
Leaked Trailer for Destiny 2 June 9th Reveal

Bungie has teased the next big chapter for 'Destiny 2,' and it's not looking great for humanity.


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wolf5811455d ago

Thnks but no...time for bungie to move forward..

Zega1455d ago

Agreed.Also stopped playing D2 the grind is eating my life

ManMarmalade1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

Warframe is a better experience imo. It's also a grindfest, but there's so much more to do and it's constantly being updated with new things. They put a new mission type in about 3 or 4 weeks ago too. I used to play Destiny 1 and 2 with friends a lot, but it kinda came down to me trying to force myself to play it and enjoy it. I moved on to other things.

Eidolon1454d ago

D2 was uber boring, don't think it was even worth the $15 I spent. TBH. Not into the grind life, or end game.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1455d ago

Bungie need to move on to Destiny 3. D2 is maxed out.

Rude-ro1454d ago

“Bungie need to move on to Destiny 3. D2 is maxed out.“

This is coming from d3 content.
The seasons and the fall are all from the planned d3 release...

But since they are trying to save the franchise.. you are getting it for the next years content as dlc instead.

D3 would happen if this direction begins to save the franchise.

GamerRN1454d ago


Source? I'm always curious how people are so confidently wrong...

KyRo1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I bought Shadow Keep after having a few years break from D2. It was all nearly reused stuff from the D2 campaign and areas and weapons from D1. They then spread out the season loot though battle passes, each season meant new battle pass, on top of the £30 (IIRC) expansion price It's a disgusting model and one I'm surprised the community accepts.

1454d ago
BigBosss1455d ago

I've spent years on the Destiny franchise especially the second one and I am over the game. It's time for Bungie to move onto something else.

TechnoGoat1455d ago

Be prepared Destiny 3 is coming.

Darkborn1454d ago

Nah they can easily sell 3 or 4 more season passes and a couple more expansions whilst also milking the ever verse store until the fans want a new game.

pecorre1455d ago

Bungie has teased the next big chapter for 'Destiny 2,' and it's not looking great for humanity.

Just like real life...

IanTH1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I think GaaS games are going to slowly stop getting made. We don't like it when sequels release too close to one another because of title fatigue. We even get genre-fatigue; uuugh, another open world/roguelike/FPS/etc? But modeling your game with the intent that your audience plays the same game endlessly seems like a recipe for getting them burned out, even for a series they like.

I think that sentiment is going to start sticking to the GaaS model, and people will get to a point where just the thought of starting a new GaaS game evokes feelings of FOMO & burnout. I can envision the potential playerbase continuing to shrink with each new entry until it just isn't viable on a large scale.

cell9891454d ago

Dude stop saying GAAAAASS it’s annoying AF just say subscription based games or idk the term gaas annoys me to hell lol

IanTH1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

GaaS is something people understand, and is easier to type (and shorter to read) than something like "subscription based games". I already type long comments most people don't want to read through. If it bothers you, just mentally insert "subscription based games" wherever you see "GaaS". People know what GaaS is, people wouldn't know what SBGs are if I tried shortening your meaning. I mean, these games are Games as a Service, and its the term that the industry has coined, and what people have come to call these types of games as well. I'm not sure why the acronym annoys you, but to each their own.

Sorry my explanation required typing GaaS a bunch, and also sorry that I'll likely still keep typing GaaS :-)

1454d ago
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