
What's Cooking? With Jamie Oliver Review at CheatCC

CheatCC says: "Granted, some who pick up the game may indeed find it useful to learn how to cook a few solid dishes, but this is nothing that can't be done in a more practical manner by grabbing one of his cookbooks. The actual gaming portion of this package is painfully unintuitive and fails to deliver any sort of experience of lasting worth."


Cooking Games: Edutainment Vs. Entertainment

A look at the world's most popular cooking sims. Which ones will actually teach you something about cooking, and make you a better cook? Which ones were designed purely as entertainment? Which are good and which are bad? The article serves as a side-by-side analysis of all the top cooking games to figure out the above.

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Worthplaying: What's Cooking? with Jamie Oliver Review

Worthplaying writes: "I will be honest: I think using the DS for purposes such as this is a fabulous idea, and something that should be thoroughly explored. What's Cooking With Jamie Oliver? is not, however, more than a token effort, using a simple and bland system to accomplish little more than a real cookbook and kitchen would bring. Tying in a half-baked (ha ha) clone of a years-old game that's been aped a dozen times brings no additional value to the fold. You are better off in almost every way by using your money to purchase a cookbook or a culinary lesson, or perhaps going out and having a bite at a restaurant".

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Game Revolution: What's Cooking with Jamie Oliver Review

Game Revolution writes: "My friends are all well aware of it, but people who read my reviews on GR probably don't know that at home I'm a cook – a very serious cook. Due to a small, and honestly quite silly run-in with the campus police early in my first year of college, I was moved out of regular student housing and into housing for "problem students". This turned out to be an awesome upgrade, namely my own apartment with a full kitchen.

I had already discovered that the campus cuisine tasted as if the food had been trying to pledge a frat, died during hazing, hidden in the house basement, and discovered by the janitor several weeks later. Then reheated and served."

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