
Destiny 2 Is Removing Access To Past Paid Content And That's Not Okay

Andrew from Rocket Chainsaw talks through his concerns about removing access to previously paid content from past purchasers, even if that same content has since become free to all.

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Unspoken1454d ago

Meh, Bungie and it's grindfest should hang it up and work on a new IP.

Keep the servers running for multiplayer and then work on a real campaign.

kayoss1454d ago

I’m not defending them but c’mon. Destiny 2 have a few millions of players playing this game. So there is no way they’re going to hang this up.

Profchaos1454d ago

If only I'm dreaming of a single player campaign from them with zero grind

indysurfn1453d ago (Edited 1453d ago )

Things like this is why they have always had bad customer relations despite how good the game is. Good Job, and now your going to be crying about why people look at them as the bad guys for a few more years.

This does not help the cause of digital games.. All you people that give up rights for convenience are hurting your own future. Physical for me. They can't take my game away.

indysurfn1453d ago

They are bidding their time. Waiting until 90% of games are digital(except companies like EA and a few others like this keep jumping the gun). Then once they get us to all digital they will be doing just like this. Except within a couple years. These are warning signs. Just like when we went from a two 3 pound bag of chips for $1 to 8 ounces for 299. They waited until ALL companies got all customers used to the smaller bags for 89$ and then jumped. Supply and price of produce when down, but chips(all kind) went UP.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1453d ago
NeoGamer2321453d ago

Ya, Bungie has fallen a long ways. There are Destiny die-hards out there, but to me, when I played Destiny, it was just the Halo engine in a new environment, with some new MP modes, and a lot of customization, without a real story.

Appealing to online gamers that like games like Fornite, Overwatch, PUBG, Apex, etc. but not very appealing to gamers who like the single player experience more.

lazyboyblue1454d ago

I logged on today with the intention of starting the base game to find it all gone. Got hood.

luckytrouble1454d ago

The base game isn't gone; it's just stashed a bit and only gives a quest marker after buying Forsaken, triggering all the campaign stuff at once.

You can play all the pre-Forsaken campaigns though by talking to Amanda Holliday in the Hanger at the Tower.

lazyboyblue1454d ago

Thanks for that because I googled and everything. 👍

1454d ago
luckytrouble1454d ago

Although I understand the sentiment, I have a hard time getting on board with the slippery slope approach. This only works at all because the game has adopted the free to play model which most other major subscription based MMOs will only ever do as a last ditch effort to revive their games.

As well, Curse of Osiris is the least offensive one they could remove. It's a criminally short campaign that even most free players completed months and months ago, myself included.

I understand the worry, but at the end of the day, Bungie is doing what they feel is needed to keep a modern MMO of Destiny 2's scale in check. We're already approaching 100GB, and the next expansion is going to push it over that threshold. They may be able to adopt an AI scaling method in the future that makes this all easier to manage, but bandaid solutions until then are not going to be optimal.

Profchaos1454d ago

100gb isn't that bad when cod is pushing 200

luckytrouble1454d ago

As someone with CoD installed, more than once I've wished I could delete content like the campaign to reduce the overall file size.

L7CHAPEL1454d ago

the problem is every aspect of their game goes through a live server system.
I think that if you PAID for the game, you should have access to it.
there should only be live content (PVP) if you want to go into that system, many games do this.
it should be available for you to go through as far as PVE anywhere anytime you want,
this is not a difficult thing to do it's merely a question of how much storage space you're willing to alot personally, for access to those areas.

it's that they want to control every aspect of the game through their live service model, and PVP is a big reason for a lot of it.
there's not one megabyte of this game I didn't pay for,
but I won't be buying the new expansion or anything else from them.

this is the line in the Sand ladies and gentlemen.
if you allow this to go on, it will be in every game that has a live service model, guaranteed.

this is a poor/greed and control driven decision, I paid for the content,
I should have access to it, period.

free-to-play and paid should have different access steps.
if you're going free-to-play then you have to access their service system,
if you paid for the content it should be yours to go into whenever you want to and can do so without going into their service system.
if you want to invite people that's up to you it would be peer-to-peer at that point.
it's something they could do easily.
this current solution is not acceptable, at all.

Almightsponge1454d ago


If you had the option to keep access to vaulted content, would you actually still play it? Even if there was no incentive? No rewards because its not part of the story or seasonal activities. You have a group that would want to play this content with you so much to justify bungie giving you access to it?

Or would you play the current content that everyone else is playing and wait for the old stuff to come back around with a possible refresh?

DJStotty1453d ago

If the only other option is forcing you to have to buy new dlc, then yes, you should be able to play exactly what you have paid for, regardless of how old it is.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1453d ago
Yppupdam1454d ago

Blah, Just the name Osiris gives me a headache. I truly Hate that season and hope it disappears forever!

Hakuoro1454d ago

Digital and DLC has been on a slippery slope ever since it was created.

But I saw this type of stuff coming which is why I don't buy any DLC or MTX.

AuraAbjure1454d ago

What's worse case scenario with all this digital DLC business Hakuoro?

Hakuoro1454d ago

Are you trying to instigate? I mean this topic has been discussed countless times.

Obviously on the most basic level when you buy things digitally you have no ownership and your permission to play or use digital products is completely controlled by someone else.

And as far as MTX and DLC goes we have since day one moved constantly towards more manipulative sales practices such as pay to win and pay to not grind and things like you see here which isn't even new where thing are removed or made useless in order to encourage people to buy or re-buy things.

This is a topic that has been discussed in far more detail that I am going to or maybe even could describe in a reply on a gaming site comment section.

1453d ago
indysurfn1453d ago

Anyone that disagrees that you have no ownership of digital is a stupid fool that wants to be fool. They tell you when you buy it about 20 times in GREAT detail that you dont own the game. Your only buying a license then they go into GREAT detail telling you how this License is not ownership either. They can take the license away expire it stop supporting it ANY time without warning.

KyRo1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

They've also locked stuff behind the new season pass that ain't cosmetic.

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