
Grounded Is Thrilling as Obsidian's Survival Adventure Take on Honey, I Shrunk the Kids | EM

Grounded has you shrink down like in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, but it's an adventure survival game from Obsidian Entertainment for Microsoft / Xbox.

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1415d ago
timotim1415d ago

Obsidian gone be a problem next-gen!

IanTH1415d ago

At least the skin is an interesting differentiator, but I am pretty worn out on open world/survival/base building kind of games. I might try the demo out, but if someone has given it a spin, could you give me a quick take on it? Is it like a Honey I Shrunk the Ark typed experience? Is it less crafty than something like that? Is it more objective oriented? This game might just not be for me, but I'm still kinda curious to hear how it turns out & how it differs from other games in the genres it's working in.

PappyQ1415d ago (Edited 1415d ago )

The demo is only 30 minutes, but it is a 4 player co-op survival/base-building sim (the demo is sp). There’s a story about how you got shrunk and a mystery to solve of why it all happened, in between gathering parts, building your base/weapons/armor. You also have bugs to hunt. Some are hostile, some are not. There’s a nice feature called “arachnophobia,” which is a slider that allows you to adjust how “scary” bugs are. Spiders, for example, can be reduced to floating puffballs (basically). Not much else is known at this point. I don’t know if there’s an endgame or if you’re done when the story ends. Hopefully more info will be forthcoming.

IanTH1415d ago

Thanks for taking the time to share your impressions, appreciate it!

Kerppamaister1415d ago

If you can try it then I suggest you do. It's oddly addicting for such a simple idea.


Grounded PS5 Review - Buggy, In a Good Way | COGconnected

Grounded is a survival and crafting game about kids that find themselves in a miniature backyard world, originally on PC/Xbox and now on PS5

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anast6d ago

Never read an article that begins with "fan boys", it's a waste of time.


Grounded comes to PS5 and Switch - but performance is a problem

DF investigates Grounded on PS5 and Switch - how does the game compare to the original Xbox release? And how does cross-play work?

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gold_drake11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

360 to 720 p

what did they do lol even on the ps5 its horrendous looking

Palitera6d ago

Long story short: shouldn't be bought on PS5. Screw these guys.


Grounded (Nintendo Switch) Review - CGMagazine

Obsidian Entertainment’s Grounded is a unique survival game that shrinks down to fit on the Switch, but is it a worthy experiment?

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