
Next-Gen Consoles Run the Swarm Engine 'Amazingly', Could Render a Lot More Than WWZ's 1K Zombies

Saber CEO Matthew Karch said that the studio's Swarm Engine runs 'amazing' on next-gen consoles and could render a lot more than World War Z's simultaneous 1K zombies.

He also promised the studio will use the full extent of DirectX 12 Ultimate's features.

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Cybermario1474d ago

that's quite cool, i guess will depend how capable are the developers to actually use these features

rlow11474d ago

I wonder if they could possibly do a million, that would be insane.

i3eyond the Circle1474d ago

“Yes, we are planning on using multiple new hardware features in the upcoming games. We are working on global illumination and realtime reflection technologies based on DirectX raytracing. We are planning on unifying our geometry and LOD authoring pipelines with Mesh shaders. Sampler feedback will be used to help optimize sparse textures and variable rate shaders will deliver a performance boost. We are excited about new technologies coming up in this DirectX update and are always looking for ways to optimize our games by taking advantage of the newest technologies.“

Sounds like they are having no troubles fully utilizing the sharpened tools of the Series X. What’s really exciting to me tho is ray tracing sounds like a norm for Series X games thanks to one of its sharpest tools DirectX raytracing.

sinspirit1474d ago

Imma need you to double the mentions of DirectX and XBox products. Gotta get your numbers higher than the other guys

UltraNova1474d ago

And keep it..."sharp" will you're at it too.

1474d ago Replies(1)
rainslacker1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Sharpened tools of the Series X? You mean DirectX? DX has come a long way over the years, but it has probably the least sharpened tools of all the API's with included tools out there. It's console counterpart is more refined, and nothing against it really, but if DX was a sharpened tool, I probably wouldn't have a job making tools which do away with having to use DX built in tools because they're usually inadequate by today's standards. When it comes to tools to make games, the engine makers are way ahead of MS, and the tools makers exist in plenty. MS also has a bare minimum set of SDK's for game engines, and that's being generous.

Oh....BTW, MS sharpened raytracing tools in DirectX actually work a lot better on NVidia cards, because NVidia is the only one that officially supports it. The console will have it's own version of this routine of course, but just wanted to point out that MS isn't the God of API makers that you suggest they are.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1473d ago
Vasto1474d ago (Edited 1474d ago )

Direct X Ray Tracing, Sampler Feedback and Mesh Shaders

Series X FTW

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