world. Remnants of that group, including the daughter of that doctor, group up and kill Joel in revenge. Makes sense to me.
- Shattered and now an adult Ellie who now watched Joel get murdered after being tortured tries to round up to go kill them all in revenge. Makes sense again.

It seems people wanted more Joel and Ellie like the first game, but we knew they weren't going to just do the same thing over again. Other than playing another character for as much of the game as we did seems like the only thing that wasn't expected here.

Destroyed characters? Yeah, shit changes in 4-5 years. Especially when you've gone through the shit that Ellie did.

gigzamillion1427d ago

Really cause according to critical acclaim and sales figures it looks like it worked out just fine despite your phony complaints.

Harryvok1427d ago

Funny how we all see stories and characters differently to each other. While i absolutely hated what they did with Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi, i thoroughly enjoyed TLOU2 and what they did with the characters.

1426d ago
_LarZen_1426d ago

I don’t get this “love” for Joel and Ellie. We played them in one game and a short DLC. It’s not like we’ve played them in several games for years and years.

And the fact is that both of them deserved everything they got. Especially Joel.

Bathyj1426d ago

"The Last of Us Part 2 proves children cry when you take their rattle"

bouzebbal1426d ago

Tlou2 shows that having an arrogant idiot as a director can kill one of the best series of all time..

Kaze881426d ago

@dunahim and @dnAWE

"What expectations were subverted? And how were old characters destroyed?"

- Joel and Ellie relationship is shattered, that we agree on. Also add that on last flashback you can recall Ellie telling Joel, that they can try to fix their bonds.
- Joel has killed bunch of people and most of fireflies, he is also the most learned survivor of the apocalypse. He never trusted entirely anyone on the first game...still tells every random people his name...are you fking kidding me? That is just lazy writing.
- Abby is killing Dina and she goes "she is pregnant" and Abby goes "GOOD" but then stop since the child says once don't do it. Bamboozled she sounded so happy to kill her but doesn't and also after Ellie killing her friends does not even kill Ellie.
- Abby changes her 20 year commitment to fireflies etc. due to random people and then flip flops between whose side she is on.
- Shattered Ellie wants to kill everyone, yes. Even if she was the most against killing other people on the first one and she was ready to do that, so that she could give the world the cure (as you just described). Still I could see her being fueled with rage, but she goes killing basically EVERYONE and hundreds of people...all Abbys friends and then when she is finally found Abby (who killed Joel, destroyed Tommy, due to her Ellies family left her, got her fingers chewed) she still ends up not killing her because "I need to break the cycle"...then she should not even have left your family in the first place.

"doing the same thing over again" If you really think that the only way to continue would have been doing the same thing, then you have the same lack of imagination ass Druckmann himself. Also it is obvious that they tried really hard make people liking Abby by giving her more tools, better weapons, play fetch with dogs etc. it just backfired on them on so many levels. I never started to care for her, she was so inconsistent on so many levels. Only one who's commitment never changed or stayed believable was Joel's.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
Imalwaysright1427d ago

Yeah let's pretend that over the years gaming didn't provide great female characters and that a fair amount of them didn't become industry icons.

RgR1427d ago

I would go as far as to say the majority of them became industry icons.

thejigisup1427d ago

Ivy valentine: Extend, be still, dance, strangle, dont move!

ginsunuva1426d ago

As long as they were sexualized

rainslacker1427d ago

Who'd have thought that a game finally does something polygon rails on all the time about, and they still find something wrong with it.

SyntheticForm1427d ago

Well, I've come to the conclusion that Polygon's aim is to be contrarian, no matter what. You could actively try to appease Polygon and they'd still take issue with something. You could check all their boxes and it wouldn't matter.

rainslacker1426d ago

I've been called a contrarian at times, and I think sometimes I am. But, I generally don't keep trying to find things to dislike if a company satisfies what I criticize them over.

But, I do agree that I think Polygon tends to take whatever stance will get them hits. It's probably the only way they know how to write articles anymore.

wwinterj1426d ago

Abby was done well I feel. The problem is I just didn't care all that much for the character. I liked her better in the end then at the start but that's not saying much.

lelo2play1426d ago

Muscular woman have been in games for ages (Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, etc)... the problem with Last of Us Part 2 is that the game story is crap.

BlackRaven85_11426d ago

_Silverhawk_ *Points at Horizon: Zero Dawn, goes back to drinking coffee* 😒

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
DrDeath1428d ago


She was much to large. and it is physically unnattainable without steroids for a woman. Just was a little much. Its not doable

AspiringProGenji1428d ago

Not really. She was ripped rather than having lots of muscle mass or volume. Not so exaggerated

DrDeath1428d ago

Whe had huge muscle mass in most scenes lol. She said she can bench 185lbs. Thats elite bodybuilding status even at 190lb woman.

bloop1427d ago

Whatever about her muscle mass (which seems very unrealistic for anyone to achieve in the middle of the apocalypse), it's her ability that irked me more. Joel was a bad mother f*cker, but we didn't see him nor anyone do anything on the same level as Abby. I actually started laughing when I first started using her hand to hand combat, practically ripping people's heads clean off their shoulders with her bare hands. As with everything these days, they decided to make a strong woman in the name of diversity but ridiculously over compensated to the point that it is actually ridiculous.

Lore1427d ago

Speaking as somebody who has many acquaintances that are in the circle of the bodybuilding community (natural & steroid users), there is little chance that somebody living in an apocalypse without access to extensive calories and a strict food regimen per day would be able to sustain that size

Shikoku1427d ago Show
borneFROMblood1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

@DrDeath i can be nitpicky about every single game.
How its impossible to climb flat surfaces in Breath of the Wild - 0/10
Mario has no motivation to stop cleaning toilets and save the princess - 0/10
Witchers were presented unrealistically in Witcher 3 and Gerald was a white male - 0/10
Bloodborne...okay ALMOST every game...
but what's the point to be mad over her muscular complexity if that does not ruin your enjoyment of the game, who cares if shes more buff than she should be, she wouldnt hit harder

Gameseeker_Frampt1427d ago

@Lore (and everyone else trying to make this point)

"there is little chance that somebody living in an apocalypse without access to extensive calories and a strict food regimen." It's called agriculture. Look it up.

Seriously, The Last of Us took place 20 years after Outbreak Day and some idiots actually think people are just surviving on scavenged Twinkies.

gums0071427d ago

Lol I'm sorry pal but you have no idea what you're talking about. I imagine most of people like you who are trying to defend this performance enhanced species has never worked out a day in their life.

Kornholic1426d ago

Are you kidding? Her arms are like Chris Redfield's from Resident Evil 5, and those were very much ridiculed at the time for being unrealistic even for a man. The only difference is that Abby is not punching any boulders in this game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
Baza1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

Modeled after a real world women whom is not on steroids. Abby’s physic is designed to compliant her physical intensity.

Ash01Live1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

It's true her body is modeled after a real woman, and it's likely that she is natural, however the game designers have actually inflated her physique from the original model(which was lean and shapely)you can see in comparisons from the original Abby reveal trailer. She definitely has an enhanced body not attainable in a world with restricted calories and/or hormone support https://youtu.be/gTjZGlp0OQ...

gums0071427d ago

Is this real world womans name Arnold?

Shikoku1427d ago

Yeah no she isn't even big doofus what Abby looks like in th game is completely attainable by woman without roids it's doable.

NVMGaiden1427d ago


It is doable. My friends mom is that buff, she owns a gym she eats naturally and organically. It might not be obtainable for people who are financially struggling or have busy schedules, but if you obtain a certain level of opportunity it can be done. Maybe you feel it's unobtainable because for you as a man can't achieve it. By claiming women can't achieve that level of strength without drugs you are accusing the model they based her on of juicing. Borderline libel.

rainslacker1427d ago

The start of abby's section of the game showed her walking through an area that was obviously not short on food. They raised their own livestock, grew their own fruits and vegetables, and they had sufficient training facilities, which it was established abby was serious about and religious about using.

Kornholic1426d ago (Edited 1426d ago )

Your friend's mom might be that buff but she's doing more than eating and lifting. Women simply do not have the testosterone to pull that off naturally. Your friend's mom, like Abby, is taking synthetic testosterone.

The actual woman Abby is based on isn't that big either. Look it up. Abby's physique was exaggerated for the game.

Flewid6381427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

Very true. I live in the Fitness & Bodybuilding world. Adding steroids to her lore would've made sense given the kind of resources the WLF had.

A jacked woman on even a little bit of tren looks like a gymnast at best. But obviously anything beyond the Bikini category requires more roids. Had they insinuated this, it would've been more believable.

Christopher1427d ago

This is so wrong, it's just sad.

"It’s 100%. Women gain the same percentage of muscle mass as men during strength training. In fact, women gain as much size and sometimes more strength than men [2]. The only difference is the starting point. Men start off with more muscle mass and more strength, but the relative increase in muscle size is the same between men and women.

Research on protein metabolism comes to the same conclusion. Women build just as much muscle protein after training and after meals as men. In fact, one study found that given the same level of muscle mass, women have a higher rate of muscle protein synthesis than men."

ziggurcat1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

"A jacked woman on even a little bit of tren looks like a gymnast at best."

Nope. I have a friend from High School who's a professional bodybuilder, and also in the military. She's larger than Abby. She ain't on 'roids, either.

1426d ago
1426d ago
Kornholic1426d ago

@christopher you are talking about percentages, not actual mass. If you think women can get as big as men just by training and eating you are simply wrong. Biology doesn't work that way.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
smashman981427d ago

Ahh yes the old I just don't like her because her being buff in a post apocalyptic world full of infected zombie like mushroom creatures. Is just too unbelievable.

JackBNimble1427d ago

I agree , and how easily available would steroids be to obtain in a post apocalyptic world.
It just makes the story less believable.

rainslacker1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

Apparently there left behind all over the place on people's bathrooms.

Seriously though, the WLF was well equipped, and could have easily produced their own steroids or enhancement drugs. It's not like chemistry is that hard, and there were plenty of medical staff that could have gotten it done.

Thinking it ruins the story is just nitpicking, because her body shape was more representative of her obsession than anything else. Doesnt matter how she obtained it, only that she was willing to obtain it. It's not like people are complaining she learned how to be a solider, and a skilled fighter, to achieve the same thing.

1426d ago
rainslacker1427d ago

I've been replaying it, and she was buff, but not so large as to need steroids to achieve that build. I know a couple women in real life who are as buff, or buffer, than abby, and if you accused them of using steroids they'd probably snap you in half, then bench press you

1426d ago
Kornholic1426d ago

So that proves they are using steroids, then?

rainslacker1426d ago

No. Because they are pretty into healthy lifestyles. neither of them would hurt a fly really.

1427d ago
Snakefist301426d ago

Even without steroids you need to eat a lot to attain that physique. In Last of Us universe where food is extremely limited it's impossible for Abby to attain that kind of physique.

VerminSC1426d ago

You don’t think someone who is obsessed with turning their body into a weapon for 5 years, who lives literally right next to a gym, and who has a cafeteria with food access all the time couldn’t bulk like this?

I’ve personally known a couple women body builders and they get the size of Abby without steroids.

shammgod1426d ago

You’re mad cause you’re a fat turd

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
DEEBO1428d ago

Fuck her body, it's what she done in the game is what really got people mad.

If it was a rescue mission to save them not ruin their lives, Abby would have been loved.

xer01427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

I played the first game and i didn't feel particularly attached to Joel at all.
Abbys arc in the game was the most spectacular in my opinion.

The boss fights offered way more excitement.

ABizzel11427d ago

I agree with you completely on Abby's section being the best part of the game for me. Escaping from the island was amazing, the journey to the bridge was amazing, the bridge was amazing, the hotel was amazing, the hospital was amazing, return to the Island was amazing, and even the theatre fight was amazing.

I liked Joel, but I definitely didn't agree with his decisions in the game, and in the end, he got was he deserved. He had over 20 years of death, torture, and misery he caused to people and in a world where there are no heroes, you do not earn a hero's ending. When it happened it bothered me, but I realized it was more so because of Ellie being there. And when I found out why while playing with Abby I completely understood.

If anything The Last of Us Part 2 didn't prove people have a problem with muscular women, it proved that gamers and most people for that matter cannot remove their bias and many gamers simply want a straightforward story/plot, because jumping around in the story is too much for them to deal with.

Which is why I'm glad this game exists and does what it does. In time, it will be remembered as a game that pushed the medium forward in storytelling and how it affects the player, and it will allow other developers to eventually take more chances a few years from now instead of being forced to have an ABC level story that can only be recognized by games as good if the scripting is told well.

rainslacker1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

I really liked how you ended up doing some of the things you only heard ellie talking about happening during her section. Made it kind of fun to see the different viewpoints on what was actually happening, and helped build the idea that justice is in the eye of the beholder. When you were going after the sniper, you were into the moment, not thinking about who you were going after.


I'm gonna disagree on the theater fight. Was never into the cat and mouse thing. And ellie was too quick or turned around at just the right time too often for my taste.

Luckily you only had to have two hard sections with the last being fairly easy of that before it was over. You could also abuse the restart checkpoint option to make things more in your favor....which was great when you missed that headshot with limited ammo on the rest of the game

ABizzel11426d ago


I've seen people play the Theater scene and STRUGGLE, but I think I enjoyed it because I went through it without an issue, because I played the entire game very stealthy, so I was instinctively picking up bottles and bricks and tossing them at people in fights to begin with so when I played that section I was well prepared lol.

borneFROMblood1427d ago

the fact that you are mad, means that ND's story worked exactly as they wanted.
Bold and creative move that should be taken more in our shallow copy-pasted industry.
Kojima did it as well, and those games are excellent.

Sunny_D1427d ago

Yeah I enjoyed it too. If they went the safe route, people would have been mad.

smashman981427d ago

Joel was a villain he doomed the whole world. When you see why Abby does what she did and how great of a person she is to people in her community. She's super sweet and kind and loves anime and dogs. I freaking loved abby

rainslacker1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

She was no saint, but she wasnt completely evil, and had a conscious. People seem to disregard the fact that the whole path of her story was trying to redeem herself for what she did. She had a guilty concious. Doesnt absolve her of her actions, but she she isnt the heartless monster that most game antagonists were.

If abby's path weren't explored, the story the way it was just wouldnt work. Itd be another pedestrian feel good story where the protagonist is justified in their actions, and we end the game with a satisfying conclusion.

The first game didbt and with a warm fuzzy ending. It was layered in meaning and implication. While joel did find his humanity again, this game points out that he supposedly doomed the human race to do so. Something that even ellie seemed to feel by him taking away that choice from her...which admittedly the fireflies.never gave her. But she wanted to forgive joel, because she understood why he did it, and she cared about him that much.

I really liked abby in the context of this game. She was a deeper character than ellie. They presented her well, and made you feel her plight. Maybe not the original, but her trying to be good again. I dont think I would have liked her as much if it was a standalone game with her only, and she did what she did. I wouldnt be too eager to play a game where I hunt a beloved character to murder him. Usually stories like that end with the two parties working together, or becoming friends.

Hungryalpaca1426d ago

Joel didn’t doom shit. It was already a low chance it would work and he stopped the murder of a 14 year old CHILD who had no autonomy in the situation.

smashman981426d ago

The only chance of a cure was through Ellie's sacrifice this is stated in the game and by druckman himself. Is it low, probably but this is never stated. As he eliminated any hope of developing a cure by definition he doomed the world.

To be clear I'm not even saying I don't like Joel, if I were Joel and somebody I love were to be sacrificed I might and probably would do the same thing. I understand why he did what he did and I don't even disagree with it.

I understand why Abby did what she did.

I understand why Ellie wants revenge.

Players should be able to empathize with all these characters.

1426d ago
Kornholic1426d ago (Edited 1426d ago )

Joel was not the villain in that story. He was given two choices: 1. stop the lunatics from killing Ellie for no reason 2. to walk away. Joel did the right thing. You don't make vaccines by killing the person. The "cure" was a pipedream. It's very naive to think killing Ellie would have solved anything.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
averagejoe261427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

What? Abby is loved by myself and millions of others. Just the salty haters are mad crying rivers.

Hungryalpaca1426d ago

Ah yes the classic I like it so I MUST be right!

1426d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1426d ago
jambola1427d ago

no polyon
it proves that you feel a certain way about it

Sciurus_vulgaris1427d ago

Her body in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic. It is very hard for women to bulk up and maintain lean muscle mass. Where is she getting all the protein and surplus calories? It's shown that food is rationed and under controlled distribution in the WLF headquarters. She is also unrealistically strong compared to the other characters in the game. The amount of muscle she carrying would decrease her cardio too.

Transporter471427d ago

You know she could be juicing. Is not like steriods weren't invented when the game takes place. The first time i saw her that is where my brain went and i didn't really question it further as it makes sense to me. If people can find antibiotics, im pretty sure they can find juice in that world.

Tacoboto1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

I don't know why you'd be getting disagrees.

25 years after the apocalypse, the only reliable power source is a workbench light plugged into a surge protector, and you don't improve your abilities through experience but random Advil scattered along shelves and countertops.

In that same universe, it's impossible for a female member of an armed militia to indulge in 25 year old steroids? Lol

(And I severely doubt that the daughter of humanity's potential savior would be treated like any normal random WLF member)

Sciurus_vulgaris1427d ago

Where is she going to get the roids from ? Steroids aren't as mass produced as antibiotics. Most people don't use, want or need steroids to live.

VenomCarnage891427d ago

@transporter47 I understand that it makes sense to you, but that might only be out of not understanding the reality of steroids in the first place. Steroids are not magic, they won't balloon you up in size nor will they keep you at that size, if you aren't eating a massive amount of protein every day. Without the calorie intake, there's nothing steroids can do to make you much larger because the mass actually has to come from somewhere. You need a huge protein intake so the body and the steroids can work to turn that into your newfound muscle

Transporter471427d ago

That may be true; although, there are plenty of wild animals such as, deer. I know venison meat is very high on protein, which is what would be used to get buff. All i am saying is that the possibility is there. I do believe that is likely for steroids to still be able to be found somewhere. It is not impossible.

Tacoboto1427d ago

"Where is she going to get the roids from ? "

From the same place Ellie finds her faster-health-kit-using magic pills, duh. They were on the shelf below the random screws that turn into gun stabilizers.

dragonrage001427d ago

A lot of people don't seem to understand how gaining mass actually works. Roids don't do anything by themselves. You still need to work out regularly, and ingest large amounts of protein and carbs. So yes, her body is extremely unlikely to be attainable for a woman in an post apocalyptic setting.
You can make a case about Abby being a 1 in a 100000 case, and that's fine with me, I don't care. However, don't go around later saying X character is "unrealistically beautiful", thats just hipocrisy. You either have every character be average looking, or let the devs design their character however they want.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1427d ago
Shikoku1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

You can have good cardio and be big but she isn't even big. 🙄

Sciurus_vulgaris1427d ago

She isn't big? She's described as "built like an oxen" in the game.

Hungryalpaca1426d ago

Damn, the model she’s modelled after must suck at bodybuilding then.

Transporter471427d ago

There is plenty of data that can be found about how common steroids are in gym culture today. So, the probability of finding steroids by raiding a gym, a house, somewhere a body builder used to live is possible. Is it unlikely? Yes, but it possible. So, if she found enough juice in a house she raided, it is all she needs. I find it silly to not even think that as a possibility. I say go don't be so closed minded without actually researching on how common steroid use is used today. You can probably go to any gym and spot the steroid user.

rainslacker1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

True, but steroids do have a shelf life, so after 20 odd years, likely they would have to make their own. But the chemistry to make them isnt very complex

Otherwise I think people are over analyzing it, and focusing on a technicality which is irrelevant to why she was so buff.

MetalGearsofWar1427d ago

You'd still need a calorie heavy diet.

Shikoku1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

Do any of you clowns actually workout or visit a gym? She isn't built like an ox its just a damn game people her freaking body model is a cross fit chick they don't get big you idiots they gains some muscle mass but it's not like she is China from the WWE jesus she is just fit and some woman have naturally higher levels of testosterone than others do.

Hungryalpaca1426d ago

Yea. She’s just fit. That’s why she’s modeled after a BODY BUILDER.

borneFROMblood1427d ago

You guys focus on such silly things
WHat next, if a character farts and you can't smell that, that's unrealistic yo.
Just enjoy the game lmao and move onto next after youre done with it.

Sunny_D1427d ago

I mean look at the base camp she was living in though? Looks like they were well adapted to living as much of a normal life in the stadium home base. She even walked by a gym and kindergarten class. People were living normal lives for the most part.

dumahim1427d ago

Gasoline being viable after 25 years in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
Plentiful ammunition after 25 years in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
Batteries still being viable after 25 years in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
Large office buildings missing most of their structural bits and still standing in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
Finding valuable supplies in places with traffic after 25 years in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
Being shot repeatedly and healing in seconds with a rag and some alcohol in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
Fish being alive in aquarium tanks after 25 years in a post apocalyptic setting is unrealistic.
on and on and on. It's a video game. Who cares?

Disclaimer: some of this can be explained away but there was no evidence in the game of systems in place to account for these things.

rainslacker1427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )

It's also showed that soilders preferential treatment for the supplies. They also get paid in some kind of credits for doing assignments, and have a kind of commissary where they can buy items or food if they want.

In any case, I wouldn't be surprised if the wlf could produce steroids or other performance enhancing drugs. It's not like its complex chemistry.

If she needed calories, then giraffe and zebra appear plentiful. Outside the livestock the wlf raised, wild life like deer, rabbit, and squirrel were all over the place. They also talked about having fish hatcheries, and when one was raised by the scars, they said they were just catching wild salmon and trout. They also showed chicken coops, and eggs are very high in protein. Its not like she needs to eat a whole cow every day to get her protein or carbs needed to bulk up

DragonWarrior191427d ago

Unrealistic in a fictional video game where a fungus turns people into zombies lol. Okay bud. She worked out and got strong, dedicated years of her life to revenge. It's 100% "realistic" but we are also talking about a video game. The "realistic" excuse is always a hilariously pathetic reach from people who haven't actually played the game but want to hate.

nibblo1427d ago

She gets told to put back a burrito by her friends in the chow line which suggests that she has done it before and it's easy to take more food than allowed. I think her answer is that it is for someone else and I took that as a clue to how much food Abby eats. Also food seems plentiful at the WLF headquarters, when outside you see tonnes of food production which I think was put there on purpose to show you that food isn't a problem.

dumahim1427d ago

"She gets told to put back a burrito by her friends in the chow line"

No. Manny grabbed two, she took one. Abby told Manny to put one back, but he then tells her it's for Mel who is coming along.

thejigisup1427d ago

Chill man, she's big boneded

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Monopoly Go Devs Spent More On Marketing Than It Cost To Develop The Last Of Us 2

The game's huge marketing budget has worked out for it, bringing in $2 billion revenue in its first 10 months of release.

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ChasterMies70d ago

That’s how it is with most movies. Why should it be any different with games?

Eonjay69d ago

It could also be that development cost were just very very low.

Kaii70d ago

I think it's about time for government agencies to step into mobile gaming and look around, this is shit.

just_looken69d ago

Do not worry 82yr old joe biden is on it he will have 88-100 year old friends in the government to fire up there talky box's.


You almost got a version of The Last of Us 2 inspired by Bloodborne

A new The Last of Us 2 documentary reveals that Naughty Dog almost made a different version of the PS4 and PS5 game similar to Bloodborne.

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Scissorman115d ago

Just make a new IP with the same concept. :)

toxic-inferno115d ago

Or just release a remaster of Bloodborne 😛

rippermcrip115d ago

Kind of a misleading comparison. They were simply talking about the game being melee oriented and more of an open world. I wouldn't compare a game to a soulslike based on that.

toxic-inferno115d ago

Open world in a very specific sense though. The sense of exploration and discovering shortcuts within a large, challenging area would feel great in a survival game like TLOU. But I'm sceptical it would be nearly as satisfying without the bonfire/lantern respawn system.

Inverno115d ago

A more melee oriented Last of Us 2 would've been so much better imo. The combat mechanics barely got any use from me cause everyone just shoots at you, and then the Scars with their bows are even more annoying. Level design was also more Bloodborne, and I love the level design in Souls game, there's a real sense of scale and exploration due to the branching paths. We really gotta move away from open world in the style of GTA and BoTW and do it more like Souls.

toxic-inferno115d ago

Completely agree with your final comment. Semi-linear open worlds like those in soulslikes are by far the most satisfying. Even Elden Ring (which is of course amazing) loses some of its heart due to it's open world.

114d ago
toxic-inferno114d ago


Of course, my comment was my opinion, and may be different to yours.

I completely agree that Elden Ring's world is incredible. The design of every inch of its map is fantastic, with so much care that has been put into its layout and design to tell a story in the classic ambiguous way that FromSoft always manage. I would argue with anybody, any day of the week, that there is no finer example of open world design anywhere in gaming across all platforms and genres.

However, the 'heart' that I speak of is perhaps more aligned with gameplay. The more linear form of the previous games provides a distinct level of focus and determination that Elden Ring lacks due to the nature of it's open world. In Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc. you often have between one and three bosses available to you at any time, requiring dedication and a certain level of grit. You have to learn each boss, master the techniques required and vanquish them before moving on. Between 60% and 90% of the bosses in each game generally result in this experience.

I had no such experience in Elden Ring, except for the fight against Malenia, because the nature of the open world meant that there was always something else to do and explore. The open world encouraged this, meaning that I spent most of the game over-levelled for the bosses I was facing. And I didn't even go out of my way to over-level.

To conclude, the heart of Soulsbourne games isn't inherently the difficult; it's the grit and determination required to beat them. There are other things that factor into the soulslike genre, but that gameplay loop is the real soul of the series. And Elden Ring, mostly due to it's open world, lacked that particular aspect.

As I have said, you are welcome to disagree with me! But I hope that further explains my original statement.

shinoff2183115d ago

I don't think we need to move away from a gta open world style. There's room for all. I enjoy open and linear along with in between. If you have an issue I imagine it's on the devs.

Inverno115d ago

An in-between then should be considered more often. I'm just not a fan of the long stretches of land of nothing. Idk whatchu mean by the last thing tho, I like ND.

Demetrius115d ago

Def did good with their own thing I'm so over the whole copy souls combat sheesh I can dee if in certain games it would be bosses that looked like a souls boss but straight out copying the combat and feel takes away from a game that supposed to be its own lol

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Original The Last of Us Part 2 ending is better than what we actually got

Callum writes: The revealed original ending idea for The Last of Us Part 2 is better than the actual conclusion we got instead.

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anast124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

No, Druckmann was right in going with the ending we got. It's clean and simple. The ending that was cut was clunky.

senorfartcushion124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

The ending we got is thematically incorrect.

Thematic incorrectness is cancer for a story.

anast124d ago

Give me a concrete example how it was thematically incorrect. I might change my mind.

Christopher121d ago

***Bullshit, especially not in a post apocalyptic world. ***

Most notable post apocalyptic stories don't have happy endings for the protagonist. Typically others are aided in some way along their path, but in the end they tend to suffer and move on alone.


I disagree that a story of revenge would have been better than one of eventual heart ache, forgiveness, and moving on. Both are brutal, both show a loss of life, only one represents a brighter chance for a future.

Even if you prefer a story of revenge only, though, recognize that wasn't ND's goal and you should not assess the quality based on your preference of outcome but the quality in which they present their own story.

senorfartcushion121d ago

It's how they succeeded with the first game and failed with th story of the second.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 121d ago
-Foxtrot124d ago


Yes lets have Ellie slaughter everyone in her path to get her revenge, loose her fingers where she can't play the guitar anymore (the last big connection to Joel), have Dina leave her, see Tommy badly hurt where he struggles to walk and is half blind only for her in the LAST MOMENTS go "Gee. I shouldn't do this, revenge is bad"

Yeah. I don't think so, it's awful writing trying to get a message across where there's been no build up to it. Hell, Abby and Ellie don't even talk about Joel, there's no confrontation of "Why did you do this?" so both of them sees the other side of the story.

The main theme of her sparing Abby was so they could get this message across that she "doesn't want to loose everything" but she did anyway so what was the point? Least killing Abby he'd have gotten her revenge.

Bwremjoe124d ago

The pointlessness of it all IS what is good about the original ending.

Christopher124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

If Abby had been killed, then the whole purpose of the story would have been changed to just revenge and not what they were aiming for. Just because you give up on your revenge doesn't mean people forgive you for everything you did up to that point.

ravens52124d ago

It ended up being a story of redemption instead of revenge. To keep the faintest bit of humanity she had left. Abby spared Ellies life before, let's not forget that; twice if I'm not mistaken. It was a great ending, full circle.

JackBNimble124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

In the end after her great adventure Ellie gave up her family for revenge on Abby.
This is post apocalyptic, Ellie lost her kid and wife regardless, only to let Abby go. This is why the story doesn't make sense.

The story should have ended with her and her family at the farm.... and they lived happily ever after. But no, give everyone up for nothing at all.

Bullshit, especially not in a post apocalyptic world.

generic-user-name124d ago

Why do people conveniently forget Ellie tried to stop after killing a pregnant Mel? Then she stopped again until a vengeful Tommy came knocking and guilted her into going after her again.

"The main theme of her sparing Abby was so they could get this message across that she "doesn't want to loose everything" but she did anyway so what was the point?"

Why can't she go back to Dina? If Dina doesn't take her back then Jackson itself, her community will. And so what if she can't play the guitar anymore? Does that mean she loses her memories of him? She can't still watch cheesy 80s movies that they watched together? Take up wood carving which Joel was into?

I don't get where this notion comes from that Ellie lost everything when she has a life waiting for her that's better than 99% of the rest of humanity in that world.

Charlieboy333124d ago

@ Fox I agree with you 100%

@Chris 'just revenge' would have been perfectly fine. As you said, giving up on her revenge wouldn't change anything she did up to that point or make people forgive her.

So why not follow through on what started it all in first place!? The damage was done already...finish the damn job and get the payback.

And I don't want to hear that 'revenge is never ending' pussy bullshit from anyone. Abby got revenge on Joel for her father. Ellie could gave gotten revenge on Abby for Joel. End of story.

The 'message' was retarded and lazy, trying to come off as 'deep'. It ruined and lacked everything great from Part 1....that is the truth and I don't give a shit what anyone says.

RNTody123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

I think you missed the point of the ending. The point was that revenge had cost Abbey and Ellie everything. This wasn't about their catharsis or completion of their revenge. It was that by the end Ellie realised that nothing was going to fix how she felt or give her back what she lost, the absolute pointlessness of all the death and bloodshed and loss culminated in a moment where she physically could not continue with it anymore or bring herself to end it with her revenge. Abbey and Ellie just couldn't do it anymore. And by that point the idea was for the player to be so exhausted along with them by the idea of revenge that you accept it. Even the fruitlessness of the final mission to hunt Abbey felt like all Ellie had left by that point, all she was holding onto.

Love or hate the story, it certainly didn't fall into cliches or the obvious which would be Ellie and Abbey coming to an understanding. It just had to end.

I personally love the game for being so daring with its story.

outsider1624123d ago

"Yes lets have Ellie slaughter everyone in her path to get her revenge.."

I don't understand why people even bring this up. The killing everyone gameplay wise is just because its "videogame" if that makes any sense. You want a game to just walk across the country doing nothing but hide?
Even the ones that were killed (cutscene), it was because she had'nt any choice(atleast). Only one who actually got tortured was Nora..but even then all she did was tell where abby was and she wouldn't have been killed.

Toecutter00123d ago

Dina leaving and Ellie losing her fingers was a result of her path of revenge. She did not know or do these things prior to the third act. Also, Abby spared her life on more than one occasion. Ellie murdered all of her friends. Abby had just as much cause, if not more, for wanting her own revenge. Breaking the cycle of violence was the entire point of the game.

DuckOnQuack35123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

Jeez liberals have to try to find some fake deep message in everything.
Joel killed a guy that pulled a knife on him and was going to end the life of an innocent child. In doing so some dude girl gets some of her friends and brutally murders another girl's father figure, right in front of her eyes might I add. But oh no oh no Ellie can't kill the people that did that cuz then ellie is bad. Dumbest shit ever

RNTody123d ago

@DuckOnQuack35 Wow, you either don't remember the first game or you have an extremely limited narrative scope and played the second game half asleep. The surgeon pulled a knife on Joel because he barged into the room with a gun and it was obvious to anyone with half a brain cell that he was there to take Ellie. In the Fireflies' minds, she was their hope to save humanity. At this point Joel had killed dozens of Fireflies who genuinely believed they were saving the world with a cure. Joel didn't kill Abbey's father figure, he killed her actual father. This was the plot of The Last of Us 2, there is no fake deep message it's literally the point of the game : both sides had justified reasons to pursue revenge, and it cost them everything. What do you find hard to process about that?

This wasn't Taken with Liam Neeson. Ellie was justified just like Abbey was, but at some point you've got to accept that Ellie is not the hero in the story, and neither was Abbey. But they were certainly the villains from each other's points of view.

anast123d ago

Killing Abby would have flattened the story, which wouldn't have given us anything to talk about afterwards. All good art inspires dialogue and discussion, and ND has accomplished this with Last of Us Part 2.

S2Killinit123d ago

The fact that we are still talking about it, is why it was a good ending.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 123d ago
TheEnigma313124d ago

Abby actually grew on me by the end. I hated her friends though, they were annoying. I'm glad Elli didn't kill her. She's mentally screwed though going forward.

raWfodog124d ago

I totally understood Abby's motivation for wanting to get revenge on Joel. Many people hated what happened simply because they played through the first game as Joel and loved him. But he admitted that even before he met Ellie he and his brother killed innocent people to survive so he was not a 'good' guy per se. We understood his loss and pain though, so we sympathized with him. And we cheered him on when he went to save Ellie, killing people who were trying to find a cure for everyone. He even hid the truth from Ellie because he knew she would not have wanted that to happen. But he did not want to lose anyone else that he loved, and we didn't want him to lose anymore either. But when Abby came for him, he knew his time was up. We just hated how it went down. First him saving her and then she doing him like that. But that's what the need for revenge drove her to, and Ellie stopped herself from continuing the cycle.

EvertonFC124d ago

Drunkman had balls ripping Joel away from us like that but that's what made it great too.
We moan about rinse and repeat stories then moan when they take tough dicsions.
My head was all over the place emotionally with Abby but they both had similarities.
I found my 2nd play through even better once my emotions were in check and had time to digest it all.

Charlieboy333124d ago

Yeah dude, the problem with your story is that all the way through part 1 we only ever saw Joel try and help others and save people. The only people he killed were scumbags or people who were trying to kill him. Yet now we are supposed to buy it that he had a habit of just killing innocent people left and right. Why? Because Druckman made him 'say' this as a lazy way to try and create validity for his death in part 2? Bullshit.

Even the doctor who didn't move and instead stood there ready to attack with a scalpel after Joel told everyone to get away from Ellie ( because they were going to kill her for NO REASON...if you read the notes found in the hospital you would have seen that they had already tried but lacked the expertise and equipment to successfully create a vaccine!! ). He should have got the fuck out when told. Marlene should have given Ellie back as requested and avoided ALL of it ( knowing how pointless it all was to try making the vaccine again ).

But no, Joel is solely at fault now because we need a reaon for Abby to avenge her retarded father who couldn't follow instructions at gunpoint.

RNTody123d ago

Let's not also forget how daring Naughty Dog were to put you in the shoes of the person who killed Joel, and force you to play as her during moments like fighting Ellie. The game constantly put you in situations where you almost didn't want to progress with the story and I found it excellent. It's a rare game that actually makes you feel or be hesitant about what you're doing, whereas in any other revenge tale you wouldn't think, stop or pause for a second before you kill anyone and everyone. This game actually bothered to show you the other side and they weren't just mindless caricatures of villains, and that's what made the game unique. From their perspective, Ellie was the villain and she well took ownership of that role as the game went on. Morally interesting as a game, unlike most.

DuckOnQuack35123d ago

Exactly they try to force you into taking Abby's side but what Abby did was wrong and can never be justified. Her dad was willing to kill Joel and Ellie so wtf.

anast123d ago


Play part 1 again and you will understand that Joel wasn't a good guy. One example is that no "good" guy knows that signature interrogation technique. The character would have to be a seriously bad person to know how to get information like that.

raWfodog123d ago (Edited 123d ago )


“Yeah dude, the problem with your story is that all the way through part 1 we only ever saw Joel try and help others and save people.”

I don’t believe you understood Joel’s character. He was not altruistically good or pure evil. He was a dad looking out for his own and doing what was necessary for him and people to survive. You make it sound like he was going out of his way to do nice things for people. That was never the case. At the same time, we hear about him and his brother harming innocents but we know it was not just to be evil. They were only doing what they thought they needed to do to survive, and that meant looking out for only themselves and taking from others.

“because they were going to kill her for NO REASON...if you read the notes found in the hospital you would have seen that they had already tried but lacked the expertise and equipment to successfully create a vaccine!!”

The doctors never had a test subject like Ellie so that’s why they had hope that they could produce a vaccine. All of their other efforts failed because they never ran across someone who had a natural immunity to the cordyceps fungus.

It’s okay to not like the story because it didn’t cater to your personal preferences, but to better understand people you should really try to place yourselves into their mindsets to understand their motivations

“But no, Joel is solely at fault now because we need a reaon for Abby to avenge her retarded father who couldn't follow instructions at gunpoint.”

No, of course Joel is not solely at fault. That’s the whole point of this revenge tale. It’s a vicious cycle where all parties are doing ‘bad’ things to each other in order to get the last hit in, per se. In Abby’s mind, she had the perfect reason to go after this stranger who killed her father. Do you think she played through the first game as Joel in order to understand his motivation? No, some random dude just killed the last bit of family that she had.

RNTody122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

@raWfodog Great comment. I can't believe that after all the plot points people had an issue with in The Last of Us 2, the basic character motivations have to actually be explained to this lot when it's the most unambiguous and well presented part of the early narrative. I must have missed the part in the ending of The Last of Us Part 1 where Joel was killing the evil child slavers who stole Ellie and not the Fireflies who desperately believed Ellie was the cure to save humanity.

If the game was too hard to understand for these folk they should watch the HBO series, even that made it exceptionally obvious that Joel was not the hero at the end.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 122d ago
SyntheticForm124d ago

Agreed; I like her too.

At some point people have to forgive each other or they just wind up in cycle of never ending senseless violence. I'd say all these people are trauma-laden at this point.

Markdn123d ago

Have you seen the state of the real world, people just can't let it lie can they

ChasterMies124d ago

I never hated Abby. But Ellie, damn, what’s wrong with you?

anast124d ago

Abby is cool and her combat animations were fun too.

outsider1624123d ago

Lol..i hated Nora and that jackass who spit on joel though. Owen and mel on the other hand...i felt bad for them.

TheEnigma313122d ago

I hated owen. He was a tool

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 122d ago
isarai124d ago

{SPOILERS} How is a random encounter with a character you never met that just HAPPENS to be the parent of someone you kill a better ending? That ending would've not only trivialized the climax of the entire revenge arc, but also seems like an afterthought to meet the requirement of losing her fingers which has some significance.

gold_drake123d ago

this was exactly my issue with the story. like this random arse person just so happens to be someones father who just so happens to want revenge. lol.

Inverno124d ago

Yeah no, that one would've pissed me off even more. For me however the real ending is Ellie and JJ looking off into the sunset, everything after was unnecessary.

andy85124d ago

Disagree to be honest. It was clearly a tale if revenge, redemption and forgiveness. If she just kills her it defeats the object of what the whole story was about.

Charlieboy333123d ago

So it's fine for Abby to get her revenge but Ellie's is unresolved with a nice missing finger to always remind her. Redemption my ass....all we learned was that some people get revenge and pussies don't

Si-Fly123d ago

Team America fuck yeah

Charlieboy333123d ago

I'm South African not American and we live with danger and violence every day....we don't take shit.

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