
GamesAreEvil Review - Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

GamesAreEvil writes: It's not every day that two well established franchises are given license to come together under a single banner. So when Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (MK vs. DCU) was first announced, and more recently when it turned up at the office, our excitement levels were understandably rather high...

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CrAppleton5673d ago

review! It is kind of off putting that they don't have the bloody fatalities that they used to.. that was what made winning so fun. But I guess I can deal with humorous finishing moves

Neco5125673d ago

Humorous fatalities??? What!!???

JohnR5673d ago

many are humorous, not all.

bgrundman5673d ago

I definitely think that humorous is not quite the word you are looking for there.

bgrundman5673d ago

Alot of people are on the fence about this game... It will be interesting to see what the review says. Off I go to read it.

bgrundman5673d ago

Solid read and good review... good content all around.

CrAppleton5673d ago

Great read for sure. I might go get this one for Family night with my girls. =P

Neco5125673d ago

Yeah, this seems like a real great family type of game

JohnR5673d ago

not sure if family is the right word, but it's certainly more PC than your classic MK game.

bgrundman5673d ago

what? a disembowelment isn't politically correct anymore?

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CrAppleton5673d ago

Is the mortal kombat series revived with this one?

JohnR5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

i'd still like to see an old-skool bloody, messy, gutsy MK good but i really like this title too. Maybe they could could a few other crossovers like MK vs. Nintendo or MK vs. The Cast of TV's Friends - those examples are probably somewhat unlikely.

bgrundman5673d ago

if it is revived, I hope it doesn't stay in this form. I miss the grittiness of the old games.

Jimmy the Greek5673d ago

sf iv looks like its pulling off the 2d fighter nicely, i wouldnt mind seeing a return to that form for mk

bgrundman5673d ago

That would actually be really cool to see... Good call Jimmy

Jimmy the Greek5673d ago

i gave up on the mk franchise after 4. it was the first 3d mk. im sure theres been a good one since but i wouldnt know

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Neco5125673d ago

really care anymore about Mortal Kombat?

CrAppleton5673d ago

I'd like to see MK make a come back. They've always been on the top of my list for fighters.

JohnR5673d ago

i'm a fan of the mk games, especially the 2D ones. personally i much prefer the 2D fighting styles as opposed to the 3D ones. can't beat a good round on MK2, or any of the Capcom and SNK fighters - Capcom vs. SNK 2: Marj of the millenium on PS2 being a personally fav.

bgrundman5673d ago

I think they have another chance at greatness, I just hope they don't blow it.

JimmyJames705673d ago

I'll put this one on my list of games to play, eventually, down the road sometime.

CrAppleton5673d ago

LOL, wow.. that sounds real convincing.

JimmyJames705673d ago

I like to think that I'll play all games eventually, this one just isn't at the top of my list. Maybe during the summer when the new releases slow down.

Jimmy the Greek5673d ago

ill wait until it hits the bargain bins and even then im sure if ill have a hard time not looking past it

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Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe Helped Save The Franchise

While some feel it was the Mortal Kombat: Annihilation movie, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is popularly touted as the lowest point for the franchise – at least in terms of video games. The prototype IP soup tried to do something new with popular characters going head to head, but never really got a good reception.

The biggest issue was that with the introduction of DC and Warner Bros, MK's iconic gore had to be dialed down. Batman, after all, cannot be split into two by Kung Lao's hat. However, while the game itself signaled the fatality of the Mortal Kombat franchise, its core formula is what resurrected it to become NetherRealm Studio and the reboot we've come to adore.

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hotnickles522d ago

MK vs DC wasn’t awful. If reception for that game made mk9 possible then hopefully the failures of MK11 can make some good changes as well. It’s time to get rid of variations, they had a good run but ended up a mess.

CrimsonWing69521d ago

I think MK 9 did.

In fact I remember being bummed that this was a T rated MK game and just dismissed it. MK 9 was when I actually stood back and said, "They're back!". Still think that game is fantastic.


Mortal Kombat 11 Owes More to Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Than You Might Think

With the Mortal Kombat franchise now on its 11th installment this year, one of those many franchise entries, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe has not been remembered fondly, and in fairness, it isn’t difficult to see why. The action is somewhat muted for a Mortal Kombat game, it’s infamously lacking in extra content, and its arrival heralded the end of series publisher Midway Games. However, while this reputation is understandable, it is not deserved. Not only that, but the game may have even ensured that the more recent Mortal Kombat installments came into being at all.

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Now Is the Perfect Time for NetherRealm to Revisit Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

The wait time for NetherRealm’s Injustice 2 is getting shorter with each passing day, and fans are ready to step into the DC Universe yet again to punch each other into submission. Ed Boon and company have been hard at work building up their reputation since being bought by Warner Bros. in 2009, and it may be time for them to do something that could be considered a challenge. And what could be more of a challenge than rebooting Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe? Longtime Mortal Kombat fans had to go through several mediocre titles before NetherRealm released the excellent 2011 reboot. MK vs. DC was the last game in the series developed by Midway before their closure (along with just being their last game, period) and saw the two universes collide and its various characters subsequently punch each other into hamburger meat.

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CorndogBurglar2582d ago


The gameplay itself was fine. The thing that made the first one so bad was that WB/DC did not like the idea of their heroes and villains being brutally killed. This made the game very watered down, less violent and with terrible fatalities. I can't imagine WB/DC would be okay with that now.

Nitrowolf22582d ago

I think they're opening up to the idea more you can see in the latest Injustice game that some moves are pretty brutal and there is some blood now.

It'll all depend on them though, if they're okay with fatalities and complete blood and everything then I say go ahead and make another one otherwise don't

CorndogBurglar2582d ago

Yeah but there's a big difference in having brutal moves in the game and ripping someone's head and spine out of their body.

I can't see WB/DC being okay with ripping characters like Batman and Superman limb from limb.

boomtube19872582d ago

yep i would defo like another DC VS MK but i would much prefer the grand daddy of all Vs battle from the 90s. Mortal Kombat VS Street Fighter.

gangsta_red2582d ago

Why? Just play Injustice, its a copy amd paste of MKX. Design, game mechanics and all. Even a lot of the Injustice games roster have stolen moves from MK.

How much are you all willing to bet that the next MK will have the different costume design mechanic?

Paytaa2582d ago

No keep them seperate. MK vs DC was the worst MK game imo. MK9 blew that game out of the water and everyone forgot about it. No fatalities and a gimped MK roster for superheroes/villains that I personally have 0 interest in is dumb

chris2352582d ago

It is beyond me why and how these kind of watered down games find their audience.