
IGN: NPPL: Championship Paintball 2009 Review

It's easy to see how paintball enthusiasts could love this game, but hard to envision anybody else spending more than an hour playing it before they got bored and disillusioned. This is a niche game and it does a nice job catering to that niche, but doesn't provide a product that the general gaming audience will appreciate.

Presentation - 5.5
Graphics - 5.0
Sound - 5.0
Gameplay - 4.5
Lasting Appeal - 2.0
Overall -


CG: Games for Lunch: NPPL Championship Paintball

Does videogame paintball match up to the real thing? Kyle Orland can tell you after he gets splattered again.

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GamesRadar: NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 Review

Few things resemble real-life videogames quite like paintballing: 1) You dress like a member of Half-Life's Combine; 2) It's the only time hiding in ferns is acceptable; and 3) You actually get to shoot real living humans. And they bleed. Albeit in blue. For all intents and purposes, it's COD 4's Chernobyl level sponsored by Dulux. So why oh why is Millennium Paintball as enjoyable as a shot in the eye?

You'll love:
* Faithful to the sport
* Won't get actual paint on you
* Can tinker with squad stats

You'll hate:
* Bad hit detection
* Boring environments
* More loading screens than playing

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GamersTemple: NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 - Review


"In my younger years, a kid who lived up the street, let's call him "Bad Pete," had a bright idea involving some frozen Gobstopper candies and his paintball gun. The giant purple welts that followed were far, FAR more painful than playing this game, but not by much."

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