
PlayStation 5 and Unreal Engine 5 deliver a stunning presentation

Sony made a really good call in showing the first PlayStation 5 footage in cooperation with Epic Games, as it is difficult to decide which one is more impressive - the console or Unreal Engine 5.

purple1011481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )

There taking the p**s with those graphics. Amazing. I've never seen anything as good as that.

And I've seen tomb raider on a £2000+ pc.

NewMonday1481d ago

the underwhelming XboxSX event made the PS5 demo even more profound. It's like MS set themselves up for an epic fail.

Freedomland1481d ago

"The next generation doesn't start until we [Sony] say it does."
Actual quote from Kaz Hirai, E3 2006.

1481d ago
NewMonday1481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )


so you are saying this demo will run on android phones?

No! it's a PS5 demo.
Epic guys specifically mentioned PS5 features that enable this level of detail. the SSD and fast I/O. the XBoxSX can't run the final part of the demo.

1481d ago
NewMonday1480d ago


Epic, the biggest game engine designers said the PS5 SSD is the best. so go to Tim Sweeny's twitter and argue with him.

DJStotty1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

You can not really compare the 2.

Microsoft showed games in development

Epic (not sony) showed their new game engine


Source please stating that this can not run on the Series X?

medman1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

It honestly feels like Sony was sitting around listening to the negative feedback Microsoft received from its showing, called up Epic and said "hey, don't you guys still have that demo lying around you planned to show at GDC?".
Sony = Striking Vipers.

NewMonday1479d ago



+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1479d ago
IRetrouk1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

Was a good showing, got everyone talking.

I'm really started to get excited by what the first party devs are bound to be doing with the ps5, epics engine is great and was really impressive but we know sony build their own to take even more advantage of their systems, cant wait to see what they are cooking.

Sweeney says the engine is scalable so there were deff things shown that other hardware wont be able to do as well, thanks to the higher speeds and better io throughput, like I said before it's not just the ssd speed, but the io block that's important too, been told I was wrong and it wouldnt be taken advantage of and again a dev says the same thing.

"Sweeney was responding to some now-deleted Tweets about the subject, where he offered insight as to why the PS5’s SSD packs a greater punch"

"Those PC numbers are theoretical, and are from drive into kernel memory. From there, it’s a slow and circuitous journey through software decompression to GPU driver swizzling into video memory where you can eventually use it. The PS5 path for this is several times more efficient."


Shalawsorchi1480d ago

I’m just hoping for 4K/60FPS.

1480d ago
medman1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

I would prefer AI upsampling to give the appearance of 4k, and use the overhead for other things, like ray tracing, ensuring stable 60 fps is the norm next gen, etc etc. Native 4k is just too resource intensive....that power can be put to better use elsewhere. Most people couldn't tell the difference, especially when games are in motion, between the upsample and the native image. Why not take advantage?

Melankolis1480d ago

I'm really sure XSX can also run it or maybe even better.........until they show minute 7:53

Epic always makes UE technical demo based on PC why is it different this time?

I think the reason they went with PS5 this time is that they want to show off specifically for the minute 7:53 that maybe they couldn't do it with another hardware. And when Cerny said they had meeting frequently with developers, Epic with UE is on the top list.

everyword1476d ago

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DazaMc52d ago

I'm getting PS2 vibes. Still good for homemade.


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RaidenBlack82d ago

The most realistic and engaging open world FPS game in works. for quite some years, by Madfinger Games.
Here's more about the game :

PsychoKiller82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

Atmospheric and immersive!


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rlow1129d ago

I’ve been waiting to be amazed since they launched it. Some beautiful games out there, but not mind blowing. Hopefully this year is better.

FinalBoss129d ago

It's still early days, most of the games that have already been released under UE5 were started under UE4.
The devs are going to get to grips with this new engine, and come up with some great games.

rlow1129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

I know but it’s been a minute….lol

I just remember those Gears of War, Halo, God of War holy crap moments.

My guess, the engine takes longer to optimize and more manpower to do it right.

EvertonFC129d ago

Nxt gen, it's always the same until you actually get the OMFG new engine games. Might see some in 2026 though.

FinalBoss129d ago

In fact, one of the biggest advances in UE5 is the 'ease' with which content can be created.
Take a look at this video from 3:50 onwards, showing how the engine automatically generates the scenery.

UE4 wasn't capable of that at this level. And the devs had to resort to all sorts of tricks to make quality procedural.
UE 5 greatly simplifies all that. In my opinion, games will take a different turn in the coming years.

rlow1129d ago

Thanks for the link, will check it


We need Unreal Tournament 5. If Epic won't touch it I would rather pay fans money to make it. Lately I'm having more respect for fans of games that mod and or do total conversions than the actual devs.

FinalBoss129d ago

Oh boy, I forgot about Unreal Tournament! Such a good idea!

Yes there is many indie solo dev that works on UE5 'remake' which are doing a great job.
Like OverJump Rally - remaster of Sega Rally 2.
And Shenmue, that is entirely remade by a dev in UE5 as well.