
EVO Online Needs to be a Wake-Up Call for Nintendo

With the announcement of EVO Online and the lack of Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Nintendo should really be taking notes as to why they were excluded.

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DarkKaine1482d ago (Edited 1482d ago )

EVO needs to be up front about it too. Excluding it without giving a solid reason will never wake up these idiots who think 100ms of latency (the typical amount I get playing Americans from Europe) is fine. This is the latency ultimate has OFFLINE. Now add an internet connection and bad netcode and you got yourself an unplayable shitfest. Smash isn't the only offender, lately it seems all these newer games feel unresponsive compared to their retro counterparts. All for the sake of making them easier to play and sacrificing depth as a result.

Now excuse me as I return to melee on dolphin with codes that remove the tiny bit of input lag it has by default, making the online experience feel like an offline one.

execution171482d ago

Pretty much most of Nintendos games that have online multi-player is pretty horrible besides Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe since the lag isn't really noticeable unless your playing against people from Asia and getting disconnected isn't really that common

Games1st1482d ago (Edited 1482d ago )

Nintendo was involved in the previous one, it will be noticed. No game should get a free pass. They got what they deserved.


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Sakurai Explains Lack Of Button Re-Mapping In Super Smash Bros Ultimate

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