
Casual Review - G2: Geeks Unleashed Review

Casual Review: "The game's title says it all. You have been warned: this rather unique puzzle game is rife with inside jokes pertaining to various prominent groups from popular culture.

After failing to acquire a valuable collectible from an online auction site, you decide, in a considerably geek-like manner, that the wisest course of action is to head down to a Collector's Conference and try your luck. Apart from having to endure painstakingly long queues, you're also forced to engage a handful of eccentric figures before reaching the objects of your desire. These confrontations become the basis of the puzzle challenges that you have to overcome.

But don't let that turn you off just yet. I wouldn't disagree that the game's theme is enough to make some queasy, especially because the first series of levels are loaded with rather esoteric fantasy RPG references (and if you're able to ford through that, you'll actually get to meet fashionistas and superhero wannabes). Putting those bits aside, you might actually realize that Geeks2: Geeks Unleashed does present an interesting gameplay concept."

• Unique puzzle gameplay
• Pretty decent artwork

• Esoteric references and sense of humor

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