
The Outer Worlds Nintendo Switch Screenshot Comparison Shows Favorable Visuals

The Outer Worlds is out soon for Switch. Private Division has shared some new screenshots of the game and you can see how it compares to other versions.

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MetroidFREAK211481d ago

More concerned with how it runs. Will wait for digital foundry to make a video before I buy

Father__Merrin1481d ago

why would you want to play an rpg on the go? i mean why would anyone sit on a train or bus on way to work and play on a switch!!! mabey ppl do in japan and the states but definatly not in the uk

Movefasta19931481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )

Most people who play handhelds play them in doors, when I beat breathy of the wild not once did I plug it into my TV, there's something awesome about carrying a machine that plays your games, if you don't get it then...

execution171481d ago

Probably played most of my time in handheld because of the framerate drops in docked but man that game just eats up the battery life

Apex131481d ago

Most people? Where did this come from?

LOGICWINS1481d ago

@execution17 I recommend the Hyper X Chargeplay Clutch. It's a $60 attachment that extends battery life to 8 hours and can be charged while in tabletop mode. It also makes the Switch more ergonomic if you play in handheld mode.

It's pricey, but the quality of the product is worth it IMO.

Shiken1481d ago

I play RPGs during downtime at work and I live in the US. In fact, given how long they are being on the go is a huge factor to why I always go with the Switch version for my games.

Don't be so closed minded. You are but one persion among billions here on this planet. It is foolish to think what you value is absolute in this world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1481d ago
DankSinatra1481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )

I do it and so do many others

TheColbertinator1481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )

You just answered your own question partially. Japan is a big market for portable gamers due to their working and school societies. It is not unusual to then see gamers in big crowded cities like New York, London, Chicago and LA all prefer the portable gaming life.

As for myself, I work in a currently locked down location. I may have up to 3 lunch breaks on a single day and as such do plenty of RPG gaming on my laptop and my Switch. My Fire Emblem Three Houses save files were done 90% on my lunch hours for the past year.

Apex131481d ago

Have you played Breath of The Wild? What a silly question.

Tacoboto1481d ago

Why wouldn't I want to play a game... When I'm in the mood to play a game?

We get it - you don't like the Switch. That's your intent here. We can easily play this same game on the go with Remote Play, xCloud or PS

solideagle1481d ago

The only reason you I can think off is to grind?

King_Noctis1481d ago

“ why would you want to play an rpg on the go?”

Uhh you just answered your own question. RPGs are better on the go, because those games are usually long and with a portable console, you can stop or resume whenever you want.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1481d ago
Visceral891481d ago

Enjoy the 3rd party titles while they last, once the Next-Gen consoles come out, the Switch will be a generation and a half behind.

Outlawzz1481d ago

There will still be plenty to play. Switch is selling like hot cakes, as long as that's true games will continue to show themselves.

LOGICWINS1481d ago

This week alone, we had Platinum Games and 2K Games praising the Switch. There will absolutely be a lot to play on Switch in the years to come in addition to Nintendo's first party staples



LOGICWINS1481d ago

I hear this argument all the time. What does the Switch being a generation behind have to do with anything when games like Minecraft EFFORTLESSLY outsell the PS4 and Xbone exclusives that push mid-gen console hardware the most?

3rd party titles on Switch will easily last through and beyond the Switch's lifecycle. There are still loads of 3rd party games to be ported such as:

Batman Arkham Collection
Mafia Trilogy
Spec Ops The Line
The Darkness Collection
Evil Within Collection
Dishonored Collection
AC Ezio Trilogy
Tomb Raider Trilogy
Hitman Collection
Sleeping Dogs
Mass Effect Trilogy
GTA 4 and possibly 5
Dragon Age Inquisition

ElementX1481d ago

Lol ports the rest of us played a decade ago... That's sad

CaptainCook1481d ago

Ports, all at full retail price. Any more games?

Father__Merrin1481d ago

Played all of those during the ps3 days. We've now moved on from them...

King_Noctis1481d ago

@all above

So why whenever a port or remastered is announced (such as Mafia 2) people get excited? If you want to blame the Switch, blame the PS4/Xbox One as well because this gen was all about remaster/remake/port.

SurgicalMenace1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

Even with that whole list taken into account, the Switch will still be behind generations. I've never seen so many people get so excited to play games that have been out for YEARS, as though they didn't have the option to play them previously.

Then the mark up on prices for games that are clearly 20 dollars or less is asinine. If it's not exclusive the Switch(no WiiU ports) or HEAVILY discounted, I will not purchase anything for the Switch. Crazy when you think about not being conscious of the market value of old IP just to play it portable. That's all I ever hear, "Can you play it on the go?" and I ask, "Is that worth the price to have nothing new added to the experience?" I'm flabbergasted.😆

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1480d ago
Shiken1481d ago

With all the talk about scalability being a vig focus of new engines such as UE5 moving forward, I would not be so sure of that.

Tacoboto1481d ago

Bingo. Epic is migrating Fortnite to UE5 and UE5 targets all the platforms that 4 does.

phoenixwing1481d ago

i bought a switch to play games that aren't on playstation, i own 18 games for it and most of them are nintendo exclusives. the exclusives alone made it worth buying and i'm sure i'm not alone in this

Shiken1481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )


Multiplatform is the way to go. As I have been saying, options are only good for us gamers. Nothing wrong with enjoying the power of a PS4 Pro or X1X, and still have a platform to play Nintendo exclusives. To many people worry about these non existent console wars these days.

SurgicalMenace1480d ago

That'd be cool if most of their "exclusives" didn't appear on their last console as well. How do you charge full price for games you know people have already purchased. It's not their fault your last console failed, stop taking advantage of your customer's blind loyalty.

Razmiran1481d ago

The install base will be too big for other companies to ignore

King_Noctis1481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )

I’m pretty sure the Switch will still get supported, especially with AA games like The Outer World.

Companies aren’t fanboys, if there is a way to make money you can bet they’ll do everything to get that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1480d ago

If You're Feeling Fallout Fever, Try The Outer Worlds

This spiritual successor stands with the best of the Fallout series.

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Demetrius23d ago

Just bought it for 16$ definitely ready to vibe in it, fallout 4 has been so mf fun my 1st time playing that one, if they updated the gameplay in new vegas some day I'd definitely play that too


PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for February: Need for Speed Unbound, The Outer Worlds and more

February’s Game Catalog lineup for PlayStation Plus brings together racing thrills, sci-fi adventure and a selection of entries from a classic RPG series. Take to the streets in Need for Speed Unbound, blast off into space in The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition, then experience some acclaimed RPG fantasy action in the Tales of… series. These and many more titles are playable from February 20. Let’s take a closer look at each game in turn.

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LucasRuinedChildhood119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

Finally, Resistance: Retribution 🔥

It's an alright month overall. I think Sony should try to more consistently get some high quality indies Day 1 in the service, e.g. Ultros would have been good. Those have usually been some of the better months, e.g. Stray, Sea Of Stars, Tchia.

Shame that for this version of Outer Worlds, you can't import your save. 😔 Truly Spacer's Choice

darthv72119d ago

retribution was a cool game. It's the only one that allowed you to link a DS3 controller using Resistance 2 to play it (as far as i know). It was an interesting experiment that didnt offer 2nd analog support though but Im betting this version does.

Eonjay119d ago

Good point. One assumes that is the reason for the delay on releasing it.

ChasterMies119d ago

Joke’s on Outer Worlds Spacers Choice. I quit after the first planet in Outer Worlds.

MaximusPrime_119d ago

Glad I didn't buy NFS rebound. I expected this to be on PS Plus.

119d ago
ravens52118d ago

Unbound lol. N I got it for 15 physical, 🤷🏽. I'll take it. Jus got extra this year for $80, which is a great deal. If I can pay $80 on sale every year I'd stick with Extra. I don't mind buying a game but then it shows up here cause then I can download it to have it digitally but still have MY copy. Once they take it off I can still play it.

Eonjay119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

You can say what you want about day one purchases but besides that Plus really blows GamePass out of the water.

NFS, Outer Worlds and 4 different Tales of Games... and Retribution. And you throw the monthly games on top of that... its no competition.

BTW... how is it that no one realized that Microsoft could just put its games on Plus. No one seems to realize that Microsoft and Sony are now working to enrich each other. (Console ware is over)

darthv72119d ago

Sadly, Retribution is only for premium users... not us extra folk. I do have the original UMD, but it would be nice to get it digitally like i did with killzone liberation and stardust. Both of which i already owned digitally on my Go/Vita and it was cool when those were made available for the PS5 as then i could dl them.

Eonjay119d ago

This is one UMD I never had but thats really awesome you still have an original.

ChasterMies119d ago

How can Game Pass be the best deal on gaming when it is more expensive than PS+?

badboyz09119d ago

Plus you need a platform to.

Petebloodyonion119d ago

Gamepass PC is way cheaper to PS+ and even way cheaper if you use MS rewards points

Redgrave119d ago

Is that Jet Moto 2, under Resistance? As of writing, it's just an image and no text.

Redgrave119d ago

It's been fixed, and yes it is

Toecutter00119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

Why is the Killzone series still M.I.A? I still love playing splitscreen co-op of KZ3.

MrBaskerville118d ago

They did release the psp top down shooter a while back. So it's not completely forgotten.

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Epic Games Store Is Giving Away The Outer Worlds and All DLC for Free For a Day

The new free game available on the Epic Games Store to celebrate the ongoing Holiday sale is The Outer Worlds Spacer's Choice Edition.

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Luc20169d ago

Added to my account. Probably won't have time to play but hey can't say no to a freebie 😂!

JEECE169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

I'd rather pay for a game on Steam than have it free on Epic Games Store.

JEECE169d ago

Tell me you love Fortnite without telling me you love Fortnite.

Jingsing168d ago (Edited 168d ago )

Some people just want capitalist communism and for Steam to have no competition. All of a sudden investing over a decade into 1 digital store front or having all your eggs in one basket looks under threat as the competition heats up. Now they are starting to see the potential pitfalls of what if Steam were to lose in the long run. The best solution was always the one we had right now. Library in your home and go to physical or online stores so no one has complete control of your loyalty or media. (Physical Media).

JEECE169d ago

Nah, I dislike having tons of janky clutter on my computer. I'd certainly be willing to pay for a game I really wanted rather than get it for free if getting it for free means embracing janky clutter. It's like getting something "free with ads." The ads are their own type of price.

mkis007169d ago

But EGS isn't even janky.

ocelot07169d ago

I'll just claim it and then never see the egs until I need it next. Same as I do with steam. Why use multiple when GOG Galaxy is a thing?

franwex169d ago

For some people it's Steam or nothing. I too use GOG Galaxy. It even has my xbox stuff.

darksky169d ago

There is nothing wrong with EGS. I have GOG Galaxy, Steam and EGS running and the pc is not struggling or crashing. I have more games on EGS than Steam due to all the freebies. It's good to have options other than Steam.

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168d ago